
. "$PSScriptRoot/../Private/Invoke-Process.ps1"
. "$PSScriptRoot/../Private/BcdEdit.ps1"
. "$PSScriptRoot/../Private/PlatformHelpers.ps1"

New-Variable -Name 'SafeModeWithWaykNow' -Value 'Safe Mode with Wayk Now' -Option Constant

function Set-WaykNowSafeMode

    if (!(Get-IsWindows)) {
        throw (New-Object UnsupportedPlatformException("Windows"))

    $tempDirectory = New-TemporaryDirectory
    $bcdEditTemporary = Copy-BcdEditToTempDirectory $tempDirectory
    $bcd_entries = Get-BcdEntries $bcdEditTemporary 
    $bcd_current = Get-BcdNameById '{current}' $bcd_entries
    $bcd_default = Get-BcdNameById '{default}' $bcd_entries
    $actualSafeBoot = Get-BcdSafeBootByName '{current}' $bcd_entries

    if ($null -ne $actualSafeBoot)
        throw "The Set-WaykNowSafeMode is not possible when the computer is in safe mode"

    if (([string]$bcd_default -eq $SafeModeWithWaykNow) -OR ([string]$bcd_current -eq $SafeModeWithWaykNow))
        throw "Safe Mode with Wayk Now is already set"

    # copy default boot entry
    if ($bcd_default) {
        $bcdedit_copy = $(Invoke-Process -FilePath "$bcdEditTemporary" -ArgumentList "/copy {default} /d `"${safeboot_name}`"")
    } else {
        $bcdedit_copy = $(Invoke-Process -FilePath "$bcdEditTemporary" -ArgumentList "/copy {current} /d `"${safeboot_name}`"")

    $guid_pattern = '{\w{8}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{12}}'
    $safeboot_id = $($bcdedit_copy | Select-String -AllMatches -Pattern $guid_pattern).Matches[0]

    # modify boot entry to "Safe Mode with Networking"
    & $bcdEditTemporary '/set' $safeboot_id 'safeboot' 'network' | Out-Null

    # make boot entry the new default
    & $bcdEditTemporary '/default' $safeboot_id | Out-Null

    # change the default boot timeout
    & $bcdEditTemporary '/timeout' '5' | Out-Null

    New-Item -Path $safeboot_reg -Name 'WaykNowService' -Value 'Service' -Force | Out-Null

    New-ItemProperty -Path "$safeboot_reg\WaykNowService" `
        -Name 'PrevBootName' -Value $bcd_default -PropertyType 'String' -Force | Out-Null
        New-ItemProperty -Path "$safeboot_reg\WaykNowService" `
        -Name 'SafeBootName' -Value $safeboot_name -PropertyType 'String' -Force | Out-Null

    Remove-Item -Path $tempDirectory -Force -Recurse

function Reset-WaykNowSafeMode

    if (!(Get-IsWindows)) {
        throw (New-Object UnsupportedPlatformException("Windows"))

    $tempDirectory = New-TemporaryDirectory
    $bcdEditTemporary = Copy-BcdEditToTempDirectory $tempDirectory

    $bcd_entries = Get-BcdEntries $bcdEditTemporary
    $bcd_current = Get-BcdNameById '{current}' $bcd_entries
    $bcd_default = Get-BcdNameById '{default}' $bcd_entries

    if(!(([string]$bcd_default -eq $SafeModeWithWaykNow) -OR ([string]$bcd_current -eq $SafeModeWithWaykNow)))
        throw "Safe Mode with Wayk Now is not set"
    $bcd_entries = Get-BcdEntries $bcdEditTemporary 
    $prevboot_name = $(Get-ItemProperty -Path "$safeboot_reg\WaykNowService" -Name 'PrevBootName').PrevBootName
    if ($prevboot_name) {
        $prevboot_id = Get-BcdIdByName $prevboot_name $bcd_entries
        & $bcdEditTemporary '/default' $prevboot_id | Out-Null

    $bcd_entries = Get-BcdEntries $bcdEditTemporary 
    $safeboot_name = $(Get-ItemProperty -Path "$safeboot_reg\WaykNowService" -Name 'SafeBootName').SafeBootName

    if ($safeboot_name) {
        $safeboot_id = Get-BcdIdByName $safeboot_name $bcd_entries
        & $bcdEditTemporary '/delete' $safeboot_id | Out-Null
    Remove-Item -Path "$safeboot_reg\WaykNowService" -Force -Recurse

    Remove-Item -Path $tempDirectory -Force -Recurse

Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-WaykNowSafeMode, Reset-WaykNowSafeMode