
A combobox control
Outputs a combobox control with a given set of contents and optionally a selected value.
The name of the control. This will be the name of a property of the output of the Dialog function.
.PARAMETER contents
A list of items to fill the combobox.
.PARAMETER initialValue
The item from $Contents that is initially selected.
.PARAMETER property
Properties to extend/override the base properties defined in the function
dialog {
    Combobox Guess -contents 'a','b','c' -initialvalue 'b'
# A Dialog box with combobox having 3 choices, the second is selected.
General notes

function ComboBox {
          [hashtable]$property = @{})
    $baseProperties = @{
        Name = $name
    $l=New-WPFControl -type System.Windows.Controls.Combobox -Properties $baseProperties,$property

    if ($initialValue) {
        $l.SelectedItem = $initialValue

    $contents | ForEach-Object {$l.Items.Add($_) | out-null }
    $l | add-member -Name Window -MemberType ScriptProperty -Value {[System.Windows.Window]::GetWindow($this)}
    $l | add-member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name GetControlValue -Value {$this.SelectedItem} -PassThru