
    Sets the version for the current build.
    The `Version` task sets the version for the current build. Whiskey only supports [semantic versions](http://semver.org).
    You can set the version explicitly with the `Version` property. Whiskey can read the version from a .NET Core .csproj file, a PowerShell module manifest, or a Node package.json file. Set the `Path` property to the path to the file to read from. If it is unsupported or doesn't contain a version, the build will fail.
    You can set custom prerelease metadata with the `Prerelease` property and custom build metadata with the `Build` property. These properties ovewrite any existing prereleaes version of build metadata from the `Version` property or the version read from a file. Prerelease metadata must only consist of letters, numbers, periods, or hyphens. Build metadata has the same restriction, but Whiskey replaces all non letters, numbers, and periods with hyphens (since build metadata typically comes from systems that don't have these restrictions).
    When run by a developer, the version will never have any build metadata (i.e. build metadata is only available when running under/by a build server).
    ## Per-Branch Prerelease Metadata
    The `Prerelease` property also allows you to have different prerelease metadata on different branches. Set the `Prerelease` property to a list of key/value pairs. The key should be a wildcard pattern that matches branch names. The value should be the prerelease metadata to use on any branch that matches that wildcard. The `Version` task uses the first item that matches the current branch.
    So, if you wanted to publish alpha versions in branches that begin with "feature/" and beta versions on a branch named "develop", your "Prerelease" property would look like this:
        - Version:
            Version: 5.6.3
            - feature/*: alpha.$(WHISKEY_BUILD_NUMBER)
            - develop: beta.$(WHISKEY_BUILD_NUMBER)
    ## Reading Versions from Files
    Some frameworks and platforms already have well-known locations they expect you to put your version number. Whiskey can read your version from some of these files.
    ### PowerShell Module Manifest
    Your module manifest must be formatted correctly and contain the `ModuleVersion` property, e.g.
            # ...snip...
            ModuleVersion = '0.31.0'
            # ...snip...
    ### Node package.json
    Whiskey looks for a "version" property on the root object, e.g.
            "name": "some node module name",
            "version": "0.31.0"
            "description": "some description",
            "// ...snip..."
    ### .NET Core .csproj
    Whiskey looks for a "Version" element under a "PropertyGroup" element under the project's root "Project" element, e.g.
        <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
                <!-- ...snip... -->
                <!-- ...snip... -->
            <!-- ...snip... -->
    * `Version`: The version for the current build.
    * `Path`: The path to a file from which Whiskey will read the current version. Whiskey supports .NET Core .csproj files, PowerShell module manifests, or Node package.json files.
    * `Prerelease`: Any custom pre-release metadata to add to the version. This will overwrite any existing prerelease metadata. You usually only use this property when reading a version from a file with the `Path` property since some platforms don't natively support prerelease metadata.
    * `Build`: Any custom build metadata to add to the version. This will overwrite any existing build metadata. You usually only use this property when reading a version from a file with the `Path` property since some platforms don't natively support prerelease metadata.
    ## Example 1
        - Version: 5.6.3
    Demonstrates the simplest syntax to set the version for the current build. Do this if you want to completely control the version for every build.
    ## Example 2
        - Version:
            Version: 5.6.3
            OnlyBy: BuildServer
    Demonstrates the standard syntax to set the version for the current build. Do this if you want to use other properties.
    ## Example 3
    Demonstrates how to use a dynamic, date-based version number. In this example, if the current date is 6 Feb. 2018, the current build number is `43`, your current branch is `develop`, and your current commit ID is `c7d950be9982156d5d9aaa1a6c23594eaaba9b27`, your version number would be '2018.2.16+43.develop.c7d950b'.
    This is a useful strategy for versioning applications that don't expose an API so don't technically need to be semantically versioned.
    ## Example 4
        - Version:
            Path: Whiskey\Whiskey.psd1
            Prerelease: alpha.$(WHISKEY_BUILD_NUMBER)
            Build: $(WHISKEY_SCM_BRANCH).$(WHISKEY_SCM_COMMIT_ID.Substring(0,7))
    Demonstrates how to read the version from a file, in this case a PowerShell module manifest. Since PowerShell doesn't support semantic versions, it uses the `Prerelease` and `Build` properties to add that metadata to the version. This metadata may or may not be used by other tasks in your build.
    ## Example 5
        - Version:
            Path: Assembly\Whiskey.csproj
            - feature/*: alpha.$(WHISKEY_BUILD_NUMBER)
            - bugfix/*: beta.$(WHISKEY_BUILD_NUMBER)
            - develop: beta.$(WHISKEY_BUILD_NUMBER)
            - release: rc.$(WHISKEY_BUILD_NUMBER)
            - hotfix/*: rc.$(WHISKEY_BUILD_NUMBER)
    Demonstrates how to have custom prerelease metadata on different branches. Set the "Prerelease" element to a list of key/value pairs. The keys are wildcard patterns that match branch names in your source code repository. The value is the prerelease metadata to use.
    In this example, if the current build number is 43, all builds on branches that match the wildcard pattern "feature/*" would have prerelease be "alpha.43", branches that matched pattern "bugfix/*" would have prerelease "beta.43", etc.
    ## Example 6
        - Version:
            Version: 4.5.6
        - Version:
            OnlyBy: BuildServer
            Prerelease: alpha.$(WHISKEY_BUILD_NUMBER)
            Build: $(WHISKEY_SCM_BRANCH).$(WHISKEY_SCM_COMMIT_ID.Substring(0,7))
    Demonstrates that you can use the Version task to set just the Prerelease version and the Build metadata without affecting the version number. In this example, when being bun by a developer, the version number will be 4.5.6; when being run by the build server, the version number will be "4.5.6-alpha.6+develop.775e171" (assuming the current branch is "develop" and the current commit is "775e1711a1fe190f59f4c46ae3063f12e0040e58").