
function Invoke-WhiskeyPipeline
    Invokes Whiskey pipelines.
    The `Invoke-WhiskeyPipeline` function runs the tasks in a pipeline. Pipelines are properties in a `whiskey.yml` under which one or more tasks are defined. For example, this `whiskey.yml` file:
        - TaskOne
        - TaskTwo
        - TaskOne
        - Task
    Defines two pipelines: `Build` and `Publish`.
    Invoke-WhiskeyPipeline -Context $context -Name 'Build'
    Demonstrates how to run the tasks in a `Build` pipeline. The `$context` object is created by calling `New-WhiskeyContext`.

        # The current build context. Use the `New-WhiskeyContext` function to create a context object.

        # The name of pipeline to run, e.g. `Build` would run all the tasks under a property named `Build`. Pipelines are properties in your `whiskey.yml` file that are lists of Whiskey tasks to run.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    $config = $Context.Configuration
    $Context.PipelineName = $Name

    if( -not $config.ContainsKey($Name) )
        Stop-Whiskey -Context $Context -Message ('Pipeline ''{0}'' does not exist. Create a pipeline by defining a ''{0}'' property:
    - TASK_ONE
    - TASK_TWO
 -f $Name)

    $taskIdx = -1
    if( -not $config[$Name] )
        Write-Warning -Message ('It looks like pipeline ''{0}'' doesn''t have any tasks.' -f $Context.ConfigurationPath)
        $config[$Name] = @()

    foreach( $taskItem in $config[$Name] )

        $taskName,$taskParameter = ConvertTo-WhiskeyTask -InputObject $taskItem -ErrorAction Stop
        if( -not $taskName )

        $Context.TaskIndex = $taskIdx

        Invoke-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $Context -Name $taskName -Parameter $taskParameter