
Function Get-PASAccountList {
    This Function uses the psPAS Module to get admin credentials for the WFM Network
    Name: Get-PASAdminCredential
    Author: Luke Hagar
    Version: 1.0
    DateCreated: 5/13/2021
    $AdminCredential = Get-PASAdminCredential

    Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationFramework
    Try { $Session = Get-PASSession }
    Catch { $Session = $null }
    if (!($Session)) {
        $User = Get-UserInfo
        $PVCred = Get-Credential -UserName $User.UserPrincipalName -Message "Provide Credentials for CyberArk Password Vault"
        if ($null -ne $PVCred) {
            [System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show('Please Approve the Sign in Request on the Microsoft Authenticator app', 'CyberArk Connection Process', 'Ok') | Out-Null
            New-PASSession -Credential $PVCred -BaseURI "" -type RADIUS
        else {
            Throw "No Credentials Provided"
    Try {
        $PASAccounts = Get-PASAccount | Select-Object *
        [System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show('Please select an account', 'CyberArk Connection Process', 'Ok') | Out-Null
        $SelectedAccount = ($PASAccounts | Out-GridView -OutputMode Single) | Sort-Object -Unique
        if ($null -ne $SelectedAccount) {
            Return $SelectedAccount
        else {
            Throw "No Account selected"
    Catch { 
        Throw "Installed Dependencies, Please run command again"