
Function Submit-Alert
            Submits alert to Windows Event Log or via SMTP.

            # INI Configuration.
            # Alert data.
            # Signifies terminating error.

    Write-Verbose -Message '[Submit-Alert] Processing alert.'

    $alertSplat = @{
                        'IniConfig' = $IniConfig
                        'AlertData' = $AlertData

    if ($TerminatingError -eq $true)

    if ($IniConfig.Alert.Method -imatch 'WinEvent')
        Write-EventAlert @alertSplat

    if ($IniConfig.Alert.Method -imatch 'Smtp')
        Send-SmtpAlert @alertSplat

} # End Function Submit-Alert

Function Write-EventAlert
            Writes alert to windows event log.

            # INI Configuration.
            # Alert Data.
            # Signifies terminating error.

    Write-Verbose -Message '[Write-EventAlert] Writing alert to Event Log.'

    $formattedAlertData = Get-FormattedAlertData -DataType $IniConfig.Alert.DataType `
                                                 -AlertData $AlertData

    $eventProperties = @{
                        'LogName'     = $IniConfig.WinEvent.Logname
                        'Source'      = $IniConfig.WinEvent.Source
                        'EntryType'   = $IniConfig.WinEvent.EntryType
                        'EventId'     = $IniConfig.WinEvent.FailedLoginsPerIPEventId
                        'ErrorAction' = 'Stop'
                        'Message'     = $formattedAlertData

    if ($AlertData.ContainsKey('TotalFailedLogins'))
        $eventProperties.EventId = $IniConfig.WinEvent.TotalFailedLoginsEventId

    if ($TerminatingError)
        $eventProperties.EntryType = 'Error'
        $eventProperties.EventId   = 200
        $eventProperties.Message   = Get-FormattedAlertData -DataType 'json' -AlertData $AlertData

    try {
            Write-EventLog @eventProperties

    } catch {

        $e = $_
        Write-Error -Message '[Error][Script][Alert] Event log write failed.'
        Write-Error -Message $('[Error][Script][Alert] Exception: {0}' -f $e.Exception.Message)

} # End Function Write-EventAlert

Function Send-SmtpAlert
            Sends alert via SMTP.

            # INI Configuration.
            # Alert Data.
            # Signifies terminating error

    Write-Verbose -Message '[Send-SmtpAlert] Sending alert via SMTP.'

    $formattedAlertData = Get-FormattedAlertData -DataType $IniConfig.Alert.DataType `
                                                 -AlertData $AlertData

    $emailSplat = @{
                        'To'          = $IniConfig.Smtp.To
                        'From'        = $IniConfig.Smtp.From
                        'Subject'     = $IniConfig.Smtp.Subject
                        'SmtpServer'  = $IniConfig.Smtp.Server
                        'Port'        = $IniConfig.Smtp.Port
                        'Body'        = $formattedAlertData
                        'UseSsl'      = $true
                        'ErrorAction' = 'Stop'

    if ($AlertData.ContainsKey('TotalFailedLogins'))
        $emailSplat.Subject = '[TotalFailedLogins] {0}' -f $IniConfig.Smtp.Subject

    if ($AlertData.ContainsKey('ClientIP'))
        $emailSplat.Subject = '[FailedLoginsPerIP][{0}] {1}' -f $AlertData.ClientIP,$IniConfig.Smtp.Subject

    if ($TerminatingError)
        $emailSplat.Subject = '[TerminatingError] {0}' -f $IniConfig.Smtp.Subject
        $emailSplat.Body = Get-FormattedAlertData -DataType 'json' -AlertData $AlertData

    if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($IniConfig.Smtp.CredentialXml) -eq $false)
        $emailSplat.Add('Credential', $(Import-Clixml -LiteralPath $IniConfig.Smtp.CredentialXml))

    try {
            Send-MailMessage @emailSplat

    } catch {

        $e = $_
        Write-Error -Message '[Error][Script][Alert] Smtp send failed.'
        Write-Error -Message $('[Error][Script][Alert] Exception: {0}' -f $e.Exception.Message)

} # End Function Send-SmtpAlert

Function Get-FormattedAlertData
            Formats the alert data into desired format.

            # Data type format.
            # Alert Data.

    Write-Verbose -Message "[Get-FormattedAlertData] formatting data as $($DataType.ToUpper())."

    switch ($DataType.ToUpper())
        'XML' {
                return [System.Management.Automation.PSSerializer]::Serialize($AlertData,2)

        'JSON' {
                return $($AlertData | ConvertTo-Json)

        default { # Text
                [string[]] $stringData = $AlertData.Keys | ForEach-Object{ "$($_) = $($AlertData[$($_)])" }
                return $($stringData -Join [System.Environment]::NewLine)

} # End Function Get-FormattedAlertData

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Submit-Alert'