
.VERSION 1.5.0
.GUID ee1ba506-ac68-45f8-9f37-4555f1902353
.AUTHOR Donna Ryan
.TAGS WIM,Servicing,Offline Image Servicing

 WIM Witch is a GUI driven tool used to update and customize Windows
 Image (WIM) files. It can also create WIM configuration templates and
 apply them either with the GUI or programatically for bulk creation.
 Version 1.5.0
 -Added ability to pause build process after mount and before dismount
 -Added ability to run PowerShell script at after mount, before dismount, or on build completion
 version 1.4.1
 -Added ability to save LP, LXP, and FOD configurations
 -Validated save file with GUI and CLI functionality
 -Updated out-grid titles for LP, LXP, and FOD
 Version 1.4.0
 -Adds functionality to import and apply Language Packs, Features on Demand, and Local
 Experience Packs.
 -Bug fix for importing WIM and .Net from ISO files.

# WIM Witch
# Written and maintained by: Donna Ryan
# Twitter: @TheNotoriousDRR
# www.TheNotoriousDRR.com
# www.SCConfigMgr.com
# Current WIM Witch Doc (v1.4.0)
# https://www.scconfigmgr.com/2020/02/05/wim-witch-v1-4-0-language-packs-features-on-demand-and-local-experience-packs/
# Previous WIM Witch Doc (v1.3.0):
# https://www.scconfigmgr.com/2019/12/08/wim-witch-v1-3-0-server-support-onedrive-and-command-line/
# Previous WIM Witch Doc (v1.0):
# https://www.scconfigmgr.com/2019/10/04/wim-witch-a-gui-driven-solution-for-image-customization/
# WIM Witch is a GUI driven tool used to update and customize Windows
# Image (WIM) files. It can also create WIM configuration templates and
# apply them either with the GUI or programatically for bulk creation.
# It currently supports the following functions:
# -Selecting the individual index to import
# -Autopilot for existing devices
# -Retrieve Autopilot deployment profiles from Intune
# -Multi path driver importation
# -Injection of updates from a self maintained local update cache
# -Save and Load Configuration Templates
# -Removal of AppX Modern Apps
# -Create batch jobs for image catalog updating
# -importing WIM and .Net binaries from an ISO file
# -injecting .Net 3.5 binaries into image
# -injecting Language Pack, Local Experience Pack, and FOD's
# -Supports Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016/2019
   [parameter(mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "enable auto")] 

    [parameter(mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "config file")] 

    [parameter(mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "config path")] 

    #[parameter(mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Superseded updates")]
    #[ValidateSet("audit", "delete")]

    [parameter(mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Update Modules")] 

    [parameter(mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Enable Downloading Updates")] 
    [parameter(mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Win10 Version")] 
    [ValidateSet("all", "1709", "1803", "1809", "1903", "1909")] 
    [string]$Win10Version = "none",

    [parameter(mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Windows Server 2016?")] 

    [parameter(mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Windows Server 2019?")] 

$WWScriptVer = "1.5.0"

#Your XAML goes here :)
$inputXML = @"
<Window x:Class="WIM_Witch_Tabbed.MainWindow"
        Title="WIM Witch - v1.5.0" Height="500" Width="800" Background="#FF610536">
      <TabControl x:Name="TabControl" Margin="0,0,0,-0.5" Background="#FFACACAC" BorderBrush="#FF610536" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" >
            <TabItem Header="Import WIM + .Net" Height="20" MinWidth="100">
                    <TextBox x:Name="ImportISOTextBox" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="42" Margin="26,85,0,0" Text="ISO to import from..." VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="500" IsEnabled="False" HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Visible"/>
                    <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="26,56,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Select a Windows 10 ISO:" VerticalAlignment="Top" Height="26" Width="353"/>
                    <Button x:Name="ImportImportSelectButton" Content="Select" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="451,135,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75"/>
                    <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="26,159,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Select the item(s) to import:" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="263"/>
                    <CheckBox x:Name="ImportWIMCheckBox" Content="Install.wim" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="44,191,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
                    <CheckBox x:Name="ImportDotNetCheckBox" Content=".Net Binaries" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="44,211,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
                    <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="26,268,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="New name for the imported WIM:" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="311"/>
                    <TextBox x:Name="ImportNewNameTextBox" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="23" Margin="26,289,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Name for the imported WIM" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="500" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <Button x:Name="ImportImportButton" Content="Import" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="451,354,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75" IsEnabled="False"/>
            <TabItem Header="Import LP+FOD" Margin="0" MinWidth="100">
                    <TextBox x:Name="ImportOtherTBPath" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="23" Margin="49,92,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="path to source" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="339" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <Button x:Name="ImportOtherBSelectPath" Content="Select" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="413,94,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75"/>
                    <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="49,130,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Selected items" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
                    <ComboBox x:Name="ImportOtherCBWinOS" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="228,51,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="120"/>
                    <ComboBox x:Name="ImportOtherCBWinVer" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="371,50,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="120"/>
                    <Button x:Name="ImportOtherBImport" Content="Import" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="417,317,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75"/>
                    <ComboBox x:Name="ImportOtherCBType" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="51,51,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="160"/>
                    <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="51,26,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Object Type" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
                    <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="230,32,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Windows OS" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
                    <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="372,31,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Version" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
                    <ListBox x:Name="ImportOtherLBList" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="149" Margin="49,151,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="442"/>
            <TabItem Header="Update Store" Height="20" MinWidth="100">
                    <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="91,196,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Installed version " VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
                    <TextBox x:Name="UpdatesOSDBVersion" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="23" Margin="91,218,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="TextBox" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="120" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <Button x:Name="UpdateOSDBUpdateButton" Content="Install / Update" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="218,291,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="120"/>
                    <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="42" Margin="435,118,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Select which versions of Windows to download current patches for. Downloading will also purge superseded updates." VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="335"/>
                    <CheckBox x:Name="UpdatesW10_1903" Content="1903" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="535,193,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <CheckBox x:Name="UpdatesW10_1809" Content="1809" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="594,193,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <CheckBox x:Name="UpdatesW10_1803" Content="1803" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="652,193,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <CheckBox x:Name="UpdatesW10_1709" Content="1709" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="707,193,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <Button x:Name="UpdatesDownloadNewButton" Content="Download" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="680,268,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75"/>
                    <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="20,142,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Update OSDeploy modules by using the button below. Updating will require PowerShell to be restarted." VerticalAlignment="Top" Height="34" Width="321"/>
                    <TextBox x:Name="UpdatesOSDBCurrentVerTextBox" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="23" Margin="218,217,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="TextBox" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="120" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="218,196,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Current Version" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
                    <TextBlock x:Name="UpdatesOSDBOutOfDateTextBlock" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="20,315,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="A software update module is out of date. Please click the &quot;Install / Update&quot; button to update it." VerticalAlignment="Top" RenderTransformOrigin="0.493,0.524" FontSize="20" Width="321" Visibility="Hidden" />
                    <TextBlock x:Name="UpdatesOSDBSupercededExistTextBlock" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="417,303,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Superceded updates discovered. Please select the versions of Windows 10 you are supporting and click &quot;Update&quot;" VerticalAlignment="Top" FontSize="20" Width="375" Visibility="Hidden"/>
                    <TextBlock x:Name="UpdatesOSDBClosePowerShellTextBlock" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="435,28,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Please close all PowerShell windows, including WIM Witch, then relaunch app to continue" VerticalAlignment="Top" RenderTransformOrigin="0.493,0.524" FontSize="20" Width="321" Visibility="Hidden"/>
                    <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="24,218,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="OSDUpdate" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
                    <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="26,255,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="OSDSUS" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
                    <TextBox x:Name="UpdatesOSDSUSVersion" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="23" Margin="91,251,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="TextBox" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="120" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <TextBox x:Name="UpdatesOSDSUSCurrentVerTextBox" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="23" Margin="218,251,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="TextBox" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="120" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <CheckBox x:Name="UpdatesW10Main" Content="Windows 10" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="450,167,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
                    <CheckBox x:Name="UpdatesS2016" Content="Windows Server 2016" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="594,217,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
                    <CheckBox x:Name="UpdatesS2019" Content="Windows Server 2019" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="448,217,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
                    <CheckBox x:Name="UpdatesW10_1909" Content="1909" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="478,193,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" IsEnabled="False"/>
            <TabItem Header="Drivers" Height="20" MinWidth="100">
                    <TextBox x:Name="DriverDir1TextBox" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="25" Margin="26,144,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Select Driver Source Folder" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="500" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <Label x:Name="DirverDirLabel" Content="Driver Source" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="25" Margin="26,114,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="100"/>
                    <Button x:Name="DriverDir1Button" Content="Select" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="25" Margin="562,144,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="26,20,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Select the path to the driver source(s) that contains the drivers that will be injected." VerticalAlignment="Top" Height="42" Width="353"/>
                    <CheckBox x:Name="DriverCheckBox" Content="Enable Driver Injection" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="26,80,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
                    <TextBox x:Name="DriverDir2TextBox" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="25" Margin="26,189,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Select Driver Source Folder" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="500" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <Button x:Name="DriverDir2Button" Content="Select" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="25" Margin="562,189,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <TextBox x:Name="DriverDir3TextBox" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="25" Margin="26,234,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Select Driver Source Folder" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="500" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <Button x:Name="DriverDir3Button" Content="Select" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="25" Margin="562,234,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <TextBox x:Name="DriverDir4TextBox" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="25" Margin="26,281,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Select Driver Source Folder" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="500" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <Button x:Name="DriverDir4Button" Content="Select" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="25" Margin="562,281,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <TextBox x:Name="DriverDir5TextBox" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="25" Margin="26,328,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Select Driver Source Folder" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="500" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <Button x:Name="DriverDir5Button" Content="Select" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="25" Margin="562,328,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75" IsEnabled="False"/>
            <TabItem x:Name="AutopilotTab" Header="Autopilot" MinWidth="100">
                    <TextBox x:Name="JSONTextBox" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="25" Margin="26,130,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Select JSON File" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="500" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <Label x:Name="JSONLabel" Content="Source JSON" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="25" Margin="26,104,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="100"/>
                    <Button x:Name="JSONButton" Content="Select" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="25" Margin="451,165,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="26,20,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Select a JSON file for use in deploying Autopilot systems. The file will be copied to processing folder during the build" VerticalAlignment="Top" Height="42" Width="353"/>
                    <CheckBox x:Name="JSONEnableCheckBox" Content="Enable Autopilot " HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="26,80,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" ClickMode="Press"/>
                    <TextBox x:Name="ZtdCorrelationId" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="23" Margin="129,176,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Select JSON File..." VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="236" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <TextBox x:Name="CloudAssignedTenantDomain" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="23" Margin="129,204,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Select JSON File..." VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="236" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <TextBox x:Name="Comment_File" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="23" Margin="129,232,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Select JSON File..." VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="236" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="24,178,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="ZTD ID#" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
                    <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="24,204,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Tenant Name" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
                    <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="24,233,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Deployment Profile" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
                    <TextBox x:Name="JSONTextBoxSavePath" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="23" Margin="26,345,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="$PSScriptRoot\Autopilot" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="499" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="26,275,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="To download a new Autopilot profile from Intune, click select to choose the folder to save the file to. Then click Retrieve Profile." VerticalAlignment="Top" Height="48" Width="331"/>
                    <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="27,328,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Path to save file:" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
                    <Button x:Name="JSONButtonSavePath" Content="Select" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="450,373,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75"/>
                    <Button x:Name="JSONButtonRetrieve" Content="Retrieve Profile" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="382,275,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="130"/>
            <TabItem Header="Source WIM" Margin="0" MinWidth="100">
                    <TextBox x:Name="SourceWIMSelectWIMTextBox" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="25" Margin="26,98,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Select WIM File" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="500" IsEnabled="False" Grid.ColumnSpan="2"/>
                    <Label Content="Source Wim " HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="25" Margin="26,70,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="100"/>
                    <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="26,20,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Select the WIM file, and then Edition, that will serve as the base for the custom WIM." VerticalAlignment="Top" Height="42" Width="353" Grid.ColumnSpan="2"/>
                    <Button x:Name="SourceWIMSelectButton" Content="Select" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="25" Margin="450,142,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75"/>
                    <TextBox x:Name="SourceWIMImgDesTextBox" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="23" Margin="94,155,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="ImageDescription" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="339" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <TextBox x:Name="SourceWimArchTextBox" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="23" Margin="94,183,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Architecture" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="225" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <TextBox x:Name="SourceWimVerTextBox" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="23" Margin="94,211,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Version" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="225" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <TextBox x:Name="SourceWimSPBuildTextBox" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="23" Margin="94,239,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="SPBuild" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="225" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <TextBox x:Name="SourceWimLangTextBox" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="23" Margin="94,267,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Languages" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="225" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <Label Content="Edition" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="30" Margin="22,151,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="68"/>
                    <Label Content="Arch" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="30" Margin="22,183,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="68"/>
                    <Label Content="Version" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="30" Margin="22,211,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="68"/>
                    <Label Content="Patch Level" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="30" Margin="22,239,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="68"/>
                    <Label Content="Languages" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="30" Margin="22,267,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="68"/>
                    <TextBox x:Name="SourceWimIndexTextBox" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="23" Margin="94,297,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Index" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="225" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <Label Content="Index" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="30" Margin="22,297,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="68"/>
            <TabItem Header="Customizations" Height="20" MinWidth="100">
                    <CheckBox x:Name="CustomCBLangPacks" Content="Inject Language Packs" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="29,37,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
                    <Button x:Name="CustomBLangPacksSelect" Content="Select" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="251,37,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="132" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <ListBox x:Name="CustomLBLangPacks" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="135" Margin="29,74,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="355"/>
                    <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="32,55,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Selected LP's" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="206"/>
                    <CheckBox x:Name="CustomCBFOD" Content="Inject Features on Demand" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="419,126,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
                    <Button x:Name="CustomBFODSelect" Content="Select" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="625,125,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="133" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <ListBox x:Name="CustomLBFOD" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="224" Margin="419,171,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="340"/>
                    <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="421,147,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Select from imported Features" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="206"/>
                    <CheckBox x:Name="CustomCBLEP" Content="Inject Local Experience Packs" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="32,217,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
                    <Button x:Name="CustomBLEPSelect" Content="Select" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="251,218,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="132" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <ListBox x:Name="CustomLBLEP" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="137" Margin="29,258,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="355"/>
                    <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="32,237,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Selected LXP's" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="206"/>
                    <CheckBox x:Name="MISDotNetCheckBox" Content="Inject .Net 3.5" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="418,49,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
                    <CheckBox x:Name="MISOneDriveCheckBox" Content="Update OneDrive client" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="418,74,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
                    <CheckBox x:Name="UpdatesEnableCheckBox" Content="Enable Updates" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="580,49,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" ClickMode="Press"/>
            <TabItem x:Name="AppTab" Header ="App Removal" Height="20" MinWidth="100">
                    <TextBox x:Name="AppxTextBox" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Select the apps to remove..." Margin="21,85,252.2,22.8" VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Visible"/>
                    <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="21,65,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Selected app packages to remove:" VerticalAlignment="Top" Height="15" Width="194"/>
                    <CheckBox x:Name="AppxCheckBox" Content="Enable app removal" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="21,33,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
                    <Button x:Name="AppxButton" Content="Select" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="202,33,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75"/>
            <TabItem x:Name="CustomTab" Header="Custom" MinWidth="100">
                    <TextBox x:Name="CustomTBFile" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="23" Margin="49,157,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="PowerShell Script" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="501" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <TextBox x:Name="CustomTBParameters" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="23" Margin="49,207,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Parameters" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="501" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <Button x:Name="CustomBSelectPath" Content="Select" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="566,158,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <CheckBox x:Name="CustomCBRunScript" Content="Run Script" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="49,102,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
                    <ComboBox x:Name="CustomCBScriptTiming" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="163,102,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="172" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <CheckBox x:Name="MISCBPauseMount" Content="Pause after mounting" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="49,42,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
                    <CheckBox x:Name="MISCBPauseDismount" Content="Pause before dismounting" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="49,71,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
            <TabItem Header="Make It So" Height="20" MinWidth="100">
                    <Button x:Name="MISFolderButton" Content="Select" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="444,155,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75" RenderTransformOrigin="0.39,-2.647"/>
                    <TextBox x:Name="MISWimNameTextBox" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="25" Margin="20,85,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Enter Target WIM Name" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="500"/>
                    <TextBox x:Name="MISDriverTextBox" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="23" Margin="136,345,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Driver Y/N" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="120" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <Label Content="Driver injection?" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="30" Margin="29,343,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="101"/>
                    <TextBox x:Name="MISJSONTextBox" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="23" Margin="136,374,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="JSON Select Y/N" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="120" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <Label Content="JSON injection?" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="29,372,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="102"/>
                    <TextBox x:Name="MISWimFolderTextBox" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="23" Margin="20,119,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="$PSScriptRoot\CompletedWIMs" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="500" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="20,20,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Enter a name, and select a destination forlder, for the image to be created. Once complete, and build parameters verified, click &quot;Make it so!&quot; to start the build." VerticalAlignment="Top" Height="60" Width="353"/>
                    <Button x:Name="MISMakeItSoButton" Content="Make it so!" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="400,20,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="120" Height="29" FontSize="16"/>
                    <TextBox x:Name="MISMountTextBox" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="25" Margin="19,219,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="$PSScriptRoot\Mount" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="500" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <Label Content="Mount Path" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="19,194,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Height="25" Width="100"/>
                    <Button x:Name="MISMountSelectButton" Content="Select" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="444,255,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75" Height="25"/>
                    <Label Content="Update injection?" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="29,311,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="109"/>
                    <TextBox x:Name="MISUpdatesTextBox" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="23" Margin="136,314,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Updates Y/N" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="120" RenderTransformOrigin="0.171,0.142" IsEnabled="False"/>
                    <Label Content="App removal?" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="29,280,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="109"/>
                    <TextBox x:Name="MISAppxTextBox" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="23" Margin="136,283,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Updates Y/N" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="120" RenderTransformOrigin="0.171,0.142" IsEnabled="False"/>
            <TabItem Header="Save/Load" Height="20" MinWidth="102">
                    <TextBox x:Name="SLSaveFileName" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="25" Margin="26,85,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Name for saved configuration..." VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="500"/>
                    <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="26,38,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Provide a name for the saved configuration" VerticalAlignment="Top" Height="42" Width="353"/>
                    <Button x:Name="SLSaveButton" Content="Save" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="451,127,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75"/>
                    <Border BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="1" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="1" Margin="0,216,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="785"/>
                    <TextBox x:Name="SLLoadTextBox" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="23" Margin="26,308,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Select configuration file to load" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="500"/>
                    <Button x:Name="SLLoadButton" Content="Load" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="451,351,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75"/>
                    <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="26,279,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Select configuration file to load" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="353"/>
$inputXML = $inputXML -replace 'mc:Ignorable="d"', '' -replace "x:N", 'N' -replace '^<Win.*', '<Window'
[xml]$XAML = $inputXML
#Read XAML
$reader = (New-Object System.Xml.XmlNodeReader $xaml)
try {
    $Form = [Windows.Markup.XamlReader]::Load( $reader )
catch {
    Write-Warning "Unable to parse XML, with error: $($Error[0])`n Ensure that there are NO SelectionChanged or TextChanged properties in your textboxes (PowerShell cannot process them)"
# Load XAML Objects In PowerShell
$xaml.SelectNodes("//*[@Name]") | % { "trying item $($_.Name)" | out-null;
    try { Set-Variable -Name "WPF$($_.Name)" -Value $Form.FindName($_.Name) -ErrorAction Stop }
    catch { throw }

#Section to do the icon magic
$base64 = "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"
# Create a streaming image by streaming the base64 string to a bitmap streamsource
$bitmap = New-Object System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage
$bitmap.StreamSource = [System.IO.MemoryStream][System.Convert]::FromBase64String($base64)

# This is the icon in the upper left hand corner of the app
$form.Icon = $bitmap
# This is the toolbar icon and description
$form.TaskbarItemInfo.Overlay = $bitmap
$form.TaskbarItemInfo.Description = "WIM Witch - $wwscirptver"

Function Get-FormVariables {
    if ($global:ReadmeDisplay -ne $true) { Write-host "If you need to reference this display again, run Get-FormVariables" -ForegroundColor Yellow; $global:ReadmeDisplay = $true }
    #write-host "Found the following interactable elements from our form" -ForegroundColor Cyan
    get-variable WPF*

# Functions for Controls

#Funtion to select mounting directory
Function SelectMountDir {

    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
    $browser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog
    $browser.Description = "Select the mount folder"
    $null = $browser.ShowDialog()
    $MountDir = $browser.SelectedPath
    $WPFMISMountTextBox.text = $MountDir 
    check-mountpath -path $WPFMISMountTextBox.text
    update-log -Data "Mount directory selected" -Class Information

#Function to select Source WIM
Function SelectSourceWIM {

    $SourceWIM = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property @{ 
        #InitialDirectory = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Desktop')
        InitialDirectory = "$PSScriptRoot\imports\wim"
        Filter           = 'WIM (*.wim)|'
    $null = $SourceWIM.ShowDialog()
    $WPFSourceWIMSelectWIMTextBox.text = $SourceWIM.FileName

    if ($SourceWIM.FileName -notlike "*.wim") {
        update-log -Data "A WIM file not selected. Please select a valid file to continue." -Class Warning
    #Select the index
    $ImageFull = @(get-windowsimage -ImagePath $WPFSourceWIMSelectWIMTextBox.text)
    $a = $ImageFull | Out-GridView -Title "Choose an Image Index" -Passthru
    $IndexNumber = $a.ImageIndex
    #write-host $IndexNumber
    if ($indexnumber -eq $null) {
        update-log -Data "Index not selected. Reselect the WIM file to select an index" -Class Warning

    import-wiminfo -IndexNumber $IndexNumber

function import-wiminfo($IndexNumber) {
    Update-Log -Data "Importing Source WIM Info" -Class Information
    try {
        #Gets WIM metadata to populate fields on the Source tab.
        $ImageInfo = get-windowsimage -ImagePath $WPFSourceWIMSelectWIMTextBox.text -index $IndexNumber -ErrorAction Stop
    catch {
        Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Error
        Update-Log -data "The WIM file selected may be borked. Try a different one" -Class Warning
    $text = "WIM file selected: " + $SourceWIM.FileName
    Update-Log -data $text -Class Information
    $text = "Edition selected: " + $ImageInfo.ImageName

    Update-Log -data $text -Class Information
    $ImageIndex = $IndexNumber

    $WPFSourceWIMImgDesTextBox.text = $ImageInfo.ImageName
    $WPFSourceWimVerTextBox.Text = $ImageInfo.Version
    $WPFSourceWimSPBuildTextBox.text = $ImageInfo.SPBuild
    $WPFSourceWimLangTextBox.text = $ImageInfo.Languages
    $WPFSourceWimIndexTextBox.text = $ImageIndex
    if ($ImageInfo.Architecture -eq 9) {
        $WPFSourceWimArchTextBox.text = 'x64'
    Else {
        $WPFSourceWimArchTextBox.text = 'x86'
   if ($WPFSourceWIMImgDesTextBox.text -like "Windows Server*"){ 
        $WPFJSONEnableCheckBox.IsChecked = $False
        $WPFAppxCheckBox.IsChecked = $False
        $WPFAppTab.IsEnabled = $False
        $WPFAutopilotTab.IsEnabled = $False
        $WPFMISAppxTextBox.text = "False"
        $WPFMISJSONTextBox.text = "False"
        $WPFMISOneDriveCheckBox.IsChecked = $False
        $WPFMISOneDriveCheckBox.IsEnabled = $False
        $WPFAppTab.IsEnabled = $True
        $WPFAutopilotTab.IsEnabled = $True
        $WPFMISOneDriveCheckBox.IsEnabled = $True
#Function to Select JSON File
Function SelectJSONFile {

    $JSON = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property @{ 
        InitialDirectory = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Desktop') 
        Filter           = 'JSON (*.JSON)|'
    $null = $JSON.ShowDialog()
    $WPFJSONTextBox.Text = $JSON.FileName

    $text = "JSON file selected: " + $JSON.FileName
    update-log -Data $text -Class Information
    Parse-JSON -file $JSON.FileName

#Function to parse the JSON file for user valuable info
Function Parse-JSON($file) {
    try {
        Update-Log -Data "Attempting to parse JSON file..." -Class Information
        $autopilotinfo = Get-Content $WPFJSONTextBox.Text | ConvertFrom-Json
        Update-Log -Data "Successfully parsed JSON file" -Class Information
        $WPFZtdCorrelationId.Text = $autopilotinfo.ZtdCorrelationId
        $WPFCloudAssignedTenantDomain.Text = $autopilotinfo.CloudAssignedTenantDomain
        $WPFComment_File.text = $autopilotinfo.Comment_File

    catch {
        $WPFZtdCorrelationId.Text = "Bad file. Try Again."
        $WPFCloudAssignedTenantDomain.Text = "Bad file. Try Again."
        $WPFComment_File.text = "Bad file. Try Again."
        Update-Log -Data "Failed to parse JSON file. Try another"


#Function to select the paths for the driver fields
Function SelectDriverSource($DriverTextBoxNumber) {
    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
    $browser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog
    $browser.Description = "Select the Driver Source folder"
    $null = $browser.ShowDialog()
    $DriverDir = $browser.SelectedPath
    $DriverTextBoxNumber.Text = $DriverDir
    update-log -Data "Driver path selected: $DriverDir" -Class Information

#Function for the Make it So button
Function MakeItSo ($appx) {

    #Check if new file name is valid, also append file extension if neccessary

    ###Starting MIS Preflight###
    check-mountpath -path $WPFMISMountTextBox.Text -clean True

    if (($WPFMISWimNameTextBox.Text -eq "") -or ($WPFMISWimNameTextBox.Text -eq "Enter Target WIM Name")) {
        update-log -Data "Enter a valid file name and then try again" -Class Error

     if ($auto -eq $false) {
        $checkresult = (check-name) 
        if ($checkresult -eq "stop") { return }

     if ($auto -eq $true) {
        $checkresult = (check-name -conflict append)
        if ($checkresult -eq "stop") { return }

    #check for working directory, make if does not exist, delete files if they exist
    $FolderExist = Test-Path $PSScriptRoot\Staging -PathType Any
    update-log -Data "Checking to see if the staging path exists..." -Class Information

    try {
        if ($FolderExist = $False) {
            New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $PSScriptRoot\Staging -ErrorAction Stop
            update-log -Data "Path did not exist, but it does now :)" -Class Information -ErrorAction Stop
        Else {
            Remove-Item â€“path $PSScriptRoot\Staging\* -Recurse -ErrorAction Stop
            update-log -Data "The path existed, and it has been purged." -Class Information -ErrorAction Stop
    catch {
        Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Error
        Update-Log -data "Something is wrong with folder $PSScriptRoot\Staging. Try deleting manually if it exists" -Class Error

    if ($WPFJSONEnableCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) {
        Update-Log -Data "Validating existance of JSON file..." -Class Information
        $APJSONExists = (Test-Path $WPFJSONTextBox.Text)
        if ($APJSONExists -eq $true) { Update-Log -Data "JSON exists. Continuing..." -Class Information }
        else {
            Update-Log -Data "The Autopilot file could not be verified. Check it and try again." -Class Error


    if ($WPFMISDotNetCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) {
        if ((check-dotnetexists) -eq $False) { return }

    #####End of MIS Preflight###################################################################

    #Copy source WIM
    update-log -Data "Copying source WIM to the staging folder" -Class Information

    try {
        Copy-Item $WPFSourceWIMSelectWIMTextBox.Text -Destination "$PSScriptRoot\Staging" -ErrorAction Stop
    catch {
        Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Error
        Update-Log -Data "The file couldn't be copied. No idea what happened" -class Error

    update-log -Data "Source WIM has been copied to the source folder" -Class Information

    #Rename copied source WiM

    try {
        $wimname = Get-Item -Path $PSScriptRoot\Staging\*.wim -ErrorAction Stop
        Rename-Item -Path $wimname -NewName $WPFMISWimNameTextBox.Text -ErrorAction Stop
        update-log -Data "Copied source WIM has been renamed" -Class Information
    catch {
        Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Error
        Update-Log -data "The copied source file couldn't be renamed. This shouldn't have happened." -Class Error
        Update-Log -data "Go delete the WIM from $PSScriptRoot\Staging\, then try again" -Class Error

    #Remove the unwanted indexes

    #Mount the WIM File

    $wimname = Get-Item -Path $PSScriptRoot\Staging\*.wim
    update-log -Data "Mounting source WIM $wimname" -Class Information
    update-log -Data "to mount point:" -Class Information
    update-log -data $WPFMISMountTextBox.Text -Class Information

    try {
          Mount-WindowsImage -Path $WPFMISMountTextBox.Text -ImagePath $wimname -Index 1 -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
    catch {
        Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Error
        Update-Log -data "The WIM couldn't be mounted. Make sure the mount directory is empty" -Class Error
        Update-Log -Data "and that it isn't an active mount point" -Class Error

    #Pause after mounting
    If ($WPFMISCBPauseMount.IsChecked -eq $True){
        update-log -Data "Pausing image building. Waiting on user to continue..." -Class Warning
        $Pause = pause-makeitso  
            if ($Pause -eq "Yes"){update-log -data "Continuing on with making it so..." -Class Information }
            if ($Pause -eq "No"){update-log -data "Discarding build..." -Class Error
                update-log -Data "Discarding mounted WIM" -Class Warning
                Dismount-WindowsImage -Path $WPFMISMountTextBox.Text -discard -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
                update-log -Data "WIM has been discarded. Better luck next time." -Class Warning

    #Run Script after mounting
    if (($WPFCustomCBRunScript.IsChecked -eq $True) -and ($WPFCustomCBScriptTiming.SelectedItem -eq "After image mount")){
        update-log -data "Running PowerShell script..." -Class Information
        run-script -file $WPFCustomTBFile.text -parameter $WPFCustomTBParameters.text
        Update-Log -data "Script completed." -Class Information

    #Language Packs and FOD
    if ($WPFCustomCBLangPacks.IsChecked -eq $true){
        apply-LanguagePacks }
        update-log -Data "Language Packs Injection not selected. Skipping..."}

    if ($WPFCustomCBLEP.IsChecked -eq $true){
        update-log -Data "Local Experience Packs not selected. Skipping..."}

    if ($WPFCustomCBFOD.IsChecked -eq $true){
        update-log -Data "Features On Demand not selected. Skipping..."}

    #Inject .Net Binaries
    if ($WPFMISDotNetCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) { inject-dotnet }

    #Copy the current OneDrive installer
    if ($WPFMISOneDriveCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) {
        update-log -data "OneDrive agent update skipped as it was not selected" -Class Information

    #Inject Autopilot JSON file
    if ($WPFJSONEnableCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) {

        update-log -Data "Injecting JSON file" -Class Information

        try {
            $autopilotdir = $WPFMISMountTextBox.Text + "\windows\Provisioning\Autopilot"
            Copy-Item $WPFJSONTextBox.Text -Destination $autopilotdir -ErrorAction Stop
        catch {
            Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Error
            Update-Log -data "JSON file couldn't be copied. Check to see if the correct SKU" -Class Error
            Update-Log -Data "of Windows has been selected" -Class Error
            Update-log -Data "The WIM is still mounted. You'll need to clean that up manually until" -Class Error
            Update-Log -data "I get around to handling that error more betterer" -Class Error
            Update-Log -data "- <3 Donna" -Class Error

    else {
        update-log -Data "JSON not selected. Skipping JSON Injection" -Class Information

    #Inject Drivers

    If ($WPFDriverCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) {

        DriverInjection -Folder $WPFDriverDir1TextBox.text
        DriverInjection -Folder $WPFDriverDir2TextBox.text
        DriverInjection -Folder $WPFDriverDir3TextBox.text
        DriverInjection -Folder $WPFDriverDir4TextBox.text
        DriverInjection -Folder $WPFDriverDir5TextBox.text
    Else {
        update-log -Data "Drivers were not selected for injection. Skipping." -Class Information 

    #Apply Updates
    If ($WPFUpdatesEnableCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) {

        Apply-Updates -class "SSU" 
        Apply-Updates -class "LCU"
        Apply-Updates -class "AdobeSU"
        Apply-Updates -class "DotNet"
        Apply-Updates -class "DotNetCU"
    Else {
        Update-Log -Data "Updates not enabled" -Class Information

    #Remove AppX Packages
    if ($WPFAppxCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) { remove-appx -array $appx }
    Else {
        Update-Log -Data "App removal not enabled" -Class Information

    #Run Script before dismount
    if (($WPFCustomCBRunScript.IsChecked -eq $True) -and ($WPFCustomCBScriptTiming.SelectedItem -eq "Before image dismount")){
        run-script -file $WPFCustomTBFile.text -parameter $WPFCustomTBParameters.text

    #Pause before dismounting
    If ($WPFMISCBPauseDismount.IsChecked -eq $True){
        update-log -Data "Pausing image building. Waiting on user to continue..." -Class Warning
        $Pause = pause-makeitso  
            if ($Pause -eq "Yes"){update-log -data "Continuing on with making it so..." -Class Information }
            if ($Pause -eq "No"){update-log -data "Discarding build..." -Class Error
                update-log -Data "Discarding mounted WIM" -Class Warning
                Dismount-WindowsImage -Path $WPFMISMountTextBox.Text -discard -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
                update-log -Data "WIM has been discarded. Better luck next time." -Class Warning

    #Copy log to mounted WIM
    try {
        update-log -Data "Attempting to copy log to mounted image" -Class Information 
        $mountlogdir = $WPFMISMountTextBox.Text + "\windows\"
        Copy-Item $PSScriptRoot\logging\WIMWitch.log -Destination $mountlogdir -ErrorAction Stop
        $CopyLogExist = Test-Path $mountlogdir\WIMWitch.log -PathType Leaf
        if ($CopyLogExist -eq $true) { update-log -Data "Log filed copied successfully" -Class Information }
    catch {
        Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Error
        update-log -data "Coudn't copy the log file to the mounted image." -class Error

    #Dismount, commit, and move WIM

    update-log -Data "Dismounting WIM file, committing changes" -Class Information 
    try {
        Dismount-WindowsImage -Path $WPFMISMountTextBox.Text -save -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
    catch {
        Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Error
        Update-Log -data "The WIM couldn't save. You will have to manually discard the" -Class Error
        Update-Log -data "mounted image manually" -Class Error

    update-log -Data "WIM dismounted" -Class Information 

    try {
        update-log -Data "Exporting WIM file" -Class Information
        Export-WindowsImage -SourceImagePath $wimname -SourceIndex 1 -DestinationImagePath ($WPFMISWimFolderTextBox.Text + '\' + $WPFMISWimNameTextBox.Text) -DestinationName ('WW - ' + $WPFSourceWIMImgDesTextBox.text) |Out-Null
    catch {
        Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Error
        Update-Log -data "The WIM couldn't be exported. You can still retrieve it from staging path." -Class Error
        Update-Log -data "The file will be deleted when the tool is rerun." -Class Error
    update-log -Data "WIM successfully exported to target folder" -Class Information 

    #Run Script when build complete
    if (($WPFCustomCBRunScript.IsChecked -eq $True) -and ($WPFCustomCBScriptTiming.SelectedItem -eq "On build completion")){
        run-script -file $WPFCustomTBFile.text -parameter $WPFCustomTBParameters.text

    #Copy log here
    try {
        update-log -Data "Copying build log to target folder" -Class Information 
        Copy-Item -Path $PSScriptRoot\logging\WIMWitch.log -Destination $WPFMISWimFolderTextBox.Text -ErrorAction Stop
        $logold = $WPFMISWimFolderTextBox.Text + "\WIMWitch.log"
        $lognew = $WPFMISWimFolderTextBox.Text + "\" + $WPFMISWimNameTextBox.Text + ".log"
        #Put log detection code here
        if ((test-path -Path $lognew) -eq $true) {
            Update-Log -Data "A preexisting log file contains the same name. Renaming old log..." -Class Warning
            replace-name -file $lognew -extension ".log"

        #Put log detection code here
        Rename-Item $logold -NewName $lognew -Force -ErrorAction Stop
        Update-Log -Data "Log copied successfully" -Class Information
    catch {
        Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Error
        Update-Log -data "The log file couldn't be copied and renamed. You can still snag it from the source." -Class Error
        update-log -Data "Job's done." -Class Information 
    update-log -Data "Job's done." -Class Information 

#Function to assign the target directory
Function SelectTargetDir {

    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
    $browser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog
    $browser.Description = "Select the target folder"
    $null = $browser.ShowDialog()
    $TargetDir = $browser.SelectedPath
    $WPFMISWimFolderTextBox.text = $TargetDir #I SCREWED UP THIS VARIABLE
    update-log -Data "Target directory selected" -Class Information 

#Function to enable logging and folder check
Function Update-Log {
            Mandatory = $true, 
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            Position = 0

            Mandatory = $false, 
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            Position = 0
        [string]$Solution = $Solution,

            Mandatory = $false, 
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            Position = 1
        [validateset('Information', 'Warning', 'Error')]
        [string]$Class = "Information"

    $global:ScriptLogFilePath = $Log
    $LogString = "$(Get-Date) $Class - $Data"
    $HostString = "$(Get-Date) $Class - $Data"

    Add-Content -Path $Log -Value $LogString
    switch ($Class) {
        'Information' {
            Write-Host $HostString -ForegroundColor Gray
        'Warning' {
            Write-Host $HostString -ForegroundColor Yellow
        'Error' {
            Write-Host $HostString -ForegroundColor Red
        Default { }
    #The below line is for a logging tab that was removed. If it gets put back in, reenable the line
    # $WPFLoggingTextBox.text = Get-Content -Path $Log -Delimiter "\n"

#Removes old log and creates all folders if does not exist
Function Set-Logging {

    #logging folder
    $FileExist = Test-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot\logging\WIMWitch.Log -PathType Leaf
    if ($FileExist -eq $False) {
        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $PSScriptRoot\Logging | Out-Null
        New-Item -Path $PSScriptRoot\logging -Name "WIMWitch.log" -ItemType "file" -Value "***Logging Started***" | Out-Null
    Else {
        Remove-Item -Path $PSScriptRoot\logging\WIMWitch.log
        New-Item -Path $PSScriptRoot\logging -Name "WIMWitch.log" -ItemType "file" -Value "***Logging Started***" | Out-Null

    #updates folder
    $FileExist = Test-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot\updates #-PathType Leaf
    if ($FileExist -eq $False) {
        Update-Log -Data "Updates folder does not exist. Creating..." -Class Warning
        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $PSScriptRoot\updates | Out-Null
        Update-Log -Data "Updates folder created" -Class Information
    if ($FileExist -eq $True) { Update-Log -Data "Updates folder exists" -Class Information }

    #staging folder
    $FileExist = Test-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot\Staging #-PathType Leaf
    if ($FileExist -eq $False) {
        Update-Log -Data "Staging folder does not exist. Creating..." -Class Warning
        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $PSScriptRoot\Staging | Out-Null
        Update-Log -Data "Staging folder created" -Class Information

    if ($FileExist -eq $True) { Update-Log -Data "Staging folder exists" -Class Information }

    #Mount folder
    $FileExist = Test-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot\Mount #-PathType Leaf
    if ($FileExist -eq $False) {
        Update-Log -Data "Mount folder does not exist. Creating..." -Class Warning
        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $PSScriptRoot\Mount | Out-Null
        Update-Log -Data "Mount folder created" -Class Information

    if ($FileExist -eq $True) { Update-Log -Data "Mount folder exists" -Class Information }

    #Completed WIMs folder
    $FileExist = Test-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot\CompletedWIMs #-PathType Leaf
    if ($FileExist -eq $False) {
        Update-Log -Data "CompletedWIMs folder does not exist. Creating..." -Class Warning
        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $PSScriptRoot\CompletedWIMs | Out-Null
        Update-Log -Data "CompletedWIMs folder created" -Class Information

    if ($FileExist -eq $True) { Update-Log -Data "CompletedWIMs folder exists" -Class Information }

    #Configurations XML folder
    $FileExist = Test-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot\Configs #-PathType Leaf
    if ($FileExist -eq $False) {
        Update-Log -Data "Configs folder does not exist. Creating..." -Class Warning
        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $PSScriptRoot\Configs | Out-Null
        Update-Log -Data "Configs folder created" -Class Information

    if ($FileExist -eq $True) { Update-Log -Data "Configs folder exists" -Class Information }


#Function for injecting drivers into the mounted WIM
Function DriverInjection($Folder) {

    Function ApplyDriver($drivertoapply) {
        try {
            add-windowsdriver -Path $WPFMISMountTextBox.Text -Driver $drivertoapply -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
            Update-Log -Data "Applied $drivertoapply" -Class Information
        catch {
            update-log -Data "Couldn't apply $drivertoapply" -Class Warning

    #This filters out invalid paths, such as the default value
    $testpath = Test-Path $folder -PathType Container
    If ($testpath -eq $false) { return }

    If ($testpath -eq $true) {

        update-log -data "Applying drivers from $folder" -class Information

        Get-ChildItem $Folder -Recurse -Filter "*inf" | ForEach-Object { applydriver $_.FullName }
        update-log -Data "Completed driver injection from $folder" -Class Information 

#Function to retrieve OSDUpdate Version
Function Get-OSDBInstallation {
    update-log -Data "Getting OSD Installation information" -Class Information
    try {
        Import-Module -name OSDUpdate -ErrorAction Stop
    catch {
        $WPFUpdatesOSDBVersion.Text = "Not Installed"
        Update-Log -Data "OSD Update is not installed" -Class Warning
    try {
        $OSDBVersion = get-module -name OSDUpdate -ErrorAction Stop
        $WPFUpdatesOSDBVersion.Text = $OSDBVersion.Version
        $text = $osdbversion.version
        Update-Log -data "Installed version of OSD Update is $text" -Class Information
    catch {
        Update-Log -Data "Whatever you were hoping for, you didn’t get :)" -Class Error

#Function to retrieve OSDSUS Version
Function Get-OSDSUSInstallation {
    update-log -Data "Getting OSDSUS Installation information" -Class Information
    try {
        Import-Module -name OSDSUS -ErrorAction Stop
    catch {
        $WPFUpdatesOSDSUSVersion.Text = "Not Installed"
        Update-Log -Data "OSDSUS is not installed" -Class Warning
    try {
        $OSDSUSVersion = get-module -name OSDSUS -ErrorAction Stop
        $WPFUpdatesOSDSUSVersion.Text = $OSDSUSVersion.Version
        $text = $osdsusversion.version
        Update-Log -data "Installed version of OSDSUS is $text" -Class Information
    catch {
        Update-Log -Data "Whatever you were hoping for, you didn’t get :)" -Class Error

#Function to retrieve current OSDUpdate Version
Function Get-OSDBCurrentVer {
    Update-Log -Data "Checking for the most current OSDUpdate version available" -Class Information
    try {
        $OSDBCurrentVer = find-module -name OSDUpdate -ErrorAction Stop
        $WPFUpdatesOSDBCurrentVerTextBox.Text = $OSDBCurrentVer.version
        $text = $OSDBCurrentVer.version
        update-log -data "$text is the most current version" -class Information
    catch {
        $WPFUpdatesOSDBCurrentVerTextBox.Text = "Network Error"

#Function to retrieve current OSDUSUS Version
Function Get-OSDSUSCurrentVer {
    Update-Log -Data "Checking for the most current OSDSUS version available" -Class Information
    try {
        $OSDSUSCurrentVer = find-module -name OSDSUS -ErrorAction Stop
        $WPFUpdatesOSDSUSCurrentVerTextBox.Text = $OSDSUSCurrentVer.version
        $text = $OSDSUSCurrentVer.version
        update-log -data "$text is the most current version" -class Information
    catch {
        $WPFUpdatesOSDSUSCurrentVerTextBox.Text = "Network Error"

#Function to update or install OSDUpdate
Function update-OSDB {
    if ($WPFUpdatesOSDBVersion.Text -eq "Not Installed") {
        Update-Log -Data "Attempting to install and import OSD Update" -Class Information
        try {
            Install-Module OSDUpdate -Force -ErrorAction Stop
            #Write-Host "Installed module"
            Update-Log -data "OSD Update module has been installed" -Class Information
            Import-Module -Name OSDUpdate -Force -ErrorAction Stop
            #Write-Host "Imported module"
            Update-Log -Data "OSD Update module has been imported" -Class Information
            Update-Log -Data "****************************************************************************" -Class Warning
            Update-Log -Data "Please close WIM Witch and all PowerShell windows, then rerun to continue..." -Class Warning
            Update-Log -Data "****************************************************************************" -Class Warning
            $WPFUpdatesOSDBClosePowerShellTextBlock.visibility = "Visible"
        catch {
            $WPFUpdatesOSDBVersion.Text = "Inst Fail"
            Update-Log -Data "Couldn't install OSD Update" -Class Error
            Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Error

    If ($WPFUpdatesOSDBVersion.Text -gt "1.0.0") {
        Update-Log -data "Attempting to update OSD Update" -class Information
        try {
            Update-ModuleOSDUpdate -ErrorAction Stop
            Update-Log -Data "Updated OSD Update" -Class Information
            Update-Log -Data "****************************************************************************" -Class Warning
            Update-Log -Data "Please close WIM Witch and all PowerShell windows, then rerun to continue..." -Class Warning
            Update-Log -Data "****************************************************************************" -Class Warning
            $WPFUpdatesOSDBClosePowerShellTextBlock.visibility = "Visible"
        catch {
            $WPFUpdatesOSDBCurrentVerTextBox.Text = "OSDB Err"

#Function to update or install OSDSUS
Function update-OSDSUS {
    if ($WPFUpdatesOSDSUSVersion.Text -eq "Not Installed") {
        Update-Log -Data "Attempting to install and import OSDSUS" -Class Information
        try {
            Install-Module OSDUpdate -Force -ErrorAction Stop
            Update-Log -data "OSDSUS module has been installed" -Class Information
            Import-Module -Name OSDUpdate -Force -ErrorAction Stop
            Update-Log -Data "OSDSUS module has been imported" -Class Information
            Update-Log -Data "****************************************************************************" -Class Warning
            Update-Log -Data "Please close WIM Witch and all PowerShell windows, then rerun to continue..." -Class Warning
            Update-Log -Data "****************************************************************************" -Class Warning
            $WPFUpdatesOSDBClosePowerShellTextBlock.visibility = "Visible"
        catch {
            $WPFUpdatesOSDSUSVersion.Text = "Inst Fail"
            Update-Log -Data "Couldn't install OSDSUS" -Class Error
            Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Error

    If ($WPFUpdatesOSDSUSVersion.Text -gt "1.0.0") {
        Update-Log -data "Attempting to update OSDSUS" -class Information
        try {
            uninstall-module -Name osdsus -AllVersions -force
            install-module -name osdsus -force
            Update-Log -Data "Updated OSDSUS" -Class Information
            Update-Log -Data "****************************************************************************" -Class Warning
            Update-Log -Data "Please close WIM Witch and all PowerShell windows, then rerun to continue..." -Class Warning
            Update-Log -Data "****************************************************************************" -Class Warning
            $WPFUpdatesOSDBClosePowerShellTextBlock.visibility = "Visible"
        catch {
            $WPFUpdatesOSDSUSCurrentVerTextBox.Text = "OSDSUS Err"

#Function to compare OSDBuilder Versions
Function compare-OSDBuilderVer {
    Update-Log -data "Comparing OSD Update module versions" -Class Information
    if ($WPFUpdatesOSDBVersion.Text -eq "Not Installed") {
    If ($WPFUpdatesOSDBVersion.Text -eq $WPFUpdatesOSDBCurrentVerTextBox.Text) {
        Update-Log -Data "OSD Update is up to date" -class Information
    $WPFUpdatesOSDBOutOfDateTextBlock.Visibility = "Visible"
    Update-Log -Data "OSD Update appears to be out of date. Run the upgrade function from within WIM Witch to resolve" -class Warning


#Function to compare OSDSUS Versions
Function compare-OSDSUSVer {
    Update-Log -data "Comparing OSDSUS module versions" -Class Information
    if ($WPFUpdatesOSDSUSVersion.Text -eq "Not Installed") {
    If ($WPFUpdatesOSDSUSVersion.Text -eq $WPFUpdatesOSDSUSCurrentVerTextBox.Text) {
        Update-Log -Data "OSDSUS is up to date" -class Information
    $WPFUpdatesOSDBOutOfDateTextBlock.Visibility = "Visible"
    Update-Log -Data "OSDSUS appears to be out of date. Run the upgrade function from within WIM Witch to resolve" -class Warning


#Function to check for superceded updates
Function check-superceded($action, $OS, $Build) {
    Update-Log -Data "Checking WIM Witch Update store for superseded updates" -Class Information
    $path = $PSScriptRoot + '\updates\' + $OS + '\' + $Build + '\' #sets base path

    if ((Test-Path -Path $path) -eq $false){
        update-log -Data "No updates found, likely not yet downloaded. Skipping supersedense check..." -Class Warning

    $Children = Get-ChildItem -Path $path  #query sub directories

    foreach ($Children in $Children) {
        $path1 = $path + $Children  
        $sprout = Get-ChildItem -Path $path1

            foreach ($sprout in $sprout) {
                $path3 = $path1 + '\' + $sprout
                $fileinfo = get-childitem -path $path3
                foreach ($file in $fileinfo){
                    $StillCurrent = Get-OSDUpdate | Where-Object { $_.FileName -eq $file }   
                    If ($StillCurrent -eq $null) {
                       update-log -data "$file no longer current" -Class Warning
                       if ($action -eq 'delete') {
                            Update-Log -data "Deleting $path3" -class Warning
                            remove-item -path $path3 -Recurse -Force
                    if ($action -eq 'audit') {
                        $WPFUpdatesOSDBSupercededExistTextBlock.Visibility = "Visible"

                     else {
                    Update-Log -data "$file is stil current" -Class Information
        Update-Log -data "Supersedense check complete." -Class Information

#Function to download new patches
Function download-patches($build,$OS) {
    Update-Log -Data "Downloading SSU updates for $OS $build" -Class Information
    Get-OSDUpdate | Where-Object { $_.UpdateOS -eq $OS -and $_.UpdateArch -eq 'x64' -and $_.UpdateBuild -eq $build -and $_.UpdateGroup -eq 'SSU' } | Get-DownOSDUpdate -DownloadPath $PSScriptRoot\updates\$OS\$build\SSU
    Update-Log -Data "Downloading AdobeSU updates for $OS $build" -Class Information
    Get-OSDUpdate | Where-Object { $_.UpdateOS -eq $OS -and $_.UpdateArch -eq 'x64' -and $_.UpdateBuild -eq $build -and $_.UpdateGroup -eq 'AdobeSU' } | Get-DownOSDUpdate -DownloadPath $PSScriptRoot\updates\$OS\$build\AdobeSU
    Update-Log -Data "Downloading LCU updates for $OS $build" -Class Information
    Get-OSDUpdate | Where-Object { $_.UpdateOS -eq $OS -and $_.UpdateArch -eq 'x64' -and $_.UpdateBuild -eq $build -and $_.UpdateGroup -eq 'LCU' } | Get-DownOSDUpdate -DownloadPath $PSScriptRoot\updates\$OS\$build\LCU
    Update-Log -Data "Downloading .Net updates for $OS $build" -Class Information
    Get-OSDUpdate | Where-Object { $_.UpdateOS -eq $OS -and $_.UpdateArch -eq 'x64' -and $_.UpdateBuild -eq $build -and $_.UpdateGroup -eq 'DotNet' } | Get-DownOSDUpdate -DownloadPath $PSScriptRoot\updates\$OS\$build\DotNet
    Update-Log -Data "Downloading .Net CU updates for $OS $build" -Class Information
    Get-OSDUpdate | Where-Object { $_.UpdateOS -eq $OS -and $_.UpdateArch -eq 'x64' -and $_.UpdateBuild -eq $build -and $_.UpdateGroup -eq 'DotNetCU' } | Get-DownOSDUpdate -DownloadPath $PSScriptRoot\updates\$OS\$build\DotNetCU
    Update-Log -Data "Downloading completed for $OS $build" -Class Information
#Function to remove superceded updates and initate new patch download
Function update-patchsource {

    Update-Log -Data "attempting to start download function" -Class Information
if ($WPFUpdatesW10Main.IsChecked -eq $true){
    if ($WPFUpdatesW10_1909.IsChecked -eq $true){
        check-superceded -action delete -build 1909 -OS "Windows 10"
        download-patches -build 1909 -OS "Windows 10"}
    if ($WPFUpdatesW10_1903.IsChecked -eq $true){
        check-superceded -action delete -build 1903 -OS "Windows 10"
        download-patches -build 1903 -OS "Windows 10"}
    if ($WPFUpdatesW10_1809.IsChecked -eq $true){
        check-superceded -action delete -build 1809 -OS "Windows 10"
        download-patches -build 1809 -OS "Windows 10"}
    if ($WPFUpdatesW10_1803.IsChecked -eq $true){
        check-superceded -action delete -build 1803 -OS "Windows 10"
        download-patches -build 1803 -OS "Windows 10"}
    if ($WPFUpdatesW10_1709.IsChecked -eq $true){
        check-superceded -action delete -build 1709 -OS "Windows 10"
        download-patches -build 1709 -OS "Windows 10"}

if ($WPFUpdatesS2019.IsChecked -eq $true){
    check-superceded -action delete -build 1809 -OS "Windows Server 2019"
    download-patches -build 1809 -OS "Windows Server 2019"}
if ($WPFUpdatesS2016.IsChecked -eq $true){
    check-superceded -action delete -build 1607 -OS "Windows Server 2016"
    download-patches -build 1607 -OS "Windows Server 2016"}


#Function to apply updates to mounted WIM
Function Apply-Updates($class) {
   if (($class -eq 'AdobeSU') -and ($WPFSourceWIMImgDesTextBox.text -like "Windows Server 20*") -and ($WPFSourceWIMImgDesTextBox.text -notlike "*(Desktop Experience)")){
    update-log -Data "Skipping Adobe updates for Server Core build" -Class Information
    If ($WPFSourceWIMImgDesTextBox.text -like "Windows Server 2016*"){$OS = "Windows Server 2016"}
    If ($WPFSourceWIMImgDesTextBox.text -like "Windows Server 2019*"){$OS = "Windows Server 2019"}
    If ($WPFSourceWIMImgDesTextBox.text -like "Windows 10*"){$OS = "Windows 10"}

    If ($WPFSourceWimVerTextBox.text -like "10.0.14393.*") { $buildnum = 1607 }
    If ($WPFSourceWimVerTextBox.text -like "10.0.17763.*") { $buildnum = 1809 }
    If ($WPFSourceWimVerTextBox.text -like "10.0.17134.*") { $buildnum = 1803 }
    If ($WPFSourceWimVerTextBox.text -like "10.0.16299.*") { $buildnum = 1709 }
    If ($WPFSourceWimVerTextBox.text -like "10.0.18362.*") { 
        $mountdir = $WPFMISMountTextBox.Text
        reg LOAD HKLM\OFFLINE $mountdir\Windows\System32\Config\SOFTWARE | Out-Null
        $regvalues = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\OFFLINE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\" )
        $buildnum = $regvalues.ReleaseId
        reg UNLOAD HKLM\OFFLINE | Out-Null}

    $path = $PSScriptRoot + '\updates\' + $OS + '\' + $buildnum + '\' + $class + '\'
    $Children = Get-ChildItem -Path $path
    foreach ($Children in $Children) {
        $compound = $path + $Children
        update-log -Data "Applying $Children" -Class Information
        Add-WindowsPackage -path $WPFMISMountTextBox.Text -PackagePath $compound | Out-Null

#Function to select AppX packages to yank
Function Select-Appx {
    $appx1903 = @("Microsoft.BingWeather_4.25.20211.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe"
    $appx1809 = @(
    $appx1803 = @( 
        "Microsoft.ZuneVideo_2019.17112.19011.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe" )
    $appx1709 = @( 
        "Microsoft.ZuneVideo_2019.17063.24021.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe" )

    If ($WPFSourceWimVerTextBox.text -like "10.0.18362.*") { $exappxs = write-output $appx1903 | out-gridview -title "Select apps to remove" -passthru }
    If ($WPFSourceWimVerTextBox.text -like "10.0.17763.*") { $exappxs = write-output $appx1809 | out-gridview -title "Select apps to remove" -passthru }
    If ($WPFSourceWimVerTextBox.text -like "10.0.17134.*") { $exappxs = write-output $appx1803 | out-gridview -title "Select apps to remove" -passthru }
    If ($WPFSourceWimVerTextBox.text -like "10.0.16299.*") { $exappxs = write-output $appx1709 | out-gridview -title "Select apps to remove" -passthru }

    if ($exappxs -eq $null) {
        Update-Log -Data "No apps were selected" -Class Warning
    if ($exappxs -ne $null) {
        Update-Log -data "The following apps were selected for removal:" -Class Information
        Foreach ($exappx in $exappxs) {
            Update-Log -Data $exappx -Class Information

        $WPFAppxTextBox.Text = $exappxs
        return $exappxs

#Function to remove appx packages
function remove-appx($array) {
    $exappxs = $array
    update-log -data "Starting AppX removal" -class Information
    foreach ($exappx in $exappxs) {
        Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -Path $WPFMISMountTextBox.Text -PackageName $exappx | Out-Null
        update-log -data "Removing $exappx" -Class Information

#Function to remove unwanted image indexes
Function remove-indexes {
    Update-Log -Data "Attempting to remove unwanted image indexes" -Class Information
    $wimname = Get-Item -Path $PSScriptRoot\Staging\*.wim
    Update-Log -Data "Found Image $wimname" -Class Information
    $IndexesAll = Get-WindowsImage -ImagePath $wimname | foreach { $_.ImageName }
    $IndexSelected = $WPFSourceWIMImgDesTextBox.Text
    foreach ($Index in $IndexesAll) {
        Update-Log -data "$Index is being evaluated"
        If ($Index -eq $IndexSelected) {
            Update-Log -Data "$Index is the index we want to keep. Skipping." -Class Information | Out-Null
        else {
            update-log -data "Deleting $Index from WIM" -Class Information
            Remove-WindowsImage -ImagePath $wimname -Name $Index -InformationAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null


#Function to select which folder to save Autopilot JSON file to
Function SelectNewJSONDir {

    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
    $browser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog
    $browser.Description = "Select the folder to save JSON"
    $null = $browser.ShowDialog()
    $SaveDir = $browser.SelectedPath
    $WPFJSONTextBoxSavePath.text = $SaveDir 
    $text = "Autopilot profile save path selected: $SaveDir" 
    update-log -Data $text -Class Information

#Function to retrieve autopilot profile from intune
function get-WWAutopilotProfile ($login, $path) {
    function update-autopilot{
        Update-Log -Data "Uninstalling old WindowsAutopilotIntune module..." -Class Warning
        Uninstall-Module -Name WindowsAutopilotIntune -AllVersions
        Update-Log -Data "Installing new WindowsAutopilotIntune module..." -Class Warning
        Install-Module -Name WindowsAutopilotIntune -force
        $AutopilotUpdate = ([System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show("WIM Witch needs to close and PowerShell needs to be restarted. Click OK to close WIM Witch.",'Updating complete.','OK','warning'))
        if ($AutopilotUpdate -eq "OK"){

    Update-Log -data "Checking dependencies for Autopilot profile retrieval..." -Class Information

    try {
        Import-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion -ErrorAction Stop
        Update-Log -Data "NuGet is installed" -Class Information
    catch {
        Update-Log -data "NuGet is not installed. Installing now..." -Class Warning
        Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion -Force
        Update-Log -data "NuGet is now installed" -Class Information

    try {

        Import-Module -name AzureAD -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
        Update-Log -data "AzureAD Module is installed" -Class Information
    catch {
        Update-Log -data "AzureAD Module is not installed. Installing now..." -Class Warning
        Install-Module AzureAD -Force
        Update-Log -data "AzureAD is now installed" -class Information

    try {

        Import-Module -Name WindowsAutopilotIntune -ErrorAction Stop
        Update-Log -data "WindowsAutopilotIntune module is installed" -Class Information
    catch {

        Update-Log -data "WindowsAutopilotIntune module is not installed. Installing now..." -Class Warning
        Install-Module WindowsAutopilotIntune -Force
        update-log -data "WindowsAutopilotIntune module is now installed." -class Information

        $AutopilotInstalledVer = (get-module -name windowsautopilotintune).Version
        Update-Log -Data "The currently installed version of the WindowsAutopilotIntune module is $AutopilotInstalledVer" -Class Information
        $AutopilotLatestVersion = (find-module -Name windowsautopilotintune).version
        update-log -data "The latest available version of the WindowsAutopilotIntune module is $AutopilotLatestVersion" -Class Information

        if ($AutopilotInstalledVer -eq $AutopilotLatestVersion){
            update-log -data "WindowsAutopilotIntune module is current. Continuing..." -Class Information}
            Update-Log -data "WindowsAutopilotIntune module is out of date. Prompting the user to upgrade..."
            $UpgradeAutopilot = ([System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show("Would you like to update the WindowsAutopilotIntune module to version $AutopilotLatestVersion now?",'Update Autopilot Module?','YesNo','warning'))

        if ($UpgradeAutopilot -eq "Yes"){
            update-log -Data "User has chosen to update WindowsAutopilotIntune module" -Class Warning
            elseif($AutopilotInstalledVer -ne $AutopilotLatestVersion){
            Update-Log -data "User declined to update WindowsAutopilotIntune module. Continuing..." -Class Warning}

    Update-Log -data "Connecting to Intune..." -Class Information
    if ($AutopilotInstalledVer -lt 3.9){Connect-AutopilotIntune | out-null}
        Connect-MSGraph | Out-Null}

    Update-Log -data "Connected to Intune" -Class Information

    Update-Log -data "Retrieving profile..." -Class Information
    Get-AutoPilotProfile | Out-GridView -title "Select Autopilot profile" -PassThru | ConvertTo-AutoPilotConfigurationJSON | Out-File $path\AutopilotConfigurationFile.json -Encoding ASCII
    $text = $path + "\AutopilotConfigurationFile.json"
    Update-Log -data "Profile successfully created at $text" -Class Information

#Function to save current configuration
function save-config($filename) {

    $CurrentConfig = @{
        SourcePath       = $WPFSourceWIMSelectWIMTextBox.text
        SourceIndex      = $WPFSourceWimIndexTextBox.text
        SourceEdition    = $WPFSourceWIMImgDesTextBox.text
        UpdatesEnabled   = $WPFUpdatesEnableCheckBox.IsChecked
        AutopilotEnabled = $WPFJSONEnableCheckBox.IsChecked
        AutopilotPath    = $WPFJSONTextBox.text
        DriversEnabled   = $WPFDriverCheckBox.IsChecked
        DriverPath1      = $WPFDriverDir1TextBox.text
        DriverPath2      = $WPFDriverDir2TextBox.text
        DriverPath3      = $WPFDriverDir3TextBox.text
        DriverPath4      = $WPFDriverDir4TextBox.text
        DriverPath5      = $WPFDriverDir5TextBox.text
        AppxIsEnabled    = $WPFAppxCheckBox.IsChecked
        AppxSelected     = $WPFAppxTextBox.Text
        WIMName          = $WPFMISWimNameTextBox.text
        WIMPath          = $WPFMISWimFolderTextBox.text
        MountPath        = $WPFMISMountTextBox.text
        DotNetEnabled    = $WPFMISDotNetCheckBox.IsChecked
        OneDriveEnabled  = $WPFMISOneDriveCheckBox.IsChecked
        LPsEnabled       = $WPFCustomCBLangPacks.IsChecked
        LXPsEnabled      = $WPFCustomCBLEP.IsChecked
        FODsEnabled      = $WPFCustomCBFOD.IsChecked
        LPListBox        = $WPFCustomLBLangPacks.items
        LXPListBox       = $WPFCustomLBLEP.Items
        FODListBox       = $WPFCustomLBFOD.Items


    Update-Log -data "Saving configuration file $filename" -Class Information
    try {
        $CurrentConfig | Export-Clixml -Path $PSScriptRoot\Configs\$filename -ErrorAction Stop
        update-log -data "file saved" -Class Information
    catch {
        Update-Log -data "Couldn't save file" -Class Error 

#Function to import configurations from file
function load-config($filename) {
    update-log -data "Importing config from $filename" -Class Information
    try {
        $settings = Import-Clixml -Path $filename -ErrorAction Stop
        update-log -data "Config file read..." -Class Information
        $WPFSourceWIMSelectWIMTextBox.text = $settings.SourcePath
        $WPFSourceWimIndexTextBox.text = $settings.SourceIndex
        $WPFSourceWIMImgDesTextBox.text = $settings.SourceEdition
        $WPFUpdatesEnableCheckBox.IsChecked = $settings.UpdatesEnabled
        $WPFJSONEnableCheckBox.IsChecked = $settings.AutopilotEnabled
        $WPFJSONTextBox.text = $settings.AutopilotPath 
        $WPFDriverCheckBox.IsChecked = $settings.DriversEnabled
        $WPFDriverDir1TextBox.text = $settings.DriverPath1
        $WPFDriverDir2TextBox.text = $settings.DriverPath2
        $WPFDriverDir3TextBox.text = $settings.DriverPath3
        $WPFDriverDir4TextBox.text = $settings.DriverPath4
        $WPFDriverDir5TextBox.text = $settings.DriverPath5
        $WPFAppxCheckBox.IsChecked = $settings.AppxIsEnabled
        $WPFAppxTextBox.text = $settings.AppxSelected -split " "
        $WPFMISWimNameTextBox.text = $settings.WIMName
        $WPFMISWimFolderTextBox.text = $settings.WIMPath
        $WPFMISMountTextBox.text = $settings.MountPath
        $global:SelectedAppx = $settings.AppxSelected -split " "
        $WPFMISDotNetCheckBox.IsChecked = $settings.DotNetEnabled
        $WPFMISOneDriveCheckBox.IsChecked = $settings.OneDriveEnabled
        $WPFCustomCBLangPacks.IsChecked = $settings.LPsEnabled
        $WPFCustomCBLEP.IsChecked = $settings.LXPsEnabled  
        $WPFCustomCBFOD.IsChecked = $settings.FODsEnabled
        $LEPs =  $settings.LPListBox
        $LXPs =  $settings.LXPListBox
        $FODs =  $settings.FODListBox

        update-log -data "Configration set" -class Information

        update-log -data "Populating list boxes..." -class Information
        foreach ($LEP in $LEPs){$WPFCustomLBLangPacks.Items.Add($LEP) | out-null}
        foreach ($LXP in $LXPs){$WPFCustomLBLEP.Items.Add($LXP) | out-null}
        foreach ($FOD in $FODs){$WPFCustomLBFOD.Items.Add($FOD) | out-null}

        import-wiminfo -IndexNumber $WPFSourceWimIndexTextBox.text

        if ($WPFJSONEnableCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) {
            Parse-JSON -file $WPFJSONTextBox.text 

        Update-Log -data "Config file loaded successfully" -Class Information

    { update-log -data "Could not import from $filename" -Class Error }


#Function to select configuration file
Function select-config {
    $SourceXML = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property @{ 
        InitialDirectory = "$PSScriptRoot\Configs"
        Filter           = 'XML (*.XML)|'
    $null = $SourceXML.ShowDialog()
    $WPFSLLoadTextBox.text = $SourceXML.FileName
    load-config -filename $WPFSLLoadTextBox.text

#Function to reset reminder values from check boxes on the MIS tab when loading a config
function reset-MISCheckBox {
    update-log -data "Refreshing MIS Values..." -class Information

    If ($WPFJSONEnableCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) {
        $WPFJSONButton.IsEnabled = $True
        $WPFMISJSONTextBox.Text = "True"
    If ($WPFDriverCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) {
        $WPFDriverDir1Button.IsEnabled = $True
        $WPFDriverDir2Button.IsEnabled = $True
        $WPFDriverDir3Button.IsEnabled = $True
        $WPFDriverDir4Button.IsEnabled = $True
        $WPFDriverDir5Button.IsEnabled = $True
        $WPFMISDriverTextBox.Text = "True"
    If ($WPFUpdatesEnableCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) {
        $WPFMISUpdatesTextBox.Text = "True"
    If ($WPFAppxCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) {
        $WPFAppxButton.IsEnabled = $True
        $WPFMISAppxTextBox.Text = "True"

#Function to run WIM Witch from a config file
function run-configfile($filename) {
    Update-Log -Data "Loading the config file: $filename" -Class Information
    load-config -filename $filename 
    Update-Log -Data "Starting auto mode with the config file $filename" -Class Information
    MakeItSo -appx $global:SelectedAppx 

#Function to display text on closing of the script or wpf window
function display-closingtext {
    #Before you start bitching about write-host, write-output doesn't work with the exiting function. Suggestions are welcome.
    Write-Host " " 
    Write-Host "##########################################################"
    Write-Host " "
    Write-Host "Thank you for using WIM Witch. If you have any questions,"
    Write-Host "comments, or suggestions, please reach out to me!"
    Write-Host " "
    Write-Host "-Donna Ryan" 
    Write-Host " "
    Write-Host "twitter: @TheNotoriousDRR"
    Write-Host "www.SCConfigMgr.com"
    Write-Host "www.TheNotoriousDRR.com"
    Write-Host " "
    Write-Host "##########################################################"

#Function to display opening text
function display-openingtext {
    Write-Output "##########################################################"
    Write-Output " "
    Write-Output " ***** Starting WIM Witch *****"
    Write-Output " version $WWScriptVer"
    Write-Output " "
    Write-Output "##########################################################"
    Write-Output " "

#Function to check suitability of the proposed mount point folder
function check-mountpath {
        [parameter(mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "mount path")] 

        [parameter(mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "clear out the crapola")] 

    $IsMountPoint = $null
    $HasFiles = $null
    $currentmounts = get-windowsimage -Mounted

    foreach ($currentmount in $currentmounts) {
        if ($currentmount.path -eq $path) { $IsMountPoint = $true } 
    if ($IsMountPoint -eq $null) {
        if ( (Get-ChildItem $path | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) {
            $HasFiles = $true

    if ($HasFiles -eq $true) {
        Update-Log -Data "Folder is not empty" -Class Warning
        if ($clean -eq $true) {
            try {
                Update-Log -Data "Cleaning folder..." -Class Warning
                Remove-Item -Path $path\* -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Stop
                Update-Log -Data "$path cleared" -Class Warning
            catch {
                Update-Log -Data "Couldn't delete contents of $path" -Class Error
                Update-Log -Data "Select a different folder to continue." -Class Error

    if ($IsMountPoint -eq $true) {
        Update-Log -Data "$path is currently a mount point" -Class Warning
        if (($IsMountPoint -eq $true) -and ($clean -eq $true)) {
            try {
                Update-Log -Data "Attempting to dismount image from mount point" -Class Warning
                Dismount-WindowsImage -Path $path -Discard | Out-Null -ErrorAction Stop
                $IsMountPoint = $null
                Update-Log -Data "Dismounting was successful" -Class Warning
            catch {
                Update-Log -Data "Couldn't completely dismount the folder. Ensure" -Class Error
                update-log -data "all connections to the path are closed, then try again" -Class Error
    if (($IsMountPoint -eq $null) -and ($HasFiles -eq $null)) { Update-Log -Data "$path is suitable for mounting" -Class Information }

#Function to check the name of the target file and remediate if necessary
function check-name {
        [parameter(mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "what to do")] 
        [ValidateSet("stop", "append", "backup", "overwrite")] 
        $conflict = "stop"

    If ($WPFMISWimNameTextBox.Text -like "*.wim") {
        #update-log -Data "New WIM name is valid" -Class Information

    If ($WPFMISWimNameTextBox.Text -notlike "*.wim") {

        $WPFMISWimNameTextBox.Text = $WPFMISWimNameTextBox.Text + ".wim"
        update-log -Data "Appending new file name with an extension" -Class Information

    $WIMpath = $WPFMISWimFolderTextBox.text + "\" + $WPFMISWimNameTextBox.Text
    $FileCheck = Test-Path -Path $WIMpath


    if ($FileCheck -eq $false) { update-log -data "Target WIM file name not in use. Continuing..." -class Information }
    else {
        if ($conflict -eq "append") {
            $renamestatus = (replace-name -file $WIMpath -extension ".wim")
            if ($renamestatus -eq "stop") { return "stop" }
        if ($conflict -eq "overwrite") {
            Write-Host "overwrite action"
        if ($conflict -eq "stop") {
            $string = $WPFMISWimNameTextBox.Text + " already exists. Rename the target WIM and try again"
            update-log -Data $string -Class Warning
            return "stop"
    update-log -Data "New WIM name is valid" -Class Information

#Function to rename existing target wim file if the target WIM name already exists
function replace-name($file, $extension) {
    $text = "Renaming existing " + $extension + " file..."
    Update-Log -Data $text -Class Warning
    $filename = (Split-Path -leaf $file)
    $dateinfo = (get-item -Path $file).LastWriteTime -replace (" ", "_") -replace ("/", "_") -replace (":", "_")
    $filename = $filename -replace ($extension, "")
    $filename = $filename + $dateinfo + $extension
    try {
        rename-Item -Path $file -NewName $filename -ErrorAction Stop
        $text = $file + " has been renamed to " + $filename
        Update-Log -Data $text -Class Warning    
    catch {
        Update-Log -data "Couldn't rename file. Stopping..." -force -Class Error
        return "stop"

#Function to see if the folder WIM Witch was started in is an installation folder. If not, prompt for installation
function check-install {

    function select-installfolder {
        $installselect = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog
        $installselect.Description = "Select the installation folder"
        $null = $installselect.ShowDialog()

        if ($installselect.SelectedPath -eq "") {
            write-output "User Cancelled or invalid entry"
            exit 0

        return $installselect.SelectedPath

    function install-wimwitch {
        Write-Output "Would you like to install WIM Witch here?"
        $yesno = Read-Host -Prompt "(Y/N)"
        Write-Output $yesno
        if (($yesno -ne "Y") -and ($yesno -ne "N")) {
            Write-Output "Invalid entry, try again."

        if (($yesno -eq "y") -and ($PSScriptRoot -notlike "*WindowsPowerShell\Scripts*")){
            foreach ($subfolder in $subfolders) {
                New-Item -Path $subfolder -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
                Write-Output "Created folder: $subfolder"
        if (($yesno -eq "y") -and ($PSScriptRoot -like "*WindowsPowerShell\Scripts*")){
            Write-Output " "
            write-output "You cannot install WIM Witch in the script repository folder."
            Write-Output "Also, you probably shouldn't install this in My Downloads, or My Desktop"
            write-output "Please select another folder"
            $yesno = "n"

        if ($yesno -eq "n") {
            Write-Output "Select an installation folder"
            $installpath = select-installfolder
            if ($installpath -like "*WindowsPowerShell\Scripts*"){
                Write-Output "You cannot install WIM Witch in the script repository folder"
                Write-Output "Exiting installer. Please try again"
                exit 0

            Write-Output "Installing WIM Witch in: $installpath"
            Copy-Item -Path $MyInvocation.ScriptName -Destination $installpath -Force
            Write-Output "WIM Witch script copied to installation path"
            Set-Location -Path $installpath
            foreach ($subfolder in $subfolders) {

                if ((Test-Path -Path "$subfolder") -eq $true) { Write-Host "$subfolder exists" }
                if ((Test-Path -Path "$subfolder") -eq $false) {
                    New-Item -Path $subfolder -ItemType Directory | out-null
                    Write-Output "Created folder: $subfolder"
            Write-Output "============================================="
            Write-Output "WIM Witch has been installed to $installpath"
            Write-Output "Start WIM witch from that folder to continue."
            Write-Output " "
            Write-Output "Exiting..."

    $subfolders = @(
    if ((Get-WmiObject win32_operatingsystem).version -like '10.0.*') { Write-Output "WIM Witch is running on a supported OS" }
    else {
        Write-Output "Current OS not supported"
        Write-Output "Please run WIM Witch on Windows 10 / Server 2016+"
        exit 0
    $count = $null
    set-location -path $PSScriptRoot
    Write-Output "WIM Witch starting in $PSScriptRoot"
    Write-Output "Checking for installation status"
    foreach ($subfolder in $subfolders) {
        if ((Test-Path -Path .\$subfolder) -eq $true) { $count = $count + 1 }

    if ($count -eq $null) {
        Write-Output "WIM Witch does not appear to be installed in this location."
    if ($count -ne $null) {
        Write-Output "WIM Witch is installed"
        Write-Output "Remediating for missing folders if they exist"
        foreach ($subfolder in $subfolders) {

            if ((Test-Path -Path "$subfolder") -eq $false) {
                New-Item -Path $subfolder -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
                Write-Output "Created folder: $subfolder"
        write-output "Preflight complete. Starting WIM Witch"

#Function to import WIM and .Net binaries from an iso file
function import-iso($file, $type, $newname) {

    function set-version($wimversion) {
        if ($wimversion -like '10.0.16299.*') { $version = "1709" }
        if ($wimversion -like '10.0.17134.*') { $version = "1803" }
        if ($wimversion -like '10.0.17763.*') { $version = "1809" }
        if ($wimversion -like '10.0.18362.*') { $version = "1903" }
        if ($wimversion -like '10.0.14393.*') { $version = "1607" }
        return $version
    #Check to see if destination WIM already exists
    if (($type -eq "all") -or ($type -eq "wim")) {
        update-log -data "Checking to see if the destination WIM file exists..." -Class Information    
        #check to see if the new name for the imported WIM is valid
        if (($WPFImportNewNameTextBox.Text -eq "") -or ($WPFImportNewNameTextBox.Text -eq "Name for the imported WIM")) {
            update-log -Data "Enter a valid file name for the imported WIM and then try again" -Class Error
        If ($newname -notlike "*.wim") {
            $newname = $newname + ".wim"
            update-log -Data "Appending new file name with an extension" -Class Information
        if ((Test-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot\Imports\WIM\$newname) -eq $true) {
            Update-Log -Data "Destination WIM name already exists. Provide a new name and try again." -Class Error
        else {
            update-log -Data "Name appears to be good. Continuing..." -Class Information

    Update-Log -Data "Mounting ISO..." -Class Information
    $isomount = Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath $file -NoDriveLetter -PassThru
    $iso = $isomount.devicepath
    $windowsver = Get-WindowsImage -ImagePath $iso\sources\install.wim -Index 1
    $version = set-version -wimversion $windowsver.version
    if ($version -eq 1903){
        $Vardate = (Get-Date -Year 2019 -Month 10 -Day 01)
        if ($windowsver.CreatedTime -gt $vardate){$version = 1909}


    #Copy out WIM file
    if (($type -eq "all") -or ($type -eq "wim")) {
        #Copy out the WIM file from the selected ISO
        try {
            update-log -data "Purging staging folder..." -Class Information
            Remove-Item -Path $PSScriptRoot\staging\*.* -Force
            update-log -data "Purge complete." -Class Information
            Update-Log -Data "Copying WIM file to the staging folder..." -Class Information    
            Copy-Item -Path $iso\sources\install.wim -Destination $PSScriptRoot\staging -Force -ErrorAction Stop -PassThru
        catch {
            Update-Log -data "Couldn't copy from the source" -Class Error
        #Change file attribute to normal
        Update-Log -Data "Setting file attribute of install.wim to Normal" -Class Information
        $attrib = Get-Item $PSScriptRoot\staging\install.wim
        $attrib.Attributes = 'Normal'
        #Rename install.wim to the new name
        try {
            $text = "Renaming install.wim to " + $newname
            Update-Log -Data $text -Class Information
            Rename-Item -Path $PSScriptRoot\Staging\install.wim -NewName $newname -ErrorAction Stop
        catch {
            Update-Log -data "Couldn't rename the copied file. Most likely a weird permissions issues." -Class Error
        #Move the imported WIM to the imports folder
        try {
            Update-Log -data "Moving $newname to imports folder..." -Class Information
            Move-Item -Path $PSScriptRoot\Staging\$newname -Destination $PSScriptRoot\Imports\WIM -ErrorAction Stop
        catch {
            Update-Log -Data "Couldn't move the new WIM to the staging folder." -Class Error


    #Copy DotNet binaries
    if (($type -eq "all") -or ($type -eq "Dotnet")) {
        if ((Test-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot\Imports\DotNet\$version) -eq $false) {
            try {
                Update-Log -Data "Creating folders..." -Class Warning
                New-Item -Path $PSScriptRoot\Imports\DotNet\ -Name $version -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction stop | Out-Null 
            catch {
                Update-Log -Data "Couldn't creating new folder in DotNet imports folder" -Class Error

        try {
            Update-Log -Data "Copying .Net binaries..." -Class Information
            Copy-Item -Path $iso\sources\sxs\*netfx3* -Destination $PSScriptRoot\Imports\DotNet\$version -Force -ErrorAction Stop
        catch {
            Update-Log -Data "Couldn't copy the .Net binaries" -Class Error

    try {
        Update-Log -Data "Dismount!" -Class Information
        Dismount-DiskImage -ImagePath $file -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
    catch {
        Update-Log -Data "Couldn't dismount the ISO. WIM Witch uses a file mount option that does not" -Class Error
        Update-Log -Data "provision a drive letter. Use the Dismount-DiskImage command to manaully dismount." -Class Error
    update-log -data "Importing complete" -class Information

#function to select ISO for import
function select-iso {

    $SourceISO = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property @{ 
        InitialDirectory = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Desktop') 
        Filter           = 'ISO (*.iso)|'
    $null = $SourceISO.ShowDialog()
    $WPFImportISOTextBox.text = $SourceISO.FileName

    if ($SourceISO.FileName -notlike "*.iso") {
        update-log -Data "An ISO file not selected. Please select a valid file to continue." -Class Warning
    $text = $WPFImportISOTextBox.text + " selected as the ISO to import from"
    Update-Log -Data $text -class Information

#function to inject the .Net 3.5 binaries from the import folder
function inject-dotnet {

    If ($WPFSourceWimVerTextBox.text -like "10.0.17763.*") { $buildnum = 1809 }
    If ($WPFSourceWimVerTextBox.text -like "10.0.17134.*") { $buildnum = 1803 }
    If ($WPFSourceWimVerTextBox.text -like "10.0.16299.*") { $buildnum = 1709 }
    if ($WPFSourceWimVerTextBox.text -like "10.0.14393.*") { $buildnum = 1607 }

    If ($WPFSourceWimVerTextBox.text -like "10.0.18362.*") { 
        $mountdir = $WPFMISMountTextBox.Text
        reg LOAD HKLM\OFFLINE $mountdir\Windows\System32\Config\SOFTWARE | out-null #Fount it
        $regvalues = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\OFFLINE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\" )
        $buildnum = $regvalues.ReleaseId
        reg UNLOAD HKLM\OFFLINE | out-null}#Found it

    $DotNetFiles = $PSScriptRoot + '\imports\DotNet\' + $buildnum

    try {
        $text = "Injecting .Net 3.5 binaries from " + $DotNetFiles
        Update-Log -Data $text -Class Information
        Add-WindowsPackage -PackagePath $DotNetFiles -Path $WPFMISMountTextBox.Text -ErrorAction Continue | Out-Null
    catch {
        Update-Log -Data "Couldn't inject .Net Binaries" -Class Warning
    Update-Log -Data ".Net 3.5 injection complete" -Class Information

#function to see if the .Net binaries for the select Win10 version exist
function check-dotnetexists {

    If ($WPFSourceWimVerTextBox.text -like "10.0.18362.*") { $buildnum = 1903 }
    If ($WPFSourceWimVerTextBox.text -like "10.0.17763.*") { $buildnum = 1809 }
    If ($WPFSourceWimVerTextBox.text -like "10.0.17134.*") { $buildnum = 1803 }
    If ($WPFSourceWimVerTextBox.text -like "10.0.16299.*") { $buildnum = 1709 }
    If ($WPFSourceWimVerTextBox.text -like "10.0.14393.*") { $buildnum = 1607 }
    $windowsver = (get-windowsimage -ImagePath $WPFSourceWIMSelectWIMTextBox.text -index 1)
        if ($buildnum -eq 1903){
            $Vardate = (Get-Date -Year 2019 -Month 10 -Day 01)
             #$Vardate is an arbitrary date that is before the 1909 creation date and after the
             #last 1903 release. It's hokey, but it works. - <3 Donna
            if ($windowsver.CreatedTime -gt $Vardate){$buildnum = 1909}

     $DotNetFiles = $PSScriptRoot + '\imports\DotNet\' + $buildnum + '\'

    Test-Path -Path $DotNetFiles\* 
    if ((Test-Path -Path $DotNetFiles\*) -eq $false) {
        $text = ".Net 3.5 Binaries are not present for " + $buildnum
        update-log -Data $text -Class Warning
        update-log -data "Import .Net from an ISO or disable injection to continue" -Class Warning
        return $false

#Function to check installed version of WIM Witch and update if available
Function Check-WIMWitchVer{

    function upgrade-wimwitch {
        Write-Output "Would you like to upgrade WIM Witch?"
        $yesno = Read-Host -Prompt "(Y/N)"
        Write-Output $yesno
        if (($yesno -ne "Y") -and ($yesno -ne "N")) {
            Write-Output "Invalid entry, try again."

        if ($yesno -eq "y") {
                Save-Script -Name "WIMWitch" -Path $PSScriptRoot -Force -ErrorAction Stop
                Write-Output "New version has been applied. WIM Witch will now exit."
                Write-Output "Please restart WIM Witch"
                Write-Output "Couldn't upgrade. Try again when teh tubes are clear"
        if ($yesno -eq "n") {
            Write-Output "You'll want to upgrade at some point."
            Update-Log -Data "Upgrade to new version was declined" -Class Warning
            Update-Log -Data "Continuing to start WIM Witch..." -Class Warning
Update-Log -Data "The currently installed version of WIM Witch is $WWScriptVer" -Class Information
Update-Log -data "Checking for updates from PowerShell Gallery..." -Class Information

    $WWCurrentVer = (Find-Script -Name "WIMWitch" -ErrorAction Stop).version 
    Update-Log -Data "The latest version from the Gallery is $WWCurrentVer" -Class Information
    Update-Log -Data "Couldn't retreive script info from the PowerShell Gallery" -Class Warning
    Update-Log -data "Try rebooting the internet and trying again" -Class Warning
    Update-Log -data "Continuing on with loading WIM Witch..." -Class Warning

If (($WWCurrentVer -gt $WWScriptVer) -and ($auto -eq $false)){upgrade-wimwitch}
if (($WWCurrentVer -gt $WWScriptVer) -and ($auto -eq $true)){update-log -data "Skipping WIM Witch upgrade because she is in auto-mode. Please launch WIM Witch in GUI mode to update." -class warning} 
If ($WWCurrentVer -eq $WWScriptVer){Update-Log -data "WIM Witch is up to date. Starting WIM Witch" -Class Information}
If ($WWCurrentVer -lt $WWScriptVer){
    Update-Log -Data "The local copy of WIM Witch is more current that the most current" -class Warning
    Update-Log -Data "version available. Did you violate the Temporal Prime Directive?" -class Warning
    Update-Log -data "Starting WIM Witch anyway..." -class warning



#Function to backup WIM Witch script file during upgrade
function Backup-WIMWitch{
Update-log -data "Backing up existing WIM Witch script..." -Class Information

$scriptname = split-path $MyInvocation.PSCommandPath -Leaf #Find local script name
Update-Log -data "The script to be backed up is: " -Class Information
Update-Log -data $MyInvocation.PSCommandPath -Class Information

    Update-Log -data "Copy script to backup folder..." -Class Information
    Copy-Item -Path $scriptname -Destination $PSScriptRoot\backup -ErrorAction Stop
    Update-Log -Data "Successfully copied..." -Class Information
    Update-Log -data "Couldn't copy the WIM Witch script. My guess is a permissions issue" -Class Error
    Update-Log -Data "Exiting out of an over abundance of caution" -Class Error

try {
    Update-Log -data "Renaming archived script..." -Class Information
    replace-name -file $PSScriptRoot\backup\$scriptname -extension ".ps1"
    Update-Log -data "Backup successfully renamed for archiving" -class Information
catch {

    Update-Log -Data "Backed-up script couldn't be renamed. This isn't a critical error" -Class Warning
    Update-Log -Data "You may want to change it's name so it doesn't get overwritten." -Class Warning
    Update-Log -Data "Continuing with WIM Witch upgrade..." -Class Warning

#Function to download current OneDrive client
#Most of this was stolen from David Segura @SeguraOSD
function download-onedrive{
    update-log -Data "Downloading latest OneDrive agent installer..." -class Information
    $DownloadUrl = 'https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=248256'
    $DownloadPath = "$PSScriptRoot\updates\OneDrive"
    $DownloadFile = 'OneDriveSetup.exe'

    if (!(Test-Path "$DownloadPath")) {New-Item -Path $DownloadPath -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null}
    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $DownloadUrl -OutFile "$DownloadPath\$DownloadFile"
    if (Test-Path "$DownloadPath\$DownloadFile") {
        Update-Log -Data 'OneDrive Download Complete' -Class Information
        } else {
        Update-log -Data 'OneDrive could not be downloaded' -Class Error

#function to copy new OneDrive client installer to mount path
function copy-onedrive{
    update-log -Data "Setting ACL on the original OneDriveSetup.exe file" -Class Information
    $mountpath = $WPFMISMountTextBox.text
    $user = $env:USERNAME
    $Acl = Get-Acl "$mountpath\Windows\SysWOW64\OneDriveSetup.exe"
    $AclBAK = Get-Acl "$mountpath\Windows\SysWOW64\OneDriveSetup.exe"
    $Ar = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($user, "FullControl", "Allow")
    Set-Acl "$mountpath\Windows\SysWOW64\OneDriveSetup.exe" $Acl -ErrorAction Stop |out-null
    update-log -Data "ACL successfully updated. Continuing..."
    Update-Log -data "Couldn't set the ACL on the original file" -Class Error
    Update-Log -data "Copying updated OneDrive agent installer..." -Class Information
    copy-item "$PSScriptRoot\updates\OneDrive\OneDriveSetup.exe" -Destination "$mountpath\Windows\SysWOW64" -Force -ErrorAction Stop
    Update-Log -Data "OneDrive installer successfully copied." -Class Information
    Update-Log -data "Couldn't copy the OneDrive installer file." -class Error

    update-log -data "Restoring original ACL to OneDrive installer." -Class Information
    Set-Acl "$mountpath\Windows\SysWOW64\OneDriveSetup.exe" $AclBAK -ErrorAction Stop |out-null
    update-log -data "Restoration complete" -Class Information
    Update-Log "Couldn't restore original ACLs. Continuing." -Class Error

#Function to call the next three functions. This determines WinOS and WinVer and calls the function
function select-LPFODCriteria($Type){

    if ($WPFSourceWIMImgDesTextBox.text -like '*10*'){$WinOS = "Windows 10"}
            {$WinOS = "Windows Server"}

    If ($WPFSourceWimVerTextBox.text -like "10.0.17763.*") { $WinVer = "1809" }

    If ($WPFSourceWimVerTextBox.text -like "10.0.18362.*") {
        if ((get-windowsimage -ImagePath $WPFSourceWIMSelectWIMTextBox.text -Index 1).CreatedTime -gt (Get-Date -Year 2019 -Month 09 -Day 02)){$WinVer = "1909"}
           $WinVer = "1909"}

    if ($type -eq "LP"){
        if ((test-path -Path $PSScriptRoot\imports\Lang\$WinOS\$Winver\LanguagePacks) -eq $false){
            update-log -Data "Source not found. Please import some language packs and try again" -Class Error
        select-LanguagePacks -winver $Winver -WinOS $WinOS

    If ($type -eq "LXP"){
         if ((test-path -Path $PSScriptRoot\imports\Lang\$WinOS\$Winver\localexperiencepack) -eq $false){
            update-log -Data "Source not found. Please import some Local Experience Packs and try again" -Class Error
        select-localexperiencepack -winver $Winver -WinOS $WinOS}

    if ($type -eq "FOD"){
        if ((test-path -Path $PSScriptRoot\imports\FODs\$WinOS\$Winver\) -eq $false){
            update-log -Data "Source not found. Please import some Demanding Features and try again" -Class Error
    select-FODs -winver $Winver -WinOS $WinOS}

#Function to select langauge packs for injection
function select-LanguagePacks($winver,$WinOS){
    $LPSourceFolder = $PSScriptRoot + '\imports\lang\' + $WinOS + '\' + $winver + '\'+ 'LanguagePacks' + '\' 
   # write-host $LPSourceFolder
    $items = (Get-ChildItem -path $LPSourceFolder | Select-Object -Property Name | Out-GridView -title "Select Language Packs" -PassThru)
    foreach ($item in $items){$WPFCustomLBLangPacks.Items.Add($item.name)}

#Function to select LXP packs for injection
function select-localexperiencepack($winver,$WinOS){
    $LPSourceFolder = $PSScriptRoot + '\imports\lang\' + $WinOS + '\' + $winver + '\'+ 'localexperiencepack' + '\' 
   # write-host $LPSourceFolder
    $items = (Get-ChildItem -path $LPSourceFolder | Select-Object -Property Name | Out-GridView -title "Select Local Experience Packs" -PassThru)
    foreach ($item in $items){$WPFCustomLBLEP.Items.Add($item.name)}

#Function to select FODs for injection
function select-FODs($winver,$WinOS){
    $Win10_1909_FODs = @("Accessibility.Braille~~~~",
    $Win10_1903_FODs = @("Accessibility.Braille~~~~",
    $Win10_1809_FODs = @("Accessibility.Braille~~~~",

    If ($WinOS -eq "Windows 10"){
        If ($Winver -eq "1909"){$items = ($Win10_1909_FODs | Out-GridView -title "Select Features On Demand" -PassThru) }
        If ($Winver -eq "1903"){$items = ($Win10_1903_FODs | Out-GridView -title "Select Features On Demand" -PassThru) }
        If ($Winver -eq "1809"){$items = ($Win10_1809_FODs | Out-GridView -title "Select Features On Demand" -PassThru) }

    foreach ($item in $items){$WPFCustomLBFOD.Items.Add($item)}
#Function to apply the selected Langauge Packs to the mounted WIM
function apply-LanguagePacks{
    Update-Log -data "Applying Language Packs..." -Class Information
    if ($WPFSourceWIMImgDesTextBox.text -like '*10*'){$WinOS = "Windows 10"}
            {$WinOS = "Windows Server"}
    If ($WPFSourceWimVerTextBox.text -like "10.0.18362.*") { $WinVer = "1909" }
    If ($WPFSourceWimVerTextBox.text -like "10.0.17763.*") { $WinVer = "1809" }
    $mountdir = $WPFMISMountTextBox.text

$LPSourceFolder = $PSScriptRoot + '\imports\Lang\' + $WinOS + '\' + $winver + '\LanguagePacks\'
$items = $WPFCustomLBLangPacks.items

foreach ($item in $items){
    $source = $LPSourceFolder + $item
  # write-host $source
    $text = 'Applying ' + $item
    Update-Log -Data $text -Class Information
    Add-WindowsPackage -PackagePath $source -Path $mountdir | out-null
    Update-Log -Data "Injection Successful" -Class Information
Update-Log -Data "Language Pack injections complete" -Class Information

#Function to apply selected LXPs to the mounted WIM
function apply-localexperiencepack{
     Update-Log -data "Applying Local Experience Packs..." -Class Information
    if ($WPFSourceWIMImgDesTextBox.text -like '*10*'){$WinOS = "Windows 10"}
            {$WinOS = "Windows Server"}
    If ($WPFSourceWimVerTextBox.text -like "10.0.18362.*") { $WinVer = "1909" }
    If ($WPFSourceWimVerTextBox.text -like "10.0.17763.*") { $WinVer = "1809" }
    $mountdir = $WPFMISMountTextBox.text

$LPSourceFolder = $PSScriptRoot + '\imports\Lang\' + $WinOS + '\' + $winver + '\localexperiencepack\'
$items = $WPFCustomLBLEP.items

foreach ($item in $items){
    $source = $LPSourceFolder + $item
    $license = get-item -Path $source\*.xml
    $file = get-item -Path $source\*.appx
    $text = 'Applying ' + $item
    Update-Log -Data $text -Class Information
    Add-ProvisionedAppxPackage -PackagePath $file -LicensePath $license -Path $mountdir | out-null
    Update-Log -Data "Injection Successful" -Class Information
Update-Log -Data "Local Experience Pack injections complete" -Class Information

#Function to apply selected FODs to the mounted WIM
function apply-FODs{
    Update-Log -data "Applying Features On Demand..." -Class Information
    if ($WPFSourceWIMImgDesTextBox.text -like '*10*'){$WinOS = "Windows 10"}
            {$WinOS = "Windows Server"}
    If ($WPFSourceWimVerTextBox.text -like "10.0.18362.*") { $WinVer = "1909" }
    If ($WPFSourceWimVerTextBox.text -like "10.0.17763.*") { $WinVer = "1809" }
    $mountdir = $WPFMISMountTextBox.text

$FODsource = $PSScriptRoot + '\imports\FODs\' + $winOS + '\' + $Winver + '\'
$items = $WPFCustomLBFOD.items

foreach ($item in $items){
    $text = "Applying " + $item
    update-log -Data $text -Class Information
    Add-WindowsCapability -Path $mountdir -Name $item -Source $FODsource | out-null
    Update-Log -Data "Injection Successful" -Class Information
Update-Log -Data "Feature on Demand injections complete" -Class Information

#Function to import the selected LP's in to the Imports folder
Function import-LanguagePacks($Winver,$LPSourceFolder,$WinOS){
update-log -Data "Importing Language Packs..." -Class Information

if ((test-path -Path $PSScriptRoot\imports\Lang\$WinOS\$winver\LanguagePacks) -eq $False){
    Update-Log -Data "Destination folder does not exist. Creating..." -Class Warning
    $path = $PSScriptRoot + '\imports\Lang\' + $WinOS + '\' + $winver +'\LanguagePacks'
    $text = 'Creating folder ' + $path
    update-log -data $text -Class Information
    New-Item -Path $PSScriptRoot\imports\Lang\$WinOS\$winver -Name LanguagePacks -ItemType Directory
    update-log -Data "Folder created successfully" -Class Information

$items = $WPFImportOtherLBList.items
foreach ($item in $items){
    $source = $LPSourceFolder + $item
    $text = 'Importing ' + $item
    update-log -Data $text -Class Information
    Copy-Item $source -destination $PSScriptRoot\imports\Lang\$WinOS\$Winver\LanguagePacks -Force}
update-log -Data "Importation Complete" -Class Information

#Function to import the selected LXP's into the imports forlder
Function import-LocalExperiencePack($Winver,$LPSourceFolder,$WinOS){

update-log -Data "Importing Local Experience Packs..." -Class Information

if ((test-path -Path $PSScriptRoot\imports\Lang\$WinOS\$winver\localexperiencepack) -eq $False){
    Update-Log -Data "Destination folder does not exist. Creating..." -Class Warning
    $path = $PSScriptRoot + '\imports\Lang\' + $WinOS + '\' + $winver +'\localexperiencepack'
    $text = 'Creating folder ' + $path
    update-log -data $text -Class Information
    New-Item -Path $PSScriptRoot\imports\Lang\$WinOS\$winver -Name localexperiencepack -ItemType Directory
    update-log -Data "Folder created successfully" -Class Information

$items = $WPFImportOtherLBList.items
foreach ($item in $items){
    $name = $item
    $source = $LPSourceFolder + $name
    $text = 'Creating destination folder for ' + $item
    update-log -Data $text -Class Information

    if ((test-path -Path $PSScriptRoot\imports\lang\$WinOS\$winver\localexperiencepack\$name) -eq $False){New-Item -Path $PSScriptRoot\imports\lang\$WinOS\$winver\localexperiencepack -Name $name -ItemType Directory}
        {$text = 'The folder for ' + $item + ' already exists. Skipping creation...'
        Update-Log -Data $text -Class Warning}

    Update-Log -Data "Copying source to destination folders..." -Class Information   
    get-childitem -path $source | Copy-Item -destination $PSScriptRoot\imports\Lang\$WinOS\$Winver\LocalExperiencePack\$name -Force}
Update-log -Data "Importation complete" -Class Information

#Function to import the contents of the selected FODs into the imports forlder
Function import-FOD($Winver,$LPSourceFolder,$WinOS){

$path = $WPFImportOtherTBPath.text
$text = 'Starting importation of Feature On Demand binaries from ' + $path
update-log -Data $text -Class Information

$langpacks = Get-ChildItem -path $LPSourceFolder 

if ((test-path -Path $PSScriptRoot\imports\FODs\$WinOS\$Winver) -eq $False){
    Update-Log -Data "Destination folder does not exist. Creating..." -Class Warning
    $path = $PSScriptRoot + '\imports\FODs\' + $WinOS + '\' + $winver
    $text = 'Creating folder ' + $path
    update-log -data $text -Class Information
    New-Item -Path $PSScriptRoot\imports\fods\$WinOS -Name $winver -ItemType Directory
    update-log -Data "Folder created successfully" -Class Information

foreach ($langpack in $langpacks){
    $source = $LPSourceFolder + $langpack.name
    Copy-Item $source -destination $PSScriptRoot\imports\FODs\$WinOS\$Winver\ -Force
    $name = $langpack.name
    $text = 'Copying ' + $name
    Update-Log -Data $text -Class Information

Update-Log -Data "Importing metadata subfolder..." -Class Information
get-childitem -path ($LPSourceFolder + '\metadata\') | Copy-Item -destination $PSScriptRoot\imports\FODs\$WinOS\$Winver\metadata -force
update-log -data "Feature On Demand imporation complete."

#Function to update winver cobmo box
function update-importverCB{
    if ($WPFImportOtherCBWinOS.SelectedItem -eq "Windows Server"){Foreach ($WinSrvVer in $WinSrvVer){$WPFImportOtherCBWinVer.Items.Add($WinSrvVer)}}
    if ($WPFImportOtherCBWinOS.SelectedItem -eq "Windows 10"){Foreach ($Win10Ver in $Win10ver){$WPFImportOtherCBWinVer.Items.Add($Win10Ver)}}

#function to select other object import source path
function select-importotherpath{
    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
    $browser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog
    $browser.Description = "Source folder"
    $null = $browser.ShowDialog()
    $ImportPath = $browser.SelectedPath + '\'
    $WPFImportOtherTBPath.text = $ImportPath


#function to allow user to pause MAke it so process
function pause-makeitso{
$MISPause = ([System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show("Click Yes to continue the image build. Click No to cancel and discard the wim file.",'WIM Witch Paused','YesNo','Warning'))
    if ($MISPause -eq "Yes"){return "Yes"}
    if ($MISPause -eq "No"){ return "No"}

#function to run a powershell script with supplied paramenters
function run-script($file,$parameter){
    $string = "$file $parameter"
    update-log -Data "Running script" -Class Information
    Invoke-Expression -command $string -ErrorAction Stop
    update-log -data "Script complete" -Class Information
    update-log -Data "Script failed" -Class Error

# Run commands to set values of files and variables, etc.

#calls fuction to display the opening text blurb
#Set the path and name for logging
$Log = "$PSScriptRoot\logging\WIMWitch.log"

Set-Logging #Clears out old logs from previous builds and checks for other folders

#The OSD Update functions. Disable the following four to increase start time. check-superced takes the longest - FYI
Check-WIMWitchVer #Checks installed version of WIM Witch and updates if selected
Get-OSDBInstallation #Sets OSDUpate version info
Get-OSDBCurrentVer #Discovers current version of OSDUpdate
compare-OSDBuilderVer #determines if an update of OSDUpdate can be applied

get-osdsusinstallation #Sets OSDSUS version info
Get-OSDSUSCurrentVer #Discovers current version of OSDSUS
compare-OSDSUSVer #determines if an update of OSDSUS can be applied

#Function download-patches($build,$OS)

if ($DownloadUpdates -eq $true) {

    If (($UpdatePoShModules -eq $true) -and ($WPFUpdatesOSDBOutOfDateTextBlock.Visibility -eq "Visible")) { 

    if ($Server2016 -eq $true){
        check-superceded -action delete -OS "Windows Server 2016" -Build 1607
        download-patches -OS "Windows Server 2016" -build 1607}
    if ($Server2019 -eq $true){
        check-superceded -action delete -OS "Windows Server 2019" -Build 1809
        download-patches -OS "Windows Server 2019" -build 1809}

    if ($Win10Version -ne "none"){
        if (($Win10Version -eq "1709") -or ($Win10Version -eq "all")){
            check-superceded -action delete -OS "Windows 10" -Build 1709
            download-patches -OS "Windows 10" -build 1709}
        if (($Win10Version -eq "1803") -or ($Win10Version -eq "all")){
            check-superceded -action delete -OS "Windows 10" -Build 1803
            download-patches -OS "Windows 10" -build 1803}
        if (($Win10Version -eq "1809") -or ($Win10Version -eq "all")){
            check-superceded -action delete -OS "Windows 10" -Build 1809
            download-patches -OS "Windows 10" -build 1809}
        if (($Win10Version -eq "1903") -or ($Win10Version -eq "all")){
            check-superceded -action delete -OS "Windows 10" -Build 1903
            download-patches -OS "Windows 10" -build 1903}
        if (($Win10Version -eq "1909") -or ($Win10Version -eq "all")){
            check-superceded -action delete -OS "Windows 10" -Build 1909
            download-patches -OS "Windows 10" -build 1909}


# Set default values for certain variables

#Set the value of the JSON field in Make It So tab
$WPFMISJSONTextBox.Text = "False"

#Set the value of the Driver field in the Make It So tab
$WPFMISDriverTextBox.Text = "False"

#Set the value of the Updates field in the Make It So tab
$WPFMISUpdatesTextBox.Text = "False"

$WPFMISAppxTextBox.Text = "False"

#$WPFAppTab.IsEnabled = $False

# Section for Combo box functions

#Set the combo box values of the other import tab

$ObjectTypes = @("Language Pack","Local Experience Pack","Feature On Demand")
$WinOS = @("Windows Server","Windows 10")
$WinSrvVer = @("2019")
$Win10Ver = @("1809","1903","1909")
Foreach ($ObjectType in $ObjectTypes){$WPFImportOtherCBType.Items.Add($ObjectType) | out-null}
Foreach ($WinOS in $WinOS){$WPFImportOtherCBWinOS.Items.Add($WinOS) | out-null}  

#Run Script Timing combox box
$RunScriptActions = @("After image mount","Before image dismount","On build completion")
Foreach ($RunScriptAction in $RunScriptActions){$WPFCustomCBScriptTiming.Items.add($RunScriptAction) | out-null}

# Section for Buttons to call functions

#Mount Dir Button
$WPFMISMountSelectButton.Add_Click( { SelectMountdir }) 

#Source WIM File Button
$WPFSourceWIMSelectButton.Add_Click( { SelectSourceWIM }) 

#JSON File selection Button
$WPFJSONButton.Add_Click( { SelectJSONFile }) 

#Target Folder selection Button
$WPFMISFolderButton.Add_Click( { SelectTargetDir }) 

#Driver Directory Buttons
$WPFDriverDir1Button.Add_Click( { SelectDriverSource -DriverTextBoxNumber $WPFDriverDir1TextBox }) 
$WPFDriverDir2Button.Add_Click( { SelectDriverSource -DriverTextBoxNumber $WPFDriverDir2TextBox }) 
$WPFDriverDir3Button.Add_Click( { SelectDriverSource -DriverTextBoxNumber $WPFDriverDir3TextBox }) 
$WPFDriverDir4Button.Add_Click( { SelectDriverSource -DriverTextBoxNumber $WPFDriverDir4TextBox }) 
$WPFDriverDir5Button.Add_Click( { SelectDriverSource -DriverTextBoxNumber $WPFDriverDir5TextBox }) 

#Make it So Button, which builds the WIM file
$WPFMISMakeItSoButton.Add_Click( { MakeItSo -appx $global:SelectedAppx }) 

#Update OSDBuilder Button
$WPFUpdateOSDBUpdateButton.Add_Click( {

#Update patch source
$WPFUpdatesDownloadNewButton.Add_Click( { update-patchsource })

#Logging window
#$WPFLoggingTextBox.text = Get-Content -Path $Log -Delimiter "\n"

#Select Appx packages to remove
$WPFAppxButton.Add_Click( { $global:SelectedAppx = Select-Appx })

#Select Autopilot path to save button
$WPFJSONButtonSavePath.Add_Click( { SelectNewJSONDir })

#retrieve autopilot profile from intune
$WPFJSONButtonRetrieve.Add_click( { get-wwautopilotprofile -login $WPFJSONTextBoxAADID.Text -path $WPFJSONTextBoxSavePath.Text })

#Button to save configuration file
$WPFSLSaveButton.Add_click( { save-config -filename $WPFSLSaveFileName.text })

#Button to load configuration file
$WPFSLLoadButton.Add_click( { select-config })

#Button to select ISO for importation
$WPFImportImportSelectButton.Add_click( { select-iso })

#Button to import content from iso
$WPFImportImportButton.Add_click( {
        if (($WPFImportDotNetCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) -and ($WPFImportWIMCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true)) { import-iso -type all -file $WPFImportISOTextBox.text -newname $WPFImportNewNameTextBox.text }
        if (($WPFImportDotNetCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) -and ($WPFImportWIMCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $false)) { import-iso -type DotNet -file $WPFImportISOTextBox.text }
        if (($WPFImportDotNetCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $false) -and ($WPFImportWIMCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true)) { import-iso -type wim -file $WPFImportISOTextBox.text -newname $WPFImportNewNameTextBox.text }

#Combo Box dynamic change for Winver combo box

#Button to select the import path in the other components
        if ($WPFImportOtherCBType.SelectedItem -ne "Feature On Demand"){$items = (Get-ChildItem -path $WPFImportOtherTBPath.text | Select-Object -Property Name | Out-GridView -title "Select Objects" -PassThru)}
        if ($WPFImportOtherCBType.SelectedItem -eq "Feature On Demand"){$items = (get-Childitem -path $WPFImportOtherTBPath.text)}    
        $count = 0
        $path = $WPFImportOtherTBPath.text
        foreach ($item in $items){
            $count = $count + 1

        if ($wpfImportOtherCBType.SelectedItem -eq "Language Pack"){update-log -data "$count Language Packs selected from $path" -Class Information}
        if ($wpfImportOtherCBType.SelectedItem -eq "Local Experience Pack"){update-log -data "$count Local Experience Packs selected from $path" -Class Information}
        if ($wpfImportOtherCBType.SelectedItem -eq "Feature On Demand"){update-log -data "Features On Demand source selected from $path" -Class Information}


#Button to import Other Components content
     if ($WPFImportOtherCBType.SelectedItem -eq "Language Pack"){import-LanguagePacks -Winver $WPFImportOtherCBWinVer.SelectedItem -WinOS $WPFImportOtherCBWinOS.SelectedItem -LPSourceFolder $WPFImportOtherTBPath.text}
     if ($WPFImportOtherCBType.SelectedItem -eq "Local Experience Pack"){import-LocalExperiencePack -Winver $WPFImportOtherCBWinVer.SelectedItem -WinOS $WPFImportOtherCBWinOS.SelectedItem -LPSourceFolder $WPFImportOtherTBPath.text}
     if ($WPFImportOtherCBType.SelectedItem -eq "Feature On Demand"){import-FOD -Winver $WPFImportOtherCBWinVer.SelectedItem -WinOS $WPFImportOtherCBWinOS.SelectedItem -LPSourceFolder $WPFImportOtherTBPath.text}})

#Button Select LP's for importation
$WPFCustomBLangPacksSelect.add_click({select-LPFODCriteria -type "LP"})

#Button to select FODs for importation
$WPFCustomBFODSelect.add_click({select-LPFODCriteria -type "FOD"})

#Button to select LXPs for importation
$WPFCustomBLEPSelect.add_click({select-LPFODCriteria -type "LXP" })

#Button to select PS1 script
    $Script = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property @{ 
    InitialDirectory = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Desktop') 
    Filter           = 'PS1 (*.ps1)|'
    $null = $Script.ShowDialog()
    $WPFCustomTBFile.text = $Script.FileName }) 

# Section for Checkboxes to call functions

#Enable JSON Selection
$WPFJSONEnableCheckBox.Add_Click( {
        If ($WPFJSONEnableCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) {
            $WPFJSONButton.IsEnabled = $True
            $WPFMISJSONTextBox.Text = "True"
        else {
            $WPFJSONButton.IsEnabled = $False
            $WPFMISJSONTextBox.Text = "False"
#Enable Driver Selection
$WPFDriverCheckBox.Add_Click( {
        If ($WPFDriverCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) {
            $WPFDriverDir1Button.IsEnabled = $True
            $WPFDriverDir2Button.IsEnabled = $True
            $WPFDriverDir3Button.IsEnabled = $True
            $WPFDriverDir4Button.IsEnabled = $True
            $WPFDriverDir5Button.IsEnabled = $True
            $WPFMISDriverTextBox.Text = "True"
        else {
            $WPFDriverDir1Button.IsEnabled = $False
            $WPFDriverDir2Button.IsEnabled = $False
            $WPFDriverDir3Button.IsEnabled = $False
            $WPFDriverDir4Button.IsEnabled = $False
            $WPFDriverDir5Button.IsEnabled = $False
            $WPFMISDriverTextBox.Text = "False"

#Enable Updates Selection
$WPFUpdatesEnableCheckBox.Add_Click( {
        If ($WPFUpdatesEnableCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) {
             $WPFMISUpdatesTextBox.Text = "True"
        else {
            $WPFMISUpdatesTextBox.Text = "False"

#Enable AppX Selection
$WPFAppxCheckBox.Add_Click( {
        If ($WPFAppxCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) {
            $WPFAppxButton.IsEnabled = $True
            $WPFMISAppxTextBox.Text = "True"
        else {
            $WPFAppxButton.IsEnabled = $False

#Enable install.wim selection in import
$WPFImportWIMCheckBox.Add_Click( {
        If ($WPFImportWIMCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) {
            $WPFImportNewNameTextBox.IsEnabled = $True
            $WPFImportImportButton.IsEnabled = $True
        else {
            $WPFImportNewNameTextBox.IsEnabled = $False
            if ($WPFImportDotNetCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $False) { $WPFImportImportButton.IsEnabled = $False }

#Enable .Net binaries selection in import
$WPFImportDotNetCheckBox.Add_Click( {
        If ($WPFImportDotNetCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) {
            $WPFImportImportButton.IsEnabled = $True
        else {
            if ($WPFImportWIMCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $False) { $WPFImportImportButton.IsEnabled = $False }

#Enable Win10 version selection
$WPFUpdatesW10Main.Add_Click( {
        If ($WPFUpdatesW10Main.IsChecked -eq $true) {
            $WPFUpdatesW10_1909.IsEnabled = $True
            $WPFUpdatesW10_1903.IsEnabled = $True
            $WPFUpdatesW10_1809.IsEnabled = $True
            $WPFUpdatesW10_1803.IsEnabled = $True
            $WPFUpdatesW10_1709.IsEnabled = $True
        else {
            $WPFUpdatesW10_1909.IsEnabled = $False
            $WPFUpdatesW10_1903.IsEnabled = $False
            $WPFUpdatesW10_1809.IsEnabled = $False
            $WPFUpdatesW10_1803.IsEnabled = $False
            $WPFUpdatesW10_1709.IsEnabled = $False

#Enable LP Selection
    If ($WPFCustomCBLangPacks.IsChecked -eq $true){$WPFCustomBLangPacksSelect.IsEnabled = $True}
        {$WPFCustomBLangPacksSelect.IsEnabled = $False}

#ENable Language Experience Pack selection
    If ($WPFCustomCBLEP.IsChecked -eq $true){$WPFCustomBLEPSelect.IsEnabled = $True}
        {$WPFCustomBLEPSelect.IsEnabled = $False}

#Enable Feature On Demand selection
    If ($WPFCustomCBFOD.IsChecked -eq $true){$WPFCustomBFODSelect.IsEnabled = $True}
        {$WPFCustomBFODSelect.IsEnabled = $False}
#Enable Run Script settings
    If ($WPFCustomCBRunScript.IsChecked -eq $true){
        $WPFCustomTBFile.IsEnabled = $True
        $WPFCustomBSelectPath.IsEnabled = $True
        $WPFCustomTBParameters.IsEnabled = $True
        $WPFCustomCBScriptTiming.IsEnabled = $True 
        {$WPFCustomTBFile.IsEnabled = $False
        $WPFCustomBSelectPath.IsEnabled = $False
        $WPFCustomTBParameters.IsEnabled = $False
        $WPFCustomCBScriptTiming.IsEnabled = $False}  })

#Run WIM Witch below

#Runs WIM Witch from a single file, bypassing the GUI
if (($auto -eq $true) -and ($autofile -ne "")) { 
    run-configfile -filename $autofile
    exit 0

if (($auto -eq $true) -and ($autopath -ne "")) {
    Update-Log -data "Running batch job from config folder $autopath" -Class Information
    $files = Get-ChildItem -Path $autopath
    Update-Log -data "Setting batch job for the folling configs:" -Class Information
    foreach ($file in $files) { Update-Log -Data $file -Class Information }
    foreach ($file in $files) {
        $fullpath = $autopath + '\' + $file
        run-configfile -filename $fullpath
    Update-Log -Data "Work complete" -Class Information
    exit 0

#Closing action for the WPF form
Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $form -EventName Closed -Action ( { display-closingtext }) | Out-Null

#Start GUI
update-log -data "Starting WIM Witch GUI" -class Information
$Form.ShowDialog() | out-null #This starts the GUI