
function Add-WhiskeyTaskDefault
    Sets default values for task parameters.
    The `Add-WhiskeyTaskDefault` functions sets default properties for tasks. These defaults are only used if the property is missing from the task in your `whiskey.yml` file, i.e. properties defined in your whiskey.yml file take precedence over task defaults.
    `TaskName` must be the name of an existing task. Otherwise, `Add-WhiskeyTaskDefault` will throw an terminating error.
    By default, existing defaults are left in place. To override any existing defaults, use the `-Force`... switch.
    Add-WhiskeyTaskDefault -Context $context -TaskName 'MSBuild' -PropertyName 'Version' -Value 12.0
    Demonstrates setting the default value of the `MSBuild` task's `Version` property to `12.0`.
    Add-WhiskeyTaskDefault -Context $context -TaskName 'MSBuild' -PropertyName 'Version' -Value 15.0 -Force
    Demonstrates overwriting the current default value for `MSBuild` task's `Version` property to `15.0`.

        # The current build context. Use `New-WhiskeyContext` to create context objects.

        # The name of the task that a default parameter value will be set.

        # The name of the task parameter to set a default value for.

        # The default value for the task parameter.

        # Overwrite an existing task default with a new value.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    if (-not ($Context | Get-Member -Name 'TaskDefaults'))
        throw 'The given ''Context'' object does not contain a ''TaskDefaults'' property. Create a proper Whiskey context object using the ''New-WhiskeyContext'' function.'

    if ($TaskName -notin (Get-WhiskeyTask | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Name'))
        throw 'Task ''{0}'' does not exist.' -f $TaskName

    if ($context.TaskDefaults.ContainsKey($TaskName))
        if ($context.TaskDefaults[$TaskName].ContainsKey($PropertyName) -and -not $Force)
            throw 'The ''{0}'' task already contains a default value for the property ''{1}''. Use the ''Force'' parameter to overwrite the current value.' -f $TaskName,$PropertyName
            $context.TaskDefaults[$TaskName][$PropertyName] = $Value
        $context.TaskDefaults[$TaskName] = @{ $PropertyName = $Value }