
A Expander control

Outputs a Expander control, along with control(s) contained in it. If more than one control is in $Contents, a stackpanel is inserted (because Expanders only have one child)

The control(s) contained in the Expander

Additional properties to be set on the Expander.

The name of the Expander control. The name will be used as a property name in the output of the Dialog function.

dialog {
    Expander {
        TextBlock "This is a textblock`r`nThis is the second line"

General notes

function Expander {
          [hashtable]$Property = @{},
    $baseProperties = @{
    if ($name) {
        $baseProperties.Name = $name
    $Expander=New-WPFControl -type System.Windows.Controls.Expander -Properties $baseProperties,$property

    $c = & $Contents
    if($c -is [System.Windows.UIElement]){
    } else {
        $Expander.Content =StackPanel {$c}
    $Expander | add-member -Name Window -MemberType ScriptProperty -Value {[System.Windows.Window]::GetWindow($this)}
    $Expander | add-member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name GetControlByName -Value $function:GetControlByName
    $Expander | add-member -Name GetControlValue -MemberType ScriptMethod -Value {$d = @{}
        $this.Content | ForEach-Object {if ($_| get-member GetControlValue) {
                $d.Add($this.Name, $_.GetControlValue())
        if ($d.Count -eq 1) {
            $d.Values| Select-Object -first 1
        else {
        $Expander  | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name HideLabel -Value $True -PassThru