
A grid panel, which displays its contents in rows and columns
A grid panel, which displays its contents in rows and columns
A scriptblock that outputs controls that you want in the grid
Properties to extend/override the base properties defined in the function
The name of the grid control. This name will be a property in the output of the dialog function
.PARAMETER ColumnCount
The number of columns in the grid. The number of rows is determined by the number of controls in $Contents.
Dialog {
      Grid -columnCount 3 {
        1..12 | ForEach-Object { label -name "Blah$_" -Text "Blah$_"}
      } -Property @{ShowGridlines=$true}
General notes

function Grid {
            [hashtable]$Property = @{},
                  [int]$ColumnCount = 1)
    $baseProperties = @{VerticalAlignment = 'Stretch'; HorizontalAlignment = 'Stretch'}
    if ($name) {
        $baseProperties.Name = $name
    $properties = Merge-HashTable $baseProperties $property
    $Grid = new-object Grid -Property $properties

    1..$ColumnCount |  ForEach-Object { $grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add((new-object ColumnDefinition -property @{}))}

    [System.Windows.UIElement[]]$c = & $Contents
    $objectCount = 0
    $c | foreach-object {
        $row = [Math]::Truncate($objectCount / $columnCount)
        $col = $objectCount % $columnCount
        if ($col -eq 0) {
            $grid.RowDefinitions.Add( (new-object RowDefinition -Property @{}))
        #fix width or height of column or row with a gridsplitter in it
        if ($_ -is [System.Windows.Controls.GridSplitter]) {
            if($_.Width -eq 5){
                $grid.ColumnDefinitions[$col].Width = 5
            } else {
        $Grid.Children.Add($_) | out-null
        [Grid]::SetColumn( $_, $col)
        [Grid]::SetRow($_, $row)
        $objectCount += 1
    $Grid | add-member -Name Window -MemberType ScriptProperty -Value {[System.Windows.Window]::GetWindow($this)}
    $Grid | add-member -Name GetControlValue -MemberType ScriptMethod -Value {$d = @{}
        $this.Children | ForEach-Object {if ($_| get-member GetControlValue) {
                $d.Add($_.Name, $_.GetControlValue())
        if ($d.Count -eq 1) {
            $d.Values| Select-Object -first 1
        } else {
    $grid | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name HideLabel -Value $True -PassThru