
Creates a WPFBot3000 cmdlet for a control that can contain a list of items

Creates a WPFBot3000 cmdlet for a control that can contain a list of items

The name of the cmdlet to be created

The type name of the control to be "wrapped"

.PARAMETER initialValuePropertyName
The name of the property to use to set the initial value of the control

Whether the control shows a label or not

Register-WPFDSLItemsControl -Name Lst -Typename System.Windows.Controls.ListBox -initialValuePropertyName SelectedItem
$file=dialog {
    $files=get-childitem c:\temp -file | Select-object -first 10
    Lst Files -Content $files -InitialValue $files[2]


function Register-WPFDSLitemsControl {

    $newWPFControl = Get-Command New-WPFControl
    New-Item -Path "function:global:$Name" -force -Value {
        Param($Name, [Array]$Contents, $InitialValue , $Property = @{})
        $baseProperties = @{}
        if ($name) {
            $baseProperties.Name = $Name

        $o = & $newWPFControl -Type $typename -properties $baseProperties, $Property

        $o.ItemsSource = $contents
        $o.$InitialValuePropertyName = $InitialValue
        $o | add-member -name ValuePropertyName -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $initialValuePropertyName
        if ($HideLabel) {
            $o | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name HideLabel -Value $True
        $o | add-member -Name GetControlValue -MemberType ScriptMethod -Value {
        } -PassThru
    }.GetNewClosure() | out-null