
function Register-WhiskeyEvent
    Registers a command to call when specific events happen during a build.
    The `Register-WhiskeyEvent` function registers a command to run when a specific event happens during a build. Supported events are:
    * `BeforeTask` which runs before each task
    * `AfterTask`, which runs after each task
    `BeforeTask` and `AfterTask` event handlers must have the following parameters:
        function Invoke-WhiskeyTaskEvent
    To stop a build while handling an event, call the `Stop-WhiskeyTask` function.

        # The name of the command to run during the event.

        # When the command should be run; what events does it respond to?

        # Only fire the event for a specific task.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    $eventName = $Event
    if( $TaskName )
        $eventType = $Event -replace 'Task$',''
        $eventName = '{0}{1}Task' -f $eventType,$TaskName

    if( -not $events[$eventName] )
        $events[$eventName] = New-Object -TypeName 'Collections.Generic.List[string]'

    $events[$eventName].Add( $CommandName )