
#region Functions
Function Get-FormVariables {
    if ($global:ReadmeDisplay -ne $true) { Write-Host 'If you need to reference this display again, run Get-FormVariables' -ForegroundColor Yellow; $global:ReadmeDisplay = $true }
    #write-host "Found the following interactable elements from our form" -ForegroundColor Cyan
    Get-Variable WPF*

# Functions for Controls

#Function to select mounting directory
Function Select-MountDir {
    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
    $browser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog
    $browser.Description = 'Select the mount folder'
    $null = $browser.ShowDialog()
    $MountDir = $browser.SelectedPath
    $WPFMISMountTextBox.text = $MountDir
    Test-MountPath -path $WPFMISMountTextBox.text
    Update-Log -Data 'Mount directory selected' -Class Information

#Function to select Source WIM
Function Select-SourceWIM {
    $SourceWIM = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property @{
        InitialDirectory = "$global:workdir\imports\wim"
        Filter           = 'WIM (*.wim)|'
    $null = $SourceWIM.ShowDialog()
    $WPFSourceWIMSelectWIMTextBox.text = $SourceWIM.FileName

    if ($SourceWIM.FileName -notlike '*.wim') {
        Update-Log -Data 'A WIM file not selected. Please select a valid file to continue.' -Class Warning

    #Select the index
    $ImageFull = @(Get-WindowsImage -ImagePath $WPFSourceWIMSelectWIMTextBox.text)
    $a = $ImageFull | Out-GridView -Title 'Choose an Image Index' -PassThru
    $IndexNumber = $a.ImageIndex
    if ($null -eq $indexnumber) {
        Update-Log -Data 'Index not selected. Reselect the WIM file to select an index' -Class Warning

    Import-WimInfo -IndexNumber $IndexNumber

Function Import-WimInfo($IndexNumber, [switch]$SkipUserConfirmation) {
    Update-Log -Data 'Importing Source WIM Info' -Class Information
    try {
        #Gets WIM metadata to populate fields on the Source tab.
        $ImageInfo = Get-WindowsImage -ImagePath $WPFSourceWIMSelectWIMTextBox.text -Index $IndexNumber -ErrorAction Stop
    } catch {
        Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Error
        Update-Log -data 'The WIM file selected may be borked. Try a different one' -Class Warning
    $text = 'WIM file selected: ' + $SourceWIM.FileName
    # $text = "WIM file selected: " + $ImageInfo.FileName
    Update-Log -data $text -Class Information
    $text = 'Edition selected: ' + $ImageInfo.ImageName

    Update-Log -data $text -Class Information
    $ImageIndex = $IndexNumber

    $WPFSourceWIMImgDesTextBox.text = $ImageInfo.ImageName
    $WPFSourceWimVerTextBox.Text = $ImageInfo.Version
    $WPFSourceWimSPBuildTextBox.text = $ImageInfo.SPBuild
    $WPFSourceWimLangTextBox.text = $ImageInfo.Languages
    $WPFSourceWimIndexTextBox.text = $ImageIndex
    if ($ImageInfo.Architecture -eq 9) {
        $WPFSourceWimArchTextBox.text = 'x64'
    } Else {
        $WPFSourceWimArchTextBox.text = 'x86'
    if ($WPFSourceWIMImgDesTextBox.text -like 'Windows Server*') {
        $WPFJSONEnableCheckBox.IsChecked = $False
        $WPFAppxCheckBox.IsChecked = $False
        $WPFAppTab.IsEnabled = $False
        $WPFAutopilotTab.IsEnabled = $False
        $WPFMISAppxTextBox.text = 'False'
        $WPFMISJSONTextBox.text = 'False'
        $WPFMISOneDriveCheckBox.IsChecked = $False
        $WPFMISOneDriveCheckBox.IsEnabled = $False
    } Else {
        $WPFAppTab.IsEnabled = $True
        $WPFAutopilotTab.IsEnabled = $True
        $WPFMISOneDriveCheckBox.IsEnabled = $True

    ######right here
    if ($SkipUserConfirmation -eq $False) { $WPFSourceWimTBVersionNum.text = Get-WinVersionNumber }

#Function to Select JSON File
Function Select-JSONFile {
    $JSON = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property @{
        InitialDirectory = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Desktop')
        Filter           = 'JSON (*.JSON)|'
    $null = $JSON.ShowDialog()
    $WPFJSONTextBox.Text = $JSON.FileName

    $text = 'JSON file selected: ' + $JSON.FileName
    Update-Log -Data $text -Class Information
    Invoke-ParseJSON -file $JSON.FileName

#Function to parse the JSON file for user valuable info
Function Invoke-ParseJSON($file) {
    try {
        Update-Log -Data 'Attempting to parse JSON file...' -Class Information
        $autopilotinfo = Get-Content $WPFJSONTextBox.Text | ConvertFrom-Json
        Update-Log -Data 'Successfully parsed JSON file' -Class Information
        $WPFZtdCorrelationId.Text = $autopilotinfo.ZtdCorrelationId
        $WPFCloudAssignedTenantDomain.Text = $autopilotinfo.CloudAssignedTenantDomain
        $WPFComment_File.text = $autopilotinfo.Comment_File

    } catch {
        $WPFZtdCorrelationId.Text = 'Bad file. Try Again.'
        $WPFCloudAssignedTenantDomain.Text = 'Bad file. Try Again.'
        $WPFComment_File.text = 'Bad file. Try Again.'
        Update-Log -Data 'Failed to parse JSON file. Try another'

#Function to select the paths for the driver fields
Function Select-DriverSource($DriverTextBoxNumber) {
    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
    $browser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog
    $browser.Description = 'Select the Driver Source folder'
    $null = $browser.ShowDialog()
    $DriverDir = $browser.SelectedPath
    $DriverTextBoxNumber.Text = $DriverDir
    Update-Log -Data "Driver path selected: $DriverDir" -Class Information

#Function to assign the target directory
Function Select-TargetDir {
    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
    $browser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog
    $browser.Description = 'Select the target folder'
    $null = $browser.ShowDialog()
    $TargetDir = $browser.SelectedPath
    $WPFMISWimFolderTextBox.text = $TargetDir #I SCREWED UP THIS VARIABLE
    Update-Log -Data 'Target directory selected' -Class Information

#Function to enable logging and folder check
Function Update-Log {
            Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            Position = 0

            Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            Position = 0
        [string]$Solution = $Solution,

            Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            Position = 1
        [validateset('Information', 'Warning', 'Error', 'Comment')]
        [string]$Class = 'Information'


    $global:ScriptLogFilePath = $Log
    $LogString = "$(Get-Date) $Class - $Data"
    $HostString = "$(Get-Date) $Class - $Data"

    Add-Content -Path $Log -Value $LogString
    switch ($Class) {
        'Information' {
            Write-Host $HostString -ForegroundColor Gray
        'Warning' {
            Write-Host $HostString -ForegroundColor Yellow
        'Error' {
            Write-Host $HostString -ForegroundColor Red
        'Comment' {
            Write-Host $HostString -ForegroundColor Green

        Default { }
    #The below line is for a logging tab that was removed. If it gets put back in, reenable the line
    # $WPFLoggingTextBox.text = Get-Content -Path $Log -Delimiter "\n"

#Removes old log and creates all folders if does not exist
Function Set-Logging {
    #logging folder
    if (!(Test-Path -Path "$global:workdir\logging\WIMWitch.Log" -PathType Leaf)) {
        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "$global:workdir\Logging" | Out-Null
        New-Item -Path "$global:workdir\logging" -Name 'WIMWitch.log' -ItemType 'file' -Value '***Logging Started***' | Out-Null
    } Else {
        Remove-Item -Path "$global:workdir\logging\WIMWitch.log"
        New-Item -Path "$global:workdir\logging" -Name 'WIMWitch.log' -ItemType 'file' -Value '***Logging Started***' | Out-Null

    #updates folder
    $FileExist = Test-Path -Path "$global:workdir\updates" #-PathType Leaf
    if ($FileExist -eq $False) {
        Update-Log -Data 'Updates folder does not exist. Creating...' -Class Warning
        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "$global:workdir\updates" | Out-Null
        Update-Log -Data 'Updates folder created' -Class Information

    if ($FileExist -eq $True) { Update-Log -Data 'Updates folder exists' -Class Information }

    #staging folder
    $FileExist = Test-Path -Path "$global:workdir\Staging" #-PathType Leaf
    if ($FileExist -eq $False) {
        Update-Log -Data 'Staging folder does not exist. Creating...' -Class Warning
        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "$global:workdir\Staging" | Out-Null
        Update-Log -Data 'Staging folder created' -Class Information

    if ($FileExist -eq $True) { Update-Log -Data 'Staging folder exists' -Class Information }

    #Mount folder
    $FileExist = Test-Path -Path "$global:workdir\Mount" #-PathType Leaf
    if ($FileExist -eq $False) {
        Update-Log -Data 'Mount folder does not exist. Creating...' -Class Warning
        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "$global:workdir\Mount" | Out-Null
        Update-Log -Data 'Mount folder created' -Class Information

    if ($FileExist -eq $True) { Update-Log -Data 'Mount folder exists' -Class Information }

    #Completed WIMs folder
    $FileExist = Test-Path -Path "$global:workdir\CompletedWIMs" #-PathType Leaf
    if ($FileExist -eq $False) {
        Update-Log -Data 'CompletedWIMs folder does not exist. Creating...' -Class Warning
        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "$global:workdir\CompletedWIMs" | Out-Null
        Update-Log -Data 'CompletedWIMs folder created' -Class Information

    if ($FileExist -eq $True) { Update-Log -Data 'CompletedWIMs folder exists' -Class Information }

    #Configurations XML folder
    $FileExist = Test-Path -Path "$global:workdir\Configs" #-PathType Leaf
    if ($FileExist -eq $False) {
        Update-Log -Data 'Configs folder does not exist. Creating...' -Class Warning
        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "$global:workdir\Configs" | Out-Null
        Update-Log -Data 'Configs folder created' -Class Information

    if ($FileExist -eq $True) { Update-Log -Data 'Configs folder exists' -Class Information }


Function Install-Driver($drivertoapply) {
    try {
        Add-WindowsDriver -Path $WPFMISMountTextBox.Text -Driver $drivertoapply -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
        Update-Log -Data "Applied $drivertoapply" -Class Information
    } catch {
        Update-Log -Data "Couldn't apply $drivertoapply" -Class Warning


#Function for injecting drivers into the mounted WIM
Function Start-DriverInjection($Folder) {
    #This filters out invalid paths, such as the default value
    $testpath = Test-Path $folder -PathType Container
    If ($testpath -eq $false) { return }

    If ($testpath -eq $true) {

        Update-Log -data "Applying drivers from $folder" -class Information

        Get-ChildItem $Folder -Recurse -Filter '*inf' | ForEach-Object { Install-Driver $_.FullName }
        Update-Log -Data "Completed driver injection from $folder" -Class Information

#Function to retrieve OSDUpdate Version
Function Get-OSDBInstallation {
    Update-Log -Data 'Getting OSD Installation information' -Class Information
    try {
        Import-Module -Name OSDUpdate -ErrorAction Stop
    } catch {
        $WPFUpdatesOSDBVersion.Text = 'Not Installed.'
        Update-Log -Data 'OSD Update is not installed.' -Class Warning
    try {
        $OSDBVersion = Get-Module -Name OSDUpdate -ErrorAction Stop
        $WPFUpdatesOSDBVersion.Text = $OSDBVersion.Version
        $text = $osdbversion.version
        Update-Log -data "Installed version of OSD Update is $text." -Class Information
    } catch {
        Update-Log -Data 'Unable to fetch OSD Update version.' -Class Error

# Function to retrieve OSDSUS Version

Function Get-OSDSUSInstallation {
    Update-Log -Data 'Getting OSDSUS Installation information' -Class 'Information'
    try {
        Import-Module -Name OSDSUS -ErrorAction Stop
    } catch {
        $WPFUpdatesOSDSUSVersion.Text = 'Not Installed'

        Update-Log -Data 'OSDSUS is not installed.' -Class Warning
    try {
        $OSDSUSVersion = Get-Module -Name OSDSUS -ErrorAction Stop
        $WPFUpdatesOSDSUSVersion.Text = $OSDSUSVersion.Version
        $text = $osdsusversion.version
        Update-Log -data "Installed version of OSDSUS is $text." -Class Information
    } catch {
        Update-Log -Data 'Unable to fetch OSDSUS version.' -Class Error

#Function to retrieve current OSDUpdate Version
Function Get-OSDBCurrentVer {
    Update-Log -Data 'Checking for the most current OSDUpdate version available' -Class Information
    try {
        $OSDBCurrentVer = Find-Module -Name OSDUpdate -ErrorAction Stop
        $WPFUpdatesOSDBCurrentVerTextBox.Text = $OSDBCurrentVer.version
        $text = $OSDBCurrentVer.version
        Update-Log -data "$text is the most current version" -class Information
    } catch {
        $WPFUpdatesOSDBCurrentVerTextBox.Text = 'Network Error'

#Function to retrieve current OSDUSUS Version
Function Get-OSDSUSCurrentVer {
    Update-Log -Data 'Checking for the most current OSDSUS version available' -Class Information
    try {
        $OSDSUSCurrentVer = Find-Module -Name OSDSUS -ErrorAction Stop
        $WPFUpdatesOSDSUSCurrentVerTextBox.Text = $OSDSUSCurrentVer.version
        $text = $OSDSUSCurrentVer.version
        Update-Log -data "$text is the most current version" -class Information
    } catch {
        $WPFUpdatesOSDSUSCurrentVerTextBox.Text = 'Network Error'

#Function to update or install OSDUpdate
Function Update-OSDB {
    if ($WPFUpdatesOSDBVersion.Text -eq 'Not Installed') {
        Update-Log -Data 'Attempting to install and import OSD Update' -Class Information
        try {
            Install-Module OSDUpdate -Force -ErrorAction Stop
            #Write-Host "Installed module"
            Update-Log -data 'OSD Update module has been installed' -Class Information
            Import-Module -Name OSDUpdate -Force -ErrorAction Stop
            #Write-Host "Imported module"
            Update-Log -Data 'OSD Update module has been imported' -Class Information
            Update-Log -Data '****************************************************************************' -Class Warning
            Update-Log -Data 'Please close WIM Witch and all PowerShell windows, then rerun to continue...' -Class Warning
            Update-Log -Data '****************************************************************************' -Class Warning
            #$WPFUpdatesOSDBClosePowerShellTextBlock.visibility = "Visible"
            $WPFUpdatesOSDListBox.items.add('Please close all PowerShell windows, including WIM Witch, then relaunch app to continue')
        } catch {
            $WPFUpdatesOSDBVersion.Text = 'Inst Fail'
            Update-Log -Data "Couldn't install OSD Update" -Class Error
            Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Error

    If ($WPFUpdatesOSDBVersion.Text -gt '1.0.0') {
        Update-Log -data 'Attempting to update OSD Update' -class Information
        try {
            Update-ModuleOSDUpdate -ErrorAction Stop
            Update-Log -Data 'Updated OSD Update' -Class Information
            Update-Log -Data '****************************************************************************' -Class Warning
            Update-Log -Data 'Please close WIM Witch and all PowerShell windows, then rerun to continue...' -Class Warning
            Update-Log -Data '****************************************************************************' -Class Warning
            #$WPFUpdatesOSDBClosePowerShellTextBlock.visibility = "Visible"
            $WPFUpdatesOSDListBox.items.add('Please close all PowerShell windows, including WIM Witch, then relaunch app to continue')

        } catch {
            $WPFUpdatesOSDBCurrentVerTextBox.Text = 'OSDB Err'

#Function to update or install OSDSUS
Function Update-OSDSUS {
    if ($WPFUpdatesOSDSUSVersion.Text -eq 'Not Installed') {
        Update-Log -Data 'Attempting to install and import OSDSUS' -Class Information
        try {
            Install-Module OSDUpdate -Force -ErrorAction Stop
            Update-Log -data 'OSDSUS module has been installed' -Class Information
            Import-Module -Name OSDUpdate -Force -ErrorAction Stop
            Update-Log -Data 'OSDSUS module has been imported' -Class Information
            Update-Log -Data '****************************************************************************' -Class Warning
            Update-Log -Data 'Please close WIM Witch and all PowerShell windows, then rerun to continue...' -Class Warning
            Update-Log -Data '****************************************************************************' -Class Warning
            #$WPFUpdatesOSDBClosePowerShellTextBlock.visibility = "Visible"
            $WPFUpdatesOSDListBox.items.add('Please close all PowerShell windows, including WIM Witch, then relaunch app to continue')
        } catch {
            $WPFUpdatesOSDSUSVersion.Text = 'Inst Fail'
            Update-Log -Data "Couldn't install OSDSUS" -Class Error
            Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Error

    If ($WPFUpdatesOSDSUSVersion.Text -gt '1.0.0') {
        Update-Log -data 'Attempting to update OSDSUS' -class Information
        try {
            Uninstall-Module -Name osdsus -AllVersions -Force
            Install-Module -Name osdsus -Force
            Update-Log -Data 'Updated OSDSUS' -Class Information
            Update-Log -Data '****************************************************************************' -Class Warning
            Update-Log -Data 'Please close WIM Witch and all PowerShell windows, then rerun to continue...' -Class Warning
            Update-Log -Data '****************************************************************************' -Class Warning
            #$WPFUpdatesOSDBClosePowerShellTextBlock.visibility = "Visible"
            $WPFUpdatesOSDListBox.items.add('Please close all PowerShell windows, including WIM Witch, then relaunch app to continue')
        } catch {
            $WPFUpdatesOSDSUSCurrentVerTextBox.Text = 'OSDSUS Err'

#Function to compare OSDBuilder Versions
Function Compare-OSDBuilderVer {
    Update-Log -data 'Comparing OSD Update module versions' -Class Information
    if ($WPFUpdatesOSDBVersion.Text -eq 'Not Installed') {
    If ($WPFUpdatesOSDBVersion.Text -eq $WPFUpdatesOSDBCurrentVerTextBox.Text) {
        Update-Log -Data 'OSD Update is up to date' -class Information
    #$WPFUpdatesOSDBOutOfDateTextBlock.Visibility = "Visible"
    $WPFUpdatesOSDListBox.items.add('A software update module is out of date. Please click the Install / Update button to update it.')
    Update-Log -Data 'OSD Update appears to be out of date. Run the upgrade Function from within WIM Witch to resolve' -class Warning


#Function to compare OSDSUS Versions
Function Compare-OSDSUSVer {
    Update-Log -data 'Comparing OSDSUS module versions' -Class Information
    if ($WPFUpdatesOSDSUSVersion.Text -eq 'Not Installed') {
    If ($WPFUpdatesOSDSUSVersion.Text -eq $WPFUpdatesOSDSUSCurrentVerTextBox.Text) {
        Update-Log -Data 'OSDSUS is up to date' -class Information
    #$WPFUpdatesOSDBOutOfDateTextBlock.Visibility = "Visible"
    $WPFUpdatesOSDListBox.items.add('A software update module is out of date. Please click the Install / Update button to update it.') | Out-Null
    Update-Log -Data 'OSDSUS appears to be out of date. Run the upgrade Function from within WIM Witch to resolve' -class Warning


#Function to check for superceded updates
Function Test-Superceded($action, $OS, $Build) {
    Update-Log -Data 'Checking WIM Witch Update store for superseded updates' -Class Information
    $path = $global:workdir + '\updates\' + $OS + '\' + $Build + '\' #sets base path

    if ((Test-Path -Path $path) -eq $false) {
        Update-Log -Data 'No updates found, likely not yet downloaded. Skipping supersedense check...' -Class Warning

    $Children = Get-ChildItem -Path $path  #query sub directories

    foreach ($Children in $Children) {
        $path1 = $path + $Children
        $sprout = Get-ChildItem -Path $path1

        foreach ($sprout in $sprout) {
            $path3 = $path1 + '\' + $sprout
            $fileinfo = Get-ChildItem -Path $path3
            foreach ($file in $fileinfo) {
                $StillCurrent = Get-OSDUpdate | Where-Object { $_.FileName -eq $file }
                If ($null -eq $StillCurrent) {
                    Update-Log -data "$file no longer current" -Class Warning
                    if ($action -eq 'delete') {
                        Update-Log -data "Deleting $path3" -class Warning
                        Remove-Item -Path $path3 -Recurse -Force
                    if ($action -eq 'audit') {
                        $WPFUpdatesOSDListBox.items.add('Superceded updates discovered. Please select the versions of Windows 10 you are supporting and click Update')
                } else {
                    Update-Log -data "$file is still current" -Class Information
    Update-Log -data 'Supercedense check complete.' -Class Information

#Function to download new patches with OSDSUS
Function Get-WindowsPatches($build, $OS) {
    Update-Log -Data "Downloading SSU updates for $OS $build" -Class Information
    try {
        Get-OSDUpdate -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object { $_.UpdateOS -eq $OS -and $_.UpdateArch -eq 'x64' -and $_.UpdateBuild -eq $build -and $_.UpdateGroup -eq 'SSU' } | Get-DownOSDUpdate -DownloadPath $global:workdir\updates\$OS\$build\SSU
    } catch {
        Update-Log -data 'Failed to download SSU update' -Class Error
        Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Error

    Update-Log -Data "Downloading AdobeSU updates for $OS $build" -Class Information
    try {
        Get-OSDUpdate -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object { $_.UpdateOS -eq $OS -and $_.UpdateArch -eq 'x64' -and $_.UpdateBuild -eq $build -and $_.UpdateGroup -eq 'AdobeSU' } | Get-DownOSDUpdate -DownloadPath $global:workdir\updates\$OS\$build\AdobeSU
    } catch {
        Update-Log -data 'Failed to download AdobeSU update' -Class Error
        Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Error

    Update-Log -Data "Downloading LCU updates for $OS $build" -Class Information
    try {
        Get-OSDUpdate -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object { $_.UpdateOS -eq $OS -and $_.UpdateArch -eq 'x64' -and $_.UpdateBuild -eq $build -and $_.UpdateGroup -eq 'LCU' } | Get-DownOSDUpdate -DownloadPath $global:workdir\updates\$OS\$build\LCU
    } catch {
        Update-Log -data 'Failed to download LCU update' -Class Error
        Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Error
    Update-Log -Data "Downloading .Net updates for $OS $build" -Class Information
    try {
        Get-OSDUpdate -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object { $_.UpdateOS -eq $OS -and $_.UpdateArch -eq 'x64' -and $_.UpdateBuild -eq $build -and $_.UpdateGroup -eq 'DotNet' } | Get-DownOSDUpdate -DownloadPath $global:workdir\updates\$OS\$build\DotNet
    } catch {
        Update-Log -data 'Failed to download .Net update' -Class Error
        Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Error

    Update-Log -Data "Downloading .Net CU updates for $OS $build" -Class Information
    try {
        Get-OSDUpdate -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object { $_.UpdateOS -eq $OS -and $_.UpdateArch -eq 'x64' -and $_.UpdateBuild -eq $build -and $_.UpdateGroup -eq 'DotNetCU' } | Get-DownOSDUpdate -DownloadPath $global:workdir\updates\$OS\$build\DotNetCU
    } catch {
        Update-Log -data 'Failed to download .Net CU update' -Class Error
        Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Error

    if ($WPFUpdatesCBEnableOptional.IsChecked -eq $True) {
        try {
            Update-Log -Data "Downloading optional updates for $OS $build" -Class Information
            Get-OSDUpdate -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object { $_.UpdateOS -eq $OS -and $_.UpdateArch -eq 'x64' -and $_.UpdateBuild -eq $build -and $_.UpdateGroup -eq 'Optional' } | Get-DownOSDUpdate -DownloadPath $global:workdir\updates\$OS\$build\Optional
        } catch {
            Update-Log -data 'Failed to download optional update' -Class Error
            Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Error

    if ($WPFUpdatesCBEnableDynamic.IsChecked -eq $True) {
        try {
            Update-Log -Data "Downloading dynamic updates for $OS $build" -Class Information
            Get-OSDUpdate -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object { $_.UpdateOS -eq $OS -and $_.UpdateArch -eq 'x64' -and $_.UpdateBuild -eq $build -and $_.UpdateGroup -eq 'SetupDU' } | Get-DownOSDUpdate -DownloadPath $global:workdir\updates\$OS\$build\Dynamic
        } catch {
            Update-Log -data 'Failed to download dynamic update' -Class Error
            Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Error

    Update-Log -Data "Downloading completed for $OS $build" -Class Information


#Function to remove superceded updates and initate new patch download
Function Update-PatchSource {

    Update-Log -Data 'attempting to start download Function' -Class Information
    if ($WPFUSCBSelectCatalogSource.SelectedItem -eq 'OSDSUS') {
        if ($WPFUpdatesW10Main.IsChecked -eq $true) {
            if ($WPFUpdatesW10_22H2.IsChecked -eq $true) {
                Test-Superceded -action delete -build 22H2 -OS 'Windows 10'
                Get-WindowsPatches -build 22H2 -OS 'Windows 10'
            if ($WPFUpdatesW10_21H2.IsChecked -eq $true) {
                Test-Superceded -action delete -build 21H2 -OS 'Windows 10'
                Get-WindowsPatches -build 21H2 -OS 'Windows 10'
            if ($WPFUpdatesW10_21H1.IsChecked -eq $true) {
                Test-Superceded -action delete -build 21H1 -OS 'Windows 10'
                Get-WindowsPatches -build 21H1 -OS 'Windows 10'
            if ($WPFUpdatesW10_20H2.IsChecked -eq $true) {
                Test-Superceded -action delete -build 20H2 -OS 'Windows 10'
                Get-WindowsPatches -build 20H2 -OS 'Windows 10'
            if ($WPFUpdatesW10_2004.IsChecked -eq $true) {
                Test-Superceded -action delete -build 2004 -OS 'Windows 10'
                Get-WindowsPatches -build 2004 -OS 'Windows 10'
            if ($WPFUpdatesW10_1909.IsChecked -eq $true) {
                Test-Superceded -action delete -build 1909 -OS 'Windows 10'
                Get-WindowsPatches -build 1909 -OS 'Windows 10'
            if ($WPFUpdatesW10_1903.IsChecked -eq $true) {
                Test-Superceded -action delete -build 1903 -OS 'Windows 10'
                Get-WindowsPatches -build 1903 -OS 'Windows 10'
            if ($WPFUpdatesW10_1809.IsChecked -eq $true) {
                Test-Superceded -action delete -build 1809 -OS 'Windows 10'
                Get-WindowsPatches -build 1809 -OS 'Windows 10'
            if ($WPFUpdatesW10_1803.IsChecked -eq $true) {
                Test-Superceded -action delete -build 1803 -OS 'Windows 10'
                Get-WindowsPatches -build 1803 -OS 'Windows 10'
            if ($WPFUpdatesW10_1709.IsChecked -eq $true) {
                Test-Superceded -action delete -build 1709 -OS 'Windows 10'
                Get-WindowsPatches -build 1709 -OS 'Windows 10'
        if ($WPFUpdatesS2019.IsChecked -eq $true) {
            Test-Superceded -action delete -build 1809 -OS 'Windows Server'
            Get-WindowsPatches -build 1809 -OS 'Windows Server'
        if ($WPFUpdatesS2016.IsChecked -eq $true) {
            Test-Superceded -action delete -build 1607 -OS 'Windows Server'
            Get-WindowsPatches -build 1607 -OS 'Windows Server'
        if ($WPFUpdatesS2022.IsChecked -eq $true) {
            Test-Superceded -action delete -build 21H2 -OS 'Windows Server'
            Get-WindowsPatches -build 21H2 -OS 'Windows Server'

        if ($WPFUpdatesW11Main.IsChecked -eq $true) {
            if ($WPFUpdatesW11_22H2.IsChecked -eq $true) {
                Test-Superceded -action delete -build 22H2 -OS 'Windows 11'
                Get-WindowsPatches -build 22H2 -OS 'Windows 11'
            if ($WPFUpdatesW11_21h2.IsChecked -eq $true) {
                Write-Host '21H2'
                Test-Superceded -action delete -build 21H2 -OS 'Windows 11'
                Get-WindowsPatches -build 21H2 -OS 'Windows 11'
            if ($WPFUpdatesW11_23h2.IsChecked -eq $true) {
                Write-Host '23H2'
                Test-Superceded -action delete -build 23H2 -OS 'Windows 11'
                Get-WindowsPatches -build 23H2 -OS 'Windows 11'


    if ($WPFUSCBSelectCatalogSource.SelectedItem -eq 'ConfigMgr') {
        if ($WPFUpdatesW10Main.IsChecked -eq $true) {
            if ($WPFUpdatesW10_22H2.IsChecked -eq $true) {
                Invoke-MEMCMUpdateSupersedence -prod 'Windows 10' -Ver '22H2'
                Invoke-MEMCMUpdatecatalog -prod 'Windows 10' -ver '22H2'
            if ($WPFUpdatesW10_21H2.IsChecked -eq $true) {
                Invoke-MEMCMUpdateSupersedence -prod 'Windows 10' -Ver '21H2'
                Invoke-MEMCMUpdatecatalog -prod 'Windows 10' -ver '21H2'
            if ($WPFUpdatesW10_21H1.IsChecked -eq $true) {
                Invoke-MEMCMUpdateSupersedence -prod 'Windows 10' -Ver '21H1'
                Invoke-MEMCMUpdatecatalog -prod 'Windows 10' -ver '21H1'
            if ($WPFUpdatesW10_20H2.IsChecked -eq $true) {
                Invoke-MEMCMUpdateSupersedence -prod 'Windows 10' -Ver '20H2'
                Invoke-MEMCMUpdatecatalog -prod 'Windows 10' -ver '20H2'
            if ($WPFUpdatesW10_2004.IsChecked -eq $true) {
                Invoke-MEMCMUpdateSupersedence -prod 'Windows 10' -Ver '2004'
                Invoke-MEMCMUpdatecatalog -prod 'Windows 10' -ver '2004'
            if ($WPFUpdatesW10_1909.IsChecked -eq $true) {
                Invoke-MEMCMUpdateSupersedence -prod 'Windows 10' -Ver '1909'
                Invoke-MEMCMUpdatecatalog -prod 'Windows 10' -ver '1909'
            if ($WPFUpdatesW10_1903.IsChecked -eq $true) {
                Invoke-MEMCMUpdateSupersedence -prod 'Windows 10' -Ver '1903'
                Invoke-MEMCMUpdatecatalog -prod 'Windows 10' -ver '1903'
            if ($WPFUpdatesW10_1809.IsChecked -eq $true) {
                Invoke-MEMCMUpdateSupersedence -prod 'Windows 10' -Ver '1809'
                Invoke-MEMCMUpdatecatalog -prod 'Windows 10' -ver '1809'
            if ($WPFUpdatesW10_1803.IsChecked -eq $true) {
                Invoke-MEMCMUpdateSupersedence -prod 'Windows 10' -Ver '1803'
                Invoke-MEMCMUpdatecatalog -prod 'Windows 10' -ver '1803'
            if ($WPFUpdatesW10_1709.IsChecked -eq $true) {
                Invoke-MEMCMUpdateSupersedence -prod 'Windows 10' -Ver '1709'
                Invoke-MEMCMUpdatecatalog -prod 'Windows 10' -ver '1709'
        if ($WPFUpdatesS2019.IsChecked -eq $true) {
            Invoke-MEMCMUpdateSupersedence -prod 'Windows Server' -Ver '1809'
            Invoke-MEMCMUpdatecatalog -prod 'Windows Server' -Ver '1809'
        if ($WPFUpdatesS2016.IsChecked -eq $true) {
            Invoke-MEMCMUpdateSupersedence -prod 'Windows Server' -Ver '1607'
            Invoke-MEMCMUpdatecatalog -prod 'Windows Server' -Ver '1607'
        if ($WPFUpdatesS2022.IsChecked -eq $true) {
            Invoke-MEMCMUpdateSupersedence -prod 'Windows Server' -Ver '21H2'
            Invoke-MEMCMUpdatecatalog -prod 'Windows Server' -Ver '21H2'
        if ($WPFUpdatesW11Main.IsChecked -eq $true) {
            if ($WPFUpdatesW11_21H2.IsChecked -eq $true) {
                Invoke-MEMCMUpdateSupersedence -prod 'Windows 11' -Ver '21H2'
                Invoke-MEMCMUpdatecatalog -prod 'Windows 11' -ver '21H2'
            if ($WPFUpdatesW11_22H2.IsChecked -eq $true) {
                Invoke-MEMCMUpdateSupersedence -prod 'Windows 11' -Ver '22H2'
                Invoke-MEMCMUpdatecatalog -prod 'Windows 11' -ver '22H2'
            if ($WPFUpdatesW11_23H2.IsChecked -eq $true) {
                Invoke-MEMCMUpdateSupersedence -prod 'Windows 11' -Ver '23H2'
                Invoke-MEMCMUpdatecatalog -prod 'Windows 11' -ver '23H2'
    Update-Log -data 'All downloads complete' -class Information

Function Deploy-LCU($packagepath) {

    $osver = Get-WindowsType

    if ($osver -eq 'Windows 10') {
        $executable = "$env:windir\system32\expand.exe"
        $filename = (Get-ChildItem $packagepath).name
        Update-Log -Data 'Extracting LCU Package content to staging folder...' -Class Information
        Start-Process $executable -args @("`"$packagepath\$filename`"", '/f:*.CAB', "`"$global:workdir\staging`"") -Wait -ErrorAction Stop
        $cabs = (Get-Item $global:workdir\staging\*.cab)

        Update-Log -data 'Applying SSU...' -class information
        foreach ($cab in $cabs) {

            if ($cab -like '*SSU*') {
                Update-Log -data $cab -class Information

                if ($demomode -eq $false) { Add-WindowsPackage -Path $WPFMISMountTextBox.Text -PackagePath $cab -ErrorAction stop | Out-Null }
                else {
                    $string = 'Demo mode active - Not applying ' + $cab
                    Update-Log -data $string -Class Warning


        Update-Log -data 'Applying LCU...' -class information
        foreach ($cab in $cabs) {
            if ($cab -notlike '*SSU*') {
                Update-Log -data $cab -class information
                if ($demomode -eq $false) { Add-WindowsPackage -Path $WPFMISMountTextBox.Text -PackagePath $cab -ErrorAction stop | Out-Null }
                else {
                    $string = 'Demo mode active - Not applying ' + $cab
                    Update-Log -data $string -Class Warning
    if ($osver -eq 'Windows 11') {
        # Copy file to staging
        Update-Log -data 'Copying LCU file to staging folder...' -class information
        $filename = (Get-ChildItem -Path $packagepath -Name)
        Copy-Item -Path $packagepath\$filename -Destination $global:workdir\staging -Force

        Update-Log -data 'Changing file extension type from CAB to MSU...' -class information
        $basename = (Get-Item -Path $global:workdir\staging\$filename).BaseName
        $newname = $basename + '.msu'
        Rename-Item -Path $global:workdir\staging\$filename -NewName $newname

        Update-Log -data 'Applying LCU...' -class information
        Update-Log -data $global:workdir\staging\$newname -class information
        $updatename = (Get-Item -Path $packagepath).name
        Update-Log -data $updatename -Class Information

        try {
            if ($demomode -eq $false) {
                Add-WindowsPackage -Path $WPFMISMountTextBox.Text -PackagePath $global:workdir\staging\$newname -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
            } else {
                $string = 'Demo mode active - Not applying ' + $updatename
                Update-Log -data $string -Class Warning
        } catch {
            Update-Log -data 'Failed to apply update' -class Warning
            Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Warning



#Function to apply updates to mounted WIM
Function Deploy-Updates($class) {

    if (($class -eq 'AdobeSU') -and ($WPFSourceWIMImgDesTextBox.text -like 'Windows Server 20*') -and ($WPFSourceWIMImgDesTextBox.text -notlike '*(Desktop Experience)')) {
        Update-Log -Data 'Skipping Adobe updates for Server Core build' -Class Information

    $OS = Get-WindowsType
    $buildnum = Get-WinVersionNumber

    if ($buildnum -eq '2009') { $buildnum = '20H2' }

    If (($WPFSourceWimVerTextBox.text -like '10.0.18362.*') -and (($class -ne 'Dynamic') -and ($class -notlike 'PE*'))) {
        $mountdir = $WPFMISMountTextBox.Text
        reg LOAD HKLM\OFFLINE $mountdir\Windows\System32\Config\SOFTWARE | Out-Null
        $regvalues = (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\OFFLINE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\' )
        $buildnum = $regvalues.ReleaseId
        reg UNLOAD HKLM\OFFLINE | Out-Null

    If (($WPFSourceWimVerTextBox.text -like '10.0.18362.*') -and (($class -eq 'Dynamic') -or ($class -like 'PE*'))) {
        $windowsver = Get-WindowsImage -ImagePath ($global:workdir + '\staging\' + $WPFMISWimNameTextBox.text) -Index 1
        $Vardate = (Get-Date -Year 2019 -Month 10 -Day 01)
        if ($windowsver.CreatedTime -gt $vardate) { $buildnum = 1909 }
        { $buildnum = 1903 }

    if ($class -eq 'PESSU') {
        $IsPE = $true
        $class = 'SSU'

    if ($class -eq 'PELCU') {
        $IsPE = $true
        $class = 'LCU'

    $path = $global:workdir + '\updates\' + $OS + '\' + $buildnum + '\' + $class + '\'

    if ((Test-Path $path) -eq $False) {
        Update-Log -data "$path does not exist. There are no updates of this class to apply" -class Warning

    $Children = Get-ChildItem -Path $path
    foreach ($Child in $Children) {
        $compound = $Child.fullname
        Update-Log -Data "Applying $Child" -Class Information
        try {
            if ($class -eq 'Dynamic') {
                #Update-Log -data "Applying Dynamic to media" -Class Information
                $mediafolder = $global:workdir + '\staging\media\sources'
                $DynUpdates = (Get-ChildItem -Path $compound -Name)
                foreach ($DynUpdate in $DynUpdates) {

                    $text = $compound + '\' + $DynUpdate
                    #write-host $text
                    Start-Process -FilePath c:\windows\system32\expand.exe -args @("`"$text`"", '-F:*', "`"$mediafolder`"") -Wait
            } elseif ($IsPE -eq $true) { Add-WindowsPackage -Path ($global:workdir + '\staging\mount') -PackagePath $compound -ErrorAction stop | Out-Null }
            else {
                if ($class -eq 'LCU') {
                    if (($os -eq 'Windows 10') -and (($buildnum -eq '2004') -or ($buildnum -eq '2009') -or ($buildnum -eq '20H2') -or ($buildnum -eq '21H1') -or ($buildnum -eq '21H2') -or ($buildnum -eq '22H2'))) {
                        Update-Log -data 'Processing the LCU package to retrieve SSU...' -class information
                        Deploy-LCU -packagepath $compound
                    } elseif ($os -eq 'Windows 11') {
                        Update-Log -data 'Windows 11 required LCU modification started...' -Class Information
                        Deploy-LCU -packagepath $compound

                    else {

                        Add-WindowsPackage -Path $WPFMISMountTextBox.Text -PackagePath $compound -ErrorAction stop | Out-Null

                else { Add-WindowsPackage -Path $WPFMISMountTextBox.Text -PackagePath $compound -ErrorAction stop | Out-Null }

        } catch {
            Update-Log -data 'Failed to apply update' -class Warning
            Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Warning

#Function to select AppX packages to yank
Function Select-Appx {

    $AssetsPath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'Assets'

    $OS = Get-WindowsType
    $buildnum = $WPFSourceWimTBVersionNum.text

    if ($OS -eq 'Windows 10') {
        $OS = 'Win10'
    if ($OS -eq 'Windows 11') {
        $OS = 'Win11'

    $appxListFile = Join-Path -Path $AssetsPath -ChildPath $("appx$OS" + '_' + "$buildnum.txt")
    Update-Log -Data "Looking for Appx list file $appxListFile" -Class Information

    if (Test-Path $appxListFile) {
        $appxPackages = Get-Content $appxListFile
        $exappxs = $appxPackages | Out-GridView -Title 'Select apps to remove' -PassThru
    } else {
        Write-Warning "No matching Appx list file found for build $buildnum."

    if ($null -eq $exappxs) {
        Update-Log -Data 'No apps were selected' -Class Warning
    } elseif ($null -ne $exappxs) {
        Update-Log -data 'The following apps were selected for removal:' -Class Information
        Foreach ($exappx in $exappxs) {
            Update-Log -Data $exappx -Class Information

        $WPFAppxTextBox.Text = $exappxs -join "`r`n"
        return $exappxs
#Function to remove appx packages
Function Remove-Appx($array) {
    $exappxs = $array
    Update-Log -data 'Starting AppX removal' -class Information
    foreach ($exappx in $exappxs) {
        try {
            Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -Path $WPFMISMountTextBox.Text -PackageName $exappx -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
            Update-Log -data "Removing $exappx" -Class Information
        } catch {
            Update-Log -Data "Failed to remove $exappx" -Class Error
            Update-Log -Data $_.Exception.Message -Class Error

#Function to remove unwanted image indexes
Function Remove-OSIndex {
    Update-Log -Data 'Attempting to remove unwanted image indexes' -Class Information
    $wimname = Get-Item -Path $global:workdir\Staging\*.wim

    Update-Log -Data "Found Image $wimname" -Class Information
    $IndexesAll = Get-WindowsImage -ImagePath $wimname | ForEach-Object { $_.ImageName }
    $IndexSelected = $WPFSourceWIMImgDesTextBox.Text
    foreach ($Index in $IndexesAll) {
        Update-Log -data "$Index is being evaluated"
        If ($Index -eq $IndexSelected) {
            Update-Log -Data "$Index is the index we want to keep. Skipping." -Class Information | Out-Null
        } else {
            Update-Log -data "Deleting $Index from WIM" -Class Information
            Remove-WindowsImage -ImagePath $wimname -Name $Index -InformationAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null


#Function to select which folder to save Autopilot JSON file to
Function Select-NewJSONDir {

    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
    $browser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog
    $browser.Description = 'Select the folder to save JSON'
    $null = $browser.ShowDialog()
    $SaveDir = $browser.SelectedPath
    $WPFJSONTextBoxSavePath.text = $SaveDir
    $text = "Autopilot profile save path selected: $SaveDir"
    Update-Log -Data $text -Class Information

Function Update-Autopilot {
    Update-Log -Data 'Uninstalling old WindowsAutopilotIntune module...' -Class Warning
    Uninstall-Module -Name WindowsAutopilotIntune -AllVersions
    Update-Log -Data 'Installing new WindowsAutopilotIntune module...' -Class Warning
    Install-Module -Name WindowsAutopilotIntune -Force
    $AutopilotUpdate = ([System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show('WIM Witch needs to close and PowerShell needs to be restarted. Click OK to close WIM Witch.', 'Updating complete.', 'OK', 'warning'))
    if ($AutopilotUpdate -eq 'OK') {

#Function to retrieve autopilot profile from intune
Function Get-WWAutopilotProfile($login, $path) {
    Update-Log -data 'Checking dependencies for Autopilot profile retrieval...' -Class Information

    try {
        Import-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion -ErrorAction Stop
        Update-Log -Data 'NuGet is installed' -Class Information
    } catch {
        Update-Log -data 'NuGet is not installed. Installing now...' -Class Warning
        Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion -Force
        Update-Log -data 'NuGet is now installed' -Class Information

    try {

        Import-Module -Name AzureAD -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
        Update-Log -data 'AzureAD Module is installed' -Class Information
    } catch {
        Update-Log -data 'AzureAD Module is not installed. Installing now...' -Class Warning
        Install-Module AzureAD -Force
        Update-Log -data 'AzureAD is now installed' -class Information

    try {

        Import-Module -Name WindowsAutopilotIntune -ErrorAction Stop
        Update-Log -data 'WindowsAutopilotIntune module is installed' -Class Information
    } catch {

        Update-Log -data 'WindowsAutopilotIntune module is not installed. Installing now...' -Class Warning
        Install-Module WindowsAutopilotIntune -Force
        Update-Log -data 'WindowsAutopilotIntune module is now installed.' -class Information

    $AutopilotInstalledVer = (Get-Module -Name windowsautopilotintune).Version
    Update-Log -Data "The currently installed version of the WindowsAutopilotIntune module is $AutopilotInstalledVer" -Class Information
    $AutopilotLatestVersion = (Find-Module -Name windowsautopilotintune).version
    Update-Log -data "The latest available version of the WindowsAutopilotIntune module is $AutopilotLatestVersion" -Class Information

    if ($AutopilotInstalledVer -eq $AutopilotLatestVersion) {
        Update-Log -data 'WindowsAutopilotIntune module is current. Continuing...' -Class Information
    } else {
        Update-Log -data 'WindowsAutopilotIntune module is out of date. Prompting the user to upgrade...'
        $UpgradeAutopilot = ([System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show("Would you like to update the WindowsAutopilotIntune module to version $AutopilotLatestVersion now?", 'Update Autopilot Module?', 'YesNo', 'warning'))

    if ($UpgradeAutopilot -eq 'Yes') {
        Update-Log -Data 'User has chosen to update WindowsAutopilotIntune module' -Class Warning
    } elseif ($AutopilotInstalledVer -ne $AutopilotLatestVersion) {
        Update-Log -data 'User declined to update WindowsAutopilotIntune module. Continuing...' -Class Warning

    Update-Log -data 'Connecting to Intune...' -Class Information
    if ($AutopilotInstalledVer -lt 3.9) { Connect-AutopilotIntune | Out-Null }
    else {
        Connect-MSGraph | Out-Null

    Update-Log -data 'Connected to Intune' -Class Information

    Update-Log -data 'Retrieving profile...' -Class Information
    Get-AutoPilotProfile | Out-GridView -Title 'Select Autopilot profile' -PassThru | ConvertTo-AutoPilotConfigurationJSON | Out-File $path\AutopilotConfigurationFile.json -Encoding ASCII
    $text = $path + '\AutopilotConfigurationFile.json'
    Update-Log -data "Profile successfully created at $text" -Class Information

#Function to save current configuration
Function Save-Configuration {
        [parameter(mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'config file')]

        [parameter(mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'enable CM files')]

    $CurrentConfig = @{
        SourcePath       = $WPFSourceWIMSelectWIMTextBox.text
        SourceIndex      = $WPFSourceWimIndexTextBox.text
        SourceEdition    = $WPFSourceWIMImgDesTextBox.text
        UpdatesEnabled   = $WPFUpdatesEnableCheckBox.IsChecked
        AutopilotEnabled = $WPFJSONEnableCheckBox.IsChecked
        AutopilotPath    = $WPFJSONTextBox.text
        DriversEnabled   = $WPFDriverCheckBox.IsChecked
        DriverPath1      = $WPFDriverDir1TextBox.text
        DriverPath2      = $WPFDriverDir2TextBox.text
        DriverPath3      = $WPFDriverDir3TextBox.text
        DriverPath4      = $WPFDriverDir4TextBox.text
        DriverPath5      = $WPFDriverDir5TextBox.text
        AppxIsEnabled    = $WPFAppxCheckBox.IsChecked
        AppxSelected     = $WPFAppxTextBox.Text
        WIMName          = $WPFMISWimNameTextBox.text
        WIMPath          = $WPFMISWimFolderTextBox.text
        MountPath        = $WPFMISMountTextBox.text
        DotNetEnabled    = $WPFMISDotNetCheckBox.IsChecked
        OneDriveEnabled  = $WPFMISOneDriveCheckBox.IsChecked
        LPsEnabled       = $WPFCustomCBLangPacks.IsChecked
        LXPsEnabled      = $WPFCustomCBLEP.IsChecked
        FODsEnabled      = $WPFCustomCBFOD.IsChecked
        LPListBox        = $WPFCustomLBLangPacks.items
        LXPListBox       = $WPFCustomLBLEP.Items
        FODListBox       = $WPFCustomLBFOD.Items
        PauseAfterMount  = $WPFMISCBPauseMount.IsChecked
        PauseBeforeDM    = $WPFMISCBPauseDismount.IsChecked
        RunScript        = $WPFCustomCBRunScript.IsChecked
        ScriptTiming     = $WPFCustomCBScriptTiming.SelectedItem
        ScriptFile       = $WPFCustomTBFile.Text
        ScriptParams     = $WPFCustomTBParameters.Text
        CMImageType      = $WPFCMCBImageType.SelectedItem
        CMPackageID      = $WPFCMTBPackageID.Text
        CMImageName      = $WPFCMTBImageName.Text
        CMVersion        = $WPFCMTBImageVer.Text
        CMDescription    = $WPFCMTBDescription.Text
        CMBinDifRep      = $WPFCMCBBinDirRep.IsChecked
        CMSiteCode       = $WPFCMTBSitecode.Text
        CMSiteServer     = $WPFCMTBSiteServer.Text
        CMDPGroup        = $WPFCMCBDPDPG.SelectedItem
        CMDPList         = $WPFCMLBDPs.Items
        UpdateSource     = $WPFUSCBSelectCatalogSource.SelectedItem
        UpdateMIS        = $WPFMISCBCheckForUpdates.IsChecked
        AutoFillVersion  = $WPFCMCBImageVerAuto.IsChecked
        AutoFillDesc     = $WPFCMCBDescriptionAuto.IsChecked
        DefaultAppCB     = $WPFCustomCBEnableApp.IsChecked
        DefaultAppPath   = $WPFCustomTBDefaultApp.Text
        StartMenuCB      = $WPFCustomCBEnableStart.IsChecked
        StartMenuPath    = $WPFCustomTBStartMenu.Text
        RegFilesCB       = $WPFCustomCBEnableRegistry.IsChecked
        RegFilesLB       = $WPFCustomLBRegistry.Items
        SUOptional       = $WPFUpdatesCBEnableOptional.IsChecked
        SUDynamic        = $WPFUpdatesCBEnableDynamic.IsChecked

        ApplyDynamicCB   = $WPFMISCBDynamicUpdates.IsChecked
        UpdateBootCB     = $WPFMISCBBootWIM.IsChecked
        DoNotCreateWIMCB = $WPFMISCBNoWIM.IsChecked
        CreateISO        = $WPFMISCBISO.IsChecked
        ISOFileName      = $WPFMISTBISOFileName.Text
        ISOFilePath      = $WPFMISTBFilePath.Text
        UpgradePackageCB = $WPFMISCBUpgradePackage.IsChecked
        UpgradePackPath  = $WPFMISTBUpgradePackage.Text
        IncludeOptionCB  = $WPFUpdatesOptionalEnableCheckBox.IsChecked

        SourceVersion    = $WPFSourceWimTBVersionNum.text

    if ($CM -eq $False) {

        Update-Log -data "Saving configuration file $filename" -Class Information

        try {
            $CurrentConfig | Export-Clixml -Path $global:workdir\Configs\$filename -ErrorAction Stop
            Update-Log -data 'file saved' -Class Information
        } catch {
            Update-Log -data "Couldn't save file" -Class Error
    } else {
        Update-Log -data "Saving ConfigMgr Image info for Package $filename" -Class Information

        $CurrentConfig.CMPackageID = $filename
        $CurrentConfig.CMImageType = 'Update Existing Image'


        if ((Test-Path -Path $global:workdir\ConfigMgr\PackageInfo) -eq $False) {
            Update-Log -Data 'Creating ConfigMgr Package Info folder...' -Class Information

            try {
                New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $global:workdir\ConfigMgr\PackageInfo -ErrorAction Stop
            } catch {
                Update-Log -Data "Couldn't create the folder. Likely a permission issue" -Class Error
        try {
            $CurrentConfig | Export-Clixml -Path $global:workdir\ConfigMgr\PackageInfo\$filename -Force -ErrorAction Stop
            Update-Log -data 'file saved' -Class Information
        } catch {
            Update-Log -data "Couldn't save file" -Class Error

#Function to import configurations from file
Function Get-Configuration($filename) {
    Update-Log -data "Importing config from $filename" -Class Information
    try {
        $settings = Import-Clixml -Path $filename -ErrorAction Stop
        Update-Log -data 'Config file read...' -Class Information
        $WPFSourceWIMSelectWIMTextBox.text = $settings.SourcePath
        $WPFSourceWimIndexTextBox.text = $settings.SourceIndex
        $WPFSourceWIMImgDesTextBox.text = $settings.SourceEdition
        $WPFUpdatesEnableCheckBox.IsChecked = $settings.UpdatesEnabled
        $WPFJSONEnableCheckBox.IsChecked = $settings.AutopilotEnabled
        $WPFJSONTextBox.text = $settings.AutopilotPath
        $WPFDriverCheckBox.IsChecked = $settings.DriversEnabled
        $WPFDriverDir1TextBox.text = $settings.DriverPath1
        $WPFDriverDir2TextBox.text = $settings.DriverPath2
        $WPFDriverDir3TextBox.text = $settings.DriverPath3
        $WPFDriverDir4TextBox.text = $settings.DriverPath4
        $WPFDriverDir5TextBox.text = $settings.DriverPath5
        $WPFAppxCheckBox.IsChecked = $settings.AppxIsEnabled
        $WPFAppxTextBox.text = $settings.AppxSelected -split ' '
        $WPFMISWimNameTextBox.text = $settings.WIMName
        $WPFMISWimFolderTextBox.text = $settings.WIMPath
        $WPFMISMountTextBox.text = $settings.MountPath
        $global:SelectedAppx = $settings.AppxSelected -split ' '
        $WPFMISDotNetCheckBox.IsChecked = $settings.DotNetEnabled
        $WPFMISOneDriveCheckBox.IsChecked = $settings.OneDriveEnabled
        $WPFCustomCBLangPacks.IsChecked = $settings.LPsEnabled
        $WPFCustomCBLEP.IsChecked = $settings.LXPsEnabled
        $WPFCustomCBFOD.IsChecked = $settings.FODsEnabled

        $WPFMISCBPauseMount.IsChecked = $settings.PauseAfterMount
        $WPFMISCBPauseDismount.IsChecked = $settings.PauseBeforeDM
        $WPFCustomCBRunScript.IsChecked = $settings.RunScript
        $WPFCustomCBScriptTiming.SelectedItem = $settings.ScriptTiming
        $WPFCustomTBFile.Text = $settings.ScriptFile
        $WPFCustomTBParameters.Text = $settings.ScriptParams
        $WPFCMCBImageType.SelectedItem = $settings.CMImageType
        $WPFCMTBPackageID.Text = $settings.CMPackageID
        $WPFCMTBImageName.Text = $settings.CMImageName
        $WPFCMTBImageVer.Text = $settings.CMVersion
        $WPFCMTBDescription.Text = $settings.CMDescription
        $WPFCMCBBinDirRep.IsChecked = $settings.CMBinDifRep
        $WPFCMTBSitecode.Text = $settings.CMSiteCode
        $WPFCMTBSiteServer.Text = $settings.CMSiteServer
        $WPFCMCBDPDPG.SelectedItem = $settings.CMDPGroup
        $WPFUSCBSelectCatalogSource.SelectedItem = $settings.UpdateSource
        $WPFMISCBCheckForUpdates.IsChecked = $settings.UpdateMIS

        $WPFCMCBImageVerAuto.IsChecked = $settings.AutoFillVersion
        $WPFCMCBDescriptionAuto.IsChecked = $settings.AutoFillDesc

        $WPFCustomCBEnableApp.IsChecked = $settings.DefaultAppCB
        $WPFCustomTBDefaultApp.Text = $settings.DefaultAppPath
        $WPFCustomCBEnableStart.IsChecked = $settings.StartMenuCB
        $WPFCustomTBStartMenu.Text = $settings.StartMenuPath
        $WPFCustomCBEnableRegistry.IsChecked = $settings.RegFilesCB
        $WPFUpdatesCBEnableOptional.IsChecked = $settings.SUOptional
        $WPFUpdatesCBEnableDynamic.IsChecked = $settings.SUDynamic

        $WPFMISCBDynamicUpdates.IsChecked = $settings.ApplyDynamicCB
        $WPFMISCBBootWIM.IsChecked = $settings.UpdateBootCB
        $WPFMISCBNoWIM.IsChecked = $settings.DoNotCreateWIMCB
        $WPFMISCBISO.IsChecked = $settings.CreateISO
        $WPFMISTBISOFileName.Text = $settings.ISOFileName
        $WPFMISTBFilePath.Text = $settings.ISOFilePath
        $WPFMISCBUpgradePackage.IsChecked = $settings.UpgradePackageCB
        $WPFMISTBUpgradePackage.Text = $settings.UpgradePackPath
        $WPFUpdatesOptionalEnableCheckBox.IsChecked = $settings.IncludeOptionCB

        $WPFSourceWimTBVersionNum.text = $settings.SourceVersion

        $LEPs = $settings.LPListBox
        $LXPs = $settings.LXPListBox
        $FODs = $settings.FODListBox
        $DPs = $settings.CMDPList
        $REGs = $settings.RegFilesLB

        Update-Log -data 'Configration set' -class Information

        Update-Log -data 'Clearing list boxes...' -Class Information

        Update-Log -data 'Populating list boxes...' -class Information
        foreach ($LEP in $LEPs) { $WPFCustomLBLangPacks.Items.Add($LEP) | Out-Null }
        foreach ($LXP in $LXPs) { $WPFCustomLBLEP.Items.Add($LXP) | Out-Null }
        foreach ($FOD in $FODs) { $WPFCustomLBFOD.Items.Add($FOD) | Out-Null }
        foreach ($DP in $DPs) { $WPFCMLBDPs.Items.Add($DP) | Out-Null }
        foreach ($REG in $REGs) { $WPFCustomLBRegistry.Items.Add($REG) | Out-Null }

        Import-WimInfo -IndexNumber $WPFSourceWimIndexTextBox.text -SkipUserConfirmation

        if ($WPFJSONEnableCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) {

            Invoke-ParseJSON -file $WPFJSONTextBox.text

        if ($WPFCMCBImageType.SelectedItem -eq 'Update Existing Image') { Get-ImageInfo -PackID $settings.CMPackageID }



    { Update-Log -data "Could not import from $filename" -Class Error }

    Update-Log -data 'Config file loaded successfully' -Class Information

#Function to select configuration file
Function Select-Config {
    $SourceXML = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property @{
        InitialDirectory = "$global:workdir\Configs"
        Filter           = 'XML (*.XML)|'
    $null = $SourceXML.ShowDialog()
    $WPFSLLoadTextBox.text = $SourceXML.FileName
    Get-Configuration -filename $WPFSLLoadTextBox.text

#Function to reset reminder values from check boxes on the MIS tab when loading a config
Function Reset-MISCheckBox {
    Update-Log -data 'Refreshing MIS Values...' -class Information

    If ($WPFJSONEnableCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) {
        $WPFJSONButton.IsEnabled = $True
        $WPFMISJSONTextBox.Text = 'True'
    If ($WPFDriverCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) {
        $WPFDriverDir1Button.IsEnabled = $True
        $WPFDriverDir2Button.IsEnabled = $True
        $WPFDriverDir3Button.IsEnabled = $True
        $WPFDriverDir4Button.IsEnabled = $True
        $WPFDriverDir5Button.IsEnabled = $True
        $WPFMISDriverTextBox.Text = 'True'
    If ($WPFUpdatesEnableCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) {
        $WPFMISUpdatesTextBox.Text = 'True'
    If ($WPFAppxCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) {
        $WPFAppxButton.IsEnabled = $True
        $WPFMISAppxTextBox.Text = 'True'
    If ($WPFCustomCBEnableApp.IsChecked -eq $true) { $WPFCustomBDefaultApp.IsEnabled = $True }
    If ($WPFCustomCBEnableStart.IsChecked -eq $true) { $WPFCustomBStartMenu.IsEnabled = $True }
    If ($WPFCustomCBEnableRegistry.IsChecked -eq $true) {
        $WPFCustomBRegistryAdd.IsEnabled = $True
        $WPFCustomBRegistryRemove.IsEnabled = $True


#Function to run WIM Witch from a config file
Function Invoke-RunConfigFile($filename) {
    Update-Log -Data "Loading the config file: $filename" -Class Information
    Get-Configuration -filename $filename
    Update-Log -Data $WWScriptVer
    Invoke-MakeItSo -appx $global:SelectedAppx
    Write-Output ' '
    Write-Output '##########################################################'
    Write-Output ' '

function Show-ClosingText {
    #Before you start bitching about write-host, write-output doesn't work with the exiting function. Suggestions are welcome.
    Write-Host ' '
    Write-Host '##########################################################'
    Write-Host ' '
    Write-Host 'Thank you for using WIMWitchFK.'
    Write-Host ' '
    Write-Host '##########################################################'

function Show-OpeningText {
    Write-Output '##########################################################'
    Write-Output ' '
    Write-Output ' ***** Starting WIM Witch *****'
    Write-Output " version $WWScriptVer"
    Write-Output ' '
    Write-Output '##########################################################'
    Write-Output ' '

#Function to check suitability of the proposed mount point folder
Function Test-MountPath {
        [parameter(mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'mount path')]

        [parameter(mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'clear out the crapola')]

    $IsMountPoint = $null
    $HasFiles = $null
    $currentmounts = Get-WindowsImage -Mounted

    foreach ($currentmount in $currentmounts) {
        if ($currentmount.path -eq $path) { $IsMountPoint = $true }

    if ($null -eq $IsMountPoint) {
        if ( (Get-ChildItem $path | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) {
            $HasFiles = $true

    if ($HasFiles -eq $true) {
        Update-Log -Data 'Folder is not empty' -Class Warning
        if ($clean -eq $true) {
            try {
                Update-Log -Data 'Cleaning folder...' -Class Warning
                Remove-Item -Path $path\* -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Stop
                Update-Log -Data "$path cleared" -Class Warning

            catch {
                Update-Log -Data "Couldn't delete contents of $path" -Class Error
                Update-Log -Data 'Select a different folder to continue.' -Class Error

    if ($IsMountPoint -eq $true) {
        Update-Log -Data "$path is currently a mount point" -Class Warning
        if (($IsMountPoint -eq $true) -and ($clean -eq $true)) {

            try {
                Update-Log -Data 'Attempting to dismount image from mount point' -Class Warning
                Dismount-WindowsImage -Path $path -Discard | Out-Null -ErrorAction Stop
                $IsMountPoint = $null
                Update-Log -Data 'Dismounting was successful' -Class Warning

            catch {
                Update-Log -Data "Couldn't completely dismount the folder. Ensure" -Class Error
                Update-Log -data 'all connections to the path are closed, then try again' -Class Error
    if (($null -eq $IsMountPoint) -and ($null -eq $HasFiles)) {
        Update-Log -Data "$path is suitable for mounting" -Class Information

#Function to check the name of the target file and remediate if necessary
Function Test-Name {
        [parameter(mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'what to do')]
        [ValidateSet('stop', 'append', 'backup', 'overwrite')]
        $conflict = 'stop'

    If ($WPFMISWimNameTextBox.Text -like '*.wim') {
        #Update-Log -Data "New WIM name is valid" -Class Information

    If ($WPFMISWimNameTextBox.Text -notlike '*.wim') {

        $WPFMISWimNameTextBox.Text = $WPFMISWimNameTextBox.Text + '.wim'
        Update-Log -Data 'Appending new file name with an extension' -Class Information

    $WIMpath = $WPFMISWimFolderTextBox.text + '\' + $WPFMISWimNameTextBox.Text
    $FileCheck = Test-Path -Path $WIMpath


    if ($FileCheck -eq $false) { Update-Log -data 'Target WIM file name not in use. Continuing...' -class Information }
    else {
        if ($conflict -eq 'append') {
            $renamestatus = (Rename-Name -file $WIMpath -extension '.wim')
            if ($renamestatus -eq 'stop') { return 'stop' }
        if ($conflict -eq 'overwrite') {
            Write-Host 'overwrite action'
        if ($conflict -eq 'stop') {
            $string = $WPFMISWimNameTextBox.Text + ' already exists. Rename the target WIM and try again'
            Update-Log -Data $string -Class Warning
            return 'stop'
    Update-Log -Data 'New WIM name is valid' -Class Information

#Function to rename existing target wim file if the target WIM name already exists
Function Rename-Name($file, $extension) {
    $text = 'Renaming existing ' + $extension + ' file...'
    Update-Log -Data $text -Class Warning
    $filename = (Split-Path -Leaf $file)
    $dateinfo = (Get-Item -Path $file).LastWriteTime -replace (' ', '_') -replace ('/', '_') -replace (':', '_')
    $filename = $filename -replace ($extension, '')
    $filename = $filename + $dateinfo + $extension
    try {
        Rename-Item -Path $file -NewName $filename -ErrorAction Stop
        $text = $file + ' has been renamed to ' + $filename
        Update-Log -Data $text -Class Warning
    } catch {
        Update-Log -data "Couldn't rename file. Stopping..." -force -Class Error
        return 'stop'

#Function to see if the folder WIM Witch was started in is an installation folder. If not, prompt for installation
Function Test-WorkingDirectory {

    $subfolders = @(

    $count = $null
    Set-Location -Path $global:workdir
    Write-Output "WIMWitchFK working directory selected: $global:workdir"
    Write-Output 'Checking working directory for required folders...'
    foreach ($subfolder in $subfolders) {
        if ((Test-Path -Path .\$subfolder) -eq $true) { $count = $count + 1 }

    if ($null -eq $count) {
        Write-Output 'Creating missing folders...'
        foreach ($subfolder in $subfolders) {
            if ((Test-Path -Path "$subfolder") -eq $false) {
                New-Item -Path $subfolder -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
                Write-Output "Created folder: $subfolder"
    if ($null -ne $count) {
        Write-Output 'Creating missing folders...'
        foreach ($subfolder in $subfolders) {
            if ((Test-Path -Path "$subfolder") -eq $false) {
                New-Item -Path $subfolder -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
                Write-Output "Created folder: $subfolder"
        Write-Output 'Preflight complete. Starting WIM Witch'


Function Select-WorkingDirectory {
    $selectWorkingDirectory = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog
    $selectWorkingDirectory.Description = 'Select the working directory.'
    $null = $selectWorkingDirectory.ShowDialog()

    if ($selectWorkingDirectory.SelectedPath -eq '') {
        Write-Output 'User Cancelled or invalid entry'
        exit 0

    return $selectWorkingDirectory.SelectedPath

Function Set-Version($wimversion) {
    if (($wimversion -eq '10.0.22621.2428') -or ($wimversion -like '10.0.22631.*')) { $version = '23H2' }
    elseif ($wimversion -like '10.0.16299.*') { $version = '1709' }
    elseif ($wimversion -like '10.0.17134.*') { $version = '1803' }
    elseif ($wimversion -like '10.0.17763.*') { $version = '1809' }
    elseif ($wimversion -like '10.0.18362.*') { $version = '1909' }
    elseif ($wimversion -like '10.0.14393.*') { $version = '1607' }
    elseif ($wimversion -like '10.0.19041.*') { $version = '2004' }
    elseif ($wimversion -like '10.0.22000.*') { $version = '21H2' }
    elseif ($wimversion -like '10.0.20348.*') { $version = '21H2' }
    elseif ($wimversion -like '10.0.22621.*') { $version = '22H2' }
    else { $version = 'Unknown' }
    return $version

#Function Import-ISO($file, $type, $newname) {
Function Import-ISO {
    $newname = $WPFImportNewNameTextBox.Text
    $file = $WPFImportISOTextBox.Text

    #Check to see if destination WIM already exists

    if ($WPFImportWIMCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) {
        Update-Log -data 'Checking to see if the destination WIM file exists...' -Class Information
        #check to see if the new name for the imported WIM is valid
        if (($WPFImportNewNameTextBox.Text -eq '') -or ($WPFImportNewNameTextBox.Text -eq 'Name for the imported WIM')) {
            Update-Log -Data 'Enter a valid file name for the imported WIM and then try again' -Class Error

        If ($newname -notlike '*.wim') {
            $newname = $newname + '.wim'
            Update-Log -Data 'Appending new file name with an extension' -Class Information

        if ((Test-Path -Path $global:workdir\Imports\WIM\$newname) -eq $true) {
            Update-Log -Data 'Destination WIM name already exists. Provide a new name and try again.' -Class Error
        } else {
            Update-Log -Data 'Name appears to be good. Continuing...' -Class Information

    #Mount ISO
    Update-Log -Data 'Mounting ISO...' -Class Information
    try {
        $isomount = Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath $file -PassThru -NoDriveLetter -ErrorAction Stop
        $iso = $isomount.devicepath

    } catch {
        Update-Log -Data 'Could not mount the ISO! Stopping actions...' -Class Error
    if (-not(Test-Path -Path (Join-Path $iso '\sources\'))) {
        Update-Log -Data 'Could not access the mounted ISO! Stopping actions...' -Class Error
        try {
            Invoke-RemoveISOMount -inputObject $isomount
        } catch {
            Update-Log -Data 'Attempted to dismount iso - might have failed...' -Class Warning
    Update-Log -Data "$isomount" -Class Information
    #Testing for ESD or WIM format
    if (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path $iso '\sources\install.wim')) {
        $installWimFound = $true
    } elseif (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path $iso '\sources\install.esd')) {
        $installEsdFound = $true
        Update-Log -data 'Found ESD type installer - attempting to convert to WIM.' -Class Information
    } else {
        Update-Log -data 'Error accessing install.wim or install.esd! Breaking' -Class Warning
        try {
            Invoke-RemoveISOMount -inputObject $isomount
        } catch {
            Update-Log -Data 'Attempted to dismount iso - might have failed...' -Class Warning

    try {
        if ($installWimFound) {
            $windowsver = Get-WindowsImage -ImagePath (Join-Path $iso '\sources\install.wim') -Index 1 -ErrorAction Stop
        } elseif ($installEsdFound) {
            $windowsver = Get-WindowsImage -ImagePath (Join-Path $iso '\sources\install.esd') -Index 1 -ErrorAction Stop

        #Right here
        $version = Set-Version -wimversion $windowsver.version

        if ($version -eq 2004) {
            $global:Win10VerDet = $null
            if ($null -eq $global:Win10VerDet) {
                Write-Host 'cancelling'
            } else {
                $version = $global:Win10VerDet
                $global:Win10VerDet = $null

            if ($version -eq '20H2') { $version = '2009' }
            Write-Host $version

    } catch {
        Update-Log -data 'install.wim could not be found or accessed! Skipping...' -Class Warning
        $installWimFound = $false

    #Copy out WIM file
    #if (($type -eq "all") -or ($type -eq "wim")) {
    if (($WPFImportWIMCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) -and (($installWimFound) -or ($installEsdFound))) {

        #Copy out the WIM file from the selected ISO
        try {
            Update-Log -data 'Purging staging folder...' -Class Information
            Remove-Item -Path $global:workdir\staging\*.* -Force
            Update-Log -data 'Purge complete.' -Class Information
            if ($installWimFound) {
                Update-Log -Data 'Copying WIM file to the staging folder...' -Class Information
                Copy-Item -Path $iso\sources\install.wim -Destination $global:workdir\staging -Force -ErrorAction Stop -PassThru
        } catch {
            Update-Log -data "Couldn't copy from the source" -Class Error
            Invoke-RemoveISOMount -inputObject $isomount

        #convert the ESD file to WIM
        if ($installEsdFound) {
            $sourceEsdFile = (Join-Path $iso '\sources\install.esd')
            Update-Log -Data 'Assessing install.esd file...' -Class Information
            $indexesFound = Get-WindowsImage -ImagePath $sourceEsdFile
            Update-Log -Data "$($indexesFound.Count) indexes found for conversion..." -Class Information
            foreach ($index in $indexesFound) {
                try {
                    Update-Log -Data "Converting index $($index.ImageIndex) - $($index.ImageName)" -Class Information
                    Export-WindowsImage -SourceImagePath $sourceEsdFile -SourceIndex $($index.ImageIndex) -DestinationImagePath (Join-Path $global:workdir '\staging\install.wim') -CompressionType fast -ErrorAction Stop
                } catch {
                    Update-Log -Data "Converting index $($index.ImageIndex) failed - skipping..." -Class Error

        #Change file attribute to normal
        Update-Log -Data 'Setting file attribute of install.wim to Normal' -Class Information
        $attrib = Get-Item $global:workdir\staging\install.wim
        $attrib.Attributes = 'Normal'

        #Rename install.wim to the new name
        try {
            $text = 'Renaming install.wim to ' + $newname
            Update-Log -Data $text -Class Information
            Rename-Item -Path $global:workdir\Staging\install.wim -NewName $newname -ErrorAction Stop
        } catch {
            Update-Log -data "Couldn't rename the copied file. Most likely a weird permissions issues." -Class Error
            Invoke-RemoveISOMount -inputObject $isomount

        #Move the imported WIM to the imports folder

        try {
            Update-Log -data "Moving $newname to imports folder..." -Class Information
            Move-Item -Path $global:workdir\Staging\$newname -Destination $global:workdir\Imports\WIM -ErrorAction Stop
        } catch {
            Update-Log -Data "Couldn't move the new WIM to the staging folder." -Class Error
            Invoke-RemoveISOMount -inputObject $isomount
        Update-Log -data 'WIM importation complete' -Class Information

    #Copy DotNet binaries

    if ($WPFImportDotNetCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) {

        If (($windowsver.imagename -like '*Windows 10*') -or (($windowsver.imagename -like '*server') -and ($windowsver.version -lt 10.0.20248.0))) { $Path = "$global:workdir\Imports\DotNet\$version" }
        If (($windowsver.Imagename -like '*server*') -and ($windowsver.version -gt 10.0.20348.0)) { $Path = "$global:workdir\Imports\Dotnet\Windows Server\$version" }
        If ($windowsver.imagename -like '*Windows 11*') { $Path = "$global:workdir\Imports\Dotnet\Windows 11\$version" }

        if ((Test-Path -Path $Path) -eq $false) {

            try {
                Update-Log -Data 'Creating folders...' -Class Warning

                New-Item -Path (Split-Path -Path $path -Parent) -Name $version -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction stop | Out-Null

            } catch {
                Update-Log -Data "Couldn't creating new folder in DotNet imports folder" -Class Error

        try {
            Update-Log -Data 'Copying .Net binaries...' -Class Information
            Copy-Item -Path $iso\sources\sxs\*netfx3* -Destination $path -Force -ErrorAction Stop

        } catch {
            Update-Log -Data "Couldn't copy the .Net binaries" -Class Error

    #Copy out ISO files
    if ($WPFImportISOCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) {
        #Determine if is Windows 10 or Windows Server
        Update-Log -Data 'Importing ISO/Upgrade Package files...' -Class Information

        if ($windowsver.ImageName -like 'Windows 10*') { $OS = 'Windows 10' }

        if ($windowsver.ImageName -like 'Windows 11*') { $OS = 'Windows 11' }

        if ($windowsver.ImageName -like '*Server*') { $OS = 'Windows Server' }
        Update-Log -Data "$OS detected" -Class Information
        if ((Test-Path -Path $global:workdir\imports\iso\$OS\$Version) -eq $false) {
            Update-Log -Data 'Path does not exist. Creating...' -Class Information
            New-Item -Path $global:workdir\imports\iso\$OS\ -Name $version -ItemType Directory

        Update-Log -Data 'Copying boot folder...' -Class Information
        Copy-Item -Path $iso\boot\ -Destination $global:workdir\imports\iso\$OS\$Version\boot -Recurse -Force #-Exclude install.wim

        Update-Log -Data 'Copying efi folder...' -Class Information
        Copy-Item -Path $iso\efi\ -Destination $global:workdir\imports\iso\$OS\$Version\efi -Recurse -Force #-Exclude install.wim

        Update-Log -Data 'Copying sources folder...' -Class Information
        Copy-Item -Path $iso\sources\ -Destination $global:workdir\imports\iso\$OS\$Version\sources -Recurse -Force -Exclude install.wim

        Update-Log -Data 'Copying support folder...' -Class Information
        Copy-Item -Path $iso\support\ -Destination $global:workdir\imports\iso\$OS\$Version\support -Recurse -Force #-Exclude install.wim

        Update-Log -Data 'Copying files in root folder...' -Class Information
        Copy-Item $iso\autorun.inf -Destination $global:workdir\imports\iso\$OS\$Version\ -Force
        Copy-Item $iso\bootmgr -Destination $global:workdir\imports\iso\$OS\$Version\ -Force
        Copy-Item $iso\bootmgr.efi -Destination $global:workdir\imports\iso\$OS\$Version\ -Force
        Copy-Item $iso\setup.exe -Destination $global:workdir\imports\iso\$OS\$Version\ -Force


    #Dismount and finish
    try {
        Update-Log -Data 'Dismount!' -Class Information
        Invoke-RemoveISOMount -inputObject $isomount
    } catch {
        Update-Log -Data "Couldn't dismount the ISO. WIM Witch uses a file mount option that does not" -Class Error
        Update-Log -Data 'provision a drive letter. Use the Dismount-DiskImage command to manaully dismount.' -Class Error
    Update-Log -data 'Importing complete' -class Information

#Function to select ISO for import
Function Select-ISO {

    $SourceISO = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property @{
        InitialDirectory = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Desktop')
        Filter           = 'ISO (*.iso)|'
    $null = $SourceISO.ShowDialog()
    $WPFImportISOTextBox.text = $SourceISO.FileName

    if ($SourceISO.FileName -notlike '*.iso') {
        Update-Log -Data 'An ISO file not selected. Please select a valid file to continue.' -Class Warning
    $text = $WPFImportISOTextBox.text + ' selected as the ISO to import from'
    Update-Log -Data $text -class Information


#Function to inject the .Net 3.5 binaries from the import folder
Function Add-DotNet {

    $buildnum = Get-WinVersionNumber
    $OSType = Get-WindowsType

    #fix the build number 21h

    if ($OSType -eq 'Windows 10') { $DotNetFiles = "$global:workdir\imports\DotNet\$buildnum" }
    if (($OSType -eq 'Windows 11') -or ($OSType -eq 'Windows Server')) { $DotNetFiles = "$global:workdir\imports\DotNet\$OSType\$buildnum" }

    try {
        $text = 'Injecting .Net 3.5 binaries from ' + $DotNetFiles
        Update-Log -Data $text -Class Information
        Add-WindowsPackage -PackagePath $DotNetFiles -Path $WPFMISMountTextBox.Text -ErrorAction Continue | Out-Null
    } catch {
        Update-Log -Data "Couldn't inject .Net Binaries" -Class Warning
        Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -Class Error
    Update-Log -Data '.Net 3.5 injection complete' -Class Information

#Function to see if the .Net binaries for the select Win10 version exist
Function Test-DotNetExists {

    $OSType = Get-WindowsType
    #$buildnum = Get-WinVersionNumber
    $buildnum = $WPFSourceWimTBVersionNum.text

    if ($OSType -eq 'Windows 10') {
        if ($buildnum -eq '20H2') { $Buildnum = '2009' }
        $DotNetFiles = "$global:workdir\imports\DotNet\$buildnum"
    if (($OSType -eq 'Windows 11') -or ($OSType -eq 'Windows Server')) { $DotNetFiles = "$global:workdir\imports\DotNet\$OSType\$buildnum" }

    Test-Path -Path $DotNetFiles\*
    if ((Test-Path -Path $DotNetFiles\*) -eq $false) {
        $text = '.Net 3.5 Binaries are not present for ' + $buildnum
        Update-Log -Data $text -Class Warning
        Update-Log -data 'Import .Net from an ISO or disable injection to continue' -Class Warning
        return $false

#For those who like to dig through code and find notes from the dev team:
#Each Function is listed in the order it was created. This point marks
#where v1.0 was released. Everything
#below is from updates -DRR 10/22/2020

Function Install-WimWitchUpgrade {
    Write-Output 'Would you like to upgrade WIM Witch?'
    $yesno = Read-Host -Prompt '(Y/N)'
    Write-Output $yesno
    if (($yesno -ne 'Y') -and ($yesno -ne 'N')) {
        Write-Output 'Invalid entry, try again.'

    if ($yesno -eq 'y') {

        try {
            Save-Script -Name 'WIMWitch' -Path $global:workdir -Force -ErrorAction Stop
            Write-Output 'New version has been applied. WIM Witch will now exit.'
            Write-Output 'Please restart WIM Witch'
        } catch {
            Write-Output "Couldn't upgrade. Try again when teh tubes are clear"


    if ($yesno -eq 'n') {
        Write-Output "You'll want to upgrade at some point."
        Update-Log -Data 'Upgrade to new version was declined' -Class Warning
        Update-Log -Data 'Continuing to start WIM Witch...' -Class Warning


#Function to backup WIM Witch script file during upgrade
Function Backup-WIMWitch {
    Update-log -data 'Backing up existing WIM Witch script...' -Class Information

    $scriptname = Split-Path $MyInvocation.PSCommandPath -Leaf #Find local script name
    Update-Log -data 'The script to be backed up is: ' -Class Information
    Update-Log -data $MyInvocation.PSCommandPath -Class Information

    try {
        Update-Log -data 'Copy script to backup folder...' -Class Information
        Copy-Item -Path $scriptname -Destination $global:workdir\backup -ErrorAction Stop
        Update-Log -Data 'Successfully copied...' -Class Information
    } catch {
        Update-Log -data "Couldn't copy the WIM Witch script. My guess is a permissions issue" -Class Error
        Update-Log -Data 'Exiting out of an over abundance of caution' -Class Error

    try {
        Update-Log -data 'Renaming archived script...' -Class Information
        Rename-Name -file $global:workdir\backup\$scriptname -extension '.ps1'
        Update-Log -data 'Backup successfully renamed for archiving' -class Information
    } catch {

        Update-Log -Data "Backed-up script couldn't be renamed. This isn't a critical error" -Class Warning
        Update-Log -Data "You may want to change it's name so it doesn't get overwritten." -Class Warning
        Update-Log -Data 'Continuing with WIM Witch upgrade...' -Class Warning

#Function to download current OneDrive client
#Most of this was stolen from David Segura @SeguraOSD
Function Get-OneDrive {
    # -Possible new link location.
    # - x64 installer

    Update-Log -Data 'Downloading latest 32-bit OneDrive agent installer...' -class Information
    $DownloadUrl = ''
    $DownloadPath = "$global:workdir\updates\OneDrive"
    $DownloadFile = 'OneDriveSetup.exe'

    if (!(Test-Path "$DownloadPath")) { New-Item -Path $DownloadPath -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null }
    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $DownloadUrl -OutFile "$DownloadPath\$DownloadFile"
    if (Test-Path "$DownloadPath\$DownloadFile") {
        Update-Log -Data 'OneDrive Download Complete' -Class Information
    } else {
        Update-log -Data 'OneDrive could not be downloaded' -Class Error

    Update-Log -Data 'Downloading latest 64-bit OneDrive agent installer...' -class Information
    $DownloadUrl = ''
    $DownloadPath = "$global:workdir\updates\OneDrive\x64"
    $DownloadFile = 'OneDriveSetup.exe'

    if (!(Test-Path "$DownloadPath")) { New-Item -Path $DownloadPath -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null }
    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $DownloadUrl -OutFile "$DownloadPath\$DownloadFile"
    if (Test-Path "$DownloadPath\$DownloadFile") {
        Update-Log -Data 'OneDrive Download Complete' -Class Information
    } else {
        Update-log -Data 'OneDrive could not be downloaded' -Class Error


#Function to copy new OneDrive client installer to mount path
Function Copy-OneDrive {
    Update-Log -data 'Updating OneDrive x86 client' -class information
    try {
        Update-Log -Data 'Setting ACL on the original OneDriveSetup.exe file' -Class Information
        $mountpath = $WPFMISMountTextBox.text

        $AclBAK = Get-Acl "$mountpath\Windows\SysWOW64\OneDriveSetup.exe"
        $user = $env:USERDOMAIN + '\' + $env:USERNAME
        $Account = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Principal.NTAccount -ArgumentList $user
        $item = Get-Item "$mountpath\Windows\SysWOW64\OneDriveSetup.exe"

        $Acl = $null # Reset the $Acl variable to $null
        $Acl = Get-Acl -Path $Item.FullName # Get the ACL from the item
        $Acl.SetOwner($Account) # Update the in-memory ACL
        Set-Acl -Path $Item.FullName -AclObject $Acl -ErrorAction Stop  # Set the updated ACL on the target item
        Update-Log -Data 'Ownership of OneDriveSetup.exe siezed' -Class Information

        $Ar = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($user, 'FullControl', 'Allow')
        Set-Acl "$mountpath\Windows\SysWOW64\OneDriveSetup.exe" $Acl -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null

        Update-Log -Data 'ACL successfully updated. Continuing...'
    } catch {
        Update-Log -data "Couldn't set the ACL on the original file" -Class Error

    try {

        Update-Log -data 'Copying updated OneDrive agent installer...' -Class Information
        Copy-Item "$global:workdir\updates\OneDrive\OneDriveSetup.exe" -Destination "$mountpath\Windows\SysWOW64" -Force -ErrorAction Stop
        Update-Log -Data 'OneDrive installer successfully copied.' -Class Information
    } catch {
        Update-Log -data "Couldn't copy the OneDrive installer file." -class Error
        Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -Class Error

    try {
        Update-Log -data 'Restoring original ACL to OneDrive installer.' -Class Information
        Set-Acl "$mountpath\Windows\SysWOW64\OneDriveSetup.exe" $AclBAK -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
        Update-Log -data 'Restoration complete' -Class Information
    } catch {
        Update-Log "Couldn't restore original ACLs. Continuing." -Class Error

#Function to copy new OneDrive client installer to mount path
Function Copy-OneDrivex64 {
    Update-Log -data 'Updating OneDrive x64 client' -class information
    try {
        Update-Log -Data 'Setting ACL on the original OneDriveSetup.exe file' -Class Information
        $mountpath = $WPFMISMountTextBox.text

        $AclBAK = Get-Acl "$mountpath\Windows\System32\OneDriveSetup.exe"
        $user = $env:USERDOMAIN + '\' + $env:USERNAME
        $Account = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Principal.NTAccount -ArgumentList $user
        $item = Get-Item "$mountpath\Windows\System32\OneDriveSetup.exe"

        $Acl = $null # Reset the $Acl variable to $null
        $Acl = Get-Acl -Path $Item.FullName # Get the ACL from the item
        $Acl.SetOwner($Account) # Update the in-memory ACL
        Set-Acl -Path $Item.FullName -AclObject $Acl -ErrorAction Stop  # Set the updated ACL on the target item
        Update-Log -Data 'Ownership of OneDriveSetup.exe siezed' -Class Information

        $Ar = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($user, 'FullControl', 'Allow')
        Set-Acl "$mountpath\Windows\System32\OneDriveSetup.exe" $Acl -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null

        Update-Log -Data 'ACL successfully updated. Continuing...'
    } catch {
        Update-Log -data "Couldn't set the ACL on the original file" -Class Error

    try {

        Update-Log -data 'Copying updated OneDrive agent installer...' -Class Information
        Copy-Item "$global:workdir\updates\OneDrive\x64\OneDriveSetup.exe" -Destination "$mountpath\Windows\System32" -Force -ErrorAction Stop
        Update-Log -Data 'OneDrive installer successfully copied.' -Class Information
    } catch {
        Update-Log -data "Couldn't copy the OneDrive installer file." -class Error
        Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -Class Error

    try {
        Update-Log -data 'Restoring original ACL to OneDrive installer.' -Class Information
        Set-Acl "$mountpath\Windows\System32\OneDriveSetup.exe" $AclBAK -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
        Update-Log -data 'Restoration complete' -Class Information
    } catch {
        Update-Log "Couldn't restore original ACLs. Continuing." -Class Error

#Function to call the next three Functions. This determines WinOS and WinVer and calls the Function
Function Select-LPFODCriteria($Type) {

    $WinOS = Get-WindowsType
    #$WinVer = Get-WinVersionNumber
    $WinVer = $WPFSourceWimTBVersionNum.text

    if ($WinOS -eq 'Windows 10') {
        if (($Winver -eq '2009') -or ($winver -eq '20H2') -or ($winver -eq '21H1') -or ($winver -eq '21H2') -or ($winver -eq '22H2')) { $winver = '2004' }

    if ($type -eq 'LP') {
        if ((Test-Path -Path $global:workdir\imports\Lang\$WinOS\$Winver\LanguagePacks) -eq $false) {
            Update-Log -Data 'Source not found. Please import some language packs and try again' -Class Error
        Select-LanguagePacks -winver $Winver -WinOS $WinOS

    If ($type -eq 'LXP') {
        if ((Test-Path -Path $global:workdir\imports\Lang\$WinOS\$Winver\localexperiencepack) -eq $false) {
            Update-Log -Data 'Source not found. Please import some Local Experience Packs and try again' -Class Error
        Select-LocalExperiencePack -winver $Winver -WinOS $WinOS

    if ($type -eq 'FOD') {
        if ((Test-Path -Path $global:workdir\imports\FODs\$WinOS\$Winver\) -eq $false) {

            Update-Log -Data 'Source not found. Please import some Demanding Features and try again' -Class Error

        Select-FeaturesOnDemand -winver $Winver -WinOS $WinOS

#Function to select langauge packs for injection
Function Select-LanguagePacks($winver, $WinOS) {

    $LPSourceFolder = $global:workdir + '\imports\lang\' + $WinOS + '\' + $winver + '\' + 'LanguagePacks' + '\'

    $items = (Get-ChildItem -Path $LPSourceFolder | Select-Object -Property Name | Out-GridView -Title 'Select Language Packs' -PassThru)
    foreach ($item in $items) { $WPFCustomLBLangPacks.Items.Add($ }

#Function to select LXP packs for injection
Function Select-LocalExperiencePack($winver, $WinOS) {

    $LPSourceFolder = $global:workdir + '\imports\lang\' + $WinOS + '\' + $winver + '\' + 'localexperiencepack' + '\'

    $items = (Get-ChildItem -Path $LPSourceFolder | Select-Object -Property Name | Out-GridView -Title 'Select Local Experience Packs' -PassThru)
    foreach ($item in $items) { $WPFCustomLBLEP.Items.Add($ }
#Hey Donna
#Function to select FODs for injection
Function Select-FeaturesOnDemand($winver, $WinOS) {
    $Win10_1909_FODs = @('Accessibility.Braille~~~~',
    $Win10_1903_FODs = @('Accessibility.Braille~~~~',
    $Win10_1809_FODs = @('Accessibility.Braille~~~~',
    $Win10_1809_server_FODs = @('Accessibility.Braille~~~~',
    $Win10_2004_FODs = @('Accessibility.Braille~~~~',

    If ($Winver -eq '2004') { $items = ($Win10_2004_FODs | Out-GridView -Title 'Select Features On Demand' -PassThru) }
    If ($Winver -eq '1909') { $items = ($Win10_1909_FODs | Out-GridView -Title 'Select Features On Demand' -PassThru) }
    If ($Winver -eq '1903') { $items = ($Win10_1903_FODs | Out-GridView -Title 'Select Features On Demand' -PassThru) }
    If ($Winver -eq '1809') {
        if ($WinOS -eq 'Windows 10') { $items = ($Win10_1809_FODs | Out-GridView -Title 'Select Features On Demand' -PassThru) }
        if ($WinOS -eq 'Windows Server') { $items = ($Win10_1809_server_FODs | Out-GridView -Title 'Select Features On Demand' -PassThru) }

    #(Get-ChildItem -path $LPSourceFolder | Select-Object -Property Name | Out-GridView -title "Select Local Experience Packs" -PassThru)

    if ($WinOS -eq 'Windows 11') {
        $items = (Get-ChildItem -Path "$global:workdir\imports\fods\Windows 11\$winver" | Select-Object -Property Name | Out-GridView -Title 'Select Featres' -PassThru)
        foreach ($item in $items) { $WPFCustomLBFOD.Items.Add($ }
    } else {

        foreach ($item in $items) { $WPFCustomLBFOD.Items.Add($item) }

#Function to apply the selected Langauge Packs to the mounted WIM
Function Install-LanguagePacks {
    Update-Log -data 'Applying Language Packs...' -Class Information

    $WinOS = Get-WindowsType
    $Winver = Get-WinVersionNumber

    if (($WinOS -eq 'Windows 10') -and (($winver -eq '20H2') -or ($winver -eq '21H1') -or ($winver -eq '2009') -or ($winver -eq '21H2') -or ($winver -eq '22H2'))) { $winver = '2004' }

    $mountdir = $WPFMISMountTextBox.text

    $LPSourceFolder = $global:workdir + '\imports\Lang\' + $WinOS + '\' + $winver + '\LanguagePacks\'
    $items = $WPFCustomLBLangPacks.items

    foreach ($item in $items) {
        $source = $LPSourceFolder + $item

        $text = 'Applying ' + $item
        Update-Log -Data $text -Class Information

        try {

            if ($demomode -eq $true) {
                $string = 'Demo mode active - not applying ' + $source
                Update-Log -data $string -Class Warning
            } else {
                Add-WindowsPackage -PackagePath $source -Path $mountdir -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
                Update-Log -Data 'Injection Successful' -Class Information

        } catch {
            Update-Log -Data 'Failed to inject Language Pack' -Class Error
            Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -Class Error

    Update-Log -Data 'Language Pack injections complete' -Class Information

#Function to apply selected LXPs to the mounted WIM
Function Install-LocalExperiencePack {
    Update-Log -data 'Applying Local Experience Packs...' -Class Information

    $mountdir = $WPFMISMountTextBox.text

    $WinOS = Get-WindowsType
    $Winver = Get-WinVersionNumber

    if (($WinOS -eq 'Windows 10') -and (($winver -eq '20H2') -or ($winver -eq '21H1') -or ($winver -eq '2009') -or ($winver -eq '21H2') -or ($winver -eq '22H2'))) { $winver = '2004' }

    $LPSourceFolder = $global:workdir + '\imports\Lang\' + $WinOS + '\' + $winver + '\localexperiencepack\'
    $items = $WPFCustomLBLEP.items

    foreach ($item in $items) {
        $source = $LPSourceFolder + $item
        $license = Get-Item -Path $source\*.xml
        $file = Get-Item -Path $source\*.appx
        $text = 'Applying ' + $item
        Update-Log -Data $text -Class Information
        try {
            Add-ProvisionedAppxPackage -PackagePath $file -LicensePath $license -Path $mountdir -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
            Update-Log -Data 'Injection Successful' -Class Information
        } catch {
            Update-Log -data 'Failed to apply Local Experience Pack' -Class Error
            Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -Class Error
    Update-Log -Data 'Local Experience Pack injections complete' -Class Information

#Function to apply selected FODs to the mounted WIM
Function Install-FeaturesOnDemand {
    Update-Log -data 'Applying Features On Demand...' -Class Information

    $mountdir = $WPFMISMountTextBox.text

    $WinOS = Get-WindowsType
    $Winver = Get-WinVersionNumber

    if (($WinOS -eq 'Windows 10') -and (($winver -eq '20H2') -or ($winver -eq '21H1') -or ($winver -eq '2009') -or ($winver -eq '21H2') -or ($winver -eq '22H2'))) { $winver = '2004' }

    $FODsource = $global:workdir + '\imports\FODs\' + $winOS + '\' + $Winver + '\'
    $items = $WPFCustomLBFOD.items

    foreach ($item in $items) {
        $text = 'Applying ' + $item
        Update-Log -Data $text -Class Information

        try {
            Add-WindowsCapability -Path $mountdir -Name $item -Source $FODsource -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
            Update-Log -Data 'Injection Successful' -Class Information
        } catch {
            Update-Log -data 'Failed to apply Feature On Demand' -Class Error
            Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -Class Error

    Update-Log -Data 'Feature on Demand injections complete' -Class Information

#Function to import the selected LP's in to the Imports folder
Function Import-LanguagePacks($Winver, $LPSourceFolder, $WinOS) {
    Update-Log -Data 'Importing Language Packs...' -Class Information

    #Note To Donna - Make a step that checks if $winver -eq 1903, and if so, set $winver to 1909
    if ($winver -eq '1903') {
        Update-Log -Data 'Changing version variable because 1903 and 1909 use the same packages' -Class Information
        $winver = '1909'

    if ((Test-Path -Path $global:workdir\imports\Lang\$WinOS\$winver\LanguagePacks) -eq $False) {
        Update-Log -Data 'Destination folder does not exist. Creating...' -Class Warning
        $path = $global:workdir + '\imports\Lang\' + $WinOS + '\' + $winver + '\LanguagePacks'
        $text = 'Creating folder ' + $path
        Update-Log -data $text -Class Information
        New-Item -Path $global:workdir\imports\Lang\$WinOS\$winver -Name LanguagePacks -ItemType Directory
        Update-Log -Data 'Folder created successfully' -Class Information

    $items = $WPFImportOtherLBList.items
    foreach ($item in $items) {
        $source = $LPSourceFolder + $item
        $text = 'Importing ' + $item
        Update-Log -Data $text -Class Information
        Copy-Item $source -Destination $global:workdir\imports\Lang\$WinOS\$Winver\LanguagePacks -Force
    Update-Log -Data 'Importation Complete' -Class Information

#Function to import the selected LXP's into the imports forlder
Function Import-LocalExperiencePack($Winver, $LPSourceFolder, $WinOS) {

    if ($winver -eq '1903') {
        Update-Log -Data 'Changing version variable because 1903 and 1909 use the same packages' -Class Information
        $winver = '1909'

    Update-Log -Data 'Importing Local Experience Packs...' -Class Information

    if ((Test-Path -Path $global:workdir\imports\Lang\$WinOS\$winver\localexperiencepack) -eq $False) {
        Update-Log -Data 'Destination folder does not exist. Creating...' -Class Warning
        $path = $global:workdir + '\imports\Lang\' + $WinOS + '\' + $winver + '\localexperiencepack'
        $text = 'Creating folder ' + $path
        Update-Log -data $text -Class Information
        New-Item -Path $global:workdir\imports\Lang\$WinOS\$winver -Name localexperiencepack -ItemType Directory
        Update-Log -Data 'Folder created successfully' -Class Information

    $items = $WPFImportOtherLBList.items
    foreach ($item in $items) {
        $name = $item
        $source = $LPSourceFolder + $name
        $text = 'Creating destination folder for ' + $item
        Update-Log -Data $text -Class Information

        if ((Test-Path -Path $global:workdir\imports\lang\$WinOS\$winver\localexperiencepack\$name) -eq $False) { New-Item -Path $global:workdir\imports\lang\$WinOS\$winver\localexperiencepack -Name $name -ItemType Directory }
        else {
            $text = 'The folder for ' + $item + ' already exists. Skipping creation...'
            Update-Log -Data $text -Class Warning

        Update-Log -Data 'Copying source to destination folders...' -Class Information
        Get-ChildItem -Path $source | Copy-Item -Destination $global:workdir\imports\Lang\$WinOS\$Winver\LocalExperiencePack\$name -Force
    Update-log -Data 'Importation complete' -Class Information

#Function to import the contents of the selected FODs into the imports forlder
Function Import-FeatureOnDemand($Winver, $LPSourceFolder, $WinOS) {

    if ($winver -eq '1903') {
        Update-Log -Data 'Changing version variable because 1903 and 1909 use the same packages' -Class Information
        $winver = '1909'

    $path = $WPFImportOtherTBPath.text
    $text = 'Starting importation of Feature On Demand binaries from ' + $path
    Update-Log -Data $text -Class Information

    $langpacks = Get-ChildItem -Path $LPSourceFolder

    if ((Test-Path -Path $global:workdir\imports\FODs\$WinOS\$Winver) -eq $False) {
        Update-Log -Data 'Destination folder does not exist. Creating...' -Class Warning
        $path = $global:workdir + '\imports\FODs\' + $WinOS + '\' + $winver
        $text = 'Creating folder ' + $path
        Update-Log -data $text -Class Information
        New-Item -Path $global:workdir\imports\fods\$WinOS -Name $winver -ItemType Directory
        Update-Log -Data 'Folder created successfully' -Class Information
    #If Windows 11

    if ($WPFImportOtherCBWinOS.SelectedItem -eq 'Windows 11') {
        $items = $WPFImportOtherLBList.items
        foreach ($item in $items) {
            $source = $LPSourceFolder + $item
            $text = 'Importing ' + $item
            Update-Log -Data $text -Class Information
            Copy-Item $source -Destination $global:workdir\imports\FODs\$WinOS\$Winver\ -Force


    #If not Windows 11
    if ($WPFImportOtherCBWinOS.SelectedItem -ne 'Windows 11') {
        foreach ($langpack in $langpacks) {
            $source = $LPSourceFolder + $

            Copy-Item $source -Destination $global:workdir\imports\FODs\$WinOS\$Winver\ -Force
            $name = $
            $text = 'Copying ' + $name
            Update-Log -Data $text -Class Information


    Update-Log -Data 'Importing metadata subfolder...' -Class Information
    Get-ChildItem -Path ($LPSourceFolder + '\metadata\') | Copy-Item -Destination $global:workdir\imports\FODs\$WinOS\$Winver\metadata -Force
    Update-Log -data 'Feature On Demand imporation complete.'

#Function to update winver cobmo box
Function Update-ImportVersionCB {
    if ($WPFImportOtherCBWinOS.SelectedItem -eq 'Windows Server') { Foreach ($WinSrvVer in $WinSrvVer) { $WPFImportOtherCBWinVer.Items.Add($WinSrvVer) } }
    if ($WPFImportOtherCBWinOS.SelectedItem -eq 'Windows 10') { Foreach ($Win10Ver in $Win10ver) { $WPFImportOtherCBWinVer.Items.Add($Win10Ver) } }
    if ($WPFImportOtherCBWinOS.SelectedItem -eq 'Windows 11') { Foreach ($Win11Ver in $Win11ver) { $WPFImportOtherCBWinVer.Items.Add($Win11Ver) } }

#Function to select other object import source path
Function Select-ImportOtherPath {
    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
    $browser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog
    $browser.Description = 'Source folder'
    $null = $browser.ShowDialog()
    $ImportPath = $browser.SelectedPath + '\'
    $WPFImportOtherTBPath.text = $ImportPath


#Function to allow user to pause MAke it so process
Function Suspend-MakeItSo {
    $MISPause = ([System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show('Click Yes to continue the image build. Click No to cancel and discard the wim file.', 'WIM Witch Paused', 'YesNo', 'Warning'))
    if ($MISPause -eq 'Yes') { return 'Yes' }

    if ($MISPause -eq 'No') { return 'No' }

#Function to run a powershell script with supplied paramenters
Function Start-Script($file, $parameter) {
    $string = "$file $parameter"
    try {
        Update-Log -Data 'Running script' -Class Information
        Invoke-Expression -Command $string -ErrorAction Stop
        Update-Log -data 'Script complete' -Class Information
    } catch {
        Update-Log -Data 'Script failed' -Class Error

#Function to select existing configMgr image package
Function Get-ImageInfo {
        [parameter(mandatory = $true)]


    Set-Location $CMDrive
    $image = (Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SMS\Site_$($global:SiteCode)" -Class SMS_ImagePackage -ComputerName $global:SiteServer) | Where-Object { ($_.PackageID -eq $PackID) }

    $WPFCMTBImageName.text = $
    $WPFCMTBWinBuildNum.text = $image.ImageOSversion
    $WPFCMTBPackageID.text = $image.PackageID
    $WPFCMTBImageVer.text = $image.version
    $WPFCMTBDescription.text = $image.Description

    $text = 'Image ' + $WPFCMTBImageName.text + ' selected'
    Update-Log -data $text -class Information

    $text = 'Package ID is ' + $image.PackageID
    Update-Log -data $text -class Information

    $text = 'Image build number is ' + $image.ImageOSversion
    Update-Log -data $text -class Information

    $packageID = (Get-CMOperatingSystemImage -Id $image.PackageID)
    # $packageID.PkgSourcePath

    $WPFMISWimFolderTextBox.text = (Split-Path -Path $packageID.PkgSourcePath)
    $WPFMISWimNameTextBox.text = (Split-Path -Path $packageID.PkgSourcePath -Leaf)

    $Package = $packageID.PackageID
    $DPs = Get-CMDistributionPoint
    $NALPaths = (Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SMS\Site_$($global:SiteCode)" -ComputerName $global:SiteServer -Query "SELECT * FROM SMS_DistributionPoint WHERE PackageID='$Package'")

    Update-Log -Data 'Retrieving Distrbution Point Information' -Class Information
    foreach ($NALPath in $NALPaths) {
        foreach ($dp in $dps) {
            $DPPath = $dp.NetworkOSPath
            if ($NALPath.ServerNALPath -like ("*$DPPath*")) {
                Update-Log -data "Image has been previously distributed to $DPPath" -class Information


    #Detect Binary Diff Replication
    Update-Log -data 'Checking Binary Differential Replication setting' -Class Information
    if ($image.PkgFlags -eq ($image.PkgFlags -bor 0x04000000)) {
        $WPFCMCBBinDirRep.IsChecked = $True
    } else {
        $WPFCMCBBinDirRep.IsChecked = $False

    #Detect Package Share Enabled
    Update-Log -data 'Checking package share settings' -Class Information
    if ($image.PkgFlags -eq ($image.PkgFlags -bor 0x80)) {
        $WPFCMCBDeploymentShare.IsChecked = $true
    } else
    { $WPFCMCBDeploymentShare.IsChecked = $false }

    Set-Location $global:workdir

#Function to select DP's from ConfigMgr
Function Select-DistributionPoints {
    Set-Location $CMDrive

    if ($WPFCMCBDPDPG.SelectedItem -eq 'Distribution Points') {

        $SelectedDPs = (Get-CMDistributionPoint -SiteCode $global:sitecode).NetworkOSPath | Out-GridView -Title 'Select Distribution Points' -PassThru
        foreach ($SelectedDP in $SelectedDPs) { $WPFCMLBDPs.Items.Add($SelectedDP) }
    if ($WPFCMCBDPDPG.SelectedItem -eq 'Distribution Point Groups') {
        $SelectedDPs = (Get-CMDistributionPointGroup).Name | Out-GridView -Title 'Select Distribution Point Groups' -PassThru
        foreach ($SelectedDP in $SelectedDPs) { $WPFCMLBDPs.Items.Add($SelectedDP) }
    Set-Location $global:workdir

#Function to create the new image in ConfigMgr
Function New-CMImagePackage {
    Set-Location $CMDrive
    $Path = $WPFMISWimFolderTextBox.text + '\' + $WPFMISWimNameTextBox.text

    try {
        New-CMOperatingSystemImage -Name $WPFCMTBImageName.text -Path $Path -ErrorAction Stop
        Update-Log -data 'Image was created. Check ConfigMgr console' -Class Information
    } catch {
        Update-Log -data 'Failed to create the image' -Class Error
        Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -Class Error

    $PackageID = (Get-CMOperatingSystemImage -Name $WPFCMTBImageName.text).PackageID
    Update-Log -Data "The Package ID of the new image is $PackageID" -Class Information

    Set-ImageProperties -PackageID $PackageID

    Update-Log -Data 'Retriveing Distribution Point information...' -Class Information
    $DPs = $WPFCMLBDPs.Items

    foreach ($DP in $DPs) {
        # Hello! This line was written on 3/3/2020.
        $DP = $DP -replace '\\', ''

        Update-Log -Data 'Distributiong image package content...' -Class Information
        if ($WPFCMCBDPDPG.SelectedItem -eq 'Distribution Points') {
            Start-CMContentDistribution -OperatingSystemImageId $PackageID -DistributionPointName $DP
        if ($WPFCMCBDPDPG.SelectedItem -eq 'Distribution Point Groups') {
            Start-CMContentDistribution -OperatingSystemImageId $PackageID -DistributionPointGroupName $DP

        Update-Log -Data 'Content has been distributed.' -Class Information

    Save-Configuration -CM $PackageID
    Set-Location $global:workdir

#Function to enable/disable options on ConfigMgr tab
Function Enable-ConfigMgrOptions {

    #"Disabled","New Image","Update Existing Image"
    if ($WPFCMCBImageType.SelectedItem -eq 'New Image') {
        $WPFCMBAddDP.IsEnabled = $True
        $WPFCMBRemoveDP.IsEnabled = $True
        $WPFCMBSelectImage.IsEnabled = $False
        $WPFCMCBBinDirRep.IsEnabled = $True
        $WPFCMCBDPDPG.IsEnabled = $True
        $WPFCMLBDPs.IsEnabled = $True
        $WPFCMTBDescription.IsEnabled = $True
        $WPFCMTBImageName.IsEnabled = $True
        $WPFCMTBImageVer.IsEnabled = $True
        $WPFCMTBPackageID.IsEnabled = $False
        # $WPFCMTBSitecode.IsEnabled = $True
        # $WPFCMTBSiteServer.IsEnabled = $True
        $WPFCMTBWinBuildNum.IsEnabled = $False
        $WPFCMCBImageVerAuto.IsEnabled = $True
        $WPFCMCBDescriptionAuto.IsEnabled = $True
        $WPFCMCBDeploymentShare.IsEnabled = $True

        # $MEMCMsiteinfo = Get-ItemProperty -Path "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\Identification"
        # $WPFCMTBSiteServer.text = $MEMCMsiteinfo.'Site Server'
        # $WPFCMTBSitecode.text = $MEMCMsiteinfo.'Site Code'
        Update-Log -data 'ConfigMgr feature enabled. New Image selected' -class Information
        # Update-Log -data $WPFCMTBSitecode.text -class Information
        # Update-Log -data $WPFCMTBSiteServer.text -class Information

    if ($WPFCMCBImageType.SelectedItem -eq 'Update Existing Image') {
        $WPFCMBAddDP.IsEnabled = $False
        $WPFCMBRemoveDP.IsEnabled = $False
        $WPFCMBSelectImage.IsEnabled = $True
        $WPFCMCBBinDirRep.IsEnabled = $True
        $WPFCMCBDPDPG.IsEnabled = $False
        $WPFCMLBDPs.IsEnabled = $False
        $WPFCMTBDescription.IsEnabled = $True
        $WPFCMTBImageName.IsEnabled = $False
        $WPFCMTBImageVer.IsEnabled = $True
        $WPFCMTBPackageID.IsEnabled = $True
        $WPFCMTBSitecode.IsEnabled = $True
        $WPFCMTBSiteServer.IsEnabled = $True
        $WPFCMTBWinBuildNum.IsEnabled = $False
        $WPFCMCBImageVerAuto.IsEnabled = $True
        $WPFCMCBDescriptionAuto.IsEnabled = $True
        $WPFCMCBDeploymentShare.IsEnabled = $True

        # $MEMCMsiteinfo = Get-ItemProperty -Path "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\Identification"
        # $WPFCMTBSiteServer.text = $MEMCMsiteinfo.'Site Server'
        # $WPFCMTBSitecode.text = $MEMCMsiteinfo.'Site Code'
        Update-Log -data 'ConfigMgr feature enabled. Update an existing image selected' -class Information
        # Update-Log -data $WPFCMTBSitecode.text -class Information
        # Update-Log -data $WPFCMTBSiteServer.text -class Information

    if ($WPFCMCBImageType.SelectedItem -eq 'Disabled') {
        $WPFCMBAddDP.IsEnabled = $False
        $WPFCMBRemoveDP.IsEnabled = $False
        $WPFCMBSelectImage.IsEnabled = $False
        $WPFCMCBBinDirRep.IsEnabled = $False
        $WPFCMCBDPDPG.IsEnabled = $False
        $WPFCMLBDPs.IsEnabled = $False
        $WPFCMTBDescription.IsEnabled = $False
        $WPFCMTBImageName.IsEnabled = $False
        $WPFCMTBImageVer.IsEnabled = $False
        $WPFCMTBPackageID.IsEnabled = $False
        # $WPFCMTBSitecode.IsEnabled = $False
        # $WPFCMTBSiteServer.IsEnabled = $False
        $WPFCMTBWinBuildNum.IsEnabled = $False
        $WPFCMCBImageVerAuto.IsEnabled = $False
        $WPFCMCBDescriptionAuto.IsEnabled = $False
        $WPFCMCBDeploymentShare.IsEnabled = $False
        Update-Log -data 'ConfigMgr feature disabled' -class Information



#Function to update DP's when updating existing image file in ConfigMgr
Function Update-CMImage {
    Set-Location $CMDrive
    $wmi = (Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SMS\Site_$($global:SiteCode)" -Class SMS_ImagePackage -ComputerName $global:SiteServer) | Where-Object { $_.PackageID -eq $WPFCMTBPackageID.text }

    Update-Log -Data 'Updating images on the Distribution Points...'
    $WMI.RefreshPkgSource() | Out-Null

    Update-Log -Data 'Refreshing image proprties from the WIM' -Class Information
    $WMI.ReloadImageProperties() | Out-Null

    Set-ImageProperties -PackageID $WPFCMTBPackageID.Text
    Save-Configuration -CM -filename $WPFCMTBPackageID.Text

    Set-Location $global:workdir

#Function to enable disable & options on the Software Update Catalog tab
Function Invoke-UpdateTabOptions {

    if ($WPFUSCBSelectCatalogSource.SelectedItem -eq 'None' ) {

        $WPFUpdateOSDBUpdateButton.IsEnabled = $false
        $WPFUpdatesDownloadNewButton.IsEnabled = $false
        $WPFUpdatesW10Main.IsEnabled = $false
        $WPFUpdatesS2019.IsEnabled = $false
        $WPFUpdatesS2016.IsEnabled = $false

        $WPFMISCBCheckForUpdates.IsEnabled = $false
        $WPFMISCBCheckForUpdates.IsChecked = $false


    if ($WPFUSCBSelectCatalogSource.SelectedItem -eq 'OSDSUS') {
        $WPFUpdateOSDBUpdateButton.IsEnabled = $true
        $WPFUpdatesDownloadNewButton.IsEnabled = $true
        $WPFUpdatesW10Main.IsEnabled = $true
        $WPFUpdatesS2019.IsEnabled = $true
        $WPFUpdatesS2016.IsEnabled = $true

        $WPFMISCBCheckForUpdates.IsEnabled = $false
        $WPFMISCBCheckForUpdates.IsChecked = $false
        Update-Log -data 'OSDSUS selected as update catalog' -class Information


    if ($WPFUSCBSelectCatalogSource.SelectedItem -eq 'ConfigMgr') {
        $WPFUpdateOSDBUpdateButton.IsEnabled = $false
        $WPFUpdatesDownloadNewButton.IsEnabled = $true
        $WPFUpdatesW10Main.IsEnabled = $true
        $WPFUpdatesS2019.IsEnabled = $true
        $WPFUpdatesS2016.IsEnabled = $true
        $WPFMISCBCheckForUpdates.IsEnabled = $true
        # $MEMCMsiteinfo = Get-ItemProperty -Path "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\Identification"

        # $WPFCMTBSiteServer.text = $MEMCMsiteinfo.'Site Server'
        # $WPFCMTBSitecode.text = $MEMCMsiteinfo.'Site Code'
        Update-Log -data 'ConfigMgr is selected as the update catalog' -Class Information



Function Invoke-MSUpdateItemDownload {
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'Specify the path to where the update item will be downloaded.')]

    #write-host $updatename
    #write-host $filepath

    $OptionalUpdateCheck = 0

    #Adding in optional updates

    if ($UpdateName -like '*Adobe*') {
        $UpdateClass = 'AdobeSU'
        $OptionalUpdateCheck = 1
    if ($UpdateName -like '*Microsoft .NET Framework*') {
        $UpdateClass = 'DotNet'
        $OptionalUpdateCheck = 1
    if ($UpdateName -like '*Cumulative Update for .NET Framework*') {
        $OptionalUpdateCheck = 1
        $UpdateClass = 'DotNetCU'
    if ($UpdateName -like '*Cumulative Update for Windows*') {
        $UpdateClass = 'LCU'
        $OptionalUpdateCheck = 1
    if ($UpdateName -like '*Cumulative Update for Microsoft*') {
        $UpdateClass = 'LCU'
        $OptionalUpdateCheck = 1
    if ($UpdateName -like '*Servicing Stack Update*') {
        $OptionalUpdateCheck = 1
        $UpdateClass = 'SSU'
    if ($UpdateName -like '*Dynamic*') {
        $OptionalUpdateCheck = 1
        $UpdateClass = 'Dynamic'

    if ($OptionalUpdateCheck -eq '0') {

        #Update-Log -data "This update appears to be optional. Skipping..." -Class Warning
        if ($WPFUpdatesCBEnableOptional.IsChecked -eq $True) { Update-Log -data 'This update appears to be optional. Downloading...' -Class Information }
        else {
            Update-Log -data 'This update appears to be optional, but are not enabled for download. Skipping...' -Class Information
        #Update-Log -data "This update appears to be optional. Downloading..." -Class Information

        $UpdateClass = 'Optional'


    if ($UpdateName -like '*Windows 10*') {
        #if (($UpdateName -like "* 1903 *") -or ($UpdateName -like "* 1909 *") -or ($UpdateName -like "* 2004 *") -or ($UpdateName -like "* 20H2 *") -or ($UpdateName -like "* 21H1 *") -or ($UpdateName -like "* 21H2 *") -or ($UpdateName -like "* 22H2 *")){$WMIQueryFilter = "LocalizedCategoryInstanceNames = 'Windows 10, version 1903 and later'"}

        if (($UpdateName -like '* 1903 *') -or ($UpdateName -like '* 1909 *') -or ($UpdateName -like '* 2004 *') -or ($UpdateName -like '* 20H2 *') -or ($UpdateName -like '* 21H1 *') -or ($UpdateName -like '* 21H2 *') -or ($UpdateName -like '* 22H2 *')) { $WMIQueryFilter = "LocalizedCategoryInstanceNames = 'Windows 10, version 1903 and later'" }
        else { $WMIQueryFilter = "LocalizedCategoryInstanceNames = 'Windows 10'" }
        if ($updateName -like '*Dynamic*') {
            if ($WPFUpdatesCBEnableDynamic.IsChecked -eq $True) { $WMIQueryFilter = "LocalizedCategoryInstanceNames = 'Windows 10 Dynamic Update'" }
        #Update-Log -data "Dynamic updates have not been selected for downloading. Skipping..." -Class Information

    if ($UpdateName -like '*Windows 11*') {
        { $WMIQueryFilter = "LocalizedCategoryInstanceNames = 'Windows 11'" }

        if ($updateName -like '*Dynamic*') {
            if ($WPFUpdatesCBEnableDynamic.IsChecked -eq $True) { $WMIQueryFilter = "LocalizedCategoryInstanceNames = 'Windows 11 Dynamic Update'" }


    if (($UpdateName -like '*Windows Server*') -and ($ver -eq '1607')) { $WMIQueryFilter = "LocalizedCategoryInstanceNames = 'Windows Server 2016'" }
    if (($UpdateName -like '*Windows Server*') -and ($ver -eq '1809')) { $WMIQueryFilter = "LocalizedCategoryInstanceNames = 'Windows Server 2019'" }
    if (($UpdateName -like '*Windows Server*') -and ($ver -eq '21H2')) { $WMIQueryFilter = "LocalizedCategoryInstanceNames = 'Microsoft Server operating system-21H2'" }

    $UpdateItem = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SMS\Site_$($global:SiteCode)" -Class SMS_SoftwareUpdate -ComputerName $global:SiteServer -Filter $WMIQueryFilter -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object { ($_.LocalizedDisplayName -eq $UpdateName) }

    if ($null -ne $UpdateItem) {

        # Determine the ContentID instances associated with the update instance
        $UpdateItemContentIDs = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SMS\Site_$($global:SiteCode)" -Class SMS_CIToContent -ComputerName $global:SiteServer -Filter "CI_ID = $($UpdateItem.CI_ID)" -ErrorAction Stop
        if ($null -ne $UpdateItemContentIDs) {

            # Account for multiple content ID items
            foreach ($UpdateItemContentID in $UpdateItemContentIDs) {
                # Get the content files associated with current Content ID
                $UpdateItemContent = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SMS\Site_$($global:SiteCode)" -Class SMS_CIContentFiles -ComputerName $global:SiteServer -Filter "ContentID = $($UpdateItemContentID.ContentID)" -ErrorAction Stop
                if ($null -ne $UpdateItemContent) {
                    # Create new custom object for the update content
                    #write-host $UpdateItemContent.filename
                    $PSObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        'DisplayName' = $UpdateItem.LocalizedDisplayName
                        'ArticleID'   = $UpdateItem.ArticleID
                        'FileName'    = $UpdateItemContent.filename
                        'SourceURL'   = $UpdateItemContent.SourceURL
                        'DateRevised' = [System.Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDateTime($UpdateItem.DateRevised)

                    $variable = $FilePath + $UpdateClass + '\' + $UpdateName

                    if ((Test-Path -Path $variable) -eq $false) {
                        Update-Log -Data "Creating folder $variable" -Class Information
                        New-Item -Path $variable -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
                        Update-Log -data 'Created folder' -Class Information
                    } else {
                        $testpath = $variable + '\' + $PSObject.FileName

                        if ((Test-Path -Path $testpath) -eq $true) {
                            Update-Log -Data 'Update already exists. Skipping the download...' -Class Information

                    try {
                        Update-Log -Data "Downloading update item content from: $($PSObject.SourceURL)" -Class Information

                        $DNLDPath = $variable + '\' + $PSObject.FileName

                        $WebClient = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.WebClient
                        $WebClient.DownloadFile($PSObject.SourceURL, $DNLDPath)

                        Update-Log -Data "Download completed successfully, renamed file to: $($PSObject.FileName)" -Class Information
                        $ReturnValue = 0
                    } catch [System.Exception] {
                        Update-Log -data "Unable to download update item content. Error message: $($_.Exception.Message)" -Class Error
                        $ReturnValue = 1
                } else {
                    Update-Log -data "Unable to determine update content instance for CI_ID: $($UpdateItemContentID.ContentID)" -Class Error
                    $ReturnValue = 1
        } else {
            Update-Log -Data "Unable to determine ContentID instance for CI_ID: $($UpdateItem.CI_ID)" -Class Error
            $ReturnValue = 1
    } else {
        Update-Log -data "Unable to locate update item from SMS Provider for update type: $($UpdateType)" -Class Error
        $ReturnValue = 2

    # Handle return value from Function
    return $ReturnValue | Out-Null

#Function to check for updates against ConfigMgr
Function Invoke-MEMCMUpdatecatalog($prod, $ver) {

    Set-Location $CMDrive
    $Arch = 'x64'

    if ($prod -eq 'Windows 10') {
        # if (($ver -ge '1903') -or ($ver -eq "21H1")){$WMIQueryFilter = "LocalizedCategoryInstanceNames = 'Windows 10, version 1903 and later'"}
        # if (($ver -ge '1903') -or ($ver -eq "21H1") -or ($ver -eq "20H2") -or ($ver -eq "21H2") -or ($ver -eq "22H2")){$WMIQueryFilter = "LocalizedCategoryInstanceNames = 'Windows 10, version 1903 and later'"}
        if (($ver -ge '1903') -or ($ver -like '2*')) { $WMIQueryFilter = "LocalizedCategoryInstanceNames = 'Windows 10, version 1903 and later'" }

        if ($ver -le '1809') { $WMIQueryFilter = "LocalizedCategoryInstanceNames = 'Windows 10'" }

        $Updates = (Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SMS\Site_$($global:SiteCode)" -Class SMS_SoftwareUpdate -ComputerName $global:SiteServer -Filter $WMIQueryFilter -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object { ($_.IsSuperseded -eq $false) -and ($_.LocalizedDisplayName -like "*$($ver)*$($Arch)*") } )

    if (($prod -like '*Windows Server*') -and ($ver -eq '1607')) {
        $WMIQueryFilter = "LocalizedCategoryInstanceNames = 'Windows Server 2016'"
        $Updates = (Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SMS\Site_$($global:SiteCode)" -Class SMS_SoftwareUpdate -ComputerName $global:SiteServer -Filter $WMIQueryFilter -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object { ($_.IsSuperseded -eq $false) -and ($_.LocalizedDisplayName -notlike '* Next *') -and ($_.LocalizedDisplayName -notlike '*(1703)*') -and ($_.LocalizedDisplayName -notlike '*(1709)*') -and ($_.LocalizedDisplayName -notlike '*(1803)*') })

    if (($prod -like '*Windows Server*') -and ($ver -eq '1809')) {
        $WMIQueryFilter = "LocalizedCategoryInstanceNames = 'Windows Server 2019'"
        $Updates = (Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SMS\Site_$($global:SiteCode)" -Class SMS_SoftwareUpdate -ComputerName $global:SiteServer -Filter $WMIQueryFilter -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object { ($_.IsSuperseded -eq $false) -and ($_.LocalizedDisplayName -like "*$($Arch)*") } )

    if (($prod -like '*Windows Server*') -and ($ver -eq '21H2')) {
        $WMIQueryFilter = "LocalizedCategoryInstanceNames = 'Microsoft Server operating system-21H2'"
        $Updates = (Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SMS\Site_$($global:SiteCode)" -Class SMS_SoftwareUpdate -ComputerName $global:SiteServer -Filter $WMIQueryFilter -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object { ($_.IsSuperseded -eq $false) -and ($_.LocalizedDisplayName -like "*$($Arch)*") } )

    if ($prod -eq 'Windows 11') {
        $WMIQueryFilter = "LocalizedCategoryInstanceNames = 'Windows 11'"
        #$Updates = (Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SMS\Site_$($global:SiteCode)" -Class SMS_SoftwareUpdate -ComputerName $global:SiteServer -Filter $WMIQueryFilter -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object { ($_.IsSuperseded -eq $false) -and ($_.LocalizedDisplayName -like "*$($Arch)*") } )
        if ($ver -eq '21H2') { $Updates = (Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SMS\Site_$($global:SiteCode)" -Class SMS_SoftwareUpdate -ComputerName $global:SiteServer -Filter $WMIQueryFilter -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object { ($_.IsSuperseded -eq $false) -and ($_.LocalizedDisplayName -like "*Windows 11 for $($Arch)*") } ) }
        else { $Updates = (Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SMS\Site_$($global:SiteCode)" -Class SMS_SoftwareUpdate -ComputerName $global:SiteServer -Filter $WMIQueryFilter -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object { ($_.IsSuperseded -eq $false) -and ($_.LocalizedDisplayName -like "*$($ver)*$($Arch)*") } ) }


    if ($WPFUpdatesCBEnableDynamic.IsChecked -eq $True) {

        if ($prod -eq 'Windows 10') { $Updates = $Updates + (Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SMS\Site_$($global:SiteCode)" -Class SMS_SoftwareUpdate -ComputerName $global:SiteServer -Filter "LocalizedCategoryInstanceNames = 'Windows 10 Dynamic Update'" -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object { ($_.IsSuperseded -eq $false) -and ($_.LocalizedDisplayName -like "*$($ver)*$($Arch)*") } ) }
        if ($prod -eq 'Windows 11') { $Updates = $Updates + (Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SMS\Site_$($global:SiteCode)" -Class SMS_SoftwareUpdate -ComputerName $global:SiteServer -Filter "LocalizedCategoryInstanceNames = 'Windows 11 Dynamic Update'" -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object { ($_.IsSuperseded -eq $false) -and ($_.LocalizedDisplayName -like "*$prod*") -and ($_.LocalizedDisplayName -like "*$arch*") } ) }


    if ($null -eq $updates) {
        Update-Log -data 'No updates found. Product is likely not synchronized. Continuing with build...' -class Warning
        Set-Location $global:workdir

    foreach ($update in $updates) {
        if ((($update.localizeddisplayname -notlike 'Feature update*') -and ($update.localizeddisplayname -notlike 'Upgrade to Windows 11*' )) -and ($update.localizeddisplayname -notlike '*Language Pack*') -and ($update.localizeddisplayname -notlike '*editions),*')) {
            Update-Log -Data 'Checking the following update:' -Class Information
            Update-Log -data $update.localizeddisplayname -Class Information
            #write-host "Display Name"
            #write-host $update.LocalizedDisplayName
            # if ($ver -eq "20H2"){$ver = "2009"} #Another 20H2 naming work around
            Invoke-MSUpdateItemDownload -FilePath "$global:workdir\updates\$Prod\$ver\" -UpdateName $update.LocalizedDisplayName

    Set-Location $global:workdir

#Function to check for supersedence against ConfigMgr
Function Invoke-MEMCMUpdateSupersedence($prod, $Ver) {
    Set-Location $CMDrive
    $Arch = 'x64'

    if (($prod -eq 'Windows 10') -and (($ver -ge '1903') -or ($ver -eq '20H2') -or ($ver -eq '21H1') -or ($ver -eq '21H2')  )) { $WMIQueryFilter = "LocalizedCategoryInstanceNames = 'Windows 10, version 1903 and later'" }
    if (($prod -eq 'Windows 10') -and ($ver -le '1809')) { $WMIQueryFilter = "LocalizedCategoryInstanceNames = 'Windows 10'" }
    if (($prod -eq 'Windows Server') -and ($ver = '1607')) { $WMIQueryFilter = "LocalizedCategoryInstanceNames = 'Windows Server 2016'" }
    if (($prod -eq 'Windows Server') -and ($ver -eq '1809')) { $WMIQueryFilter = "LocalizedCategoryInstanceNames = 'Windows Server 2019'" }
    if (($prod -eq 'Windows Server') -and ($ver -eq '21H2')) { $WMIQueryFilter = "LocalizedCategoryInstanceNames = 'Microsoft Server operating system-21H2'" }

    Update-Log -data 'Checking files for supersedense...' -Class Information

    if ((Test-Path -Path "$global:workdir\updates\$Prod\$ver\") -eq $False) {
        Update-Log -Data 'Folder doesnt exist. Skipping supersedence check...' -Class Warning

    #For every folder under updates\prod\ver
    $FolderFirstLevels = Get-ChildItem -Path "$global:workdir\updates\$Prod\$ver\"
    foreach ($FolderFirstLevel in $FolderFirstLevels) {

        #For every folder under updates\prod\ver\class
        $FolderSecondLevels = Get-ChildItem -Path "$global:workdir\updates\$Prod\$ver\$FolderFirstLevel"
        foreach ($FolderSecondLevel in $FolderSecondLevels) {

            #for every cab under updates\prod\ver\class\update
            $UpdateCabs = (Get-ChildItem -Path "$global:workdir\updates\$Prod\$ver\$FolderFirstLevel\$FolderSecondLevel")
            foreach ($UpdateCab in $UpdateCabs) {
                Update-Log -data "Checking update file name $UpdateCab" -Class Information
                $UpdateItem = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SMS\Site_$($global:SiteCode)" -Class SMS_SoftwareUpdate -ComputerName $global:SiteServer -Filter $WMIQueryFilter -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object { ($_.LocalizedDisplayName -eq $FolderSecondLevel) }

                if ($UpdateItem.IsSuperseded -eq $false) {

                    Update-Log -data "Update $FolderSecondLevel is current" -Class Information
                } else {
                    Update-Log -Data "Update $UpdateCab is superseded. Deleting file..." -Class Warning
                    Remove-Item -Path "$global:workdir\updates\$Prod\$ver\$FolderFirstLevel\$FolderSecondLevel\$UpdateCab"

    Update-Log -Data 'Cleaning folders...' -Class Information
    $FolderFirstLevels = Get-ChildItem -Path "$global:workdir\updates\$Prod\$ver\"
    foreach ($FolderFirstLevel in $FolderFirstLevels) {

        #For every folder under updates\prod\ver\class
        $FolderSecondLevels = Get-ChildItem -Path "$global:workdir\updates\$Prod\$ver\$FolderFirstLevel"
        foreach ($FolderSecondLevel in $FolderSecondLevels) {

            #for every cab under updates\prod\ver\class\update
            $UpdateCabs = (Get-ChildItem -Path "$global:workdir\updates\$Prod\$ver\$FolderFirstLevel\$FolderSecondLevel")

            if ($null -eq $UpdateCabs) {
                Update-Log -Data "$FolderSecondLevel is empty. Deleting...." -Class Warning
                Remove-Item -Path "$global:workdir\updates\$Prod\$ver\$FolderFirstLevel\$FolderSecondLevel"

    Set-Location $global:workdir
    Update-Log -data 'Supersedence check complete' -class Information

#Function to update source from ConfigMgr when Making It So
Function Invoke-MISUpdates {

    $OS = get-Windowstype
    $ver = Get-WinVersionNumber

    if ($ver -eq '2009') { $ver = '20H2' }

    Invoke-MEMCMUpdateSupersedence -prod $OS -Ver $ver
    Invoke-MEMCMUpdatecatalog -prod $OS -ver $ver

    #fucking 2009 to 20h2


#Function to run the osdsus and osdupdate update check Functions
Function Invoke-OSDCheck {

    Get-OSDBInstallation #Sets OSDUpate version info
    Get-OSDBCurrentVer #Discovers current version of OSDUpdate
    Compare-OSDBuilderVer #determines if an update of OSDUpdate can be applied
    get-osdsusinstallation #Sets OSDSUS version info
    Get-OSDSUSCurrentVer #Discovers current version of OSDSUS
    Compare-OSDSUSVer #determines if an update of OSDSUS can be applied

#Function to update image version, properties, and binary delta replication
Function Set-ImageProperties($PackageID) {
    #write-host $PackageID
    Set-Location $CMDrive

    #Version Text Box
    if ($WPFCMCBImageVerAuto.IsChecked -eq $true) {
        $string = 'Built ' + (Get-Date -DisplayHint Date)
        Update-Log -Data "Updating image version to $string" -Class Information
        Set-CMOperatingSystemImage -Id $PackageID -Version $string

    if ($WPFCMCBImageVerAuto.IsChecked -eq $false) {

        if ($null -ne $WPFCMTBImageVer.text) {
            Update-Log -Data 'Updating version of the image...' -Class Information
            Set-CMOperatingSystemImage -Id $PackageID -Version $WPFCMTBImageVer.text

    #Description Text Box
    if ($WPFCMCBDescriptionAuto.IsChecked -eq $true) {
        $string = 'This image contains the following customizations: '
        if ($WPFUpdatesEnableCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) { $string = $string + 'Software Updates, ' }
        if ($WPFCustomCBLangPacks.IsChecked -eq $true) { $string = $string + 'Language Packs, ' }
        if ($WPFCustomCBLEP.IsChecked -eq $true) { $string = $string + 'Local Experience Packs, ' }
        if ($WPFCustomCBFOD.IsChecked -eq $true) { $string = $string + 'Features on Demand, ' }
        if ($WPFMISDotNetCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) { $string = $string + '.Net 3.5, ' }
        if ($WPFMISOneDriveCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) { $string = $string + 'OneDrive Consumer, ' }
        if ($WPFAppxCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) { $string = $string + 'APPX Removal, ' }
        if ($WPFDriverCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) { $string = $string + 'Drivers, ' }
        if ($WPFJSONEnableCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) { $string = $string + 'Autopilot, ' }
        if ($WPFCustomCBRunScript.IsChecked -eq $true) { $string = $string + 'Custom Script, ' }
        Update-Log -data 'Setting image description...' -Class Information
        Set-CMOperatingSystemImage -Id $PackageID -Description $string

    if ($WPFCMCBDescriptionAuto.IsChecked -eq $false) {

        if ($null -ne $WPFCMTBDescription.Text) {
            Update-Log -Data 'Updating description of the image...' -Class Information
            Set-CMOperatingSystemImage -Id $PackageID -Description $WPFCMTBDescription.Text

    #Check Box properties
    #Binary Differnential Replication
    if ($WPFCMCBBinDirRep.IsChecked -eq $true) {
        Update-Log -Data 'Enabling Binary Differential Replication' -Class Information
        Set-CMOperatingSystemImage -Id $PackageID -EnableBinaryDeltaReplication $true
    } else {
        Update-Log -Data 'Disabling Binary Differential Replication' -Class Information
        Set-CMOperatingSystemImage -Id $PackageID -EnableBinaryDeltaReplication $false

    #Package Share
    if ($WPFCMCBDeploymentShare.IsChecked -eq $true) {
        Update-Log -Data 'Enabling Package Share' -Class Information
        Set-CMOperatingSystemImage -Id $PackageID -CopyToPackageShareOnDistributionPoint $true
    } else {
        Update-Log -Data 'Disabling Package Share' -Class Information
        Set-CMOperatingSystemImage -Id $PackageID -CopyToPackageShareOnDistributionPoint $false


#Function to detect and set CM site properties
Function Find-ConfigManager() {

    If ((Test-Path -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\Identification) -eq $true) {
        Update-Log -Data 'Site Information found in Registry' -Class Information
        try {

            $MEMCMsiteinfo = Get-ItemProperty -Path 'Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\Identification' -ErrorAction Stop

            $WPFCMTBSiteServer.text = $MEMCMsiteinfo.'Site Server'
            $WPFCMTBSitecode.text = $MEMCMsiteinfo.'Site Code'

            #$WPFCMTBSiteServer.text = "nt-tpmemcm.notorious.local"
            #$WPFCMTBSitecode.text = "NTP"

            $global:SiteCode = $WPFCMTBSitecode.text
            $global:SiteServer = $WPFCMTBSiteServer.Text
            $global:CMDrive = $WPFCMTBSitecode.text + ':'

            Update-Log -Data 'ConfigMgr detected and properties set' -Class Information
            Update-Log -Data 'ConfigMgr feature enabled' -Class Information
            $sitecodetext = 'Site Code - ' + $WPFCMTBSitecode.text
            Update-Log -Data $sitecodetext -Class Information
            $siteservertext = 'Site Server - ' + $WPFCMTBSiteServer.text
            Update-Log -Data $siteservertext -Class Information
            if ($CM -eq 'New') {
                $WPFCMCBImageType.SelectedIndex = 1

            return 0
        } catch {
            Update-Log -Data 'ConfigMgr not detected' -Class Information
            $WPFCMTBSiteServer.text = 'Not Detected'
            $WPFCMTBSitecode.text = 'Not Detected'
            return 1

    if ((Test-Path -Path $global:workdir\ConfigMgr\SiteInfo.XML) -eq $true) {
        Update-Log -data 'ConfigMgr Site info XML found' -class Information

        $settings = Import-Clixml -Path $global:workdir\ConfigMgr\SiteInfo.xml -ErrorAction Stop

        $WPFCMTBSitecode.text = $settings.SiteCode
        $WPFCMTBSiteServer.text = $settings.SiteServer

        Update-Log -Data 'ConfigMgr detected and properties set' -Class Information
        Update-Log -Data 'ConfigMgr feature enabled' -Class Information
        $sitecodetext = 'Site Code - ' + $WPFCMTBSitecode.text
        Update-Log -Data $sitecodetext -Class Information
        $siteservertext = 'Site Server - ' + $WPFCMTBSiteServer.text
        Update-Log -Data $siteservertext -Class Information

        $global:SiteCode = $WPFCMTBSitecode.text
        $global:SiteServer = $WPFCMTBSiteServer.Text
        $global:CMDrive = $WPFCMTBSitecode.text + ':'

        return 0

    Update-Log -Data 'ConfigMgr not detected' -Class Information
    $WPFCMTBSiteServer.text = 'Not Detected'
    $WPFCMTBSitecode.text = 'Not Detected'
    Return 1


#Function to manually set the CM site properties
Function Set-ConfigMgr() {

    try {

        # $MEMCMsiteinfo = Get-ItemProperty -Path "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\Identification" -ErrorAction Stop

        # $WPFCMTBSiteServer.text = $MEMCMsiteinfo.'Site Server'
        # $WPFCMTBSitecode.text = $MEMCMsiteinfo.'Site Code'

        #$WPFCMTBSiteServer.text = "nt-tpmemcm.notorious.local"
        #$WPFCMTBSitecode.text = "NTP"

        $global:SiteCode = $WPFCMTBSitecode.text
        $global:SiteServer = $WPFCMTBSiteServer.Text
        $global:CMDrive = $WPFCMTBSitecode.text + ':'

        Update-Log -Data 'ConfigMgr detected and properties set' -Class Information
        Update-Log -Data 'ConfigMgr feature enabled' -Class Information
        $sitecodetext = 'Site Code - ' + $WPFCMTBSitecode.text
        Update-Log -Data $sitecodetext -Class Information
        $siteservertext = 'Site Server - ' + $WPFCMTBSiteServer.text
        Update-Log -Data $siteservertext -Class Information

        $CMConfig = @{
            SiteCode   = $WPFCMTBSitecode.text
            SiteServer = $WPFCMTBSiteServer.text
        Update-Log -data 'Saving ConfigMgr site information...'
        $CMConfig | Export-Clixml -Path $global:workdir\ConfigMgr\SiteInfo.xml -ErrorAction Stop

        if ($CM -eq 'New') {
            $WPFCMCBImageType.SelectedIndex = 1

        return 0

    catch {
        Update-Log -Data 'ConfigMgr not detected' -Class Information
        $WPFCMTBSiteServer.text = 'Not Detected'
        $WPFCMTBSitecode.text = 'Not Detected'
        return 1


#Function to detect and import CM PowerShell module
Function Import-CMModule() {
    try {
        $path = (($env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH -replace 'i386', '') + 'ConfigurationManager.psd1')

        # $path = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Endpoint Manager\AdminConsole\bin\ConfigurationManager.psd1"
        Import-Module $path -ErrorAction Stop
        Update-Log -Data 'ConfigMgr PowerShell module imported' -Class Information
        return 0

    catch {
        Update-Log -Data 'Could not import CM PowerShell module.' -Class Warning
        return 1

#Function to apply the start menu layout
Function Install-StartLayout {
    try {
        $startpath = $WPFMISMountTextBox.Text + '\users\default\appdata\local\microsoft\windows\shell'
        Update-Log -Data 'Copying the start menu file...' -Class Information
        Copy-Item $WPFCustomTBStartMenu.Text -Destination $startpath -ErrorAction Stop
        $filename = (Split-Path -Path $WPFCustomTBStartMenu.Text -Leaf)

        $OS = $Windowstype

        if ($os -eq 'Windows 11') {
            if ($filename -ne 'LayoutModification.json') {
                $newpath = $startpath + '\' + $filename
                Update-Log -Data 'Renaming json file...' -Class Warning
                Rename-Item -Path $newpath -NewName 'LayoutModification.json'
                Update-Log -Data 'file renamed to LayoutModification.json' -Class Information

        if ($os -ne 'Windows 11') {
            if ($filename -ne 'LayoutModification.xml') {
                $newpath = $startpath + '\' + $filename
                Update-Log -Data 'Renaming xml file...' -Class Warning
                Rename-Item -Path $newpath -NewName 'LayoutModification.xml'
                Update-Log -Data 'file renamed to LayoutModification.xml' -Class Information

    } catch {
        Update-Log -Data "Couldn't apply the start menu XML" -Class Error
        Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -Class Error

#Function to apply the default application association
Function Install-DefaultApplicationAssociations {
    try {
        Update-Log -Data 'Applying Default Application Association XML...'
        "Dism.exe /image:$WPFMISMountTextBox.text /Import-DefaultAppAssociations:$WPFCustomTBDefaultApp.text"
        Update-log -data 'Default Application Association applied' -Class Information

    } catch {
        Update-Log -Data 'Could not apply Default Appklication Association XML...' -Class Error
        Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -Class Error

#Function to select default app association xml
Function Select-DefaultApplicationAssociations {

    $Sourcexml = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property @{
        InitialDirectory = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Desktop')
        Filter           = 'XML (*.xml)|'
    $null = $Sourcexml.ShowDialog()
    $WPFCustomTBDefaultApp.text = $Sourcexml.FileName

    if ($Sourcexml.FileName -notlike '*.xml') {
        Update-Log -Data 'A XML file not selected. Please select a valid file to continue.' -Class Warning
    $text = $WPFCustomTBDefaultApp.text + ' selected as the default application XML'
    Update-Log -Data $text -class Information

#Function to select start menu xml
Function Select-StartMenu {

    $OS = Get-WindowsType

    if ($OS -ne 'Windows 11') {
        $Sourcexml = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property @{
            InitialDirectory = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Desktop')
            Filter           = 'XML (*.xml)|'

    if ($OS -eq 'Windows 11') {
        $Sourcexml = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property @{
            InitialDirectory = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Desktop')
            Filter           = 'JSON (*.JSON)|'

    $null = $Sourcexml.ShowDialog()
    $WPFCustomTBStartMenu.text = $Sourcexml.FileName

    if ($OS -ne 'Windows 11') {
        if ($Sourcexml.FileName -notlike '*.xml') {
            Update-Log -Data 'A XML file not selected. Please select a valid file to continue.' -Class Warning

    if ($OS -eq 'Windows 11') {
        if ($Sourcexml.FileName -notlike '*.json') {
            Update-Log -Data 'A JSON file not selected. Please select a valid file to continue.' -Class Warning

    $text = $WPFCustomTBStartMenu.text + ' selected as the start menu file'
    Update-Log -Data $text -class Information

#Function to select registry files
Function Select-RegFiles {

    $Regfiles = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property @{
        InitialDirectory = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Desktop')
        Multiselect      = $true # Multiple files can be chosen
        Filter           = 'REG (*.reg)|'
    $null = $Regfiles.ShowDialog()

    $filepaths = $regfiles.FileNames
    Update-Log -data 'Importing REG files...' -class information
    foreach ($filepath in $filepaths) {
        if ($filepath -notlike '*.reg') {
            Update-Log -Data $filepath -Class Warning
            Update-Log -Data 'Ignoring this file as it is not a .REG file....' -Class Warning
        Update-Log -Data $filepath -Class Information
    Update-Log -data 'REG file importation complete' -class information

    #Fix this shit, then you can release her.

#Function to apply registry files to mounted image
Function Install-RegistryFiles {

    #mount offline hives
    Update-Log -Data 'Mounting the offline registry hives...' -Class Information

    try {
        $Path = $WPFMISMountTextBox.text + '\Users\Default\NTUser.dat'
        Update-Log -Data $path -Class Information
        Invoke-Command { reg load HKLM\OfflineDefaultUser $Path } -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null

        $Path = $WPFMISMountTextBox.text + '\Windows\System32\Config\DEFAULT'
        Update-Log -Data $path -Class Information
        Invoke-Command { reg load HKLM\OfflineDefault $Path } -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null

        $Path = $WPFMISMountTextBox.text + '\Windows\System32\Config\SOFTWARE'
        Update-Log -Data $path -Class Information
        Invoke-Command { reg load HKLM\OfflineSoftware $Path } -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null

        $Path = $WPFMISMountTextBox.text + '\Windows\System32\Config\SYSTEM'
        Update-Log -Data $path -Class Information
        Invoke-Command { reg load HKLM\OfflineSystem $Path } -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
    } catch {
        Update-Log -Data "Failed to mount $Path" -Class Error
        Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -Class Error

    #get reg files from list box
    $RegFiles = $WPFCustomLBRegistry.items

    #For Each to process Reg Files and Apply
    Update-Log -Data 'Processing Reg Files...' -Class Information
    foreach ($RegFile in $Regfiles) {

        Update-Log -Data $RegFile -Class Information
        #write-host $RegFile

        Try {
            $Destination = $global:workdir + '\staging\'
            Update-Log -Data 'Copying file to staging folder...' -Class Information
            Copy-Item -Path $regfile -Destination $Destination -Force -ErrorAction Stop  #Copy Source Registry File to staging
        } Catch {
            Update-Log -Data "Couldn't copy reg file" -Class Error
            Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -Class Error

        $regtemp = Split-Path $regfile -Leaf #get file name
        $regpath = $global:workdir + '\staging' + '\' + $regtemp

        # Write-Host $regpath
        Try {
            Update-Log -Data 'Parsing reg file...'
           ((Get-Content -Path $regpath -Raw) -replace 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER', 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\OfflineDefaultUser') | Set-Content -Path $regpath -ErrorAction Stop
           ((Get-Content -Path $regpath -Raw) -replace 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE', 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\OfflineSoftware') | Set-Content -Path $regpath -ErrorAction Stop
           ((Get-Content -Path $regpath -Raw) -replace 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM', 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\OfflineSystem') | Set-Content -Path $regpath -ErrorAction Stop
           ((Get-Content -Path $regpath -Raw) -replace 'HKEY_USERS\\.DEFAULT', 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\OfflineDefault') | Set-Content -Path $regpath -ErrorAction Stop
        } Catch {
            Update-log -Data "Couldn't read or update reg file $regpath" -Class Error
            Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -Class Error

        Update-Log -Data 'Reg file has been parsed' -Class Information

        #import the registry file

        Try {
            Update-Log -Data 'Importing registry file into mounted wim' -Class Information
            Start-Process reg -ArgumentList ('import', "`"$RegPath`"") -Wait -WindowStyle Hidden -ErrorAction stop
            Update-Log -Data 'Import successful' -Class Information
        } Catch {
            Update-Log -Data "Couldn't import $Regpath" -Class Error
            Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -Class Error


    #dismount offline hives
    try {
        Update-Log -Data 'Dismounting registry...' -Class Information
        Invoke-Command { reg unload HKLM\OfflineDefaultUser } -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
        Invoke-Command { reg unload HKLM\OfflineDefault } -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
        Invoke-Command { reg unload HKLM\OfflineSoftware } -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
        Invoke-Command { reg unload HKLM\OfflineSystem } -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
        Update-Log -Data 'Dismount complete' -Class Information
    } catch {
        Update-Log -Data "Couldn't dismount the registry hives" -Class Error
        Update-Log -Data 'This will prevent the Windows image from properly dismounting' -Class Error
        Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -Class Error



#Function to augment close out window text
Function Invoke-DadJoke {
    $header = @{accept = 'Application/json' }
    $joke = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '' -Method Get -Headers $header
    return $joke.joke

#Function to stage and build installer media
Function Copy-StageIsoMedia {
    # if($WPFSourceWIMImgDesTextBox.Text -like '*Windows 10*'){$OS = 'Windows 10'}
    # if($WPFSourceWIMImgDesTextBox.Text -like '*Server*'){$OS = 'Windows Server'}

    $OS = Get-WindowsType

    #$Ver = (Get-WinVersionNumber)
    $Ver = $MISWinVer

    #create staging folder
    try {
        Update-Log -Data 'Creating staging folder for media' -Class Information
        New-Item -Path $global:workdir\staging -Name 'Media' -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
        Update-Log -Data 'Media staging folder has been created' -Class Information
    } catch {
        Update-Log -Data 'Could not create staging folder' -Class Error
        Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Error

    #copy source to staging
    try {
        Update-Log -data 'Staging media binaries...' -Class Information
        Copy-Item -Path $global:workdir\imports\iso\$OS\$Ver\* -Destination $global:workdir\staging\media -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Stop
        Update-Log -data 'Media files have been staged' -Class Information
    } catch {
        Update-Log -Data 'Failed to stage media binaries...' -Class Error
        Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Error


#Function to create the ISO file from staged installer media
Function New-WindowsISO {

    if ((Test-Path -Path ${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}'\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools\amd64\Oscdimg\oscdimg.exe' -PathType Leaf) -eq $false) {
        Update-Log -Data 'The file oscdimg.exe was not found. Skipping ISO creation...' -Class Error

    If ($WPFMISTBISOFileName.Text -notlike '*.iso') {

        $WPFMISTBISOFileName.Text = $WPFMISTBISOFileName.Text + '.iso'
        Update-Log -Data 'Appending new file name with an extension' -Class Information

    $Location = ${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}
    $executable = $location + '\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools\amd64\Oscdimg\oscdimg.exe'
    $bootbin = $global:workdir + '\staging\media\efi\microsoft\boot\efisys.bin'
    $source = $global:workdir + '\staging\media'
    $folder = $WPFMISTBFilePath.text
    $file = $WPFMISTBISOFileName.text
    $dest = "$folder\$file"
    $text = "-b$bootbin"

    if ((Test-Path -Path $dest) -eq $true) { Rename-Name -file $dest -extension '.iso' }
    try {
        Update-Log -Data 'Starting to build ISO...' -Class Information
        # write-host $executable
        Start-Process $executable -args @("`"$text`"", '-pEF', '-u1', '-udfver102', "`"$source`"", "`"$dest`"") -Wait -ErrorAction Stop
        Update-Log -Data 'ISO has been built' -Class Information
    } catch {
        Update-Log -Data "Couldn't create the ISO file" -Class Error
        Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Error

#Function to copy staged installer media to CM Package Share
Function Copy-UpgradePackage {
    #copy staging folder to destination with force parameter
    try {
        Update-Log -data 'Copying updated media to Upgrade Package folder...' -Class Information
        Copy-Item -Path $global:workdir\staging\media\* -Destination $WPFMISTBUpgradePackage.text -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Stop
        Update-Log -Data 'Updated media has been copied' -Class Information
    } catch {
        Update-Log -Data "Couldn't copy the updated media to the upgrade package folder" -Class Error
        Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Error


#Function to update the boot wim in the staged installer media folder
Function Update-BootWIM {
    #create mount point in staging

    try {
        Update-Log -Data 'Creating mount point in staging folder...'
        New-Item -Path $global:workdir\staging -Name 'mount' -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction Stop
        Update-Log -Data 'Staging folder mount point created successfully' -Class Information
    } catch {
        Update-Log -data 'Failed to create the staging folder mount point' -Class Error
        Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Error

    #change attribute of boot.wim
    #Change file attribute to normal
    Update-Log -Data 'Setting file attribute of boot.wim to Normal' -Class Information
    $attrib = Get-Item $global:workdir\staging\media\sources\boot.wim
    $attrib.Attributes = 'Normal'

    $BootImages = Get-WindowsImage -ImagePath $global:workdir\staging\media\sources\boot.wim
    Foreach ($BootImage in $BootImages) {

        #Mount the PE Image
        try {
            $text = 'Mounting PE image number ' + $BootImage.ImageIndex
            Update-Log -data $text -Class Information
            Mount-WindowsImage -ImagePath $global:workdir\staging\media\sources\boot.wim -Path $global:workdir\staging\mount -Index $BootImage.ImageIndex -ErrorAction Stop
        } catch {
            Update-Log -Data 'Could not mount the boot.wim' -Class Error
            Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Error

        Update-Log -data 'Applying SSU Update' -Class Information
        Deploy-Updates -class 'PESSU'
        Update-Log -data 'Applying LCU Update' -Class Information
        Deploy-Updates -class 'PELCU'

        #Dismount the PE Image
        try {
            Update-Log -data 'Dismounting Windows PE image...' -Class Information
            Dismount-WindowsImage -Path $global:workdir\staging\mount -Save -ErrorAction Stop
        } catch {
            Update-Log -data 'Could not dismount the winpe image.' -Class Error
            Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Error

        #Export the WinPE Image
        Try {
            Update-Log -data 'Exporting WinPE image index...' -Class Information
            Export-WindowsImage -SourceImagePath $global:workdir\staging\media\sources\boot.wim -SourceIndex $BootImage.ImageIndex -DestinationImagePath $global:workdir\staging\tempboot.wim -ErrorAction Stop
        } catch {
            Update-Log -Data 'Failed to export WinPE image' -Class Error
            Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Error


    #Overwrite the stock boot.wim file with the updated one
    try {
        Update-Log -Data 'Overwriting boot.wim with updated and optimized version...' -Class Information
        Move-Item -Path $global:workdir\staging\tempboot.wim -Destination $global:workdir\staging\media\sources\boot.wim -Force -ErrorAction Stop
        Update-Log -Data 'Boot.WIM updated successfully' -Class Information
    } catch {
        Update-Log -Data 'Could not copy the updated boot.wim' -Class Error
        Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Error

#Function to update windows recovery in the mounted offline image
Function Update-WinReWim {
    #create mount point in staging
    #copy winre from mounted offline image
    #change attribute of winre.wim
    #mount staged winre.wim
    #update, dismount
    #copy wim back to mounted offline image

#Function to retrieve windows version
Function Get-WinVersionNumber {
    $buildnum = $null

    # Latest 10 Windows 10 version checks
    switch -Regex ($WPFSourceWimVerTextBox.text) {
        '10\.0\.19045\.3930' { $buildnum = '22H2' }
        '10\.0\.19044\.3930' { $buildnum = '21H2' }
        '10\.0\.19045\.3803' { $buildnum = '22H2' }
        '10\.0\.19044\.3803' { $buildnum = '21H2' }
        '10\.0\.19045\.3693' { $buildnum = '22H2' }
        '10\.0\.19044\.3693' { $buildnum = '21H2' }
        '10\.0\.19045\.3570' { $buildnum = '22H2' }
        '10\.0\.19044\.3570' { $buildnum = '21H2' }
        '10\.0\.19045\.3448' { $buildnum = '22H2' }
        '10\.0\.19044\.3448' { $buildnum = '21H2' }

        # Windows 11 version checks
        '10\.0\.22631\.3007' { $buildnum = '23H2' }
        '10\.0\.22621\.3007' { $buildnum = '22H2' }
        '10\.0\.22631\.2715' { $buildnum = '23H2' }
        '10\.0\.22621\.2861' { $buildnum = '23H2' }
        '10\.0\.22000\.2713' { $buildnum = '21H2' }
        '10\.0\.22621\.2428' { $buildnum = '22H2' }

        # Add all other specific Windows 11 build checks here...
        '10\.0\.22621\.2134' { $buildnum = '22H2' }
        '10\.0\.22000\.2652' { $buildnum = '21H2' }
        # Continue for all provided Windows 11 builds

        Default { $buildnum = 'Unknown Version' }

    If ($WPFSourceWimVerTextBox.text -like '10.0.19041.*') {
        $IsMountPoint = $False
        $currentmounts = Get-WindowsImage -Mounted
        foreach ($currentmount in $currentmounts) {
            if ($currentmount.path -eq $WPFMISMountTextBox.text) { $IsMountPoint = $true }

        #IS a mount path
        If ($IsMountPoint -eq $true) {
            $mountdir = $WPFMISMountTextBox.Text
            reg LOAD HKLM\OFFLINE $mountdir\Windows\System32\Config\SOFTWARE | Out-Null
            $regvalues = (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\OFFLINE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\' )
            $buildnum = $regvalues.ReleaseId
            if ($regvalues.ReleaseId -eq '2009') {
                if ($regvalues.CurrentBuild -eq '19042') { $buildnum = '2009' }
                if ($regvalues.CurrentBuild -eq '19043') { $buildnum = '21H1' }
                if ($regvalues.CurrentBuild -eq '19044') { $buildnum = '21H2' }
                if ($regvalues.CurrentBuild -eq '19045') { $buildnum = '22H2' }

            reg UNLOAD HKLM\OFFLINE | Out-Null


        If ($IsMountPoint -eq $False) {
            $global:Win10VerDet = $null

            Update-Log -data 'Prompting user for Win10 version confirmation...' -class Information


            if ($null -eq $global:Win10VerDet) { return }

            $temp = $global:Win10VerDet

            $buildnum = $temp
            Update-Log -data "User selected $buildnum" -class Information

            $global:Win10VerDet = $null


    return $buildnum

#funcation to select ISO creation path
Function Select-ISODirectory {

    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
    $browser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog
    $browser.Description = 'Select the folder to save the ISO'
    $null = $browser.ShowDialog()
    $MountDir = $browser.SelectedPath
    $WPFMISTBFilePath.text = $MountDir
    #Test-MountPath -path $WPFMISMountTextBox.text
    Update-Log -Data 'ISO directory selected' -Class Information

#Function to determine if WIM is Win10 or Windows Server
Function Get-WindowsType {
    if ($WPFSourceWIMImgDesTextBox.text -like '*Windows 10*') { $type = 'Windows 10' }
    if ($WPFSourceWIMImgDesTextBox.text -like '*Windows Server*') { $type = 'Windows Server' }
    if ($WPFSourceWIMImgDesTextBox.text -like '*Windows 11*') { $type = 'Windows 11' }

    Return $type

#Function to check if ISO binaries exist
Function Test-IsoBinariesExist {
    $buildnum = Get-WinVersionNumber
    $OSType = get-Windowstype

    $ISOFiles = $global:workdir + '\imports\iso\' + $OSType + '\' + $buildnum + '\'

    Test-Path -Path $ISOFiles\*
    if ((Test-Path -Path $ISOFiles\*) -eq $false) {
        $text = 'ISO Binaries are not present for ' + $OSType + ' ' + $buildnum
        Update-Log -Data $text -Class Warning
        Update-Log -data 'Import ISO Binaries from an ISO or disable ISO/Upgrade Package creation' -Class Warning
        return $false

#Function to clear partial checkboxes when importing config file
Function Invoke-CheckboxCleanup {
    Update-Log -Data 'Cleaning null checkboxes...' -Class Information
    $Variables = Get-Variable WPF*
    foreach ($variable in $variables) {

        if ($variable.value -like '*.CheckBox*') {
            #write-host $
            #write-host $variable.value.IsChecked
            if ($variable.value.IsChecked -ne $true) { $variable.value.IsChecked = $false }

#Function to really make sure the ISO mount is gone!
Function Invoke-RemoveISOMount ($inputObject) {
    DO {
        Dismount-DiskImage -InputObject $inputObject
    while (Dismount-DiskImage -InputObject $inputObject)
    #He's dead Jim!
    Update-Log -data 'Dismount complete' -class Information

#Function to install CM Console extensions
Function Install-WWCMConsoleExtension {
    $UpdateWWXML = @"
<ActionDescription Class ="Executable" DisplayName="Update with WIM Witch" MnemonicDisplayName="Update with WIM Witch" Description="Click to update the image with WIM Witch">
        <Parameters> -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "$PSCommandPath" -auto -autofile "$global:workdir\ConfigMgr\PackageInfo\##SUB:PackageID##"</Parameters>

    $EditWWXML = @"
<ActionDescription Class ="Executable" DisplayName="Edit WIM Witch Image Config" MnemonicDisplayName="Edit WIM Witch Image Config" Description="Click to edit the WIM Witch image configuration">
        <Parameters> -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "$PSCommandPath" -CM "Edit" -autofile "$global:workdir\ConfigMgr\PackageInfo\##SUB:PackageID##"</Parameters>

    $NewWWXML = @"
<ActionDescription Class ="Executable" DisplayName="New WIM Witch Image" MnemonicDisplayName="New WIM Witch Image" Description="Click to create a new WIM Witch image">
        <Parameters> -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "$PSCommandPath" -CM "New"</Parameters>

    Update-Log -Data 'Installing ConfigMgr console extension...' -Class Information

    $ConsoleFolderImage = '828a154e-4c7d-4d7f-ba6c-268443cdb4e8' #folder for update and edit

    $ConsoleFolderRoot = 'ac16f420-2d72-4056-a8f6-aef90e66a10c' #folder for new

    $path = ($env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH -replace 'bin\\i386', '') + 'XmlStorage\Extensions\Actions'

    Update-Log -Data 'Creating folders if needed...' -Class Information

    if ((Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $path -ChildPath $ConsoleFolderImage)) -eq $false) { New-Item -Path $path -Name $ConsoleFolderImage -ItemType 'directory' | Out-Null }

    Update-Log -data 'Creating extension files...' -Class Information

    $UpdateWWXML | Out-File ((Join-Path -Path $path -ChildPath $ConsoleFolderImage) + '\UpdateWWImage.xml') -Force
    $EditWWXML | Out-File ((Join-Path -Path $path -ChildPath $ConsoleFolderImage) + '\EditWWImage.xml') -Force

    Update-Log -Data 'Creating folders if needed...' -Class Information

    if ((Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $path -ChildPath $ConsoleFolderRoot)) -eq $false) { New-Item -Path $path -Name $ConsoleFolderRoot -ItemType 'directory' | Out-Null }
    Update-Log -data 'Creating extension files...' -Class Information

    $NewWWXML | Out-File ((Join-Path -Path $path -ChildPath $ConsoleFolderRoot) + '\NewWWImage.xml') -Force

    Update-Log -Data 'Console extension installation complete!' -Class Information

#Function to handle 32-Bit PowerSehell
Function Invoke-ArchitectureCheck {
    if ([Environment]::Is64BitProcess -ne [Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem) {

        Update-Log -Data 'This is 32-bit PowerShell session. Will relaunch as 64-bit...' -Class Warning

        #The following If statment was pilfered from Michael Niehaus
        if (Test-Path "$($env:WINDIR)\SysNative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe") {

            if (($auto -eq $false) -and ($CM -eq 'None')) { & "$($env:WINDIR)\SysNative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -ExecutionPolicy bypass -NoProfile -File "$PSCommandPath" }
            if (($auto -eq $true) -and ($null -ne $autofile)) { & "$($env:WINDIR)\SysNative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -ExecutionPolicy bypass -NoProfile -File "$PSCommandPath" -auto -autofile $autofile }
            if (($CM -eq 'Edit') -and ($null -ne $autofile)) { & "$($env:WINDIR)\SysNative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -ExecutionPolicy bypass -NoProfile -File "$PSCommandPath" -CM Edit -autofile $autofile }
            if ($CM -eq 'New') { & "$($env:WINDIR)\SysNative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -ExecutionPolicy bypass -NoProfile -File "$PSCommandPath" -CM New }

            Exit $lastexitcode
    } else {
        Update-Log -Data 'This is a 64 bit PowerShell session' -Class Information


#Function to download and extract the SSU required for 2004/20H2 June '21 LCU
Function Invoke-2XXXPreReq {
    $KB_URI = ''
    $executable = "$env:windir\system32\expand.exe"
    $mountdir = $WPFMISMountTextBox.Text

    Update-Log -data 'Mounting offline registry and validating UBR / Patch level...' -class Information
    reg LOAD HKLM\OFFLINE $mountdir\Windows\System32\Config\SOFTWARE | Out-Null
    $regvalues = (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\OFFLINE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\' )

    Update-Log -data 'The UBR (Patch Level) is:' -class Information
    Update-Log -data $regvalues.ubr -class information
    reg UNLOAD HKLM\OFFLINE | Out-Null

    if ($null -eq $regvalues.ubr) {
        Update-Log -data "Registry key wasn't copied. Can't continue." -class Error
        return 1

    if ($regvalues.UBR -lt '985') {

        Update-Log -data 'The image requires an additional required SSU.' -class Information
        Update-Log -data 'Checking to see if the required SSU exists...' -class Information
        if ((Test-Path "$global:workdir\updates\Windows 10\2XXX_prereq\") -eq $false) {
            Update-Log -data 'The required SSU does not exist. Downloading it now...' -class Information

            try {
                Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $KB_URI -OutFile "$global:workdir\staging\" -ErrorAction stop
            } catch {
                Update-Log -data 'Failed to download the update' -class Error
                Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -Class Error
                return 1

            if ((Test-Path "$global:workdir\updates\Windows 10\2XXX_prereq") -eq $false) {

                try {
                    Update-Log -data 'The folder for the required SSU does not exist. Creating it now...' -class Information
                    New-Item -Path "$global:workdir\updates\Windows 10" -Name '2XXX_prereq' -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction stop | Out-Null
                    Update-Log -data 'The folder has been created' -class information
                } catch {
                    Update-Log -data 'Could not create the required folder.' -class error
                    Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -Class Error
                    return 1

            try {
                Update-Log -data 'Extracting the SSU from the May 2021 LCU...' -class Information
                Start-Process $executable -args @("`"$global:workdir\staging\`"", '/f:*SSU*.CAB', "`"$global:workdir\updates\Windows 10\2XXX_prereq`"") -Wait -ErrorAction Stop
                Update-Log 'Extraction of SSU was success' -class information
            } catch {
                Update-Log -data "Couldn't extract the SSU from the LCU" -class error
                Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -Class Error
                return 1


            try {
                Update-Log -data 'Deleting the staged LCU file...' -class Information
                Remove-Item -Path $global:workdir\staging\ -Force -ErrorAction stop | Out-Null
                Update-Log -data 'The source file for the SSU has been Baleeted!' -Class Information
            } catch {
                Update-Log -data 'Could not delete the source package' -Class Error
                Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -Class Error
                return 1
        } else {
            Update-Log -data 'The required SSU exists. No need to download' -Class Information

        try {
            Update-Log -data 'Applying the SSU...' -class Information
            Add-WindowsPackage -PackagePath "$global:workdir\updates\Windows 10\2XXX_prereq" -Path $WPFMISMountTextBox.Text -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
            Update-Log -data 'SSU applied successfully' -class Information

        } catch {
            Update-Log -data "Couldn't apply the SSU update" -class error
            Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -Class Error
            return 1
    } else {
        Update-Log -Data "Image doesn't require the prereq SSU" -Class Information

    Update-Log -data 'SSU remdiation complete' -Class Information
    return 0

#Function to display text notification to end user
Function Invoke-TextNotification {
    Update-Log -data '*********************************' -class Comment
    Update-Log -data '*********************************' -class Comment

#Function to display Windows 10 v2XXX selection pop up
Function Invoke-19041Select {
    $inputXML = @'
<Window x:Class="popup.MainWindow"
        Title="Select Win10 Version" Height="170" Width="353">
    <Grid x:Name="Win10PU" Margin="0,0,10,6">
        <ComboBox x:Name="Win10PUCombo" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="40,76,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="120"/>
        <Button x:Name="Win10PUOK" Content="OK" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="182,76,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="50"/>
        <Button x:Name="Win10PUCancel" Content="Cancel" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="248,76,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="50"/>
        <TextBlock x:Name="Win10PUText" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="24,27,0,0" Text="Please selet the correct version of Windows 10." TextWrapping="Wrap" VerticalAlignment="Top" Grid.ColumnSpan="2"/>



    $inputXML = $inputXML -replace 'mc:Ignorable="d"', '' -replace 'x:N', 'N' -replace '^<Win.*', '<Window'
    [xml]$XAML = $inputXML
    #Read XAML

    $reader = (New-Object System.Xml.XmlNodeReader $xaml)
    try {
        $Form = [Windows.Markup.XamlReader]::Load( $reader )
    } catch {
        Write-Warning "Unable to parse XML, with error: $($Error[0])`n Ensure that there are NO SelectionChanged or TextChanged properties in your textboxes (PowerShell cannot process them)"

    $xaml.SelectNodes('//*[@Name]') | ForEach-Object { "trying item $($_.Name)" | Out-Null
        try { Set-Variable -Name "WPF$($_.Name)" -Value $Form.FindName($_.Name) -ErrorAction Stop }
        catch { throw }

    Function Get-FormVariables {
        if ($global:ReadmeDisplay -ne $true) {
            #Write-host "If you need to reference this display again, run Get-FormVariables" -ForegroundColor Yellow;$global:ReadmeDisplay=$true
        #write-host "Found the following interactable elements from our form" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        Get-Variable WPF*

    Get-FormVariables | Out-Null

    #Combo Box population
    $Win10VerNums = @('20H2', '21H1', '21H2', '22H2')
    Foreach ($Win10VerNum in $Win10VerNums) { $WPFWin10PUCombo.Items.Add($Win10VerNum) | Out-Null }

            $global:Win10VerDet = $WPFWin10PUCombo.SelectedItem

            $global:Win10VerDet = $null
            Update-Log -data 'User cancelled the confirmation dialog box' -Class Warning

    $Form.ShowDialog() | Out-Null


#Function for the Make it So button
Function Invoke-MakeItSo ($appx) {
    #Check if new file name is valid, also append file extension if neccessary

    ###Starting MIS Preflight###
    Test-MountPath -path $WPFMISMountTextBox.Text -clean True

    if (($WPFMISWimNameTextBox.Text -eq '') -or ($WPFMISWimNameTextBox.Text -eq 'Enter Target WIM Name')) {
        Update-Log -Data 'Enter a valid file name and then try again' -Class Error

    if (($auto -eq $false) -and ($WPFCMCBImageType.SelectedItem -ne 'Update Existing Image' )) {

        $checkresult = (Test-Name)
        if ($checkresult -eq 'stop') { return }

    #check for working directory, make if does not exist, delete files if they exist
    Update-Log -Data 'Checking to see if the staging path exists...' -Class Information

    try {
        if (!(Test-Path "$global:workdir\Staging" -PathType 'Any')) {
            New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $global:workdir\Staging -ErrorAction Stop
            Update-Log -Data 'Path did not exist, but it does now' -Class Information -ErrorAction Stop
        } else {
            Remove-Item -Path $global:workdir\Staging\* -Recurse -ErrorAction Stop
            Update-Log -Data 'The path existed, and it has been purged.' -Class Information -ErrorAction Stop
    } catch {
        Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Error
        Update-Log -data "Something is wrong with folder $global:workdir\Staging. Try deleting manually if it exists" -Class Error

    if ($WPFJSONEnableCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) {
        Update-Log -Data 'Validating existance of JSON file...' -Class Information
        $APJSONExists = (Test-Path $WPFJSONTextBox.Text)
        if ($APJSONExists -eq $true) { Update-Log -Data 'JSON exists. Continuing...' -Class Information }
        else {
            Update-Log -Data 'The Autopilot file could not be verified. Check it and try again.' -Class Error


    if ($WPFMISDotNetCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) {
        if ((Test-DotNetExists) -eq $False) { return }

    #Check for free space
    if ($SkipFreeSpaceCheck -eq $false) {
        if (Test-FreeSpace -eq 1) {
            Update-Log -Data 'Insufficient free space. Delete some files and try again' -Class Error
        } else {
            Update-Log -Data 'There is sufficient free space.' -Class Information
    #####End of MIS Preflight###################################################################

    #Copy source WIM
    Update-Log -Data 'Copying source WIM to the staging folder' -Class Information

    try {
        Copy-Item $WPFSourceWIMSelectWIMTextBox.Text -Destination "$global:workdir\Staging" -ErrorAction Stop
    } catch {
        Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Error
        Update-Log -Data "The file couldn't be copied. No idea what happened" -class Error

    Update-Log -Data 'Source WIM has been copied to the source folder' -Class Information

    #Rename copied source WiM

    try {
        $wimname = Get-Item -Path $global:workdir\Staging\*.wim -ErrorAction Stop
        Rename-Item -Path $wimname -NewName $WPFMISWimNameTextBox.Text -ErrorAction Stop
        Update-Log -Data 'Copied source WIM has been renamed' -Class Information
    } catch {
        Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Error
        Update-Log -data "The copied source file couldn't be renamed. This shouldn't have happened." -Class Error
        Update-Log -data "Go delete the WIM from $global:workdir\Staging\, then try again" -Class Error

    #Remove the unwanted indexes

    #Mount the WIM File
    $wimname = Get-Item -Path $global:workdir\Staging\*.wim
    Update-Log -Data "Mounting source WIM $wimname" -Class Information
    Update-Log -Data 'to mount point:' -Class Information
    Update-Log -data $WPFMISMountTextBox.Text -Class Information

    try {
        Mount-WindowsImage -Path $WPFMISMountTextBox.Text -ImagePath $wimname -Index 1 -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
    } catch {
        Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Error
        Update-Log -data "The WIM couldn't be mounted. Make sure the mount directory is empty" -Class Error
        Update-Log -Data "and that it isn't an active mount point" -Class Error

    #checks to see if the iso binaries exist. Cancel and discard WIM if they are not present.
    If (($WPFMISCBISO.IsChecked -eq $true) -or ($WPFMISCBUpgradePackage.IsChecked -eq $true)) {

        if ((Test-IsoBinariesExist) -eq $False) {
            Update-Log -Data 'Discarding WIM and not making it so' -Class Error
            Dismount-WindowsImage -Path $WPFMISMountTextBox.Text -Discard -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null

    #Get Mounted WIM version and save it to a variable for useage later in the Function
    $MISWinVer = (Get-WinVersionNumber)

    #Pause after mounting
    If ($WPFMISCBPauseMount.IsChecked -eq $True) {
        Update-Log -Data 'Pausing image building. Waiting on user to continue...' -Class Warning
        $Pause = Suspend-MakeItSo
        if ($Pause -eq 'Yes') { Update-Log -data 'Continuing on with making it so...' -Class Information }
        if ($Pause -eq 'No') {
            Update-Log -data 'Discarding build...' -Class Error
            Update-Log -Data 'Discarding mounted WIM' -Class Warning
            Dismount-WindowsImage -Path $WPFMISMountTextBox.Text -Discard -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
            Update-Log -Data 'WIM has been discarded. Better luck next time.' -Class Warning

    #Run Script after mounting
    if (($WPFCustomCBRunScript.IsChecked -eq $True) -and ($WPFCustomCBScriptTiming.SelectedItem -eq 'After image mount')) {
        Update-Log -data 'Running PowerShell script...' -Class Information
        Start-Script -file $WPFCustomTBFile.text -parameter $WPFCustomTBParameters.text
        Update-Log -data 'Script completed.' -Class Information

    #Language Packs and FOD
    if ($WPFCustomCBLangPacks.IsChecked -eq $true) {
    } else {
        Update-Log -Data 'Language Packs Injection not selected. Skipping...'

    if ($WPFCustomCBLEP.IsChecked -eq $true) {
    } else {
        Update-Log -Data 'Local Experience Packs not selected. Skipping...'

    if ($WPFCustomCBFOD.IsChecked -eq $true) {
    } else {
        Update-Log -Data 'Features On Demand not selected. Skipping...'

    #Inject .Net Binaries
    if ($WPFMISDotNetCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) { Add-DotNet }

    #Inject Autopilot JSON file
    if ($WPFJSONEnableCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) {
        Update-Log -Data 'Injecting JSON file' -Class Information
        try {
            $autopilotdir = $WPFMISMountTextBox.Text + '\windows\Provisioning\Autopilot'
            Copy-Item $WPFJSONTextBox.Text -Destination $autopilotdir -ErrorAction Stop
        } catch {
            Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Error
            Update-Log -data "JSON file couldn't be copied. Check to see if the correct SKU" -Class Error
            Update-Log -Data 'of Windows has been selected' -Class Error
            Update-log -Data "The WIM is still mounted. You'll need to clean that up manually until" -Class Error
            Update-Log -data 'I get around to handling that error more betterer' -Class Error
    } else {
        Update-Log -Data 'JSON not selected. Skipping JSON Injection' -Class Information

    #Inject Drivers
    If ($WPFDriverCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) {
        Start-DriverInjection -Folder $WPFDriverDir1TextBox.text
        Start-DriverInjection -Folder $WPFDriverDir2TextBox.text
        Start-DriverInjection -Folder $WPFDriverDir3TextBox.text
        Start-DriverInjection -Folder $WPFDriverDir4TextBox.text
        Start-DriverInjection -Folder $WPFDriverDir5TextBox.text
    } Else {
        Update-Log -Data 'Drivers were not selected for injection. Skipping.' -Class Information

    #Inject default application association XML
    if ($WPFCustomCBEnableApp.IsChecked -eq $true) {
    } else {
        Update-Log -Data 'Default Application Association not selected. Skipping...' -Class Information

    #Inject start menu layout
    if ($WPFCustomCBEnableStart.IsChecked -eq $true) {
    } else {
        Update-Log -Data 'Start Menu Layout injection not selected. Skipping...' -Class Information

    #apply registry files
    if ($WPFCustomCBEnableRegistry.IsChecked -eq $true) {
    } else {
        Update-Log -Data 'Registry file injection not selected. Skipping...' -Class Information

    #Check for updates when ConfigMgr source is selected
    if ($WPFMISCBCheckForUpdates.IsChecked -eq $true) {
        if (($WPFSourceWIMImgDesTextBox.text -like '*Windows 10*') -or ($WPFSourceWIMImgDesTextBox.text -like '*Windows 11*')) { Get-OneDrive }

    #Apply Updates
    If ($WPFUpdatesEnableCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) {
        Deploy-Updates -class 'SSU'
        Deploy-Updates -class 'LCU'
        Deploy-Updates -class 'AdobeSU'
        Deploy-Updates -class 'DotNet'
        Deploy-Updates -class 'DotNetCU'
        #if ($WPFUpdatesCBEnableDynamic.IsChecked -eq $True){Deploy-Updates -class "Dynamic"}
        if ($WPFUpdatesOptionalEnableCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $True) {
            Deploy-Updates -class 'Optional'
    } else {
        Update-Log -Data 'Updates not enabled' -Class Information

    #Copy the current OneDrive installer
    if ($WPFMISOneDriveCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) {
        $os = Get-WindowsType
        $build = Get-WinVersionNumber

        if (($os -eq 'Windows 11') -and ($build -eq '22H2') -or ($build -eq '23H2')) {
        } else {
    } else {
        Update-Log -data 'OneDrive agent update skipped as it was not selected' -Class Information

    #Remove AppX Packages
    if ($WPFAppxCheckBox.IsChecked -eq $true) {
        Remove-Appx -array $appx
    } Else {
        Update-Log -Data 'App removal not enabled' -Class Information

    #Run Script before dismount
    if (($WPFCustomCBRunScript.IsChecked -eq $True) -and ($WPFCustomCBScriptTiming.SelectedItem -eq 'Before image dismount')) {
        Start-Script -file $WPFCustomTBFile.text -parameter $WPFCustomTBParameters.text

    #Pause before dismounting
    If ($WPFMISCBPauseDismount.IsChecked -eq $True) {
        Update-Log -Data 'Pausing image building. Waiting on user to continue...' -Class Warning
        $Pause = Suspend-MakeItSo
        if ($Pause -eq 'Yes') { Update-Log -data 'Continuing on with making it so...' -Class Information }
        if ($Pause -eq 'No') {
            Update-Log -data 'Discarding build...' -Class Error
            Update-Log -Data 'Discarding mounted WIM' -Class Warning
            Dismount-WindowsImage -Path $WPFMISMountTextBox.Text -Discard -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
            Update-Log -Data 'WIM has been discarded. Better luck next time.' -Class Warning

    #Copy log to mounted WIM
    try {
        Update-Log -Data 'Attempting to copy log to mounted image' -Class Information
        $mountlogdir = $WPFMISMountTextBox.Text + '\windows\'
        Copy-Item $global:workdir\logging\WIMWitch.log -Destination $mountlogdir -ErrorAction Stop
        $CopyLogExist = Test-Path $mountlogdir\WIMWitch.log -PathType Leaf
        if ($CopyLogExist -eq $true) { Update-Log -Data 'Log filed copied successfully' -Class Information }
    } catch {
        Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Error
        Update-Log -data "Coudn't copy the log file to the mounted image." -class Error

    #Dismount, commit, and move WIM
    Update-Log -Data 'Dismounting WIM file, committing changes' -Class Information
    try {
        Dismount-WindowsImage -Path $WPFMISMountTextBox.Text -Save -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
    } catch {
        Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Error
        Update-Log -data "The WIM couldn't save. You will have to manually discard the" -Class Error
        Update-Log -data 'mounted image manually' -Class Error
    Update-Log -Data 'WIM dismounted' -Class Information

    #Display new version number
    $WimInfo = (Get-WindowsImage -ImagePath $wimname -Index 1)
    $text = 'New image version number is ' + $WimInfo.Version
    Update-Log -data $text -Class Information

    if (($auto -eq $true) -or ($WPFCMCBImageType.SelectedItem -eq 'Update Existing Image')) {
        Update-Log -Data 'Backing up old WIM file...' -Class Information
        $checkresult = (Test-Name -conflict append)
        if ($checkresult -eq 'stop') { return }

    #stage media if check boxes are selected
    if (($WPFMISCBUpgradePackage.IsChecked -eq $true) -or ($WPFMISCBISO.IsChecked -eq $true)) {
        Update-Log -Data 'Exporting install.wim to media staging folder...' -Class Information
        Export-WindowsImage -SourceImagePath $wimname -SourceIndex 1 -DestinationImagePath ($global:workdir + '\staging\media\sources\install.wim') -DestinationName ('WW - ' + $WPFSourceWIMImgDesTextBox.text) | Out-Null

    #Export the wim file to various locations
    if ($WPFMISCBNoWIM.IsChecked -ne $true) {
        try {
            Update-Log -Data 'Exporting WIM file' -Class Information
            Export-WindowsImage -SourceImagePath $wimname -SourceIndex 1 -DestinationImagePath ($WPFMISWimFolderTextBox.Text + '\' + $WPFMISWimNameTextBox.Text) -DestinationName ('WW - ' + $WPFSourceWIMImgDesTextBox.text) | Out-Null
        } catch {
            Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Error
            Update-Log -data "The WIM couldn't be exported. You can still retrieve it from staging path." -Class Error
            Update-Log -data 'The file will be deleted when the tool is rerun.' -Class Error
        Update-Log -Data 'WIM successfully exported to target folder' -Class Information

    #ConfigMgr Integration
    if ($WPFCMCBImageType.SelectedItem -ne 'Disabled') {
        # "New Image","Update Existing Image"
        if ($WPFCMCBImageType.SelectedItem -eq 'New Image') {
            Update-Log -data 'Creating a new image in ConfigMgr...' -class Information

        if ($WPFCMCBImageType.SelectedItem -eq 'Update Existing Image') {
            Update-Log -data 'Updating the existing image in ConfigMgr...' -class Information

    #Apply Dynamic Update to media
    if ($WPFMISCBDynamicUpdates.IsChecked -eq $true) {
        Deploy-Updates -class 'Dynamic'
    } else {
        Update-Log -data 'Dynamic Updates skipped or not applicable' -Class Information

    #Apply updates to the boot.wim file
    if ($WPFMISCBBootWIM.IsChecked -eq $true) {
    } else {
        Update-Log -data 'Updating Boot.WIM skipped or not applicable' -Class Information

    #Copy upgrade package binaries if selected
    if ($WPFMISCBUpgradePackage.IsChecked -eq $true) {
    } else {
        Update-Log -Data 'Upgrade Package skipped or not applicable' -Class Information

    #Create ISO if selected
    if ($WPFMISCBISO.IsChecked -eq $true) {
    } else {
        Update-Log -Data 'ISO Creation skipped or not applicable' -Class Information

    #Run Script when build complete
    if (($WPFCustomCBRunScript.IsChecked -eq $True) -and ($WPFCustomCBScriptTiming.SelectedItem -eq 'On build completion')) {
        Start-Script -file $WPFCustomTBFile.text -parameter $WPFCustomTBParameters.text

    #Clear out staging folder
    try {
        Update-Log -Data 'Clearing staging folder...' -Class Information
        Remove-Item $global:workdir\staging\* -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Stop
    } catch {
        Update-Log -Data 'Could not clear staging folder' -Class Warning
        Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Error

    #Copy log here
    try {
        Update-Log -Data 'Copying build log to target folder' -Class Information
        Copy-Item -Path $global:workdir\logging\WIMWitch.log -Destination $WPFMISWimFolderTextBox.Text -ErrorAction Stop
        $logold = $WPFMISWimFolderTextBox.Text + '\WIMWitch.log'
        $lognew = $WPFMISWimFolderTextBox.Text + '\' + $WPFMISWimNameTextBox.Text + '.log'
        #Put log detection code here
        if ((Test-Path -Path $lognew) -eq $true) {
            Update-Log -Data 'A preexisting log file contains the same name. Renaming old log...' -Class Warning
            Rename-Name -file $lognew -extension '.log'

        #Put log detection code here
        Rename-Item $logold -NewName $lognew -Force -ErrorAction Stop
        Update-Log -Data 'Log copied successfully' -Class Information
    } catch {
        Update-Log -data $_.Exception.Message -class Error
        Update-Log -data "The log file couldn't be copied and renamed. You can still snag it from the source." -Class Error
        Update-Log -Data "Job's done." -Class Information
    Update-Log -Data "Job's done." -Class Information

#endregion Functions