
    This topic lists all Whiskey tasks and the global task properties
    (i.e. properties available on every task).
    ## Tasks
    Whiskey has the following tasks:
    * `CopyFile`: copies files.
    * `Delete`: deletes files.
    * `Exec`: runs an executable/program.
    * `GetPowerShellModule`: installs a PowerShell module.
    * `MSBuild`: runs MSBuild, the Microsoft build engine.
    * `NodeLicenseChecker`: runs license checker, a Node module/command that
      scans and reports on Node module license metadata.
    * `NodeNspCheck`: runs NSP, a Node security scanner.
    * `NpmConfig`: runs the Node `npm config` command.
    * `NpmInstall`: runs the Node `npm install` command.
    * `NpmPrune`: runs the Node `npm prune` command.
    * `NpmRunScript`: runs the Node `npm run-script` command.
    * `NuGetPack`: runs the `nuget.exe pack` command.
    * `NuGetPush`: runs the `nuget.exe push` command.
    * `NuGetRestore`: runs the `nuget.exe restore` command.
    * `NUnit2`: tests .NET assemblies with NUnit 2.
    * `NUnit3`: tests .NET assemblies with NUnit 3.
    * `Pester3`: runs PowerShell tests wth Pester 3.
    * `Pester4`: runs PowerShell tests with Pester 4.
    * `Pipeline`: runs pipelines defined in the current whiskey.yml file.
    * `PowerShell`: executes a PowerShell script.
    * `ProGetUniversalPackage`: creates a universal ProGet package.
    * `PublishBitbucketServerTag`: tags a repository in Bitbucket Server.
    * `PublishBuildMasterPackage`: creates and deploys a package in BuildMaster.
    * `PublishNodeModule`: publishes a Node module (i.e. runs the `npm publish`
    * `PublishPowerShellModule`: publishes a PowerShell module.
    * `PublishProGetAsset`: publishes a file to a ProGet asset directory.
    * `PublishProGetUniversalPackage`: publishes a universal ProGet package to
    * `SetVariable`: creates a variable that you can use in your whiskey.yml
    * `TaskDefaults`: sets default task properties.
    ## Common Task Properties
    Every Whiskey task has these properties:
    * `OnlyBy`/`ExceptBy`: controls if a task runs if the build was started
      by a developer or a build server. By default, a task always runs. Valid
      values are `Developer` or `BuildServer`.
    * `OnlyDuring`/`ExceptDuring': controls if a task will run in the current
      run mode. Valid values are `Initialize`, `Build`, and `Clean`. Useful
      for having custom initialization task, cleaning tasks, etc.
      Additionally, each task must opt-in to run during Initialize and Clean
      modes. If a task doesn't do anything in either of those modes, these
      properties have no effect.
    * `OnlyOnBranch`/`ExceptOnBranch`: controls what branch a task should run
      on. By default, a task runs on every branch. When a build is run by a
      developer, there is no branch information, so tasks that have this
      property will never run by a developer. Wildcards are supported.
    * `WorkingDirectory`: the directory in which the task should run. By
      default, this is the directory of the whiskey.yml file.