
function New-WhiskeyContext
    Creates a context object to use when running builds.
    The `New-WhiskeyContext` function creates a context object used when running builds. It gets passed to each build task. The YAML file at `ConfigurationPath` is parsed. If it has a `Version` property, it is converted to a semantic version, a classic version, and a NuGet verson (a semantic version without any build metadata). An object is then returned with the following properties:
    * `ConfigurationPath`: the absolute path to the YAML file passed via the `ConfigurationPath` parameter
    * `BuildRoot`: the absolute path to the directory the YAML configuration file is in.
    * `OutputDirectory`: the path to a directory where build output, reports, etc. should be saved. This directory is created for you.
    * `Version`: a `SemVersion.SemanticVersion` object representing the semantic version to use when building the application. This object has two extended properties: `Version`, a `Version` object that represents the semantic version with all pre-release and build metadata stripped off; and `ReleaseVersion` a `SemVersion.SemanticVersion` object with all build metadata stripped off.
    * `ReleaseVersion`: the semantic version with all build metadata stripped away, i.e. the version and pre-release only.
    * `Configuration`: the parsed YAML as a hashtable.
    * `DownloadRoot`: the path to a directory where tools can be downloaded when needed.
    * `ByBuildServer`: a flag indicating if the build is being run by a build server.
    * `ByDeveloper`: a flag indicating if the build is being run by a developer.
    * `ApplicatoinName`: the name of the application being built.
    New-WhiskeyContext -Path '.\whiskey.yml'
    Demonstrates how to create a context for a developer build.

        # The environment you're building in.

        # The path to the `whiskey.yml` file that defines build settings and tasks.

        # The place where downloaded tools should be cached. The default is the build root.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    $ConfigurationPath = Resolve-Path -LiteralPath $ConfigurationPath -ErrorAction Ignore
    if( -not $ConfigurationPath )
        throw ('Configuration file path ''{0}'' does not exist.' -f $PSBoundParameters['ConfigurationPath'])

    $config = Import-WhiskeyYaml -Path $ConfigurationPath

    $buildRoot = $ConfigurationPath | Split-Path
    if( -not $DownloadRoot )
        $DownloadRoot = $buildRoot

    $bitbucketConnection = $null

    $buildMetadata = Get-WhiskeyBuildMetadata
    $publish = $false
    $byBuildServer = $buildMetadata.IsBuildServer
    $prereleaseInfo = ''
    if( $byBuildServer )
        $branch = $buildMetadata.ScmBranch

        if( $config.ContainsKey( 'PublishOn' ) )
            Write-Verbose -Message ('PublishOn')
            foreach( $publishWildcard in $config['PublishOn'] )
                $publish = $branch -like $publishWildcard
                if( $publish )
                    Write-Verbose -Message (' {0} -like {1}' -f $branch,$publishWildcard)
                    Write-Verbose -Message (' {0} -notlike {1}' -f $branch,$publishWildcard)

        if( $config['PrereleaseMap'] )
            $idx = 0
            Write-Verbose -Message ('PrereleaseMap')
            foreach( $item in $config['PrereleaseMap'] )
                if( -not ($item | Get-Member -Name 'Count') -or -not ($item | Get-Member 'Keys') -or $item.Count -ne 1 )
                    throw ('{0}: Prerelease[{1}]: The `PrereleaseMap` property must be a list of objects. Each object must have one property. That property should be a wildcard. The property''s value should be the prerelease identifier to add to the version number on branches that match the wildcard. For example,
    - "alpha/*": "alpha"
    - "release/*": "rc"
 -f $ConfigurationPath,$idx)

                $wildcard = $item.Keys | Select-Object -First 1
                if( $branch -like $wildcard )
                    Write-Verbose -Message (' {0} -like {1}' -f $branch,$wildcard)
                    $prereleaseInfo = '{0}.{1}' -f $item[$wildcard],$buildMetadata.BuildNumber
                    Write-Verbose -Message (' {0} -notlike {1}' -f $branch,$wildcard)

    $outputDirectory = Join-Path -Path $buildRoot -ChildPath '.output'
    if( -not (Test-Path -Path $outputDirectory -PathType Container) )
        New-Item -Path $outputDirectory -ItemType 'Directory' -Force | Out-Null

    $context = New-WhiskeyContextObject
    $context.Environment = $Environment
    $context.BuildRoot = $buildRoot
    $context.ConfigurationPath = $ConfigurationPath
    $context.OutputDirectory = $outputDirectory
    $context.Configuration = $config
    $context.DownloadRoot = $DownloadRoot
    $context.ByBuildServer = $byBuildServer
    $context.ByDeveloper = (-not $byBuildServer)
    $context.Publish = $publish
    $context.RunMode = 'Build'
    $context.BuildMetadata = $buildMetadata

    if( $config['Variable'] )
        Write-Error -Message ('{0}: The ''Variable'' property is no longer supported. Use the `SetVariable` task instead. Move your `Variable` property (and values) into your `BuildTasks` pipeline as the first task. Rename `Variable` to `SetVariable`.' -f $ConfigurationPath) -ErrorAction Stop

    $versionParam = @{}
    if( $config.ContainsKey( 'VersionFrom' ) )
        $versionParam['Path'] = $config['VersionFrom']
        $versionParam['Version'] = $config['Version'] | Resolve-WhiskeyVariable -Context $context
    $semVersion = New-WhiskeySemanticVersion @versionParam -Prerelease $prereleaseInfo -BuildMetadata $buildMetadata -ErrorAction Stop
    if( -not $semVersion )
        Write-Error ('Unable to create the semantic version for the current build. Is ''{0}'' a valid semantic version? If not, please update the Version property in ''{1}'' to be a valid semantic version.' -f $config['Version'], $ConfigurationPath) -ErrorAction Stop
    $context.Version = New-WhiskeyVersionObject -SemVer $semVersion

    return $context