
function New-BMRelease
    Creates a new release for an application in BuildMaster.
    The `New-BMRelease` function creates a release for an application in BuildMaster. It uses the BuildMaster [Release and Package Deployment API](
    New-BMRelease -Session $session -Application 'BuildMasterAutomation' -Number '1.0' -Pipeline 'PowerShellModule'
    Demonstrates how to create a release using application/pipeline names. In this example, creates a `1.0` release for the `BuildMasterAutomation` application using the `PowerShellModule` pipeline.
    New-BMRelease -Session $session -Application 25 -Number '2.0' -Pipeline 3
    Demonstrates how to create a release using application/pipeline IDs. In this example, creates a `1.0` release for the application whose ID is `25` using the pipeline whose ID is `3`.
    New-BMRelease -Session $session -Application $app -Number '3.0' -Pipeline $pipeline
    Demonstrates how to create a release using application/pipeline objects. In this example, creates a `1.0` release for the application represented by the `$app` object (which must have either a `Application_Id` or `Application_Name` property that represent the ID and name of the application, respectively) using the pipeline represented by the `$pipeline` object (which must have either a `Pipeline_Id` or `Pipeline_Name` property that represent the ID and name of the pipeline, respectively).
    New-BMRelease -Session $session -Name 'BMA 1.0' -Application 'BuildMasterAutomation' -Number '1.0' -Pipeline 'PowerShellModule'
    Demonstrates how to create a release with a custom name. In this example, the release would be named `BMA 1.0`.

        # An object that represents what BuildMaster instance to connect to and what API key to use. Use `New-BMSession` to create a session object.

        # The application where the release should be created. Can be:
        # * The application's name.
        # * The application's ID.
        # * An application object with either an `Application_Id` or `Application_Name` property that represent the application's ID and name, respectively.

        # The release number, e.g. 1, 2, 3, 1.0, 2.0, etc.

        # The pipeline the release should use. Can be:
        # * The pipeline's name.
        # * The pipeline's ID.
        # * A pipeline object with either a `Pipeline_Id` or `Pipeline_Name` property that represent the pipeline's ID and name, respectively.

        # The name of the release. By default, BuildMaster uses the release number, passed with the `Number` parameter.

        Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

        $parameters = @{
                            releaseNumber = $Number;
                            releaseName = $Name;
        $parameters | 
            Add-BMObjectParameter -Name 'application' -Value $Application -PassThru | 
            Add-BMObjectParameter -Name 'pipeline' -Value $Pipeline

        Invoke-BMRestMethod -Session $Session -Name 'releases/create' -Method Post -Parameter $parameters