
A Slider control

A Slider control

The name of the control

.PARAMETER InitialValue
The Value to set the slider to

.PARAMETER MinimumValue
The max value of the slider

.PARAMETER MaximumValue
The max value of the slider

.PARAMETER property
Properties to extend/override the base properties defined in the function

Dialog {
    Slider Rating -Min 0 -Max 10 -Initial 5

General notes

function Slider {
    [Int]$MinimumValue = 0,
    [Int]$MaximumValue =100,
    [hashtable]$property = @{})
    $baseProperties = @{
        Name = $name
        Minimum = $MinimumValue

    $o=New-WPFControl -type System.Windows.Controls.Slider -Properties $baseProperties,$property
    $o | add-member -Name Window -MemberType ScriptProperty -Value {[System.Windows.Window]::GetWindow($this)}
    $o | add-member -Name GetControlValue -MemberType ScriptMethod -Value {$this.Value} -PassThru