
    Runs Pester tests using Pester 3.
    The `Pester3` tasks runs Pester tests using Pester 3. You pass the path(s) to test to the `Path` parameter, which are passed directly to the `Invoke-Pester` function's `Script` parameter.
    By default, the latest verson of Pester 3 is used. To pin to a specific version, set the `Version` property to the version you want to use. Wildcards are supported. Pester is installed into a `Modules` directory in your build root directory.
    If any tests fail (i.e. if the `FailedCount` property on the result object returned by `Invoke-Pester` is greater than 0), the build will fail.
    Test reports are saved to the output directory in NUnit XML format. The report files are named `pester+RANDOM_STRING.xml`, where `RANDOM_STRING` is a random strings of characters.
    When running under AppVeyor, test results are also automatically posted to your build's test results.
    * `Path` (**mandatory**): paths to pass to the `Invoke-Pester` command's `Script` parameter. Paths must be relative to your whiskey.yml file.
    * `Version`: the version of Pester 3 to use. Defaults to the latest version of Pester 3. Wildcards supported. Use wildcards to pin to a specific minor version, e.g. `4.1.*` would use the lastest version of the 4.1 release, but never use 4.2 or later.
## Example 1
        - Pester3:
            Path: Test\*.Tests.ps1
    Demonstrates the simplest way to use the `Pester3` task. In this case, all files that match the `Test\*.Tests.ps1` wildcard will be run.
## Example 2
        - Pester3:
            Version: 3.4.6
            Path: Test\*.Tests.ps1
    Demonstrates how to pin to a specific version of Pester 3. In this case, version 3.4.6.
## Example 3
        - Pester3:
            Version: 3.4.*
            Path: Test\*.Tests.ps1
    Demonstrates how to pin to a specific MAJOR.MINOR version of Pester 3. In this case, the lastest 3.4 version would be used.