
function Invoke-WhiskeyPester4Task
    Runs Pester tests using Pester 4.
    The `Invoke-Pester4Task` runs tests using Pester 4. You pass the path(s) to test to the `Path` parameter, which are passed directly to the `Invoke-Pester` function's `Script` parameter. Additional configuration information can be included in the `$TaskContext` such as:
    * `$TaskContext.Version`: The version of Pester 4 to use. Can be a version greater than 4.0. Must match a version on the Powershell Gallery. To find a list of all the versions of Pester available, install the Package Management module, then run `Find-Module -Name 'Pester' -AllVersions`. You usually want the latest version.
    If any tests fail (i.e. if the `FailedCount property on the result object returned by `Invoke-Pester` is greater than 0), this function will throw a terminating error.
    Invoke-WhiskeyPester4Task -TaskContext $context -TaskParameter $taskParameter
    Demonstrates how to run Pester tests against a set of test fixtures. In this case, The version of Pester in `$TaskContext.Version` will recursively run all tests under `TaskParameter.Path` and output an XML report with the results in the `$TaskContext.OutputDirectory` directory.

    [Whiskey.Task("Pester4",SupportsClean=$true, SupportsInitialize=$true)]
    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState
    if( $TaskParameter.ContainsKey('Version') )
        $version = $TaskParameter['Version'] | ConvertTo-WhiskeySemanticVersion
        if( -not $version )
            Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $TaskContext -message ('Property ''Version'' isn''t a valid version number. It must be a version number of the form MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.')

        if( $version.Major -ne 4)
            Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $TaskContext -Message ('Version property''s value ''{0}'' is invalid. It must start with ''4.'' (i.e. the major version number must always be ''4'')."' -f $version)
        $version = [version]('{0}.{1}.{2}' -f $version.Major,$version.Minor,$version.Patch)
        & {
                $VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
                Import-Module -Name 'PackageManagement'

        $latestPester = ( Find-Module -Name 'Pester' -AllVersions | Where-Object { $_.Version -like '4.*' } ) 
        if( -not $latestPester )
            Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $TaskContext -Message ('Unable to find a version of Pester 4 to install. This usually happens if the Find-Module function can''t communicate with the PowerShell Gallery or whatever PowerShell package repositories you have configured. Make sure you have a network connection and that you''ve got a package source installed that has Pester 4. The Register-PackageSource cmdlet installs new package sources.')
        $latestPester = $latestPester | Sort-Object -Property Version -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
        $version = $latestPester.Version 

    if( $TaskContext.ShouldClean() )
        Uninstall-WhiskeyTool -ModuleName 'Pester' -BuildRoot $TaskContext.BuildRoot -Version $version
    $pesterModulePath = Install-WhiskeyTool -DownloadRoot $TaskContext.BuildRoot -ModuleName 'Pester' -Version $version
    if( $TaskContext.ShouldInitialize() )

    if( -not ($TaskParameter.ContainsKey('Path')))
        Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $TaskContext -Message ('Element ''Path'' is mandatory. It should be one or more paths, which should be a list of Pester test scripts (e.g. Invoke-WhiskeyPester4Task.Tests.ps1) or directories that contain Pester test scripts, e.g.
        - Pester4:
            - My.Tests.ps1
            - Tests'

    $path = $TaskParameter['Path'] | Resolve-WhiskeyTaskPath -TaskContext $TaskContext -PropertyName 'Path'
    if( -not $pesterModulePath )
        Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $TaskContext -Message ('Failed to download or install Pester {0}, most likely because version {0} does not exist. Available version numbers can be found at' -f $version)

    $testIdx = 0
    $outputFileNameFormat = 'pester-{0:00}.xml'
    while( (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $TaskContext.OutputDirectory -ChildPath ($outputFileNameFormat -f $testIdx))) )

    $outputFile = Join-Path -Path $TaskContext.OutputDirectory -ChildPath ($outputFileNameFormat -f $testIdx)

    Write-Verbose -Message ('[Pester4] {0}' -f $pesterModulePath)
    Write-Verbose -Message ('[Pester4] Script {0}' -f ($Path | Select-Object -First 1))
    $Path | Select-Object -Skip 1 | ForEach-Object { Write-Verbose -Message ('[Pester4] {0}' -f $_) }
    Write-Verbose -Message ('[Pester4] OutputFile {0}' -f $outputFile)
    # We do this in the background so we can test this with Pester.
    $job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
        $script = $using:Path
        $pesterModulePath = $using:pesterModulePath
        $outputFile = $using:outputFile

        Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {
                                        $VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
                                        Import-Module -Name $pesterModulePath

        Invoke-Pester -Script $script -OutputFile $outputFile -OutputFormat NUnitXml -PassThru
        $job | Receive-Job
    while( -not ($job | Wait-Job -Timeout 1) )

    $job | Receive-Job

    Publish-WhiskeyPesterTestResult -Path $outputFile

    $result = [xml](Get-Content -Path $outputFile -Raw)

    if( -not $result )
        throw ('Unable to parse Pester output XML report ''{0}''.' -f $outputFile)

    if( $result.'test-results'.errors -ne '0' -or $result.'test-results'.failures -ne '0' )
        throw ('Pester tests failed.')