
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<!-- Generated with EZOut 1.8.2: Install-Module EZOut or https://github.com/StartAutomating/EZOut -->
    $wtProf = $_
    if ($wtProf.Guid) {
        $wtCoreProps = 'Name','CommandLine','GUID', 'Source'
        $wtProf |
            Select-Object $wtCoreProps |
            Format-Table -HideTableHeaders -AutoSize |
        $wtOther = $wtProf |
            Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty $wtCoreProps
        if (@($wtOther.psobject.properties).Length -ge 1) {
            $wtOther | Format-List | Out-String
    ) -join ''
    Adds style to a format output
    Adds style information to a format output, including:
    * ForegroundColor
    * BackgroundColor
    * Bold
    * Underline
    Stylized Output works in two contexts at present:
    * Rich consoles (Windows Terminal, PowerShell.exe, Pwsh.exe) (when $host.UI.SupportsVirtualTerminal)
    * Web pages (Based off the presence of a $Request variable, or when $host.UI.SupportsHTML (you must add this property to $host.UI))
    IsFormatPart: true
$canUseANSI = $host.UI.SupportsVirtualTerminal
$canUseHTML = $Request -or $host.UI.SupportsHTML
if (-not ($canUseANSI -or $canUseHTML)) { return }
$knownStreams = @{
$standardColors = 'Black', 'Red', 'Green', 'Yellow', 'Blue','Magenta', 'Cyan', 'White'
$brightColors = 'BrightBlack', 'BrightRed', 'BrightGreen', 'BrightYellow', 'BrightBlue','BrightMagenta', 'BrightCyan', 'BrightWhite'
$n =0
$cssClasses = @()
$styleAttributes =
    @(:nextColor foreach ($hc in $ForegroundColor,$BackgroundColor) {
        if (-not $hc) { continue }
        if ($hc[0] -eq [char]0x1b) {
            if ($canUseANSI) {
                $hc; continue
        $ansiStartPoint = if ($n -eq 1) { 30 } else { 40 }
        if ($knownStreams.ContainsKey($hc)) {
            $i = $brightColors.IndexOf($knownStreams[$hc])
            if ($canUseHTML) {
                $cssClasses += $hc
            } else {
                if ($i -ge 0 -and $canUseANSI) {
                    '' + [char]0x1b + "[1;$($ansiStartPoint + $i)m"
                } else {
                    $i = $standardColors.IndexOf($knownStreams[$hc])
                    if ($i -ge 0 -and $canUseANSI) {
                        '' + [char]0x1b + "[1;$($ansiStartPoint + $i)m"
                    } elseif ($i -le 0 -and $canUseANSI) {
                        '' + [char]0x1b + "[$($ansistartpoint + 8):5m"
            continue nextColor
        elseif ($standardColors -contains $hc) {
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $standardColors.Count;$i++) {
                if ($standardColors[$i] -eq $hc) {
                    if ($canUseANSI -and -not $canUseHTML) {
                        '' + [char]0x1b + "[$($ansiStartPoint + $i)m"
                    } else {
                        $cssClasses += $standardColors[$i]
                    continue nextColor
        } elseif ($brightColors -contains $hc) {
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $brightColors.Count;$i++) {
                if ($brightColors[$i] -eq $hc) {
                    if ($canUseANSI -and -not $canUseHTML) {
                        '' + [char]0x1b + "[1;$($ansiStartPoint + $i)m"
                    } else {
                        $cssClasses += $standardColors[$i]
                    continue nextColor
        if ($hc -and -not $hc.StartsWith('#')) {
                @(if ($hc.Contains('.')) {
                    $module, $setting = $hc -split '\.', 2
                    $theModule = Get-Module $module
                } else {
                    $setting = $hc
                    $moduleColorSetting = $theModule.PrivateData.PSColors.$setting
            foreach ($place in $placesToLook) {
                if (-not $place) { continue }
                foreach ($propName in $setting -split '\.') {
                    $place = $place.$propName
                    if (-not $place) { break }
                if ($place -and "$place".StartsWith('#') -and 4,7 -contains "$place".Length) {
                    $hc = $place
            if (-not $hc.StartsWith -or -not $hc.StartsWith('#')) {
        $r,$g,$b = if ($hc.Length -eq 7) {
            [int]::Parse($hc[1..2]-join'', 'HexNumber')
            [int]::Parse($hc[3..4]-join '', 'HexNumber')
            [int]::Parse($hc[5..6] -join'', 'HexNumber')
        }elseif ($hc.Length -eq 4) {
            [int]::Parse($hc[1], 'HexNumber') * 16
            [int]::Parse($hc[2], 'HexNumber') * 16
            [int]::Parse($hc[3], 'HexNumber') * 16
        if ($canUseHTML) {
            if ($n -eq 1) { "color:$hc" }
            elseif ($n -eq 2) { "background-color:$hc"}
        elseif ($canUseANSI) {
            if ($n -eq 1) { [char]0x1b+"[38;2;$r;$g;${b}m" }
            elseif ($n -eq 2) { [char]0x1b+"[48;2;$r;$g;${b}m" }
if ($Bold) {
    $styleAttributes +=
        if ($canUseHTML) {
        elseif ($canUseANSI)
            [char]0x1b + "[1m"
if ($Underline) {
    $styleAttributes +=
        if ($canUseHTML) {
        } elseif ($canUseANSI) {
            [char]0x1b + "[4m"
if ($Invert) {
    $styleAttributes +=
        if ($canUseHTML) {
        } elseif ($canUseANSI) {
            [char]0x1b + "[7m"
if ($canUseHTML) {
        if ($styleAttributes) { " style='$($styleAttributes -join ';')'"}
        if ($cssClasses) { " class='$($cssClasses -join ' ')'"}
} elseif ($canUseANSI) {
    $styleAttributes -join ''
    Clears the output style
    Clears ANSI output style or closes the most recent span element.
    ANSI stylization can be toggled off individually (for instance, to stop applying an -Underline but leave the color unchanged)
    IsFormatPart: true
# If set, will explicitly clear ANSI Bold
# If set, will explicitly clear ANSI Underline
# If set, will explicitly clear ANSI Invert
# If set, will explicitly clear ANSI Foreground Color
# If set, will explicitly clear ANSI Background Color
@(if ($request -or $host.UI.SupportsHTML) {
} elseif ($Host.UI.SupportsVirtualTerminal) {
    if ($Underline) {
        [char]0x1b + "[24m"
    if ($Bold) {
        [char]0x1b + "[21m"
    if ($Invert) {
        [char]0x1b + '[27m'
    if ($ForegroundColor) {
        [char]0x1b + '[39m'
    if ($BackgroundColor) {
        [char]0x1b + '[49m'
    if (-not ($Underline -or $Bold -or $Invert -or $ForegroundColor -or $BackgroundColor)) {
        [char]0x1b + '[0m'
}) -join ''</ScriptBlock>
                  <ScriptBlock> $host.UI.SupportsVirtualTerminal </ScriptBlock>
                <ScriptBlock>$moduleName = 'WTX'
do {
    $lm = Get-Module -Name $moduleName -ErrorAction Ignore
    if (-not $lm) { continue }
    if ($lm.FormatPartsLoaded) { break }
    $wholeScript = @(foreach ($formatFilePath in $lm.exportedFormatFiles) {
        foreach ($partNodeName in Select-Xml -LiteralPath $formatFilePath -XPath "/Configuration/Controls/Control/Name[starts-with(., '$')]") {
            $ParentNode = $partNodeName.Node.ParentNode
    }) -join [Environment]::NewLine
    New-Module -Name "${ModuleName}.format.ps1xml" -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create(($wholeScript + ';Export-ModuleMember -Variable *'))) |
        Import-Module -Global
    $onRemove = [ScriptBlock]::Create("Remove-Module '${ModuleName}.format.ps1xml'")
    if (-not $lm.OnRemove) {
        $lm.OnRemove = $onRemove
    } else {
        $lm.OnRemove = [ScriptBlock]::Create($onRemove.ToString() + '' + [Environment]::NewLine + $lm.OnRemove)
    $lm | Add-Member NoteProperty FormatPartsLoaded $true -Force
} while ($false)
$colorScheme = $_
$bufferWidth = $host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width
if ($bufferWidth -lt 110){
$colorScheme = $_
. $WTX_setOutputStyle -Foreground $colorScheme.foreground -Background $colorScheme.background
. $WTX_clearOutputStyle
) -join ''
    $bgColors = 'Background','Black','Red','Green', 'Yellow', 'Blue', 'Purple','Cyan','White'
    $bgColorWidth = $host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width / ($bgColors.Length + 1)
    $bigEnoughForColors =$host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width -ge 124
    $headerLine =
    @(for ($n =0; $n -lt $bgColors.Length; $n++) {
        $colWidth =
            if ($n -eq 0) {
            } elseif ($n -eq 1) {
            } else {
        $space = [Math]::Max(0, $colWidth - $bgColors[$n].Length)
        "$(' ' * [Math]::Ceiling($space /2))$($bgColors[$n])$(' ' * [Math]::Floor($space /2))|"
    }) -join ''
(. $WTX_setOutputStyle -Background $colorScheme.background -foreground $colorScheme.foreground) +
    "$('---' + $colorScheme.Name + ('-' * ($headerLine.Length - 4 - $colorScheme.Name.Length)) + '|')" +
    ( &amp; $WTX_clearOutputStyle)
#. $WTX_setOutputStyle -Foreground $colorScheme.Foreground -Background $colorScheme.Background
(. $WTX_setOutputStyle -Background $colorScheme.background -foreground $colorScheme.foreground) + $headerLine + ( &amp; $WTX_clearOutputStyle)
foreach ($fg in 'Foreground','BrightWhite','Black','BrightBlack',
    'Red', 'BrightRed','Green','BrightGreen','Yellow','BrightYellow',
    'Blue','BrightBlue','Purple','BrightPurple', 'Cyan', 'BrightCyan','White','BrightWhite') {
    $line = ''# . $WTX_setOutputStyle -Foreground $colorScheme.($fg)
    $line += @(
    $n = 0
    foreach ($bg in $bgColors) {
        $bgColor = $colorScheme.$bg
        &amp; $WTX_setOutputStyle -Background $colorScheme.$bg
        $t = if ($n -eq 0) {
            $colWidth = 14
        } elseif ($n -eq 1) {
            $colWidth = 9
        } else {
            if ($bigEnoughForColors) {
            } else {
            $colWidth = $bgColorWidth
        $space = [Math]::Max(0, $colWidth - $t.Length)
        if ($n -gt 0) {
            &amp; $WTX_setOutputStyle -Foreground $colorScheme.$fg -Background $bgColor
        } else {
            &amp; $WTX_setOutputStyle -Foreground $colorScheme.Foreground -Background $bgColor
        "$(' ' * [Math]::Floor($space /2))$t$(' ' * [Math]::Ceiling($space /2))"
        &amp; $WTX_setOutputStyle -Foreground $colorScheme.foreground -Background $colorScheme.background
        &amp; $WTX_clearOutputStyle
    ) -join ''
    $line.Trim() + ( &amp; $WTX_clearOutputStyle)
) -join [Environment]::NewLine
foreach ($fg in $colorScheme.psobject.properties) {
    if ($fg.Name -eq 'Name') { continue}
    . $WTX_setOutputStyle -Foreground $colorScheme.($fg.Name)
. $WTX_clearOutputStyle
) -join ''
                  <ScriptBlock> -not $Host.ui.SupportsVirtualTerminal </ScriptBlock>
    $_.Name + ([Environment]::NewLine * 2) + ($_ | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty Name | Format-List | Out-String)
            <Wrap />
                <ScriptBlock>$_.Source -split '\.' | Select-Object -Last 1 </ScriptBlock>