
    Creates a NuGet package.
    The `NuGetPack` task create a NuGet package using the `nuget.exe pack` command. Pass the path to the .nuspec or .csproj file to use to the `Path` property. The package will be saved to Whiskey's output directory. You may use wildcards and/or multiple paths. A package is created for each unique path.
    To create a `Symbols` package, set the `Symbols` property to `true`. This will use the `-Symbols` switch when calling `nuget.exe`.
    By default, this task downloads and uses the latest version of NuGet. To use a specific version of NuGet, set the `Version` property to the version you want to use.
    The task passes the version of the current build to the nuget.exe executable's `-Version` parameter.
    Nuspec files allow token replacements in nodes under its `metadata` element. Tokens follow the pattern `$TOKEN_NAME$`. If elements under the `metadata` element in your .nuspec file contains tokens, you pass the value of those tokens to the `Properties` property.
    Since nuget.exe doesn't return any exit codes that denote success or failure, the task fails if an expected .nupkg was not created in the output directory. It looks for a filename with the same base name as the source file, plus the version, plus a "-symbols" switch (if the "Symbols" property is "true"). If your package's ID doesn't match the source file name (without extension), set the "PackageID" property to your package's ID.
    Use the "PackageVersion" property to customize the version of your package. The default is the `WHISKEY_SEMVER1_VERSION` variable.
    * Path (***mandatory***): the path to the .nuspec or .csproj file to package. Wildcards and multiple paths supported. `nuget.exe pack` is run for each path.
    * Symbols: whether or not to create a symbols package. If this is `true`, uses the nuget.exe executable's `-Symbols` switch.
    * Version: the version of nuget.exe to use to publish. The default is to use the latest version of NuGet.
    * Properties: name/value pairs to pass to the pack command's `-Properties` parameter. Each name/value pair is passed as a separate parameter.
    * PackageID: the package ID. The default is the Path property's file name, without its extension. This property is used to check that the .nupkg file was created by nuget.exe.
    * PackageVersion: the version of the package to use. The defalt is the value of the `WHISKEY_SEMVER1_VERSION` variable.
    ## Example 1
      - NuGetPack:
          Path: Whiskey.nuspec
    Demonstrates how to build a NuGet package using a .nuspec file.
    ## Example 2
      - NuGetPack:
          Path: Assembly\Whiskey\Whiskey.csproj
          Symbols: true
    Demonstrates how to create a symbols package.
    ## Example 3
      - NuGetPack:
          Path: Assembly\Whiskey\Whiskey.nuspec
            ReleaseNotes: Release notes.
            Tags: "tag1 tag2 tag3"
    Demonstrates how to pass properties to the pack command's `-Properties` parameter. Any $-delimited tokens in element in a .nupsec file under the `metadata` element would get replaced with the values passed here. In this case, token `$ReleaseNotes$` would get replaced with `Release notes.` and token `$Tags$` would get replaced with `tag1 tag2 tag3`.