
<Objs Version="" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/powershell/2004/04">
  <Obj RefId="0">
    <TN RefId="0">
      <S N="Name">PowerShellGet</S>
      <S N="Version">2.0.3</S>
      <S N="Type">Module</S>
      <S N="Description">PowerShell module with commands for discovering, installing, updating and publishing the PowerShell artifacts like Modules, DSC Resources, Role Capabilities and Scripts.</S>
      <S N="Author">Microsoft Corporation</S>
      <Obj N="CompanyName" RefId="1">
        <TN RefId="1">
      <S N="Copyright">(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.</S>
      <DT N="PublishedDate">2018-11-19T21:41:14+00:00</DT>
      <Nil N="InstalledDate" />
      <Nil N="UpdatedDate" />
      <URI N="LicenseUri">https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=829061</URI>
      <URI N="ProjectUri">https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=828955</URI>
      <Nil N="IconUri" />
      <Obj N="Tags" RefId="2">
        <TNRef RefId="1" />
      <Obj N="Includes" RefId="3">
        <TN RefId="2">
            <S N="Key">Cmdlet</S>
            <Obj N="Value" RefId="4">
              <TNRef RefId="1" />
              <LST />
            <S N="Key">Function</S>
            <Obj N="Value" RefId="5">
              <TNRef RefId="1" />
            <S N="Key">Command</S>
            <Obj N="Value" RefId="6">
              <TNRef RefId="1" />
            <S N="Key">Workflow</S>
            <Ref N="Value" RefId="4" />
            <S N="Key">RoleCapability</S>
            <Ref N="Value" RefId="4" />
            <S N="Key">DscResource</S>
            <Ref N="Value" RefId="4" />
      <Nil N="PowerShellGetFormatVersion" />
      <S N="ReleaseNotes">## 2.0.3_x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_Bug fixes and Improvements_x000D__x000A_* Fix CommandAlreadyAvailable error for PackageManagement module (#333)_x000D__x000A_* Remove trailing whitespace when value is not provided for Get-PSScriptInfoString (#337) (Thanks @thomasrayner)_x000D__x000A_* Expanded aliases for improved readability (#338) (Thanks @lazywinadmin)_x000D__x000A_* Improvements for Catalog tests (#343)_x000D__x000A_* Fix Update-ScriptInfoFile to preserve PrivateData (#346) (Thanks @tnieto88)_x000D__x000A_* Import modules with many commands faster (#351)_x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_New Features_x000D__x000A_* Tab completion for -Repository parameter (#339) and for Publish-Module -Name (#359) (Thanks @matt9ucci)_x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_## 2.0.1_x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_Bug fixes_x000D__x000A_- Resolved Publish-Module doesn't report error but fails to publish module (#316)_x000D__x000A_- Resolved CommandAlreadyAvailable error while installing the latest version of PackageManagement module (#333)_x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_## 2.0.0_x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_Breaking Change_x000D__x000A_- Default installation scope for Install-Module, Install-Script, and Install-Package has changed. For Windows PowerShell (version 5.1 or below), the default scope is AllUsers when running in an elevated session, and CurrentUser at all other times._x000D__x000A_ For PowerShell version 6.0.0 and above, the default installation scope is always CurrentUser._x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_## 1.6.7_x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_Bug fixes_x000D__x000A_- Resolved Install/Save-Module error in PSCore 6.1.0-preview.4 on Ubuntu 18.04 OS (WSL/Azure) (#313)_x000D__x000A_- Updated error message in Save-Module cmdlet when the specified path is not accessible (#313)_x000D__x000A_- Added few additional verbose messages (#313)_x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_## 1.6.6_x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_Dependency Updates_x000D__x000A_* Add dependency on version 4.1.0 or newer of NuGet.exe_x000D__x000A_* Update NuGet.exe bootstrap URL to https://aka.ms/psget-nugetexe_x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_Build and Code Cleanup Improvements_x000D__x000A_* Improved error handling in network connectivity tests._x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_Bug fixes_x000D__x000A_- Change Update-ModuleManifest so that prefix is not added to CmdletsToExport._x000D__x000A_- Change Update-ModuleManifest so that parameters will not reset to default values._x000D__x000A_- Specify AllowPrereleseVersions provider option only when AllowPrerelease is specified on the PowerShellGet cmdlets._x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_## 1.6.5_x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_New features_x000D__x000A_* Allow Pester/PSReadline installation when signed by non-Microsoft certificate (#258)_x000D__x000A_ - Whitelist installation of non-Microsoft signed Pester and PSReadline over Microsoft signed Pester and PSReadline._x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_Build and Code Cleanup Improvements_x000D__x000A_* Splitting of functions (#229) (Thanks @Benny1007)_x000D__x000A_ - Moves private functions into respective private folder._x000D__x000A_ - Moves public functions as defined in PSModule.psd1 into respective public folder._x000D__x000A_ - Removes all functions from PSModule.psm1 file._x000D__x000A_ - Dot sources the functions from PSModule.psm1 file._x000D__x000A_ - Uses Export-ModuleMember to export the public functions from PSModule.psm1 file._x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_* Add build step to construct a single .psm1 file (#242) (Thanks @Benny1007)_x000D__x000A_ - Merged public and private functions into one .psm1 file to increase load time performance._x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_Bug fixes_x000D__x000A_- Fix null parameter error caused by MinimumVersion in Publish-PackageUtility (#201)_x000D__x000A_- Change .ExternalHelp link from PSGet.psm1-help.xml to PSModule-help.xml in PSModule.psm1 file (#215)_x000D__x000A_- Change Publish-* to allow version comparison instead of string comparison (#219)_x000D__x000A_- Ensure Get-InstalledScript -RequiredVersion works when versions have a leading 0 (#260)_x000D__x000A_- Add positional path to Save-Module and Save-Script (#264, #266)_x000D__x000A_- Ensure that Get-AuthenticodePublisher verifies publisher and that installing or updating a module checks for approprite catalog signature (#272)_x000D__x000A_- Update HelpInfoURI to 'http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=855963' (#274)_x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_## 1.6.0_x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_New features_x000D__x000A_* Prerelease Version Support (#185)_x000D__x000A_ - Implemented prerelease versions functionality in PowerShellGet cmdlets._x000D__x000A_ - Enables publishing, discovering, and installing the prerelease versions of modules and scripts from the PowerShell Gallery._x000D__x000A_ - [Documentation](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/gallery/psget/module/PrereleaseModule)_x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_* Enabled publish cmdlets on PWSH and Nano Server (#196)_x000D__x000A_ - Dotnet command version 2.0.0 or newer should be installed by the user prior to using the publish cmdlets on PWSH and Windows Nano Server._x000D__x000A_ - Users can install the dotnet command by following the instructions specified at https://aka.ms/dotnet-install-script._x000D__x000A_ - On Windows, users can install the dotnet command by running *Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://dot.net/v1/dotnet-install.ps1' -OutFile '.\dotnet-install.ps1'; &amp; '.\dotnet-install.ps1' -Channel Current -Version '2.0.0'*_x000D__x000A_ - Publish cmdlets on Windows PowerShell supports using the dotnet command for publishing operations._x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_Breaking Change_x000D__x000A_- PWSH: Changed the installation location of AllUsers scope to the parent of $PSHOME instead of $PSHOME. It is the SHARED_MODULES folder on PWSH._x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_Bug fixes_x000D__x000A_- Update HelpInfoURI to 'https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=855963' (#195)_x000D__x000A_- Ensure MyDocumentsPSPath path is correct (#179) (Thanks @lwsrbrts)_x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_## features_x000D__x000A_* Added support for modules requiring license acceptance (#150)_x000D__x000A_ - [Documentation](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/gallery/psget/module/RequireLicenseAcceptance)_x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_* Added version for REQUIREDSCRIPTS (#162)_x000D__x000A_ - Enabled following scenarios for REQUIREDSCRIPTS_x000D__x000A_ - [1.0] - RequiredVersion_x000D__x000A_ - [1.0,2.0] - Min and Max Version_x000D__x000A_ - (,1.0] - Max Version_x000D__x000A_ - 1.0 - Min Version_x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_Bug fixes_x000D__x000A_* Fixed empty version value in nuspec (#157)_x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_##* Disabled PowerShellGet Telemetry on PS Core as PowerShell Telemetry APIs got removed in PowerShell Core beta builds. (#153)_x000D__x000A_* Fixed for DateTime format serialization issue. (#141)_x000D__x000A_* Update-ModuleManifest should add ExternalModuleDependencies value as a collection. (#129)_x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_## features_x000D__x000A_* Added `PrivateData` field to ScriptFileInfo. (#119)_x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_Bug fixes_x000D__x000A_* Fixed Add-Type issue in v6.0.0-beta.1 release of PowerShellCore. (#125, #124)_x000D__x000A_* Install-Script -Scope CurrentUser PATH changes should not require a reboot for new PS processes. (#124)_x000D__x000A_ - Made changes to broadcast the Environment variable changes, so that other processes pick changes to Environment variables without having to reboot or logoff/logon._x000D__x000A_* Changed `Get-EnvironmentVariable` to get the unexpanded version of `%path%`. (#117)_x000D__x000A_* Refactor credential parameter propagation to sub-functions. (#104)_x000D__x000A_* Added credential parameter to subsequent calls of `Publish-Module/Script`. (#93)_x000D__x000A_ - This is needed when a module is published that has the RequiredModules attribute in the manifest on a repository that does not have anonymous access because the required module lookups will fail._x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_## fixes_x000D__x000A_* Renamed `PublishModuleIsNotSupportedOnNanoServer` errorid to `PublishModuleIsNotSupportedOnPowerShellCoreEdition`. (#44)_x000D__x000A_ - Also renamed `PublishScriptIsNotSupportedOnNanoServer` to `PublishScriptIsNotSupportedOnPowerShellCoreEdition`._x000D__x000A_* Fixed an issue in `Update-Module` and `Update-Script` cmdlets to show proper version of current item being updated in `Confirm`/`WhatIf` message. (#44)_x000D__x000A_* Updated `Test-ModuleInstalled` function to return single module instead of multiple modules. (#44)_x000D__x000A_* Updated `ModuleCommandAlreadyAvailable` error message to include all conflicting commands instead of one. (#44)_x000D__x000A_ - Corresponding changes to collect the complete set of conflicting commands from the being installed._x000D__x000A_ - Also ensured that conflicting commands from PSModule.psm1 are ignored in the command collision analysis as Get-Command includes the commands from current local scope as well._x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_* Fixed '[Test-ScriptFileInfo] Fails on *NIX newlines (LF vs. CRLF)' (#18)_x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_## fixes_x000D__x000A_* Fixed 'Update-Module fails with `ModuleAuthenticodeSignature` error for modules with signed PSD1'. (#12) (#8)_x000D__x000A_* Fixed 'Properties of `AdditionalMetadata` are case-sensitive'. #7_x000D__x000A_* Changed `ErrorAction` to `Ignore` for few cmdlet usages as they should not show up in ErrorVariable._x000D__x000A_ - For example, error returned by `Get-Command Test-FileCatalog` should be ignored._x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_##* Initial release from GitHub._x000D__x000A_* PowerShellCore support._x000D__x000A_* Security enhancements including the enforcement of catalog-signed modules during installation._x000D__x000A_* Authenticated Repository support._x000D__x000A_* Proxy Authentication support._x000D__x000A_* Responses to a number of user requests and issues.</S>
      <Obj N="Dependencies" RefId="7">
        <TNRef RefId="1" />
          <Obj RefId="8">
            <TN RefId="3">
                <S N="Key">Name</S>
                <S N="Value">PackageManagement</S>
                <S N="Key">MinimumVersion</S>
                <S N="Value">1.1.7</S>
                <S N="Key">CanonicalId</S>
                <S N="Value">nuget:PackageManagement/1.1.7</S>
      <S N="RepositorySourceLocation">https://www.powershellgallery.com/api/v2</S>
      <S N="Repository">PSGallery</S>
      <S N="PackageManagementProvider">NuGet</S>
      <Obj N="AdditionalMetadata" RefId="9">
        <TN RefId="4">
          <S N="copyright">(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.</S>
          <S N="description">PowerShell module with commands for discovering, installing, updating and publishing the PowerShell artifacts like Modules, DSC Resources, Role Capabilities and Scripts.</S>
          <S N="requireLicenseAcceptance">False</S>
          <S N="releaseNotes">## 2.0.3_x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_Bug fixes and Improvements_x000D__x000A_* Fix CommandAlreadyAvailable error for PackageManagement module (#333)_x000D__x000A_* Remove trailing whitespace when value is not provided for Get-PSScriptInfoString (#337) (Thanks @thomasrayner)_x000D__x000A_* Expanded aliases for improved readability (#338) (Thanks @lazywinadmin)_x000D__x000A_* Improvements for Catalog tests (#343)_x000D__x000A_* Fix Update-ScriptInfoFile to preserve PrivateData (#346) (Thanks @tnieto88)_x000D__x000A_* Import modules with many commands faster (#351)_x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_New Features_x000D__x000A_* Tab completion for -Repository parameter (#339) and for Publish-Module -Name (#359) (Thanks @matt9ucci)_x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_## 2.0.1_x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_Bug fixes_x000D__x000A_- Resolved Publish-Module doesn't report error but fails to publish module (#316)_x000D__x000A_- Resolved CommandAlreadyAvailable error while installing the latest version of PackageManagement module (#333)_x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_## 2.0.0_x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_Breaking Change_x000D__x000A_- Default installation scope for Install-Module, Install-Script, and Install-Package has changed. For Windows PowerShell (version 5.1 or below), the default scope is AllUsers when running in an elevated session, and CurrentUser at all other times._x000D__x000A_ For PowerShell version 6.0.0 and above, the default installation scope is always CurrentUser._x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_## 1.6.7_x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_Bug fixes_x000D__x000A_- Resolved Install/Save-Module error in PSCore 6.1.0-preview.4 on Ubuntu 18.04 OS (WSL/Azure) (#313)_x000D__x000A_- Updated error message in Save-Module cmdlet when the specified path is not accessible (#313)_x000D__x000A_- Added few additional verbose messages (#313)_x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_## 1.6.6_x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_Dependency Updates_x000D__x000A_* Add dependency on version 4.1.0 or newer of NuGet.exe_x000D__x000A_* Update NuGet.exe bootstrap URL to https://aka.ms/psget-nugetexe_x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_Build and Code Cleanup Improvements_x000D__x000A_* Improved error handling in network connectivity tests._x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_Bug fixes_x000D__x000A_- Change Update-ModuleManifest so that prefix is not added to CmdletsToExport._x000D__x000A_- Change Update-ModuleManifest so that parameters will not reset to default values._x000D__x000A_- Specify AllowPrereleseVersions provider option only when AllowPrerelease is specified on the PowerShellGet cmdlets._x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_## 1.6.5_x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_New features_x000D__x000A_* Allow Pester/PSReadline installation when signed by non-Microsoft certificate (#258)_x000D__x000A_ - Whitelist installation of non-Microsoft signed Pester and PSReadline over Microsoft signed Pester and PSReadline._x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_Build and Code Cleanup Improvements_x000D__x000A_* Splitting of functions (#229) (Thanks @Benny1007)_x000D__x000A_ - Moves private functions into respective private folder._x000D__x000A_ - Moves public functions as defined in PSModule.psd1 into respective public folder._x000D__x000A_ - Removes all functions from PSModule.psm1 file._x000D__x000A_ - Dot sources the functions from PSModule.psm1 file._x000D__x000A_ - Uses Export-ModuleMember to export the public functions from PSModule.psm1 file._x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_* Add build step to construct a single .psm1 file (#242) (Thanks @Benny1007)_x000D__x000A_ - Merged public and private functions into one .psm1 file to increase load time performance._x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_Bug fixes_x000D__x000A_- Fix null parameter error caused by MinimumVersion in Publish-PackageUtility (#201)_x000D__x000A_- Change .ExternalHelp link from PSGet.psm1-help.xml to PSModule-help.xml in PSModule.psm1 file (#215)_x000D__x000A_- Change Publish-* to allow version comparison instead of string comparison (#219)_x000D__x000A_- Ensure Get-InstalledScript -RequiredVersion works when versions have a leading 0 (#260)_x000D__x000A_- Add positional path to Save-Module and Save-Script (#264, #266)_x000D__x000A_- Ensure that Get-AuthenticodePublisher verifies publisher and that installing or updating a module checks for approprite catalog signature (#272)_x000D__x000A_- Update HelpInfoURI to 'http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=855963' (#274)_x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_## 1.6.0_x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_New features_x000D__x000A_* Prerelease Version Support (#185)_x000D__x000A_ - Implemented prerelease versions functionality in PowerShellGet cmdlets._x000D__x000A_ - Enables publishing, discovering, and installing the prerelease versions of modules and scripts from the PowerShell Gallery._x000D__x000A_ - [Documentation](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/gallery/psget/module/PrereleaseModule)_x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_* Enabled publish cmdlets on PWSH and Nano Server (#196)_x000D__x000A_ - Dotnet command version 2.0.0 or newer should be installed by the user prior to using the publish cmdlets on PWSH and Windows Nano Server._x000D__x000A_ - Users can install the dotnet command by following the instructions specified at https://aka.ms/dotnet-install-script._x000D__x000A_ - On Windows, users can install the dotnet command by running *Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://dot.net/v1/dotnet-install.ps1' -OutFile '.\dotnet-install.ps1'; &amp; '.\dotnet-install.ps1' -Channel Current -Version '2.0.0'*_x000D__x000A_ - Publish cmdlets on Windows PowerShell supports using the dotnet command for publishing operations._x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_Breaking Change_x000D__x000A_- PWSH: Changed the installation location of AllUsers scope to the parent of $PSHOME instead of $PSHOME. It is the SHARED_MODULES folder on PWSH._x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_Bug fixes_x000D__x000A_- Update HelpInfoURI to 'https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=855963' (#195)_x000D__x000A_- Ensure MyDocumentsPSPath path is correct (#179) (Thanks @lwsrbrts)_x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_## features_x000D__x000A_* Added support for modules requiring license acceptance (#150)_x000D__x000A_ - [Documentation](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/gallery/psget/module/RequireLicenseAcceptance)_x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_* Added version for REQUIREDSCRIPTS (#162)_x000D__x000A_ - Enabled following scenarios for REQUIREDSCRIPTS_x000D__x000A_ - [1.0] - RequiredVersion_x000D__x000A_ - [1.0,2.0] - Min and Max Version_x000D__x000A_ - (,1.0] - Max Version_x000D__x000A_ - 1.0 - Min Version_x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_Bug fixes_x000D__x000A_* Fixed empty version value in nuspec (#157)_x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_##* Disabled PowerShellGet Telemetry on PS Core as PowerShell Telemetry APIs got removed in PowerShell Core beta builds. (#153)_x000D__x000A_* Fixed for DateTime format serialization issue. (#141)_x000D__x000A_* Update-ModuleManifest should add ExternalModuleDependencies value as a collection. (#129)_x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_## features_x000D__x000A_* Added `PrivateData` field to ScriptFileInfo. (#119)_x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_Bug fixes_x000D__x000A_* Fixed Add-Type issue in v6.0.0-beta.1 release of PowerShellCore. (#125, #124)_x000D__x000A_* Install-Script -Scope CurrentUser PATH changes should not require a reboot for new PS processes. (#124)_x000D__x000A_ - Made changes to broadcast the Environment variable changes, so that other processes pick changes to Environment variables without having to reboot or logoff/logon._x000D__x000A_* Changed `Get-EnvironmentVariable` to get the unexpanded version of `%path%`. (#117)_x000D__x000A_* Refactor credential parameter propagation to sub-functions. (#104)_x000D__x000A_* Added credential parameter to subsequent calls of `Publish-Module/Script`. (#93)_x000D__x000A_ - This is needed when a module is published that has the RequiredModules attribute in the manifest on a repository that does not have anonymous access because the required module lookups will fail._x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_## fixes_x000D__x000A_* Renamed `PublishModuleIsNotSupportedOnNanoServer` errorid to `PublishModuleIsNotSupportedOnPowerShellCoreEdition`. (#44)_x000D__x000A_ - Also renamed `PublishScriptIsNotSupportedOnNanoServer` to `PublishScriptIsNotSupportedOnPowerShellCoreEdition`._x000D__x000A_* Fixed an issue in `Update-Module` and `Update-Script` cmdlets to show proper version of current item being updated in `Confirm`/`WhatIf` message. (#44)_x000D__x000A_* Updated `Test-ModuleInstalled` function to return single module instead of multiple modules. (#44)_x000D__x000A_* Updated `ModuleCommandAlreadyAvailable` error message to include all conflicting commands instead of one. (#44)_x000D__x000A_ - Corresponding changes to collect the complete set of conflicting commands from the being installed._x000D__x000A_ - Also ensured that conflicting commands from PSModule.psm1 are ignored in the command collision analysis as Get-Command includes the commands from current local scope as well._x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_* Fixed '[Test-ScriptFileInfo] Fails on *NIX newlines (LF vs. CRLF)' (#18)_x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_## fixes_x000D__x000A_* Fixed 'Update-Module fails with `ModuleAuthenticodeSignature` error for modules with signed PSD1'. (#12) (#8)_x000D__x000A_* Fixed 'Properties of `AdditionalMetadata` are case-sensitive'. #7_x000D__x000A_* Changed `ErrorAction` to `Ignore` for few cmdlet usages as they should not show up in ErrorVariable._x000D__x000A_ - For example, error returned by `Get-Command Test-FileCatalog` should be ignored._x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A__x000D__x000A_##* Initial release from GitHub._x000D__x000A_* PowerShellCore support._x000D__x000A_* Security enhancements including the enforcement of catalog-signed modules during installation._x000D__x000A_* Authenticated Repository support._x000D__x000A_* Proxy Authentication support._x000D__x000A_* Responses to a number of user requests and issues.</S>
          <S N="isLatestVersion">False</S>
          <S N="isAbsoluteLatestVersion">False</S>
          <S N="versionDownloadCount">810471</S>
          <S N="downloadCount">5173359</S>
          <S N="packageSize">189474</S>
          <S N="published">11/19/2018 9:41:14 PM +00:00</S>
          <S N="created">11/19/2018 9:41:14 PM +00:00</S>
          <S N="lastUpdated">1/17/2019 10:05:14 PM +00:00</S>
          <S N="tags">Packagemanagement Provider PSEdition_Desktop PSEdition_Core Linux Mac PSModule PSFunction_Find-Command PSCommand_Find-Command PSFunction_Find-DSCResource PSCommand_Find-DSCResource PSFunction_Find-Module PSCommand_Find-Module PSFunction_Find-RoleCapability PSCommand_Find-RoleCapability PSFunction_Find-Script PSCommand_Find-Script PSFunction_Get-InstalledModule PSCommand_Get-InstalledModule PSFunction_Get-InstalledScript PSCommand_Get-InstalledScript PSFunction_Get-PSRepository PSCommand_Get-PSRepository PSFunction_Install-Module PSCommand_Install-Module PSFunction_Install-Script PSCommand_Install-Script PSFunction_New-ScriptFileInfo PSCommand_New-ScriptFileInfo PSFunction_Publish-Module PSCommand_Publish-Module PSFunction_Publish-Script PSCommand_Publish-Script PSFunction_Register-PSRepository PSCommand_Register-PSRepository PSFunction_Save-Module PSCommand_Save-Module PSFunction_Save-Script PSCommand_Save-Script PSFunction_Set-PSRepository PSCommand_Set-PSRepository PSFunction_Test-ScriptFileInfo PSCommand_Test-ScriptFileInfo PSFunction_Uninstall-Module PSCommand_Uninstall-Module PSFunction_Uninstall-Script PSCommand_Uninstall-Script PSFunction_Unregister-PSRepository PSCommand_Unregister-PSRepository PSFunction_Update-Module PSCommand_Update-Module PSFunction_Update-ModuleManifest PSCommand_Update-ModuleManifest PSFunction_Update-Script PSCommand_Update-Script PSFunction_Update-ScriptFileInfo PSCommand_Update-ScriptFileInfo PSIncludes_Function</S>
          <S N="developmentDependency">False</S>
          <S N="updated">2019-01-17T22:05:14Z</S>
          <S N="NormalizedVersion">2.0.3</S>
          <S N="Authors">Microsoft Corporation</S>
          <S N="IsPrerelease">false</S>
          <S N="ItemType">Module</S>
          <S N="FileList">PowerShellGet.nuspec|PowerShellGet.cat|PowerShellGet.psd1|PSGet.Format.ps1xml|PSGet.Resource.psd1|PSModule.psm1|en-US\PSGet.Resource.psd1</S>
          <S N="GUID">1d73a601-4a6c-43c5-ba3f-619b18bbb404</S>
          <S N="PowerShellVersion">3.0</S>
          <S N="CompanyName">Microsoft Corporation</S>
      <S N="InstalledLocation">C:\projects\whiskey\Whiskey\PowerShellGet\2.0.3</S>