
function Set-WhiskeyBuildStatus

        # The build status. Should be one of `Started`, `Completed`, or `Failed`.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    if( $Context.ByDeveloper )

    $reportingTo = $Context.Configuration['PublishBuildStatusTo']

    if( -not $reportingTo )

    $reporterIdx = -1
    foreach( $reporter in $reportingTo )
        $reporterName = $reporter.Keys | Select-Object -First 1
        $propertyDescription = 'PublishBuildStatusTo[{0}]: {1}' -f $reporterIdx,$reporterName
        $reporterConfig = $reporter[$reporterName]
        switch( $reporterName )
                Install-WhiskeyPowerShellModule -Name 'BitbucketServerAutomation' -Version '0.3.*'
                Import-WhiskeyPowerShellModule -Name 'BitbucketServerAutomation'

                $uri = $reporterConfig['Uri']
                if( -not $uri )
                    Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $Context -PropertyDescription $propertyDescription -Message (@'
Property 'Uri' does not exist or does not have a value. Set this property to the Bitbucket Server URI where you want build statuses reported to, e.g.,
    - BitbucketServer:
        CredentialID: CREDENTIAL_ID
 -f $uri)
                $credID = $reporterConfig['CredentialID']
                if( -not $credID )
                    Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $Context -PropertyDescription $propertyDescription -Message (@'
Property 'CredentialID' does not exist or does not have a value. Set this property to the ID of the credential to use when connecting to the Bitbucket Server at '{0}', e.g.,
    - BitbucketServer:
        Uri: {0}
        CredentialID: CREDENTIAL_ID
Use the `Add-WhiskeyCredential` function to add the credential to the build.`
 -f $uri)
                $credential = Get-WhiskeyCredential -Context $Context -ID $credID -PropertyName 'CredentialID' -PropertyDescription $propertyDescription
                $conn = New-BBServerConnection -Credential $credential -Uri $uri
                $statusMap = @{
                                    'Started' = 'INPROGRESS';
                                    'Completed' = 'Successful';
                                    'Failed' = 'Failed'

                $buildInfo = $Context.BuildMetadata
                Set-BBServerCommitBuildStatus -Connection $conn -Status $statusMap[$Status] -CommitID $buildInfo.ScmCommitID -Key $buildInfo.JobUri -BuildUri $buildInfo.BuildUri -Name $buildInfo.JobName

                Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $Context -PropertyDescription $propertyDescription -Message ('Unknown build status reporter ''{0}''. Supported reporters are ''BitbucketServer''.' -f $reporterName)