
    This topic describes how to use Whiskey variables in your whiskey.yml file
    and what built-in variables are available.
    ## Using Variables
    You can define and use variables in your whiskey.yml file. Use variables
    with this syntax: `$(VARIABLE_NAME)`. The variable name must be enclosed in
    `$()`. If you want to include a literal `$(` in your whiskey.yml file,
    escape the dollar-sign by adding using two dollar signs, e.g. `$$(`.
    You can add string variables to your build using Whiskey's `Variable` task.
    You can also add variables in your build script using the
    `Add-WhiskeyVariable` function. The value retains its type until the task
    that uses the variable begins, at which point it is converted to a string.
    All static properties on .NET's [Environment](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.environment#properties)
    are available as variables. They retain their underlying type, so you can
    call their methods/properties (see below).
    All enviroment variables may be used as variables. For example.
    `$(PATH)` would resolve to the current user's `PATH` environment variable.
    Since environment variable vary between operating systems, we recommend
    you use one of the static properties on .NET's [Environment](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.environment#properties)
    class instead.
    ## Invoking Variable Members
    You are allowed to call object members on variables. Use the dot syntax,
    e.g. `$(WHISKEY_SCM_URI.Host)`, `$(WHISKEY_SCM_COMMIT_ID.Substring(0,7))`.
    When calling methods, separate parameters with commas. If you want to use a
    comma as or in the value of a parameter, quote it with double or single
    quotes. Whitespace is ignored unless it is quoted by either single or double
    quotes, e.g.
        $(Variable.Replace( " some string ", " another string " ))
    To use a double or single quote inside a double or single quoted string,
    double the quote character, e.g.
        $(Variable.Replace(" ""quote"" ", " ""another quote"" "))
    ## Built-in Variables
    Whiskey has the following built-in variables.
     * [string] WHISKEY_BUILD_ID: the unique ID for the current build across
       all builds.
     * [int] WHISKEY_BUILD_NUMBER: the unique number/ID for the current build.
       Unique to the current build only. Build servers usually increment this
       number every time a new build runs.
     * [System.IO.DirectoryInfo] WHISKEY_BUILD_ROOT: the directory where your
       whiskey.yml file is.
     * [string] WHISKEY_BUILD_SERVER_NAME: the computer name of the current
       build server.
     * [datetime] WHISKEY_BUILD_STARTED_AT: the date/time the build started.
     * [uri] WHISKEY_BUILD_URI: the URI to the current build. This is where
       you can find build results.
     * [string] WHISKEY_ENVIRONMENT: the environment of the current build.
       This is the same environment passed to Whiskey's `New-WhiskeyContext`.
     * [uri] WHISKEY_JOB_URI: the URI to the project/job. This is the URI
       where you can see all the builds for a given project/job.
     * [string] WHISKEY_MSBUILD_CONFIGURATION: the configuration used when
       running any MSBuild task. This is always `Debug` when run by developers
       and `Release` otherwise.
     * [string] WHISKEY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY: the path to the directory where
       build results, packages, and other output is put. Usually it is in a
       .output directory in the build root
     * [string] WHISKEY_PIPELINE_NAME: the name of the Whiskey pipeline that is
       currently running.
     * [string] WHISKEY_SCM_BRANCH: the branch on which the current build is
     * [string] WHISKEY_SCM_COMMIT_ID: the commit ID/hash that is currently
     * [uri] WHISKEY_SCM_URI: the URI to the source control management
       repository where the source code for the current build came from.
     * [SemVersion.SemanticVersion] WHISKEY_SEMVER1: the semver version 1
       compatible version for the current build.
     * [string] WHISKEY_SEMVER1_VERSION: the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH portion of the
       semver version 1 compatible version for the current build.
     * [SemVersion.SemanticVersion] WHISKEY_SEMVER2: the semver version 2
       compatible version for the current build.
     * [SemVersion.SemanticVersion] WHISKEY_SEMVER2_NO_BUILD_METADATA: the
       semver version 2 compatible version for the current build, without any
       build metadata.
     * [string] WHISKEY_SEMVER2_VERSION: the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH portion of the
       semver version 2 compatible version for the current build.
     * [string] WHISKEY_TASK_NAME: the name of the currently executing task.
     * [IO.DirectoryInfo] WHISKEY_TASK_TEMP_DIRECTORY: the path to the
       temporary directory created for the currently executing task.
     * [IO.DirectoryInfo] WHISKEY_TEMP_DIRECTORY: the path to the
       global/system temporary directory. Uses `System.IO.Path.GetTempPath()`
       to get the temporary directory path.
     * [string] WHISKEY_VERSION: a `System.Version` compatible version for
       the current build (i.e. a semantic version without any prerelease or
       build metadata).