
function Invoke-WhiskeyNpmInstall
    Installs Node.js packages.
    The `NpmInstall` task will use NPM's `install` command to install Node.js packages. If not given any `Package`, the task will run `npm install` to install all packages listed in the `package.json` `dependency` and `devDependency` properties. If any packages are given in the `Package` property, only those packages will be installed and not any listed in the `package.json` file. The task will fail if `npm install` returns a non-zero exit code or if the expected path to the module does not exist after calling `npm install`.
    The `Package` property accepts a list of packages that should be installed. You may specify just the package name or the package name with a semantic version number, e.g. `rimraf: ^2.0.0`.
    You must specify what version of Node.js you want in the engines field of your package.json file. (See https://docs.npmjs.com/files/package.json#engines for more information.) The version of Node is installed for you using NVM.
    You may additionally specify a version of NPM to use in the engines field of your package.json file. NPM will be downloaded into your package's 'node_modules' directory at the specified version. This local version of NPM will be used to execute all NPM tasks.
    # Properties
    # * `Package`: a list of NPM packages to install. List items can simply be package names, `rimraf`, or package names with semantic version numbers that NPM understands, e.g. `rimraf: ^2.0.0`. When using the `Package` property the task will only install the given packages and not the ones listed in the `package.json` file.
    # * `WorkingDirectory`: the directory where the `package.json` exists. Defaults to the directory where the build's `whiskey.yml` file was found. Must be relative to the `whiskey.yml` file.
    # * `NpmRegistryUri` (mandatory): the uri to set a custom npm registry.
    # Examples
    ## Example 1
        - NpmInstall:
            NpmRegistryUri: "http://registry.npmjs.org"
    This example will install all the Node packages listed in the `package.json` file to the `BUILD_ROOT\node_modules` directory.
    ## Example 2
        - NpmInstall:
            NpmRegistryUri: "http://registry.npmjs.org"
            - gulp
    This example will install the Node package `gulp` to the `BUILD_ROOT\node_modules` directory.
    ## Example 3
        - NpmInstall:
            NpmRegistryUri: "http://registry.npmjs.org"
            WorkingDirectory: app
            - gulp
            - rimraf: ^2.0.0
    This example will install the Node packages `gulp` and the latest 2.x.x version of `rimraf` to the `BUILD_ROOT\app\node_modules` directory.

    [Whiskey.Task("NpmInstall", SupportsClean=$true, SupportsInitialize=$true)]


    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    $startedAt = Get-Date
    function Write-Timing

        $now = Get-Date
        Write-Debug -Message ('[{0}] [{1}] {2}' -f $now,($now - $startedAt),$Message)

    $npmRegistryUri = $TaskParameter['NpmRegistryUri']
    if (-not $NpmRegistryUri)
        Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $TaskContext -Message 'Property ''NpmRegistryUri'' is mandatory. It should be the URI to the registry from which Node.js packages should be downloaded, e.g.,
        - NpmInstall:
            NpmRegistryUri: https://registry.npmjs.org/


    $workingDirectory = (Get-Location).ProviderPath

    if ($TaskContext.ShouldClean())
        Write-Timing -Message 'Cleaning'
        Uninstall-WhiskeyNodeModule -Name 'npm' -ApplicationRoot $workingDirectory -RegistryUri $npmRegistryUri -ForDeveloper:$TaskContext.ByDeveloper -Force
        Write-Timing -Message 'Task Cleaning Complete'

    if ($TaskContext.ShouldInitialize())
        Write-Timing -Message 'Initializing'
        Invoke-WhiskeyNpmCommand -InitializeOnly -ApplicationRoot $workingDirectory -RegistryUri $npmRegistryUri -ForDeveloper:$TaskContext.ByDeveloper

        if ($Global:LASTEXITCODE -ne 0)
            Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $TaskContext -Message 'Task initialization failed.'

        Write-Timing -Message 'Task Initialization Complete'

    if (-not $TaskParameter['Package'])
        Write-Timing -Message 'Installing Node modules'
        Invoke-WhiskeyNpmCommand -NpmCommand 'install' -Argument '--production=false' -ApplicationRoot $workingDirectory -RegistryUri $npmRegistryUri -ForDeveloper:$TaskContext.ByDeveloper

        if ($Global:LASTEXITCODE -ne 0)
            Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $TaskContext -Message ('Failed to install Node dependencies listed in ''{0}''.' -f (Join-Path -Path $workingDirectory -ChildPath 'package.json'))

        Write-Timing -Message 'COMPLETE'
        foreach ($package in $TaskParameter['Package'])
            if ($package | Get-Member -Name 'Keys')
                $packageName = $package.Keys | Select-Object -First 1
                $packageVersion = $package[$packageName]

                Write-Timing -Message ('Installing {0} at version {1}' -f $packageName,$packageVersion)
                $modulePath = Install-WhiskeyNodeModule -Name $packageName -Version $packageVersion -ApplicationRoot $workingDirectory -RegistryUri $npmRegistryUri -ForDeveloper:$TaskContext.ByDeveloper

                if (-not $modulePath)
                    Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $TaskContext -Message ('Node module ''{0}'' version ''{1}'' failed to install.' -f $packageName, $packageVersion)

                Write-Timing -Message 'COMPLETE'
                Write-Timing -Message ('Installing {0}' -f $package)
                $modulePath = Install-WhiskeyNodeModule -Name $package -ApplicationRoot $workingDirectory -RegistryUri $npmRegistryUri -ForDeveloper:$TaskContext.ByDeveloper

                if (-not $modulePath)
                    Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $TaskContext -Message ('Node module ''{0}'' failed to install.' -f $package)

                Write-Timing -Message 'COMPLETE'