
function Remove-ProGetAsset
        Removes assets from ProGet.
        The `Remove-ProGetAsset` function removes assets from ProGet. Pass the name of the root asset directory to the `DirectoryName` parameter. If the URL to an asset directory in ProGet is ``, the directory parameter is the first directory after `assets/` in this example `versions`, The path parameter is the rest of the url, in this case `subdirectory/file`. If the file does not exist no error will be thrown. All the files in the asset directory that match `$filter` parameter will be deleted.
        Remove-ProGetAsset -Session $session -Path 'myAssetName' -DirectoryName 'versions'
        Removes asset or assets that match `myAssetName`. if `myAssetName` is a directory it will delete the files in the directory but not the directory itself.
        Remove-ProGetAsset -Session $session -Path 'versions/myAssetName' -DirectoryName 'example'
        Removes asset or assets that match `example/versions/myAssetName` in ProGet
        Remove-ProGetAsset -Session $session -Path 'versions/example' -DirectoryName 'subexample' -filter '*a*'
        Removes all assets that match the wildcard `subexample/versions/example/*a*`

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        # A session object that represents the ProGet instance to use. Use the `New-ProGetSession` function to create session objects.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        # The name of the root asset directory to Remove the desired asset in ProGet.

        # the asset path in the ProGet assets directory that will be removed. If the file does not exist no error will be thrown.

        # Name of the assets in the ProGet assets directory that will be deleted. only files that match `$filter` in the directory will be deleted. Wildcards are supported.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    $uri = '/endpoints/{0}/content/{1}' -f $DirectoryName,$Path
    $assetList = Get-ProGetAsset -Session $Session -Path $Path -DirectoryName $DirectoryName -Filter $filter

    foreach($asset in $assetList)
        $asset = $asset.Name
            $asset = (join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath $asset)
        $uri = '/endpoints/{0}/content/{1}' -f $DirectoryName, $asset
        Invoke-ProGetRestMethod -Session $Session -Path $uri -Method Delete