
Send wilma message to recipients
 Send-WPSWMessage -MessageBody "just testing" -Subject "test"" -r_student 123
 Sends a message to student with id 123
Send-WPSWMessage -MessageBody "This is ok" -Reply_id 12345
Replies to message with id 12345

function Send-WPSWMessage (){

      # Message Body

      # Body is formad as as HTML

      # Message subject

      # Message is reply to message id

      # whether the recipient is able to see the names of the other recipients

      # whether the recipients are able to see each other’s responses (can answer by Quick Reply)

      #Recipient Student ID

      #Recipient guardian for student ID If the student has two guardians (personal accounts in use) and you
      #only want to choose one of the guardians as a recipient, create the value
      #Id+_+ PasswdID

      #Recipient teacher ID

      #Recipient personel ID
      #Recipient workplace instructor ID

      #Recipient Class ID

      #Recipient class supervisor ID

      #Recipient Group ID

      #teacher ID of the group

      #combination of Search ID and school id

      Write-Verbose "Send-WPSWMessage begin"
      $WPSWSession = Get-WPSWCurrentSession
      $basepath = "/messages/compose"

      $Headers = @{
        referer = $referer
        origin = $WPSWSession.config.url
        dnt = 1

    process {
      Write-Verbose "Send-WPSWMessage process"

      $Body= @{
        formkey = $WPSWSession.Result.FormKey
        bodyText = $MessageBody

      if ($true -eq $AsHTML) {
          $Body += @{
            wysiwyg = "ckeditor"

      if ( -not $Reply_id) {
        $Body += @{
          Subject = $Subject
          ShowRecipients = $ShowRecipients
          CollatedReplies =$CollatedReplies

        $recipients= ('r_student', 'r_guardian','r_teacher','r_personnel','r_instructor','r_class','r_classguardian','r_group','r_groupguardian', 'r_studentsearch')
        foreach ( $r in $recipients) {
          if((Get-Variable $r).Value) {
            $Body.$($r) = (Get-Variable $r).Value
      } else {
        #this is reply
        $basepath = "/messages/collatedreply/$Reply_id"
      try {
        $requesturl = "$($WPSWSession.config.url)$basepath"
        Write-Verbose $requesturl
        $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $Headers -SkipHttpErrorCheck -Method Post  -MaximumRedirection 0 -ResponseHeadersVariable ResponseHeader -Form $Body  -Uri $requesturl  -WebSession $WPSWSession.WilmaSession

        #'/messages/compose' unsuccefull sending
        if($ResponseHeader.Location -eq "$($WPSWSession.config.url)/messages" -or
           $ResponseHeader.Location -eq "$($WPSWSession.config.url)/messages/$Reply_id") {
        } else {

          Write-Error "Unknown status when sending message. Try -Debug"
          Write-Debug $res
          Write-Debug $result

        $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Error "Could not send message: $ErrorMessage"