
.GUID 7be1d062-2b59-4390-a985-580ae1e6085a
.AUTHOR Mohamed El-Qassas
.COPYRIGHT This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
.TAGS SharePoint,WSP,Bulk,Install,Rollback,Backup,Log,Version

 WSP Deployer is a PowerShell script that would help you to deploy WSP SharePoint Solutions with backup, rollback,logging, and versioning features in a safe and simple way.
 For more details about "WSP Deployer" features and how it works, Please check

#Author: Mohamed El-Qassas
#About Author:
#Script Name: Backup,Rollback, and install all WSP Solutions on your SharePoint Farm
#Check the details at:
#Have a Question: Ask it at
#Add Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
Set-ExecutionPolicy "Unrestricted"
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue #Stop
function WSP-Deployer()
    Write-Host "#####################################`n WSP SharePoint Deployer`n#####################################" -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host "Start deployment process................................." -ForegroundColor Cyan
    Write-Host "1) Checking the prerequiests" -ForegroundColor yellow
    #check the TimerService status
    $TimerService = Get-Service -Name "SPTimerV4"
    if($TimerService.Status -eq 'Running')
       Write-Host ">> The SPTimerV4 is Running!" -ForegroundColor Green
      #Validate and verify
      if(!(Test-path $WSPPath))
        Write-Host "The provided path $WSPPath is not found!`n Please provide a valid path Ex: C:\WSP" -ForegroundColor Red
           Write-Host ">> The provided path $WSPPath is found!" -ForegroundColor Green
      if($webApplication -ne "All")
        if((Get-SPWeb $webApplication -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null)
              Write-Host "The provided web application $webApplication is not found!`n Please, provide a valid SharePoint URL!" -ForegroundColor Red
           Write-Host ">> The provided SharePoint Wep application URL $webApplication is valid!" -ForegroundColor Green
           Write-Host ">> The deployment will be done on ALL web apllications" -ForegroundColor Green

     $WSPs = Get-ChildItem -Path $WSPPath  -Filter *.wsp
     if($WSPs.count -eq 0)
        Write-Host "There are no SharePoint WSP solutions in this folder: $WSPPath.`n Please, make sure that the WSP' files are stored in the provided path" -ForegroundColor Red
        # List the WSP solution in the folder
        $WSPCount = $WSPs.count
        Write-Host "The specified folder $WSPPath has WSP solutions files!" -ForegroundColor Green
        Write-Host "Total number of WSP solutions at $WSPPath is $WSPCount" -ForegroundColor cyan
        Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------"  -ForegroundColor Cyan
        $reply = $(write-host "Are you sure you need to install all wsp solutions at $WSPPath ?[y/n]" -ForegroundColor yellow -NoNewline; Read-Host)
        if ( $reply -match "[yY]" ) { 
            #perform a backup before deploying new release
            if($rollback -eq $False)
              Write-Host "Installing the backup script .........!" -ForegroundColor Green
              Install-Script -Name Backup-WSPSharePoint -force
            #Create a new Log folder with the current date and time
            $LogFolderPath = "c:\WSPInstall-Log"
              if(-not(Test-path $LogFolderPath))
                    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $LogFolderPath
            # create log file
            $LogFilePath = "$LogFolderPath\Log-$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm-ss-tt')).txt"
              if(-not(Test-path $LogFilePath -PathType Leaf))
                   New-Item -ItemType File -Path $LogFilePath
            # curren user name who run the script
            $userName = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name

            Write-Host "Install and deploy WSP solutions................................." -ForegroundColor Cyan
            $WSPs | Select-Object Name

            foreach ($WSP in $WSPs)
                $WPSName = $WSP.Name
                $WPSPath= $WSPPath + $WPSName
                $found = $False
                Write-Host " >> Deploy $WPSName" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    foreach ($solution in Get-SPSolution)
                        if($WPSName -eq $Solution.SolutionFile.Name)
                            $found = $True
                            if ($Solution.Deployed -eq $False)
                                if($webApplication -eq "All")
                                    Install-SPSolution �Identity $WPSName -AllWebApplications -GACDeployment -force
                                    Install-SPSolution �Identity $WPSName -WebApplication $webApplication -GACDeployment -force
                                $deployed = $False
                                while ($deployed -eq $False) {
                                    Start-Sleep -s 20
                                    $s = Get-SPSolution -Identity $WPSName
                                    if ($s.Deployed -eq $True -And $s.JobExists -eq $False) {
                                        $deployed = $True
                                        Write-Host $WPSName "is deployed successfully" -ForegroundColor Cyan
                                if($Overwrite -eq $False)
                                Write-Host "$WPSName is already deployed, no action needed!" -ForegroundColor Red
                                   $deployed = $False
                                    while ($deployed -eq $False) {
                                        Start-Sleep -s 10
                                        $s = Get-SPSolution -Identity $WPSName
                                        if ($s.Deployed -eq $True -And $s.JobExists -eq $False) {
                                            $deployed = $True

                                   if($webApplication -eq "All")
                                        Install-SPSolution �Identity $WPSName -AllWebApplications -GACDeployment -force
                                        Install-SPSolution �Identity $WPSName -WebApplication $webApplication -GACDeployment -force
                                    $deployed = $False
                                    while ($deployed -eq $False) {
                                        Start-Sleep -s 20
                                        $s = Get-SPSolution -Identity $WPSName
                                        if ($s.Deployed -eq $True -And $s.JobExists -eq $False) {
                                            $deployed = $True
                                            Write-Host "$WPSName is deployed successfully" -ForegroundColor Cyan

                if($found -eq $False)
                    Add-SPSolution -LiteralPath $WPSPath
                    if($webApplication -eq "All")
                        Install-SPSolution �Identity $WPSName -AllWebApplications -GACDeployment -force
                        Install-SPSolution �Identity $WPSName -WebApplication $webApplication -GACDeployment -force
                $deployed = $False
                while ($deployed -eq $False) {
                    Start-Sleep -s 20
                    $s = Get-SPSolution -Identity $WPSName
                    if ($s.Deployed -eq $True -And $s.JobExists -eq $False) {
                        $deployed = $True
                        Write-Host "$WPSName is deployed successfully" -ForegroundColor Cyan


                #Add to log
                Add-Content $LogFilePath "`n$WPSName`t | Deployed: $deployed`t | Deployed To: $webApplication`t | Done by: $userName`t | Deployment Time: $((Get-Date))"

         #Add to log
        Add-Content $LogFilePath "`n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
        Add-Content $LogFilePath "`nAll wsp solutions ($WSPCount) at $WSPPath have been deployed`t"
        #Open log
        Invoke-Item -Path $LogFilePath
        if($rollback -eq $true)
             Write-Host "The rollback operation is done successfuly, and all wsp solution at $WSPPath have been deployed"  -ForegroundColor Green
        else { Write-Host "All wsp solution at $WSPPath have been deployed"  -ForegroundColor Green}

        #Open Solution Management in Centeral Administration
        Start-Sleep -s 5
        Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------" 
        Write-Host "Current Deployed Solutions List on your farm:"  -ForegroundColor Cyan
        Get-SPSolution | Format-Table
        $CenteralAdministrationURL= [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPAdministrationWebApplication]::Local.Url

        # Check rollback
        $LastBackupPath = "C:\WSPSolutions-Backup\01-Latest-WSPBackup"
        if ($rollback -eq $false)
           $reply = $(write-host "Do you encounter any issues in the new release, `n Would like to roll back to the latest backup located at LastBackupPath? [y/n]" -ForegroundColor cyan -NoNewline; Read-Host)
           if ( $reply -match "[yY]" ) { 
             # Open the beackup folder
             Invoke-Item -Path $LastBackupPath
             $reply = $(write-host "Are you sure you need to rollback to the latest backup located at $LastBackupPath ? [y/n]" -ForegroundColor yellow -NoNewline; Read-Host)
             if ( $reply -match "[yY]" ) { 
                 $rollback = $true
                 Write-Host "Start rollback process from the last backup folder $LastBackupPath............"  -ForegroundColor Green
                 WSP-Deployer -WSPPath $LastBackupPath -webApplication $webApplication -Overwrite $True -rollback $true
      Write-Host "Opps, the SharePoint Timer Service is not Running,`nPlease start it first, then run the script again" -ForegroundColor Red
      Write-Host "Openeing the Services to start SPTimerV4........" -ForegroundColor cyan
      Start-Sleep -s 7
      Start-Process services.msc
        Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red

#EX: Install-AllSPwps -Path "C:\Backup-WSPSolutions\" -webApplication "http://epm" -Overwrite $True
#set webApplication to "All" to deploy the solution for all content web applications
#-Overwrite will redeploy the existing solutions