
function Get-ScheduledTasks {  
        Get scheduled task information from a system
        Get scheduled task information from a system

        Uses Schedule.Service COM object, falls back to SchTasks.exe as needed.
        When we fall back to SchTasks, we add empty properties to match the COM object output.

    .PARAMETER ComputerName
        One or more computers to run this against

    .PARAMETER Folder
        Scheduled tasks folder to query. By default, "\"

    .PARAMETER Recurse
        If specified, recurse through folders below $folder.
        Note: We also recurse if we use SchTasks.exe

        If specified, path to export XML files
            Naming scheme is computername-taskname.xml
            Please note that the base filename is used when importing a scheduled task. Rename these as needed prior to importing!

    .PARAMETER Exclude
        If specified, exclude tasks matching this regex (we use -notmatch $exclude)

    .PARAMETER CompatibilityMode
        If specified, pull scheduled tasks only with the schtasks.exe command, which works against older systems.
            Export is not possible with this switch.
            Recurse is implied with this switch.
        #Get scheduled tasks from the root folder of server1 and c-is-ts-91
        Get-ScheduledTasks server1, c-is-ts-91


        #Get scheduled tasks from all folders on server1, not in a Microsoft folder
        Get-ScheduledTasks server1 -recurse -Exclude "\\Microsoft\\"

        #Get scheduled tasks from all folders on server1, not in a Microsoft folder, and export in XML format (can be used to import scheduled tasks)
        Get-ScheduledTasks server1 -recurse -Exclude "\\Microsoft\\" -path 'D:\Scheduled Tasks'

        Properties returned : When they will show up
            ComputerName : All queries
            Name : All queries
            Path : COM object queries, added synthetically if we fail back from COM to SchTasks
            Enabled : COM object queries
            Action : All queries. Schtasks.exe queries include both Action and Arguments in this property
            Arguments : COM object queries
            UserId : COM object queries
            LastRunTime : All queries
            NextRunTime : All queries
            Status : All queries
            Author : All queries
            RunLevel : COM object queries
            Description : COM object queries
            NumberOfMissedRuns : COM object queries

        Thanks to help from Brian Wilhite, Jaap Brasser, and Jan Egil's functions:



        [string[]]$ComputerName = "localhost",

        [string]$folder = "\",


            #Test path if provided, otherwise allow $null
                Test-Path -PathType Container -path $_ 
            else {
        [string]$Path = $null,

        [string]$Exclude = $null,


        if(-not $CompatibilityMode){
            $sch = New-Object -ComObject Schedule.Service
            #thanks to Jaap Brasser -
            function Get-AllTaskSubFolders {
                param (
                    # Set to use $Schedule as default parameter so it automatically list all files
                    # For current schedule object if it exists.
                    $FolderRef = $sch.getfolder("\"),


                #No recurse? Return the folder reference
                if (-not $recurse) {
                #Recurse? Build up an array!
                else {
                        #This will fail on older systems...
                        $folders = $folderRef.getfolders(1)

                        #Extract results into array
                        $ArrFolders = @(
                            if($folders) {
                                foreach ($fold in $folders) {
                                    if($fold.getfolders(1)) {
                                        Get-AllTaskSubFolders -FolderRef $fold
                        #If we failed and the expected error, return folder ref only!
                        if($_.tostring() -like '*Exception calling "GetFolders" with "1" argument(s): "The request is not supported.*')
                            $folders = $null
                            Write-Warning "GetFolders failed, returning root folder only: $_"
                            Return $FolderRef
                            Throw $_

                    #Return only unique results
                        $Results = @($ArrFolders) + @($FolderRef)
                        $UniquePaths = $Results | select -ExpandProperty path -Unique
                        $Results | ?{$UniquePaths -contains $_.path}
            } #Get-AllTaskSubFolders

        function Get-SchTasks {
            param([string]$computername, [string]$folder, [switch]$CompatibilityMode)
            #we format the properties to match those returned from com objects
            $result = @( schtasks.exe /query /v /s $computername /fo csv |
                convertfrom-csv |
                ?{$_.taskname -ne "taskname" -and $_.taskname -match $( $folder.replace("\","\\") ) } |
                select @{ label = "ComputerName"; expression = { $computername } },
                    @{ label = "Name"; expression = { $_.TaskName } },
                    @{ label = "Action"; expression = {$_."Task To Run"} },
                    @{ label = "LastRunTime"; expression = {$_."Last Run Time"} },
                    @{ label = "NextRunTime"; expression = {$_."Next Run Time"} },

                #User requested compat mode, don't add props
                #If this was a failback, we don't want to affect display of props for comps that don't fail... include empty props expected for com object
                #We also extract task name and path to parent for the Name and Path props, respectively
                foreach($item in $result){
                    $name = @( $item.Name -split "\\" )[-1]
                    $taskPath = $
                    $item | select ComputerName, @{ label = "Name"; expression = {$name}}, @{ label = "Path"; Expression = {$taskPath}}, Enabled, Action, Arguments, UserId, LastRunTime, NextRunTime, Status, Author, RunLevel, Description, NumberOfMissedRuns
        } #Get-SchTasks
        #loop through computers
        foreach($computer in $computername){
            #bool in case com object fails, fall back to schtasks
            $failed = $false
            write-verbose "Running against $computer"
            Try {
                #use com object unless in compatibility mode. Set compatibility mode if this fails
                if(-not $compatibilityMode){      

                        #Connect to the computer
                            $AllFolders = Get-AllTaskSubFolders -FolderRef $sch.GetFolder($folder) -recurse -ErrorAction stop
                            $AllFolders = Get-AllTaskSubFolders -FolderRef $sch.GetFolder($folder) -ErrorAction stop
                        Write-verbose "Looking through $($AllFolders.count) folders on $computer"
                        foreach($fold in $AllFolders){
                            #Get tasks in this folder
                            $tasks = $fold.GetTasks(0)
                            Write-Verbose "Pulling data from $($tasks.count) tasks on $computer in $($"
                            foreach($task in $tasks){
                                #extract helpful items from XML
                                $Author = ([regex]::split($task.xml,'<Author>|</Author>'))[1] 
                                $UserId = ([regex]::split($task.xml,'<UserId>|</UserId>'))[1] 
                                $Description =([regex]::split($task.xml,'<Description>|</Description>'))[1]
                                $Action = ([regex]::split($task.xml,'<Command>|</Command>'))[1]
                                $Arguments = ([regex]::split($task.xml,'<Arguments>|</Arguments>'))[1]
                                $RunLevel = ([regex]::split($task.xml,'<RunLevel>|</RunLevel>'))[1]
                                $LogonType = ([regex]::split($task.xml,'<LogonType>|</LogonType>'))[1]
                                #convert state to status
                                Switch ($task.State) { 
                                    0 {$Status = "Unknown"} 
                                    1 {$Status = "Disabled"} 
                                    2 {$Status = "Queued"} 
                                    3 {$Status = "Ready"} 
                                    4 {$Status = "Running"} 

                                #output the task details
                                if(-not $exclude -or $task.Path -notmatch $Exclude){
                                    $task | select @{ label = "ComputerName"; expression = { $computer } }, 
                                        @{ label = "Action"; expression = {$Action} },
                                        @{ label = "Arguments"; expression = {$Arguments} },
                                        @{ label = "UserId"; expression = {$UserId} },
                                        @{ label = "Status"; expression = {$Status} },
                                        @{ label = "Author"; expression = {$Author} },
                                        @{ label = "RunLevel"; expression = {$RunLevel} },
                                        @{ label = "Description"; expression = {$Description} },
                                    #if specified, output the results in importable XML format
                                        $xml = $task.Xml
                                        $taskname = $task.Name
                                        $xml | Out-File $( Join-Path $path "$computer-$taskname.xml" )
                        Write-Warning "Could not pull scheduled tasks from $computer using COM object, falling back to schtasks.exe"
                            Get-SchTasks -computername $computer -folder $folder -ErrorAction stop
                            Write-Error "Could not pull scheduled tasks from $computer using schtasks.exe:`n$_"

                #otherwise, use schtasks
                        Get-SchTasks -computername $computer -folder $folder -CompatibilityMode -ErrorAction stop
                        Write-Error "Could not pull scheduled tasks from $computer using schtasks.exe:`n$_"

                Write-Error "Error pulling Scheduled tasks from $computer`: $_"