
    Whiskey is a Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery build platform.
    ## Overview
    Think of Whiskey as a build server you can run from the command line.
    Instead of writing a bunch of PowerShell/batch/whatever scripts, what you
    want to happen during your build is written as [YAML](http://yaml.org/)
    into a "whiskey.yml" text file and committed into the root of your
    source code repository.
    ## System Requirements
    * PowerShell 5.1+ (.NET Core, too)
    * A build server. Jenkins, TeamCity, or Appveyor are supported.
    ## Getting Started
    1. Grab the latest default `build.ps1` script, which will bootstraps Whiskey into
       your repository and create a `whiskey.yml` file for you:
           > Invoke-WebRequest 'https://github.com/webmd-health-services/Whiskey/releases/latest/download/build.ps1' -OutFile 'build.ps1'
    2. Run your build:
           > .\build.ps1
    3. Add Whiskey to your `.gitignore` file:
    ## Configuring Your Build
    ### Overview
    A Whiskey build has two phases: building and publishing (i.e.
    promoting). These are handled by the `Build` and `Publish`
    pipelines in your whiskey.yml file. A pipeline is a list of tasks to
    perform when running that pipeline. Your first pipelines are empty:
    A pipeline is a list of tasks. Each task has properties that control what
    the task does. In Yaml, you create a list by prefixing each item with
    `- `. Task properties should start on the next line and be indented four
    spaces. If a task has properties, the task name must end with a `:`. For
        - TaskOne:
            Property1: Value
            Property2: Value2
        - TaskTwo:
            Property: Value
        # This task has no properties, so the ":" may be ommitted.
        - TaskThree
    YAML must be indented with spaces, not tabs.
    See the `about_Whiskey_Tasks` help topic to see Whiskey's tasks.
    ### Building
    Under the "Build" pipeline in your whiskey.yml file, add tasks you
    want to run when building. For example, Whiskey's build process looks
    like this:
        - Pester4:
            Path: Test\*.Tests.ps1
    In this example, Whiskey will run the "Pester4" task, which in this
    example, will run all the Pester tests that match the "Test\*.Tests.ps1"
    wildcard path.
    ### Publishing
    Publishing only happens after a successful build when the build is
    running under a build server. Publishing never happens when run by a
    developer. Additionally, publishing only happens when a build runs on a
    publishing branch, which are set with the `PublishOn` property in the
    root of your whiskey.yml file. The default whiskey.yml file publishes on
    the master branch:
        - master
    The "PublishOn" property is a list of branch names. Wildcards are allowed.
    When publishing, Whiskey runs all the tasks in the "Publish"
    pipeline. For example, Whiskey's publish process looks like this:
        - PublishPowerShellModule:
            RepositoryName: PSGallery
            RepositoryUri: https://powershellgallery.com/
            Path: Whiskey
            ApiKeyID: PowerShellGallery
    The "PublishPowerShellModule" task publishes a PowerShell module to
    PowerShell repository. In this example, the module is published to the
    PowerShell Gallery.
    ### API Keys and Credentials
    Some tasks, especially those used when publishing, need API keys or
    credentials. Whiskey does not let you add this sensitive information to
    your whiskey.yml file. If a publishing tool doesn't support some way of
    caching/saving and using credentials securely, you can add them to your
    build using the Whiskey API.
    Every task that needs a secret will have an `ApiKeyID` or `CredentialID`
    property. In your build.ps1 script, use this ID when calling Whiskey's
    `Add-WhiskeyApiKey` or `Add-WhiskeyCredential` functions to add the
    value of that API key or credential.
    For example, here is how Whiskey's own build process adds its PowerShell
    API key to Whiskey, which builds under [Appveyor](
    https://www.appveyor.com/), which exposes the API key as an environment
        if( (Test-Path -Path 'env:POWERSHELL_GALLERY_API_KEY') )
            Add-WhiskeyApiKey -Context $context -ID 'PowerShellGallery' -Value $env:POWERSHELL_GALLERY_API_KEY