
function Uninstall-WhiskeyNodeModule
    Uninstalls Node.js modules.
    The `Uninstall-WhiskeyNodeModule` function will uninstall Node.js modules from the `node_modules` directory in the current working directory. It uses the `npm uninstall` command to remove the module.
    If the `npm uninstall` command fails to uninstall the module and the `Force` parameter was not used, then the function will write an error and return. If the `Force` parameter is used then the function will attempt to manually remove the module if `npm uninstall` fails.
    Uninstall-WhiskeyNodeModule -Name 'rimraf' -NodePath $TaskParameter['NodePath']
    Removes the node module 'rimraf' from the `node_modules` directory in the current directory.
    Uninstall-WhiskeyNodeModule -Name 'rimraf' -NodePath $TaskParameter['NodePath'] -Force
    Removes the node module 'rimraf' from `node_modules` directory in the current directory. Because the `Force` switch is used, if `npm uninstall` fails, will attemp to use PowerShell to remove the module.

        # The name of the module to uninstall.

        # The path to the Node executable

        # Node modules are being uninstalled on a developer computer.

        # Remove the module manually if NPM fails to uninstall it

        # Uninstall the module from the global cache.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    $argumentList = & {
                        if( $Global )

    Invoke-WhiskeyNpmCommand -Name 'uninstall' `
                             -ArgumentList $argumentList `
                             -NodePath $NodePath `
    $nodeRoot = (Get-Location).ProviderPath
    if( $Global )
        $NodePath = Assert-WhiskeyNodePath -Path $NodePath
        if( -not $NodePath )
        $nodeRoot = $NodePath | Split-Path
    $modulePath = Join-Path -Path $nodeRoot -ChildPath ('node_modules\{0}' -f $Name)

    if( Test-Path -Path $modulePath -PathType Container )
        if( $Force )
            Remove-WhiskeyFileSystemItem -Path $modulePath
            Write-Error -Message ('Failed to remove Node module ''{0}'' from ''{1}''. See previous errors for more details.' -f $Name,$modulePath)

    if( Test-Path -Path $modulePath -PathType Container )
        Write-Error -Message ('Failed to remove Node module ''{0}'' from ''{1}'' using both ''npm prune'' and manual removal. See previous errors for more details.' -f $Name,$modulePath)