
This Sample Code is provided for the purpose of illustration only and is not intended to be used in a production environment.
We grant You a nonexclusive, royalty-free right to use and modify the Sample Code and to reproduce and distribute the object code form of the Sample Code,
provided that you agree:
       (i) to not use Our name, logo, or trademarks to market Your software product in which the Sample Code is embedded;
       (ii) to include a valid copyright notice on Your software product in which the Sample Code is embedded; and
       (iii) to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Us and Our suppliers from and against any claims or lawsuits, including attorneys’ fees, that arise or result from the use or distribution of the Sample Code.
Please note: None of the conditions outlined in the disclaimer above will supersede the terms and conditions contained within the Premier Customer Services Description.
12/27/2017 - Accept OtherAttributes for menu in Get-UIControl
02/14/2018 - Fix DisplayMember/ValueMember property value being substitute
02/18/2018 - Skip validation if control is invisible or disabled
02/21/2018 - Add required validation for listview with checkbox display
03/10/2018 - Add LocatorBox attribute to listview
03/11/2018 - Fix position for Caption display with NoNewLine attribute specified
03/14/2018 - Richtextbox accepts string value for .RTF property or fall back to .Text property
03/31/2018 - Add GroupListView
01/12/2019 - Fix FontName/FontSize properties for label control display
01/12/2019 - ListView - add CanSort and Order properties
05/28/2019 - Fix issue allowing treeview's imagelist to be referenced
05/28/2019 - Remove listview's column visibility toggling

        Return a Windows' menuitem
        Specifies MenuItem's text
    .PARAMETER TagValue
        Specifies a string to be stored in menuitem's tag property
    .PARAMETER ShortCut
        Specifies shortcut to launch the menuitem's action

Function Get-UIMenuItem



    if($TagValue -eq "") {$TagValue = $Text}

    $mnu = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem
    $mnu.Text = $Text
    $mnu.Tag = $TagValue

    if($ShortCut -ne $null)
        $mnu.Shortcut = $ShortCut

    return $mnu

        Return a Windows form
    .PARAMETER Title
        Specifies Windows' Title
    .PARAMETER IconLocation
        Specifies the path for Windows' icon
    .PARAMETER ButtonText
        Specifies Windows' button text(s)
    .PARAMETER FormWidth
        Specifies width of the Window
    .PARAMETER FormHeight
        Specifies height of the Window
    .PARAMETER CanResize
        Specifies if Window can be resized
    .PARAMETER NoEventAdded
        Skip adding default events
    .PARAMETER Maximize
        Show Window's maximized state

function Get-UIWinForm

    $form2 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
    $form2.Text = $Title
    $form2.KeyPreview = $True
    $form2.AutoValidate = "Disable"
    $form2.StartPosition = "CenterScreen"
    #$form2.AutoScroll = $true
    $form2.Add_KeyDown({if ($_.KeyCode -eq "Escape") {$this.Close()}})

        if($this.height -lt $global:vpos)
            # No AutoSize adjustment if it detects the resized ListView as the last control item in the form
            $tmp = $this.Controls[$($this.Controls.Count-1)]
            if($tmp -is [System.Windows.Forms.ListView])
                $tmp = [System.Windows.Forms.ListView]$tmp
                $allHeight = ($tmp.Items.Count+2)*17
                if($allHeight -gt $tmp.Height)

            While($i -lt $this.Controls.Count)
                if($i -eq 0)
                    $this.Controls[$i].Anchor = [System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles]::Left -bor [System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles]::Top
                    $this.Controls[$i].Top = $global:vpos
                elseif($this.Controls[$i] -is [System.Windows.Forms.Button] -and $this.Controls[$i].Name -like "btn*")
                    $this.Controls[$i].Anchor = [System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles]::Left -bor [System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles]::Top
                    $this.Controls[$i].Top = $global:vpos + 10
                    $i = $this.Controls.Count
            $this.AutoScroll = $true

    $form2.ClientSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($formWidth,$formHeight)

        $form2.WindowState = "Maximized"

    $ep = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ErrorProvider
    $form2.Tag = $ep

    if(-not $canResize)
        $form2.FormBorderStyle = "FixedDialog"
        $form2.MaximizeBox = $false
        $form2.MinimizeBox = $false
        $form2.ShowInTaskbar = $false

        if($iconLocation -eq "")
            $iconLocation = "$env:dp\Assets\Settings.ico"

        if($iconLocation -ne "")
                if(-not [System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($iconLocation))
                    $iconLocation = "$env:dp\Assets\$iconLocation"
                $Icon = New-Object system.drawing.icon ($iconLocation)
                $form2.Icon = $Icon

        if($buttonText.Length -eq 0)
            $label1 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
            $label1.AutoSize = $false
            $label1.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(5,$($form2.Height-78))
            $label1.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($($form2.Width-5),2)
            $label1.BorderStyle = [System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle]::Fixed3D

            $buttonText= "OK","Cancel"

    if($ButtonText.Length -gt 0)
        $intBottomDelta = 65
        if(!$(IsISE)) { $intBottomDelta += 10}
        $form2.Padding= new-object System.Windows.Forms.Padding(0,0,0,$($intBottomDelta-40))

        $label1 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
        $label1.AutoSize = $false
        $label1.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(5,$($form2.Height-$intBottomDelta-7))
        $label1.Anchor = [System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles]::Left -bor [System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles]::Right -bor [System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles]::Bottom
        $label1.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($($form2.Width-25),2)
        $label1.BorderStyle = [System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle]::Fixed3D

        $tmp = $form2.Width - (90 * $buttonText.Length)
        $tmpAccept = ""
        $i = 500
        $buttonText | ForEach-Object {
            $button1 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
            $button1.TabStop = $false
                $tmp2 = $_.Substring(1)
                $button1.Name = ("btn{0}" -f $tmp2.Replace(" ",""))
                $button1.Text = $tmp2
                $button1.TabStop = $false
                # left bottom position
                $button1.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(5,$($form2.Height-$intBottomDelta))
                $button1.Anchor = [System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles]::Left -bor [System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles]::Bottom
                $tmp2 = $_
                # right bottom position
                $button1.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($tmp,$($form2.Height-$intBottomDelta))
                $button1.Anchor = [System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles]::Right -bor [System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles]::Bottom
            $tmp += 90

                $tmp2 = $_.Substring(1)
                $button1.Name = ("btn{0}" -f $tmp2.Replace(" ",""))
                $button1.Text = $tmp2
                $button1.Enabled = $false
                $button1.Name = ("btn{0}" -f $tmp2.Replace(" ",""))
                $button1.Text = $tmp2
                if($tmpAccept -ne "Done") {$tmpAccept = $tmp2}

            $button1.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,25)

            if(-not $NoEventAdded -and $_ -eq $buttonText[-1])
                $button1.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::Cancel
                $button1.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::None

            if($tmpAccept -ne "" -and $tmpAccept -ne "Done")
                $form2.AcceptButton = $button1
                $tmpAccept = "Done"

    $global:vpos = 10
    $global:hpos = 22

    return $form2

        Get a window with an input box
    .PARAMETER Message
        Prompt for the input box
    .PARAMETER Title
        Sepcifies Windows Title
    .PARAMETER Width
        Specifies Windows Width
    .PARAMETER Message
        Specifies default text

Function Get-UIInputBox
        $Message="Please enter the value",




    if($Width -eq 0) {$Width = 300}

    $form2 = Get-UIWinForm $Title "" "OK","Cancel" $Width 100

    $param = @{}

    $widthLeft = 0

    $ctrls = Get-UIControl caption $Message 0 "" $param

    if($ctrls.PreferredWidth -ge $form2.Width)
        $form2.Width = $ctrls.PreferredWidth

        $ctrls.Width = $ctrls.PreferredWidth
        $global:hpos = $ctrls.Left + $ctrls.Width + 5

        $widthLeft = $Width - $global:hpos - 20
        $widthLeft = $Width - 40

    $ctrls = Get-UIControl textbox $DefaultText $widthLeft "edit" @{Name="txtInput";TabIndex=0}

    $btnOK = $form2.Controls.Find("btnOK",$true)[0]
    if($btnOK -ne $null)
        $btnOK.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::None
            $txtInput = $this.FindForm().Controls.Find("txtInput", $false)
            $this.FindForm().Tag = $txtInput.Text
            $this.FindForm().DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK

    $form2.ShowDialog() | Out-Null

    if($form2.DialogResult -eq [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK)
        return $form2.tag

        Return a message box
    .PARAMETER Title
        Specifies Windows' title
    .PARAMETER ButtonText
        Specifies text for buttons
    .PARAMETER IconText
        Specifies text for icons

Function Get-UIMessageBox

        $Title = "Message",

        $ButtonText = "OK",

        $IconText = "Information"

    $Message = $Message.Replace("\n", [System.Environment]::NewLine)

    $btn= [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons]::OK
        "AbortRetyIgnore" {$btn= [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons]::AbortRetryIgnore}
        "OKCancel" {$btn= [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons]::OKCancel}
        "RetryCancel" {$btn= [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons]::RetryCancel}
        "YesNo" {$btn= [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons]::YesNo}
        "YesNoCancel" {$btn= [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons]::YesNoCancel}

    $icon= [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon]::Information
    [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon]::TryParse($IconText,[ref] $icon) | Out-Null

    $tmp = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult
    $tmp = [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show($Message, $Title, $btn, $icon)

    return $tmp

        Get a confirmation dialog
    .PARAMETER Message
        Specifies the prompt message
    .PARAMETER Title
        Specifies Windows' title

Function Get-UIConfirmation
        [string]$Message = "Are you sure?",
        [string]$Title = "Confirm"

    $tmp = Get-UIMessageBox $Message $Title "YesNo"

    If($tmp.count -gt 1) {$tmp = $tmp[$tmp.Count-1]}

    return ($tmp -eq [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::Yes)

        Get a file open dialog
    .PARAMETER InitPath
        Specifies the initial directory
    .PARAMETER Filter
        Specifies the filtered file types
    .PARAMETER Title
        Specifies Windows Title
    .PARAMETER MultiSelect
        Specifies if multiple files can be selected and returned

function Get-UIFileOpenDialog()
        [string]$Filter = "All files (*.*)|*.*",
        [string]$Title = "",

    $objForm = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog
    $objForm.Filter = $Filter

    $attr = [System.IO.File]::GetAttributes($InitPath)
        $objForm.InitialDirectory = $InitPath
        $objForm.InitialDirectory = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($InitPath)
        $objForm.FileName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($InitPath)

    if($Title -ne ""){$objForm.Title = $Title}
    if($MultiSelect) {$objForm.Multiselect= $true}

    $result = $objForm.ShowDialog()
    if($result -eq "OK")
            return $objForm.FileNames
            return $objForm.FileName

        Get a file save dialog
    .PARAMETER InitPath
        Specifies the initial directory
    .PARAMETER InitFileName
        Specifies the initial filename
    .PARAMETER Filter
        Specifies the filtered file types
    .PARAMETER Title
        Specifies Windows Title

function Get-UIFileSaveDialog()
        [string]$Filter = "All files (*.*)|*.*",
        [string]$Title = ""

    $objForm = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog
    $objForm.Filter = $Filter
    $objForm.InitialDirectory = $InitPath
    $objForm.FileName = $InitFileName
    if($Title -ne ""){$objForm.Title = $Title}

    $result = $objForm.ShowDialog()
    if($result -eq "OK")
        return $objForm.FileName

        Get a folder selection dialog
    .PARAMETER InitPath
        Specifies the initial directory
    .PARAMETER Description
        Specifies the initial filename
    .PARAMETER DisableCreateNew
        Disallow new folder creating in the dialog

function Get-UIFolderSaveDialog()
        [string]$Description = "Please select a folder",

    $objForm = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog
    $objForm.Description = $Description
    $objForm.SelectedPath = $InitPath

        $objForm.ShowNewFolderButton = false;   #Default is true

    $result = $objForm.ShowDialog()

    if($result -eq "OK")
        return $objForm.SelectedPath

        Get a Windows control
    .PARAMETER ControlType
        Specifies the rendering control type
    .PARAMETER value
        Specifies current values of the control
        Specifies size of the control
    .PARAMETER mode
        Specifies if it is displayed with edit mode or view mode
    .PARAMETER OtherAttributes
        Specifies other property values of the control

Function Get-UIControl





    if($ControlType -eq "listview" -and ($value -eq $null -or ($value[0] -is [System.Collections.IDictionary] -and $value[0].count -eq 0)))
        $ControlType = "label"
        if($OtherAttributes -ne $null -and $OtherAttributes["NA"] -ne $null)
            $value = $OtherAttributes["NA"]
            $value = "N/A"
        if($size.count -gt 0){$size.Clear()}
        $mode = "view"
        if($OtherAttributes -eq $null)
            $OtherAttributes = @{}

    $NoNewLine = $false
    $ctrl = $null
        "button" {
            $ctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
            $ctrl.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($global:hpos, $global:vpos)
            if($Size.Count -gt 0 -and $Size[0] -gt 0)
                if($size.Length -gt 1)
                    $ctrl.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($size[0], $size[1])
                    $ctrl.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($size[0], 30)
                $ctrl.AutoSize = $true
                $ctrl.AutoSizeMode = [System.Windows.Forms.AutoSizeMode]::GrowAndShrink

                $ctrl.Image = Get-ImageFromFile $("$env:dp\Assets\{0}" -f $value[0])
                $ctrl.Width = $ctrl.Image.Width
                $ctrl.Height = $ctrl.Image.Height
                $ctrl.Text = $value[0]

            if($OtherAttributes -ne $null)
                foreach($key in $OtherAttributes.Keys)
                        "FontName" {
                            $tmpSize = $ctrl.Font.Size
                            $tmpFont = $OtherAttributes["FontName"]
                            $ctrl.Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font($tmpFont, $tmpSize, [System.Drawing.FontStyle]::Regular)

                        "FontSize" {
                            $tmpFont = $ctrl.Font.Name
                            $tmpSize = $OtherAttributes["FontSize"]
                            $ctrl.Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font($tmpFont, $tmpSize, [System.Drawing.FontStyle]::Regular)

                        "NoNewLine" {
                            $NoNewLine = $OtherAttributes[$key]
                            $global:hpos += $ctrl.PreferredSize.Width + 5

                        "Tooltip" {
                            Set-UITooltip $ctrl $OtherAttributes["Tooltip"]

                        default {
                            try {
                                $ctrl.$($key) = $OtherAttributes[$key]
                            catch {


                 $global:vpos += $allHeight + 35

        "browser" {
            $ctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser
            $ctrl.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($global:hpos, $global:vpos)
            $ctrl.ScriptErrorsSuppressed = $true
            #$ctrl.AllowNavigation = $true
            $ctrl.BackColor = "gainsboro"
            $ctrl.Dock = [System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle]::Fill
            if($value -ne $null)
                    $ctrl.DocumentText = $value[0]

            if($OtherAttributes -ne $null)
                foreach($key in $OtherAttributes.Keys)
                        default {
                            try {
                                $ctrl.$($key) = $OtherAttributes[$key]
                            catch {


        "caption" {
            $ctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
            $ctrl.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($global:hpos, $global:vpos)
            $ctrl.Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font("arial",8,[System.Drawing.FontStyle]::Bold);
            $ctrl.AutoSize = $true
            if($value -ne $null)
                $ctrl.Text = $value[0]
            $ctrl.TabStop = $false
            if($size.count -gt 0 -and $size[0] -ne 0)
                if($size[0] -lt 0)
                    $ctrl.TextAlign = "TopRight"
                    $ctrl.AutoSize = $false
                    $size[0]= -1 * $size[0]
                    $ctrl.Width = $size[0]
                    $ctrl.Width = $size[0]

                if($size.Count -gt 1)
                    $ctrl.AutoSize = $false
                    $ctrl.Height = $size[1]

            if($OtherAttributes -ne $null)
                foreach($key in $OtherAttributes.Keys)
                        "Alignment" {
                            $tmp = [System.Drawing.ContentAlignment]$($OtherAttributes["Alignment"])
                            $ctrl.TextAlign = $tmp

                        "Help" {
                            $oldhpos = $global:hpos

                            $col = @()
                            $col += $ctrl
                            $ctrl = $ctrl | Select-Object -last 1  #skip reqired control
                                $global:hpos += $ctrl.PreferredSize.Width + 5
                                $global:hpos += $size[0] + 5
                            $ctrl = Get-UIControl "help" $OtherAttributes["Help"] 0 "" @{NoNewLine=1}
                            $ctrl.Visible = $col[0].Visible
                            $col += $ctrl

                            $ctrl = $col

                            $global:hpos = $oldhpos

                        "NoNewLine" {
                            $NoNewLine = $true
                            $global:hpos += $ctrl.Width + 5

                        "Required" {
                            $oldhpos = $global:hpos

                            $col = @()
                            $global:hpos -= 7
                            $req = Get-UIControl "caption" "*" 0 "" @{NoNewLine=1;forecolor="red"}
                            $col  += $req
                            $col += $ctrl

                            $ctrl = $col

                            $global:hpos = $oldhpos

                        default {
                            try {
                                $ctrl.$($key) = $OtherAttributes[$key]
                            catch {


            if($size.count -gt 0 -and $size[0] -ne 0)
                $global:hpos += $size[0]
                $NoNewLine = $true
                $tmp = $ctrl | Select-Object -First 1
                    $global:vpos += 20

        "cascading" {
            if($OtherAttributes["Elements"] -ne $null)
                $col = @()
                if($OtherAttributes["Style"] -eq "Treeview")
                    $sctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Treeview
                    $sctrl.Autosize = $true
                    if($size.Length -eq 2)
                        $sctrl.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($size[0], $size[1])
                    $sctrl.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($global:hpos, $global:vpos)

                    $OtherAttributes["Elements"] | ForEach-Object {
                        $parentNode = Add-Node $sctrl $_.Parent
                        if($_.Child -ne "")
                            $_.Child.Split(",") | ForEach-Object {
                                Add-Node $parentNode $_ | Out-Null
                elseif($OtherAttributes["Style"] -eq "ParentRadio")
                    $sctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Panel
                    $sctrl.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($global:hpos, $global:vpos)
                    $sctrl.AutoSizeMode = [System.Windows.Forms.AutoSizeMode]::GrowAndShrink
                    $sctrl.AutoSize = $true
                    $hpos = 0
                    $iniChild = ""
                    $OtherAttributes["Elements"] | ForEach-Object {
                        $sctrl_chd = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton
                        $sctrl_chd.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($hpos, 0)
                        $sctrl_chd.AutoSize = $true
                        $sctrl_chd.Text = $_.parent
                        $sctrl_chd.Tag = $_.child
                        if($OtherAttributes["NormalAppearance"] -eq $null)
                            $sctrl_chd.Appearance = [System.Windows.Forms.Appearance]::Button
                            $sctrl_chd.FlatStyle = [System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle]::Flat

                        if($value.Count -gt 0)
                            if($value[0].GetType().Name -eq "Boolean")
                                if($_.parent -eq "On" -and $value[0])
                                    $sctrl_chd.checked = $true
                                    $sctrl.tag = "On"
                                elseif($_.parent -eq "Off" -and -not $value[0])
                                    $sctrl_chd.checked = $true
                                    $sctrl.tag = "Off"
                            elseif($_.parent -eq $value[0])
                                $sctrl_chd.checked = $true
                                $sctrl.tag = $value[0]
                        elseif($_ -eq $OtherAttributes["Elements"][0])
                            $sctrl.tag = $OtherAttributes["Elements"][0]

                            $iniChild = $_.child

                        if($mode -eq "view")
                            $sctrl_chd.Enabled = $false

                            $idx = $this.Parent.Parent.Controls.IndexOf($this.Parent)+1
                            $tmpheader = [System.Windows.Forms.Label]$this.Parent.Parent.Controls[$idx]
                            $idx += 1
                            $tmp = [System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox]$this.Parent.Parent.Controls[$idx]

                            if($this.tag -eq "-")
                                $tmpheader.Visible = $false
                                $tmp.Visible = $false
                                $tmpheader.Visible = $true
                                $tmp.Visible = $true

                                $this.tag.Split("|") | ForEach-Object {
                                    $tmp.Items.Add($_) | Out-Null
                                $tmp.SelectedIndex = 0

                                $this.parent.tag = $this.Text

                        if($OtherAttributes["Name"] -ne $null)
                            $sctrl.Name = $OtherAttributes["Name"]

                        $hpos += $sctrl_chd.PreferredSize.Width
                    $sctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
                    $sctrl.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($global:hpos, $global:vpos)
                    $sctrl.DropDownStyle = [System.Windows.Forms.ComboBoxStyle]::DropDownList
                    if($Size -ne 0 -and $Size[0] -gt 0)
                        $sctrl.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($size[0], 30)
                        if($this.Parent -ne $null)
                            $idx = $this.Parent.Controls.IndexOf($this)+1
                            $tmpheader = [System.Windows.Forms.Label]$this.Parent.Controls[$idx]
                            $idx = $this.Parent.Controls.IndexOf($this)+2
                            $tmp = [System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox]$this.Parent.Controls[$idx]

                            if($this.SelectedItem.Value -eq "-")
                                $tmpheader.Visible = $false
                                $tmp.Visible = $false
                                $tmpheader.Visible = $true
                                $tmp.Visible = $true

                                $this.SelectedItem.Value.Split("|") | ForEach-Object {
                                    $tmp.Items.Add($_) | Out-Null
                                $tmp.SelectedIndex = 0

                    $sctrl.DisplayMember = "text"
                    $sctrl.ValueMember = "value"
                    $OtherAttributes["Elements"] | ForEach-Object {
                        $tmp = New-Object ListItem($_.parent, $_.child)
                        $sctrl.Items.Add($tmp) | Out-Null

                    if($OtherAttributes -ne $null)
                        foreach($key in $OtherAttributes.Keys)
                                "DefaultIndex" {
                                    $sctrl.SelectedIndex = $OtherAttributes["DefaultIndex"]
                                    $blnHide = ($sctrl.SelectedItem.Value -eq '-')

                                "NoNewLine" {
                                    $NoNewLine = $OtherAttributes["NoNewLine"]

                                default {
                                    try {
                                        $ctrl.$($key) = $OtherAttributes[$key]
                                    catch {

                $col+= $sctrl
                    $global:vpos += 35

                if($OtherAttributes["Style"] -ne "Treeview")
                    # Child caption
                    $sctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
                    $sctrl.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($global:hpos, $global:vpos)
                    $sctrl.Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font("arial",8,[System.Drawing.FontStyle]::Bold);
                    $sctrl.AutoSize = $true
                    $sctrl.Text = $OtherAttributes["ChildCaption"]
                    $sctrl.TabStop = $false
                        $sctrl.Visible = $false
                    $col+= $sctrl
                    $global:vpos += 20

                    # Child Dropdown
                    $sctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
                    $sctrl.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($global:hpos, $global:vpos)
                    $sctrl.DropDownStyle = [System.Windows.Forms.ComboBoxStyle]::DropDownList
                    if(-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($iniChild))
                        $iniChild.Split("|") | ForEach-Object {
                            $sctrl.Items.Add($_) | Out-Null
                        $iniChild = ""
                        $sctrl.SelectedIndex = 0

                    #TODO: Set value using value[1]
                    if($value.Count -gt 1)
                        ## search combobox
                        $tmp = $sctrl.FindStringExact($value[1])
                        if($tmp -ne -1) {$sctrl.SelectedIndex = $tmp}

                    if($Size.Count -gt 0 -and $Size[0] -gt 0)
                        $sctrl.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($size[0], 30)
                        $sctrl.Visible = $false
                    $col+= $sctrl
                    if($OtherAttributes -ne $null)
                        if($OtherAttributes["Name"] -ne $null)
                            $sctrl.Name = $OtherAttributes["Name"] + "_Child"
                        if($OtherAttributes["NoNewLine"] -ne $null)
                            $NoNewLine = $OtherAttributes["NoNewLine"]

                        $global:vpos += 35
                $ctrl = $col

        "chart" {
            if($([appdomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() | ? {$_ -match "System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization"}) -eq $null)
                [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization") | Out-Null
            $ctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Chart

            $ctrl.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($global:hpos, $global:vpos)
            if($size -ne $null -and $size.Count -eq 2)
                 $ctrl.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($size[0], $size[1])

                if($_.Button -eq [System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons]::Right)
                    $tmp = new-object System.Drawing.Point($_.X, $_.Y)

                    $ctxMenu = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ContextMenu
                    $mnu = Get-UIMenuItem "Copy to clipboard"
                        $MemoryStream = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream
                        $this.Parent.SourceControl.SaveImage($MemoryStream, [System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.ChartImageFormat]::Bmp)
                        $bmp = New-Object System.Drawing.Bitmap($MemoryStream)
                        Get-UIMessageBox "The chart is copied to the clipboard"
                    $ctxMenu.MenuItems.Add($mnu) | Out-Null

                    $mnu = Get-UIMenuItem "Save Image"
                    $ctxMenu.MenuItems.Add($mnu) | Out-Null

                    $ctxMenu.Show($this, $tmp)

            $chartarea = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.ChartArea
            $chartarea.Name = "ChartArea1"

            $chartarea.BackColor = "Transparent"

            #$chartarea.AxisX.LabelStyle.IsEndLabelVisible = $false
            #$chartarea.AxisY.TextOrientation = [System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.TextOrientation]::Horizontal
            #$chartarea.AxisY.MajorGrid.Enabled = $false
            #$chartarea.AlignmentOrientation = [System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.AreaAlignmentOrientations]::All


            #Series - a collection of values
            if($value.count -gt 0 -and -not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($value[0]))
                $parameterInfo = @{
                    Data = $value

                if($OtherAttributes -ne $null -and $OtherAttributes["DisplayMember"] -ne $null)
                    $parameterInfo.Add("DisplayMember", $OtherAttributes["DisplayMember"])

                if($OtherAttributes -ne $null -and $OtherAttributes["ValueMember"] -ne $null)
                    $parameterInfo.Add("ValueMember", $OtherAttributes["ValueMember"])

                if($OtherAttributes -ne $null -and $OtherAttributes["AnnotationMember"] -ne $null)
                    $parameterInfo.Add("AnnotationMember", $OtherAttributes["AnnotationMember"])

                Add-ChartPoints $ctrl @parameterInfo

            if($null -ne $OtherAttributes)
                foreach($key in $OtherAttributes.Keys)
                        "3D" {  # default false
                            $ctrl.Area3DStyle.Enable3D = $OtherAttributes["CustomColors"]

                        "3DInclination" {  # *30
                                $ctrl.Area3DStyle.Inclination = $OtherAttributes["3DInclination"]

                        "3DLightStyle" {  # *Simplistic, None, Realistic
                                $ctrl.Area3DStyle.LightStyle = $OtherAttributes["3DLightStyle"]

                        "3DRotation" {  # *30
                                $ctrl.Area3DStyle.Inclination = $OtherAttributes["3DInclination"]

                        "AnnotationAlignment" {
                            $arr = $OtherAttributes["AnnotationAlignment"] -split ","
                            for($i=0;$i -lt $ctrl.Annotations.Count;$i++)
                                if($i -lt $arr.Length)
                                    $ctrl.Annotations[$i].AnchorAlignment = $arr[$i]
                                elseif($arr.Length -eq 1 -and $OtherAttributes["AnnotationAlignment"].IndexOf(",") -eq -1)
                                    $ctrl.Annotations[$i].AnchorAlignment = $arr[0]
$ctrl.Annotations[$i].AnchorX = 0
$ctrl.Annotations[$i].AnchorOffsetX = 0

                        "AxisXTitle" {
                            $chartarea.AxisX.Title = $OtherAttributes["AxisXTitle"]

                        "AxisXLabelEnabled" {
                            $chartArea.AxisX.LabelStyle.Enabled = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($OtherAttributes["AxisXLabelEnabled"])

                        "AxisXLabelFormat" {
                            $chartArea.AxisX.LabelStyle.Format = $OtherAttributes["AxisXLabelFormat"]

                        "AxisXLineWidth" {
                            $chartarea.AxisX.MajorGrid.LineWidth = $OtherAttributes["AxisXLineWidth"]

                        "AxisXMajorTickMarkEnabled" {
                            $chartArea.AxisX.MajorTickMark.Enabled = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($OtherAttributes["AxisXMajorTickMarkEnabled"])

                        "AxisXMaxValue" {
                            $chartarea.AxisX.Maximum = $OtherAttributes["AxisXMaxValue"]

                        "AxisYTitle" {
                            $chartarea.AxisY.Title = $OtherAttributes["AxisYTitle"]

                        "AxisYLabelEnabled" {
                            $chartArea.AxisY.LabelStyle.Enabled = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($OtherAttributes["AxisYLabelEnabled"])

                        "AxisYLabelFormat" {
                            $chartArea.AxisY.LabelStyle.Format = $OtherAttributes["AxisYLabelFormat"]

                        "AxisYLineWidth" {
                            $chartarea.AxisY.MajorGrid.LineWidth = $OtherAttributes["AxisYLineWidth"]

                        "AxisYMajorTickMarkEnabled" {
                            $chartArea.AxisY.MajorTickMark.Enabled = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($OtherAttributes["AxisYMajorTickMarkEnabled"])

                        "AxisYMaxValue" {
                            $chartarea.AxisY.Maximum = $OtherAttributes["AxisYMaxValue"]

                        "CustomColors" {
                            $tmp = $OtherAttributes["CustomColors"] -split ","
                            $ctrl.PaletteCustomColors = $tmp
                            $ctrl.Palette = [System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.ChartColorPalette]::None

                        "LegendDocking" {
                            if($null -ne $ctrl.Legend)
                                $legend.Docking = [System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Docking]$OtherAttributes["LegendDocking"]

                        "SeriesLabelFormat" {
                            $arr = $OtherAttributes["SeriesLabelFormat"] -split ","
                            for($i=0;$i -lt $ctrl.Series.Count;$i++)
                                if($i -lt $arr.Length)
                                    $ctrl.Series[$i].LabelFormat = $arr[$i]

                        "Title" {
                            $OtherAttributes["Title"] -split "," | % {
                                $ctrl.Titles.Add($_) | Out-Null

                        "Type" {
                            $ctrl.Series[0].ChartType = $OtherAttributes["Type"]

                        "Help" {
                            $col = @()
                            $col += $ctrl
                                $global:hpos += $ctrl.PreferredSize.Width
                                $global:hpos += $ctrl.Width + 5
                            $ctrl = Get-UIControl "help" $OtherAttributes["Help"] 0 "" @{NoNewLine=1}
                            $col += $ctrl
                            $ctrl = $col

                        "NoNewLine" {
                            $global:hpos += $ctrl.PreferredSize.Width + 5
                            $NoNewLine = $OtherAttributes["NoNewLine"]

                        default {
                            try {
                                $ctrl.$($key) = $OtherAttributes[$key]
                            catch {


                 $global:vpos += $ctrl.Height + 35

        "checkbox" {
            $ctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox
            $ctrl.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($global:hpos, $global:vpos)
            $ctrl.AutoSize = $true #New-Object System.Drawing.Size($size[0], 30)
            $tmp = $false
            if($value -ne $null)
                [Boolean]::TryParse($value[0], [ref]$tmp) | Out-Null
            $ctrl.Checked = $tmp
            if($mode -ne "edit")
                $ctrl.Enabled = $false

            if($OtherAttributes -ne $null)
                foreach($key in $OtherAttributes.Keys)
                        "Bold" {
                            $oldFont = $ctrl.Font
                            $Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font($oldFont.FontFamily,$oldFont.Size,[System.Drawing.FontStyle]::Bold)
                            $ctrl.Font = $Font

                        "Help" {
                            $col = @()
                            $col += $ctrl
                                $global:hpos += $ctrl.PreferredSize.Width
                                $global:hpos += $ctrl.Width + 5
                            $ctrl = Get-UIControl "help" $OtherAttributes["Help"] 0 "" @{NoNewLine=1}
                            $col += $ctrl
                            $ctrl = $col

                        "NoNewLine" {
                            $global:hpos += $ctrl.PreferredSize.Width + 5
                            $NoNewLine = $OtherAttributes["NoNewLine"]

                        "Opposite" {
                            $ctrl.Checked = !$ctrl.Checked

                        "Required" {
                                if(!$this.Enabled -or !$this.Visible)
                                    $this.FindForm().Tag.SetError($this, "")

                                    $this.FindForm().Tag.SetError($this, "You must check this box in order to continue");
                                    $_.Cancel = $true
                                    $this.FindForm().Tag.SetError($this, "");

                        default {
                            try {
                                $ctrl.$($key) = $OtherAttributes[$key]
                            catch {


                 $global:vpos += 35

            If($OtherAttributes -ne $null -and $OtherAttributes["ToggleChildDisplay"] -ne $null)
                if($OtherAttributes["ToggleChildDisplay"].Count -gt 1)
                    $arrTmp = $OtherAttributes["ToggleChildDisplay"]
                    $tmp = $OtherAttributes["ToggleChildDisplay"].ToString()
                    if($tmp.indexOf(",") -eq -1)
                        $tmp = "800,$tmp"
                    $arrTmp = $tmp -split ","
                [array]$arrSize = foreach($tmp in $arrTmp) {([int]::parse($tmp))}

                $col = @()
                $col += $ctrl
                $tmp = $ctrl | Select-Object -first 1
                    $idx = $this.Parent.Controls.IndexOf($this)

                    # if it has help control
                    if($this.Parent.Controls[$($idx+1)] -is [System.Windows.Forms.Label])
                        $idx += 1

                    $tmp = $this.Checked
                    if($this.tag -eq "OppositeToggleChildDisplay")
                        $tmp = !$tmp
                    $this.Parent.Controls[$($idx+1)].Visible = !$tmp
                    $this.Parent.Controls[$($idx+2)].Visible = $tmp

                $blnChildToggle = $false
                if($OtherAttributes["OppositeToggleChildDisplay"] -ne $null)
                    $ctrl.tag = "OppositeToggleChildDisplay"
                    $blnChildToggle = !$blnChildToggle
                $global:hpos = 0
                $tmp = Get-UIControl panel "ChildPanelUnChecked" $arrSize "" @{Visible=!$blnChildToggle}
                $col += $tmp

                $global:hpos = 0
                $tmp = Get-UIControl panel "ChildPanelChecked" $arrSize "" @{Visible=$blnChildToggle}
                $col += $tmp

                $ctrl = $col

                $global:vpos += [int]$arrSize[1]

        "datagrid" {
            $ctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView
            $ctrl.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($global:hpos, $global:vpos)
            #$ctrl.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(790, 420);
            $ctrl.ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode = "EnableResizing"
            #$ctrl.EditMode = [System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewEditMode]::EditOnEnter #EditOnEnter, EditOnF2, EditOnKeystroke, *EditOnKeystrokeOrF2, EditProgrammatically
            $ctrl.SelectionMode = "FullRowSelect"   # CellSelect, ColumnHeaderSelect, FullColumnSelect, FullRowSelect, *RowHeaderSelect
            $ctrl.MultiSelect =$false
            $ctrl.AllowUserToResizeColumns = $true
            $ctrl.AllowUserToResizeRows = $false

            if($OtherAttributes -ne $null)
                if($OtherAttributes["AllowUserToAddRows"] -ne $null)
                    # default is true
                    $ctrl.AllowUserToAddRows = $OtherAttributes["AllowUserToAddRows"]

                if($OtherAttributes["AllowUserToDeleteRows"] -ne $null)
                    # default is true
                    $ctrl.AllowUserToDeleteRows = $OtherAttributes["AllowUserToDeleteRows"]

            if($Size.Count -eq 2)
                $ctrl.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($size[0], $size[1])
                $ctrl.AutoSizeColumnsMode = [System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode]::None
                $ctrl.Autosize = $true
                $ctrl.AutoSizeColumnsMode = [System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode]::AllCells #AllCells, AllCellsExceptHeader, ColumnHeader, DisplayedCells, DisplayedCellsExceptHeader, Fill, *None

            if($mode -ne "edit")
                $ctrl.ReadOnly = $true

            # Columns
            if($OtherAttributes -ne $null)
                if($OtherAttributes["Elements"] -ne $null)
                    # Elements format: Field,HeaderText,ColumnControlType,Width,DisplayFormat
                    $i = 0
                    $OtherAttributes["Elements"] -split "," | ForEach-Object {
                        $arr = $_.split("|")

                        $field = $arr[0] -replace "\W",""
                        $tmp = ""
                        if($arr.Length -gt 2) {$tmp = $arr[2]}
                            "button" {
                                $idColumn = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewButtonColumn

                            "checkbox" {
                                $idColumn = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn

                            "dropdown" {
                                $idColumn = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewComboBoxColumn
                                $idColumn.FlatStyle = [System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle]::Flat
                                $idColumn.DataPropertyName = "Value"

                                if($OtherAttributes["{0}_DataSource" -f $field] -ne $null)
                                    $objDS = $OtherAttributes["{0}_DataSource" -f $field]
                                    if($objDS -is [System.String])
                                        $objDS -split "," | ForEach-Object {
                                            $idColumn.Items.Add($_) | Out-Null
                                        $OtherAttributes["DisplayMember"] = "Text"
                                        $OtherAttributes["ValueMember"] = "Value"
                                        $col = @()
                                        $OtherAttributes["{0}_DataSource" -f $field] | ForEach-Object {
                                            if($_ -is [ListItem])
                                                $tmp = $_
                                                $tmp = New-Object ListItem($_.$($OtherAttributes["DisplayMember"]), $_.$($OtherAttributes["ValueMember"]))
                                            $col += $tmp
                                        $idColumn.DataSource = $col
                                        $idColumn.DisplayMember = $OtherAttributes["DisplayMember"]
                                        $idColumn.ValueMember = $OtherAttributes["ValueMember"]

                            "link" {
                                $idColumn = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewLinkColumn

                            "image" {
                                $idColumn = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewImageColumn

                            default {
                                $idColumn = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewTextBoxColumn

                        # Field
                        $idColumn.Name = $field
                        $idColumn.ReadOnly = $arr[0].ToString().Contains("#")
                        $idColumn.Visible = !$arr[0].ToString().Contains("*")
                            $idColumn.SortMode = [System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewColumnSortMode]::NotSortable

                        # Header
                        $tmp = ""
                        if($arr.Length -gt 1)  {$tmp = $arr[1]}
                        if($tmp -eq "")
                            $idColumn.HeaderText = $field
                            $idColumn.HeaderText = $tmp

                        # Width
                        if($arr.Length -gt 3 -and $(IsNumeric($arr[3])))
                            $idColumn.Width = [Decimal]$arr[3]
                            $idColumn.AutoSizeMode = [System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode]::None

                        # 4-Format
                        if($arr.Length -gt 4)
                            $idColumn.Format = $arr[4]

                        $ctrl.Columns.Add($idColumn) | Out-Null

                if($OtherAttributes["InMemory"] -eq $null -and ($ctrl.AllowUserToAddRows -or $ctrl.AllowUserToDeleteRows -or $CanUpdate))
                    $cmdColumn = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewLinkColumn
                    $cmdColumn.Name = "_cmd"
                    $cmdColumn.HeaderText = ""
                    $cmdColumn.Width = 50
                    $ctrl.Columns.Add($cmdColumn) | Out-Null
            elseif($value -ne $null)
                # Manual composing columns and data
                $value[0] | ForEach-Object {$_.PSObject.Properties} | ForEach-Object {
                    $ctrl.Columns.Add($_.Name, $_.Name) | Out-Null
                    $ctrl.Columns[$ctrl.Columns.Count-1].AutoSizeMode = [System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode]::AllCells

            # Add command cell
            if($this.tag -ne $null)
                $tmp = Get-Instr $this.Tag.ToString()  "Update=" ";"
                $CanUpdate = ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($tmp)

            # Data
            if($value -ne $null)
                    {($_ -eq "HashTable") -or ($_ -eq "SPPropertyBag") -or ($_ -eq 'Dictionary`2')} {
                        $value[0].Keys | ForEach-Object {
                            $idx = $ctrl.Rows.Add()

                            $ctrl.Rows[$idx].Cells[0].Value = $_

                            if($value[0][$_] -eq $null)
                                $ctrl.Rows[$idx].Cells[1].Value = ""
                                $ctrl.Rows[$idx].Cells[1].Value = $value[0][$_]

                            if($ctrl.Columns.Count -gt 2 -and $ctrl.AllowUserToDeleteRows)
                                $ctrl.Rows[$idx].Cells[2].Value = "Delete"
                    "String" { # just string array
                        $value | ForEach-Object {
                            $ctrl.Rows.Add($_) | Out-Null
                    default {
                        $value | ForEach-Object {
                            $dataRow = $_
                            $idx = $ctrl.Rows.Add()
                            $ctrl.Columns | ForEach-Object {
                                if($ctrl.Columns.Contains("_cmd") -and $_.Index -eq $($ctrl.Columns.Count-1))
                                        $ctrl.Rows[$idx].Cells[$_.Index].Value = "Delete"
                                    $ctrl.Rows[$idx].Cells[$_.Index].Value = $dataRow.($_.Name)

            if($OtherAttributes -ne $null)
                foreach($key in $OtherAttributes.Keys)
                        "NoNewLine" {
                            $NoNewLine = $OtherAttributes[$key]

                        "AllowUserToUpdateRows" {
                                $ctrl.tag = "Update=1"

                        "AlternatingColor" {
                            $ctrl.AlternatingRowsDefaultCellStyle.BackColor = $OtherAttributes[$key]

                        "ColumnHeaderBackColor" {
                            $ctrl.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.BackColor = $OtherAttributes[$key]

                        "ColumnHeaderForeColor" {
                            $ctrl.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.ForeColor = $OtherAttributes[$key]

                        "SelectionBackColor" {
                            $ctrl.DefaultCellStyle.SelectionBackColor = $OtherAttributes[$key]

                        "SelectionForeColor" {
                            $ctrl.DefaultCellStyle.SelectionForeColor = $OtherAttributes[$key]

                        "RowHeaderBackColor" {
                            $ctrl.RowHeadersDefaultCellStyle.BackColor = $OtherAttributes[$key]

                        "Required" {
                                if(!$this.Enabled -or !$this.Visible)
                                    $this.FindForm().Tag.SetError($this, "")

                                if($this.Rows.Count -eq 1 -and $this.Rows[0].IsNewRow)
                                    $this.FindForm().Tag.SetError($this, "Required field");
                                    $_.Cancel = $true
                                    $this.FindForm().Tag.SetError($this, "")

                        default {
                            try {
                                $ctrl.$($key) = $OtherAttributes[$key]
                            catch {


            # Add CellContentClick event for DataGridViewLinkCell
            if($($ctrl.Columns | Where-Object {$_.CellType.Name -eq "DataGridViewLinkCell"}) -ne $null)
                    if($this.Columns[$_.ColumnIndex].CellType.Name -eq "DataGridViewLinkCell")
                        $tmp = $this[$_.ColumnIndex,$_.RowIndex].Value
                        if($tmp -like "http*")
                            Open-IETabs $tmp

            if($OtherAttributes["InMemory"] -eq $null)
                    $this[$($this.Columns.Count-1), $($this.Rows.Count - 2)].Value  = "Insert"

                    $cmdCell = $this[$($this.Columns.Count-1), $($this.CurrentRow.Index)]
                    if($_.ColumnIndex -eq $($this.Columns.Count-1))  # Cmd column
                        if($cmdCell.Value -eq "CancelEdit")
                            for($i=0;$i -lt $this.columns.Count;$i++)
                                if($this[$i, $this.CurrentRow.Index].tag -ne $null)
                                    $this[$i, $this.CurrentRow.Index].Value = $this[$i, $this.CurrentRow.Index].tag
                                    $this[$i, $this.CurrentRow.Index].tag = $null
                            $cmdCell.Value = "Reset"

                        if($cmdCell.Value -eq "Reset")
                                $cmdCell.Value = "Delete"
                                $cmdCell.Value = ""
                    elseif(!$this.ReadOnly -and $cmdCell.Value -ne "Insert")   # not new row
                        $cmdCell.Value = "Update"

                    $tmp = $null
                    if($this.tag -ne $null)
                        $tmp = Get-Instr $this.Tag.ToString()  "Update=" ";"

                    # no update flag
                        # not the new row
                        if($_.RowIndex -ne $($this.Rows.Count-1) -and $this[$($this.columns.Count-1),$_.RowIndex].Value -ne "Insert")
                            $_.Cancel = $true

                $cmdCell = $this[$_.ColumnIndex, $_.RowIndex]
                if($_.ColumnIndex -ne $($this.Columns.Count-1))  # Cmd column
                    $cmdCell.Tag = $this[$_.ColumnIndex, $_.RowIndex].Value

                Get-UIMessageBox "SizeChanged"
                if($this.AutoSizeColumnsMode -ne [System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode]::None)
                    $tmp = $this.RowHeadersWidth
                    if(($this.ScrollBars -and [System.Windows.Forms.ScrollBars]::Vertical) -ne [System.Windows.Forms.ScrollBars]::None)
                        $tmp += [System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation]::VerticalScrollBarWidth

                    $this.Columns | ForEach-Object {
                        $tmp += $_.Width + 2
                    $this.Width = $tmp

                 $global:vpos += $ctrl.Height + 15

        {($_ -eq "dropdown") -or ($_ -eq "listbox") -or ($_ -eq "checklistbox")} {
                "listbox" {
                    $ctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ListBox
                    if($Size.Count -gt 0 -and $Size[0] -gt 0)
                        if($Size.Count -eq 1)
                            $ctrl.Width = $size[0]
                            $ctrl.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($size[0], $size[1])
                        $ctrl.AutoSize = $true
                "dropdown" {
                    $ctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
                    $ctrl.DropDownStyle = [System.Windows.Forms.ComboBoxStyle]::DropDownList
                    if($Size.Count -gt 0 -and $Size[0] -gt 0)
                        $ctrl.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($size[0], 30)
                "checklistbox" {
                    $ctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.CheckedListBox
                    if($Size.Count -gt 0 -and $Size[0] -gt 0)
                        if($Size.Count -eq 1)
                            $ctrl.Width = $size[0]
                            $ctrl.Height = 75
                            $ctrl.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($size[0], $size[1])
                        $ctrl.AutoSize = $true
                    $ctrl.CheckOnClick = $true
            $ctrl.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($global:hpos, $global:vpos)
            $ctrl.DisplayMember = "text"
            $ctrl.ValueMember = "value"

            if($mode -ne "edit")
                $ctrl.Enabled = $false
            $blnFirstItemSelectable = $true

            if($OtherAttributes -ne $null)
                foreach($key in $OtherAttributes.Keys)
                        "AcceptNewValue" {
                            if($_ -eq "dropdown")
                                $ctrl.DropDownStyle = [System.Windows.Forms.ComboBoxStyle]::DropDown

                        "DefaultIndex" {
                            if($mode -eq "edit" -and $OtherAttributes["DefaultIndex"] -lt $ctrl.Items.count)
                                $ctrl.SelectedIndex = $OtherAttributes["DefaultIndex"]

                        "DefaultText" {
                            if($mode -eq "edit")
                                    $tmp = $OtherAttributes["DefaultText"].ToString().Substring(1)
                                    $blnFirstItemSelectable = $false
                                    $tmp = $OtherAttributes["DefaultText"]

                                if($ctrl.DataSource -ne $null)
                                    $dt = $ctrl.DataSource
                                    $dr = $dt.NewRow()
                                    $dr[$ctrl.DisplayMember] = $tmp
                                    $dt.Rows.InsertAt($dr, 0)
                                    $ctrl.DataSource = $dt
                                    if($ctrl.SelectedIndex -eq -1)
                                        $ctrl.SelectedIndex = 0
                                        $ctrl.SelectedIndex += 1

                        "Elements" {
                            if($OtherAttributes["Elements"] -is [array])
                                if($OtherAttributes["Elements"][0].GetType().Name -eq "String" -or $OtherAttributes["Elements"][0].GetType().Name -Like "Int*")
                                    $ctrl.Items.AddRange($OtherAttributes["Elements"])    | Out-Null

                                    $value | ForEach-Object {
                                        $tmp = $ctrl.FindStringExact($_)
                                        if($tmp -ne -1) {
                                            if($ControlType -eq "checklistbox")
                                                $ctrl.SetItemChecked($tmp, $true)
                                            elseif($ControlType -eq "dropdown")
                                                $ctrl.SelectedIndex = $tmp
                                                $ctrl.SetSelected($tmp, $true)
                                elseif($OtherAttributes["Elements"][0].GetType().Name -ne "DataTable")
                                    $OtherAttributes["Elements"] | ForEach-Object {
                                        if($_ -is [ListItem])
                                            $tmp = $_
                                            $tmp = New-Object ListItem($_.$($OtherAttributes["DisplayMember"]), $_.$($OtherAttributes["ValueMember"]))
                                        $ctrl.Items.Add($tmp) | Out-Null

                                        if($tmp.Value -eq $value)
                                            if($ControlType -eq "checklistbox")
                                                $ctrl.SetItemChecked($ctrl.Items.Count-1, $true)
                                            elseif($ControlType -eq "dropdown")
                                                $ctrl.SelectedIndex = $ctrl.Items.Count-1
                                                $ctrl.SelectedItem = $tmp

                                    $ctrl.DisplayMember = "text"
                                    $ctrl.ValueMember = "value"
                                    $ctrl.DataSource = $OtherAttributes["Elements"]

                                #Adjust height to trim extra space (if there are only a few items - each item occupies 18 pixel, autosize height=96 pixel)
                                if($ctrl.AutoSize -and $ctrl.Items.count -gt 0 -and $ctrl.Items.count -lt 6)
                                    $ctrl.Height = $ctrl.Items.Count * 18
                                if($OtherAttributes["Elements"] -is [System.String])
                                        "Month" {
                                            $a = New-Object System.GlobalTimeZones.DateTimeFormatInfo
                                            $b = $a.MonthNames

                                            if($value -ne $null)
                                                SetDropdownSelectedItem $ctrl $value
                                        "States" {

                                        {$_ -like "*h:??"} {
                                            $arr = $_ -split ":"
                                            if($arr[0][$arr[0].Length-1] -ceq "H")
                                                $hour = 23
                                                $hour = 11
                                            for($i=1;$i -le $hour;$i++)
                                                $tmp = New-Object DateTime(1,1,1,$i,0,0)
                                                $ctrl.Items.Add($tmp.ToString("$($arr[0]):00")) | Out-Null

                                                $tmp = $tmp.AddMinutes([int]$arr[1])
                                                While($tmp.minute -ne 0)
                                                    $ctrl.Items.Add($tmp.ToString($("{0}:{1}" -f $arr[0], $tmp.Minute.ToString("00")))) | Out-Null
                                                    $tmp = $tmp.AddMinutes([int]$arr[1])

                                            if($value -ne $null)
                                                SetDropdownSelectedItem $ctrl $value
                                        "TimeZone" {
                                            $ctrl.DisplayMember = "text"
                                            $ctrl.ValueMember = "value"
                                            [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPRegionalSettings]::GlobalTimeZones | ForEach-Object {
                                                $tmp = New-Object ListItem($_.Description, $_.ID)
                                                $ctrl.Items.Add($tmp) | Out-Null
                                        default {
                                            $blnPlainText = ($OtherAttributes["Elements"].ToString().IndexOf("|") -eq -1)
                                            $OtherAttributes["Elements"] -split "," | ForEach-Object {
                                                if(!$blnPlainText -or $_.indexOf("|") -ne -1)
                                                    if($_.IndexOf("|") -eq -1) {$_ += "|$($_)"}
                                                    $ctrl.DisplayMember = "text"
                                                    $ctrl.ValueMember = "value"
                                                    $arr = $_.Split("|")
                                                        $tmp = New-Object ListItem($arr[0], $arr[0])
                                                        $tmp.Tag = $arr[1].Replace("+",",").Substring(0, $arr[1].Length-1)
                                                            if($this.selectedindex -gt 0 -and $this.selectedindex -lt $($this.Items.Count-1))
                                                                Set-UITooltip $this $("VMs in this set: " + $this.SelectedItem.Tag) -Show:$true
                                                        $ctrl.Items.Add($tmp) | Out-Null
                                                    else    # value and text are both provided
                                                        $tmp = New-Object ListItem($arr[1], $arr[0])
                                                        $ctrl.Items.Add($tmp) | Out-Null
                                                    if($value -ne $null)
                                                        if(($value -is [array] -and $value -Contains $_) -or ($value -eq $arr[0]))
                                                            if($ControlType -eq "checklistbox")
                                                                $ctrl.SetItemChecked($ctrl.Items.Count-1, $true)
                                                            elseif($ControlType -eq "dropdown")
                                                                $ctrl.SelectedIndex = $ctrl.Items.Count-1
                                                                $ctrl.SetSelected($ctrl.Items.Count-1, $true)
                                                    $ctrl.Items.Add($_)    | Out-Null
                                                    if($value -ne $null)
                                                        if(($value -is [array] -and $value -Contains $_) -or ($value -eq $_))
                                                            if($ControlType -eq "checklistbox")
                                                                $ctrl.SetItemChecked($ctrl.Items.Count-1, $true)
                                                            elseif($ControlType -eq "dropdown")
                                                                $ctrl.SelectedIndex = $ctrl.Items.Count-1
                                                                $ctrl.SetSelected($ctrl.Items.Count-1, $true)
                                elseif($OtherAttributes["Elements"] -is [System.Data.DataTable])
                                    $ctrl.DisplayMember = $OtherAttributes["Elements"].Columns[0].ColumnName
                                    $ctrl.ValueMember = $OtherAttributes["Elements"].Columns[0].ColumnName
                                    $ctrl.DataSource = $OtherAttributes["Elements"]
                                    if($OtherAttributes["ValueMember"] -ne $null) {$ctrl.ValueMember = $OtherAttributes["ValueMember"]}
                                    if($OtherAttributes["DisplayMember"] -ne $null) {$ctrl.DisplayMember = $OtherAttributes["DisplayMember"]}

                                    # You can pass a collection containing 2 properties - Text and Value
                                    $OtherAttributes["Elements"] | ForEach-Object {
                                        if($_ -is [System.String])
                                            $tmp = New-Object ListItem($_, $_)
                                            $val = $_
                                            $tmp = New-Object ListItem($_.$($ctrl.DisplayMember), $_.$($ctrl.ValueMember))
                                            $val = $_.$($ctrl.ValueMember)
                                        $ctrl.Items.Add($tmp) | Out-Null

                                        if($value -ne $null)
                                            if(($value -is [array] -and $value -Contains $val) -or ($value -eq $val))
                                                if($ControlType -eq "checklistbox")
                                                    $ctrl.SetItemChecked($ctrl.Items.Count-1, $true)
                                                elseif($ControlType -eq "dropdown")
                                                    $ctrl.SelectedIndex = $ctrl.Items.Count-1
                                                    $ctrl.SetSelected($ctrl.Items.Count-1, $true)
                                    $ctrl.DisplayMember = "text"
                                    $ctrl.ValueMember = "value"

                            if($selectedValue -ne $null)
                                $tmp = $ctrl.FindStringExact($selectedValue)
                                $ctrl.SelectedIndex = $tmp

                        "TriggerOKButton" {
                            if($ControlType -eq "ListBox")
                                    $btnOK = $this.FindForm().Controls.Find("btnOK", $true)[0]
                                    if($btnOK -ne $null)

                        "Help" {
                                $lastCtrl = $col | Select-Object -Last 1
                                $global:hpos = $lastCtrl.Left + $lastctrl.PreferredSize.Width + 5
                                $sctrl = Get-UIControl "help" $OtherAttributes["Help"] 0 "" @{NoNewLine=1}
                                $col += $sctrl
                                $global:hpos = 22

                        "NoNewLine" {
                            $global:hpos += $ctrl.Width + 5
                            $NoNewLine = $true

                            $ctrl.Tag = $OtherAttributes["ElementsDataSource"]

                        "DisplayMember" {}
                        "ValueMember" {}

                        default {
                            try {
                                $ctrl.$($key) = $OtherAttributes[$key]
                            catch {


                if($OtherAttributes["Required"] -ne $null)
                            if(!$this.Enabled -or !$this.Visible)
                                $this.FindForm().Tag.SetError($this, "")

                            # Check if it is for people picker
                            $idx = $this.Parent.Controls.IndexOf($this)+1
                            $tmp = $this.Parent.Controls[$idx]

                            If($tmp -ne $null -and $tmp.Name -like "*Picker")
                                if($this.Items.count -eq 0)
                                    $this.FindForm().Tag.SetError($this, "Please select a person")
                                    $_.Cancel = $true
                                    $this.FindForm().Tag.SetError($this, "")
                                if($this -is [System.Windows.Forms.CheckedListBox])
                                    if($this.CheckedItems.Count -eq 0)
                                        $this.FindForm().Tag.SetError($this, "Please select an item")
                                        $_.Cancel = $true
                                        $this.FindForm().Tag.SetError($this, "")
                                    if($this.SelectedIndex -eq -1)
                                        $bad = $true
                                        if($this -is [System.Windows.Forms.Combobox] -and $this.DropDownStyle -eq [System.Windows.Forms.ComboBoxStyle]::DropDown)
                                            $bad = ($this.Text.Trim() -eq "")
                                            $this.FindForm().Tag.SetError($this, "Please select an item")
                                            $_.Cancel = $true
                                            $this.FindForm().Tag.SetError($this, "")
                                        $this.FindForm().Tag.SetError($this, "")
                            if(!$this.Enabled -or !$this.Visible)
                                $this.FindForm().Tag.SetError($this, "")

                            if($this.SelectedIndex -le 0)
                                $this.FindForm().Tag.SetError($this, "Please select an item")
                                $_.Cancel = $true
                                $this.FindForm().Tag.SetError($this, "")
                        if(!$this.Enabled -or !$this.Visible)
                            $this.FindForm().Tag.SetError($this, "")

                        if($this.SelectedIndex -eq 0)
                            $this.FindForm().Tag.SetError($this, "Please select an item")
                            $_.Cancel = $true
                            $this.FindForm().Tag.SetError($this, "");

                if($OtherAttributes["OpenPicker"] -ne $null -and $ControlType -eq "listbox")
                        if ($_.KeyCode -eq "Delete")
                        for ($i = $this.selectedItems.Count - 1; $i -ge 0; $i--)

                    $col = @()
                    $col += $ctrl
                    $ctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
                    $ctrl.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($($global:hpos+$size[0]), $global:vpos)
                    $ctrl.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(22, 20)
                    $ctrl.Tag = $OtherAttributes["OpenPicker"]
                    $ctrl.Text = "..."
                        $arr = $this.tag -split ","
                        $inFile = Get-UIFileOpenDialog $arr[2] $arr[1] $arr[0] -MultiSelect  #InitialDir, $Filter, Title
                        if(-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($inFile))
                            $idx = $this.Parent.Controls.IndexOf($this)-1
                            $tmp = [System.Windows.Forms.ListBox]$this.Parent.Controls[$idx]
                            $inFile | ForEach-Object {
                                if($($tmp.FindString($_) -eq -1))
                    $col += $ctrl
                    $ctrl = $col

                if($OtherAttributes["PeoplePicker"] -ne $null -or $OtherAttributes["PersonPicker"] -ne $null -or $OtherAttributes["GroupPicker"] -ne $null -or $OtherAttributes["GroupsPicker"] -ne $null)
                    $blnGroup = $($OtherAttributes["GroupPicker"] -ne $null -or $OtherAttributes["GroupsPicker"] -ne $null)
                    if($OtherAttributes["PersonPicker"] -ne $null -or $OtherAttributes["GroupPicker"] -ne $null)
                        $ctrl.Height = 29
                        $ctrl.SelectionMode = [System.Windows.Forms.SelectionMode]::MultiExtended
                    $ctrl.DisplayMember = "text"
                    $ctrl.ValueMember = "value"
                    $ctrl.Add_KeyDown({if ($_.KeyCode -eq "Delete") {
                        for ($i = $this.selectedItems.Count - 1; $i -ge 0; $i--)

                    $col = @()
                    $col += $ctrl
                    $global:hpos += $ctrl.Width + 5

                    $col += $(Get-ADPickerButton $($ctrl.SelectionMode -eq [System.Windows.Forms.SelectionMode]::MultiExtended) $OtherAttributes["PickerFields"] $blnGroup)
                    $ctrl = $col

                $tmp = $ctrl | Select-Object -First 1
                $global:vpos += $tmp.ClientSize.Height + 20

            If($OtherAttributes -ne $null -and $OtherAttributes["ToggleChildDisplay"] -ne $null)
                if($OtherAttributes["ToggleChildDisplay"].Count -gt 1)
                    $arrTmp = $OtherAttributes["ToggleChildDisplay"]
                    $tmp = $OtherAttributes["ToggleChildDisplay"].ToString()
                    if($tmp.indexOf(",") -eq -1)
                        $tmp = "800,$tmp"
                    $arrTmp = $tmp -split ","
                [array]$arrSize = foreach($tmp in $arrTmp) {([int]::parse($tmp))}

                $col = @()
                $col += $ctrl
                $tmp = $ctrl | Select-Object -First 1
                    $idx = $this.Parent.Controls.IndexOf($this)

                    # if it has help control
                    if($this.Parent.Controls[$($idx+1)] -is [System.Windows.Forms.Label])
                        $idx += 1

                    do {
                        $this.Parent.Controls[$($idx+$i+1)].Visible = $($i -eq $this.SelectedIndex)
                    } while($i -lt $this.Items.Count)

                $tmp.Items | ForEach-Object {
                    $blnVisible = $($ctrl.SelectedIndex -eq $i)
                    $global:hpos = 0
                    $tmp = Get-UIControl panel "ChildPanel$i" $arrSize "" @{Visible=$blnVisible}
                    $col += $tmp
                $ctrl = $col

                $global:vpos += [int]$arrSize[1]

        "groupbox" {
            $ctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox
            $ctrl.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($global:hpos, $global:vpos)
            if($size -ne $null -and $size.Count -eq 2)
                 $ctrl.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($size[0], $size[1])
                $ctrl.AutoSize = $true
                $ctrl.AutoSizeMode = [System.Windows.Forms.AutoSizeMode]::GrowAndShrink
                $ctrl.MinimumSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(100,20)
            $ctrl.Text = " {0} " -f $value
            if($OtherAttributes -ne $null)
                foreach($key in $OtherAttributes.Keys)
                        "NoNewLine" {
                            $global:hpos += $ctrl.Width +5
                            $NoNewLine = $true

                        default {
                            try {
                                $ctrl.$($key) = $OtherAttributes[$key]
                            catch {


        "header" {
            $global:hpos = 22

            $col = @()
            $ctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
            $ctrl.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($global:hpos, $global:vpos)
            $ctrl.Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font("arial",11,[System.Drawing.FontStyle]::Bold)
            $ctrl.Forecolor = "Blue"
            if($value -ne $null)
                $ctrl.Text = $value[0]
            $ctrl.AutoSize = $true
            $col+= $ctrl

            if($OtherAttributes -ne $null)
                foreach($key in $OtherAttributes.Keys)
                        "Help" {
                                $global:hpos += $col[0].PreferredSize.Width + 5
                                $sctrl = Get-UIControl "help" $OtherAttributes["Help"]
                                $col += $sctrl

                        default {
                            try {
                                $ctrl.$($key) = $OtherAttributes[$key]
                            catch {

            $global:vpos += 25

            $sctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
            $sctrl.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($global:hpos, $global:vpos)
            $sctrl.AutoSize = $false
            $sctrl.BorderStyle = [System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle]::Fixed3D
            if($size -ne $null)
                 $sctrl.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($size[0], 2)
                 $sctrl.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(600, 2)
            $col+= $sctrl

            $ctrl = $col
            $global:vpos += 10

        "help" {
            $ctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
            $ctrl.AutoSize = $true
            $ctrl.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($global:hpos, $global:vpos)
            $ctrl.Font = new-object System.Drawing.font("WebDings", 12, [System.Drawing.FontStyle]::Regular)
            $ctrl.ForeColor = "green"
            $ctrl.Text = "i"

            if($value[0] -like "*.rtf")
                if($value[0] -notlike "?:\*")
                    $tmp = "$env:dp\Help\{0}" -f $value[0]
                    $tmp = $value[0]
                Set-UITooltip $ctrl "Click to see help"
                    $this.Cursor = [System.Windows.Forms.Cursors]::Hand
                        $this.Cursor = [System.Windows.Forms.Cursors]::Default
                    catch {}
                $ctrl.tag = $tmp
                if($OtherAttributes -ne $null -and $OtherAttributes["FileNotFound"] -ne $null)
                    $ctrl.Tag += ",{0}" -f $OtherAttributes["FileNotFound"]
                    $arr = $this.tag -split ","
                    OpenHelpPopup $arr[0] $arr[1]
                Set-UITooltip $ctrl $value[0].Replace("\n", [System.Environment]::NewLine)
            if($OtherAttributes -ne $null -and $OtherAttributes["NoNewLine"] -ne $null) #used to name NoLineFeed
               $NoNewLine = $true
               $global:hpos += $ctrl.Width + 5
                $global:vpos += 20

        "image" {
            $ctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox
            $ctrl.SizeMode = [System.Windows.Forms.PictureBoxSizeMode]::StretchImage
            if($Size.Count -gt 0 -and $Size[0] -gt 0)
                 $ctrl.ClientSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($size[0], $size[1])
                 $ctrl.ClientSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(0,0)
            $ctrl.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($global:hpos, $global:vpos)
            $imgNew = ""
            $imgDesc = ""

            if($value -ne $null -and $value[0] -ne "" -and $OtherAttributes["IconElements"] -eq $null)
                $imgNew = $value[0]

            if($OtherAttributes -ne $null)
                if($OtherAttributes["Default"] -ne $null -and $null -eq $value)
                    $value = $OtherAttributes["Default"]

                if($OtherAttributes["Name"] -ne $null)
                    $ctrl.Name = $OtherAttributes["Name"]

                ### don't use "$value -ne $null", change it to "$value.count -gt 0"
                if($OtherAttributes["IconElements"] -ne $null)
                    if($value.count -gt 0)
                        # A|a.png,B|b.png
                        $col = $OtherAttributes["IconElements"] -split ","
                        ForEach($c in $col)
                                $blnLocated = $false
                                $arr = $c.split("|")
                                if($value[0] -is [Boolean])
                                    if(($arr[0] -eq "true" -and $value[0]) -or ($arr[0] -eq "false" -and !$value[0]))
                                        $blnLocated = $true
                                elseif($arr[0] -eq $value[0])
                                    $blnLocated = $true

                                        $imgNew = $arr[1] + ".png"
                                        $imgNew = $arr[1]
                                    if($OtherAttributes["IconDescription"] -ne $null)
                                        $imgDesc = $arr[0]
                                $imgNew = $c
                                if($OtherAttributes["IconDescription"] -ne $null)
                                    $imgDesc = $value
                        $imgNew = $OtherAttributes["IconElements"]

                if($OtherAttributes["Help"] -ne $null)
                    Set-UITooltip $ctrl $OtherAttributes["Help"]

                if($OtherAttributes["NoNewLine"] -ne $null)
                    $NoNewLine = $OtherAttributes["NoNewLine"]

            if($imgNew -ne "")
                if($imgNew -is [System.Drawing.Image])
                    $img = $imgNew
                ElseIf($imgNew.IndexOf("/") -ne -1)
                    # Uri (ex:")
                    $webclient = New-Object Net.WebClient
                    $webclient.UseDefaultCredentials = $true
                    $tmp = "$env:dp\Output\{0}" -f [System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName()
                    $webclient.DownloadFile($imgNew, $tmp)
                    $img = GetImageFromFile $tmp
                    # local path (ex: c:\img\a.png or a.png in Assets folder)
                    if($imgNew -like "?:\*")
                        $img = Get-ImagefromFile $imgNew
                    elseif($imgNew -like "`$env:dp*")
                        $imgNew = $imgNew.Replace("`$env:dp",$env:dp)
                        #$img = [Drawing.Image]::FromFile($imgNew)
                        $img = Get-ImagefromFile $imgNew
                        #Image img = [Drawing.Image]::FromStream(new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(path)));
                        $img = Get-ImagefromFile $("$env:dp\Assets\{0}" -f $imgNew)
                $ctrl.Image = $img
                if($Size.Count -gt 0 -and $Size[0] -gt 0) {}
                    $ctrl.ClientSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($img.Width, $img.Height)

                if($imgDesc -ne "")
                    $col = @()
                    $col += $ctrl
                        # Right side
                        "1" {
                            $global:hpos += $ctrl.ClientSize.Width + 5
                        # Bottom
                        "2" {
                            $global:hpos = $ctrl.left
                            $global:vpos += $ctrl.Height
                    $ctrl = Get-UIControl "label" $imgDesc 0 "" @{NoNewLine=1}

                    # Shift to center
                    if($OtherAttributes["IconDescription"] -eq "2")
                        $tmp = [int](($ctrl.PreferredSize.Width - $col[0].Width)/2)
                        $ctrl.TextAlign ="TopCenter"
                        $ctrl.Left -= $tmp

                    $col += $ctrl
                    $ctrl = $col

                if($imgDesc -ne "" -and $OtherAttributes["IconDescription"] -eq "2")
                    $global:vpos -= $ctrl[0].ClientSize.Height
                    $global:hpos = $ctrl[0].Left + $ctrl[0].ClientSize.Width + 5
                    $tmp = $ctrl | Select-Object -Last 1
                    $global:hpos += $tmp.ClientSize.Width + 5
                $tmp = $ctrl | Select-Object -First 1
                    $global:vpos += $tmp.ClientSize.Height + 5
                    if($tmp.ClientSize.Height -lt 30)
                        $global:vpos += $(30 - $tmp.ClientSize.Height)

        "label" {
            $ctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
            $ctrl.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($global:hpos, $global:vpos)
            if($Size.Count -gt 0 -and $Size[0] -gt 0 -and $value -ne $null)
                if($size.Length -gt 1)
                    $ctrl.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($size[0], $size[1])
                    #$global:vpos += $size[1]
                    $ctrl.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($size[0], 30)
                $ctrl.AutoSize = $true

            if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($value))                                              ###($value -ne $null) -> issue when $value = 0
                $ctrl.Text = $value[0]

            if($OtherAttributes -ne $null)
                if($value -eq $null)
                    if($OtherAttributes["Default"] -ne $null)
                        $ctrl.Text = $OtherAttributes["Default"]
                    $ctrl.Tag = $Value -join ","

                    if($OtherAttributes["Format"] -ne $null)
                        if($OtherAttributes["Format"].EndsWith("[SIZE]") -and $(IsNumeric($value[0])))
                            $ctrl.Text = Format-SizeWithUnit $value[0] $OtherAttributes["Format"]
                        elseif($OtherAttributes["Format"].indexOf("[AGE]") -ne -1 -and $($value[0] -is [datetime]))
                            $ctrl.Text = Format-AgeWithUnit $value[0] $OtherAttributes["Format"]
                            $ctrl.Text = $OtherAttributes["Format"] -f @($value)
                        $strValue = $value[0].ToString()

                        if($OtherAttributes["Instr"] -ne $null)
                            $arr = $OtherAttributes["Instr"].split(",")
                            if($arr.Length -eq 0)
                                $strValue = Get-Instr $strValue $arr[0]
                                $strValue = Get-Instr $strValue $arr[0] $arr[1]

                        if($OtherAttributes["Replace"] -ne $null)
                            $arr = $OtherAttributes["Replace"].split(",")
                            $strValue = $strValue.Replace($arr[0],$arr[1])

                        $ctrl.Text = $strValue

                if($OtherAttributes["Name"] -ne $null)
                    $ctrl.Name = $OtherAttributes["Name"]

                if($OtherAttributes["Alignment"] -ne $null)
                    $tmp = [System.Drawing.ContentAlignment]$($OtherAttributes["Alignment"])
                    $ctrl.TextAlign = $tmp

                if($OtherAttributes["FontName"] -ne $null -or $OtherAttributes["Fontsize"] -ne $null)

                    $tmpFont = $ctrl.Font.Name
                    if($OtherAttributes["FontName"] -ne $null) { $tmpFont = $OtherAttributes["FontName"] }
                    $tmpSize = $ctrl.Font.Size
                    if($OtherAttributes["FontSize"] -ne $null) { $tmpSize = [int]$OtherAttributes["FontSize"] }
                    $ctrl.Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font($tmpFont,$tmpSize,[System.Drawing.FontStyle]::Regular);

                if($OtherAttributes["Backcolor"] -ne $null)
                    $ctrl.BackColor = $OtherAttributes["backcolor"]

                if($OtherAttributes["BorderStyle"] -ne $null)
                    $ctrl.BorderStyle = [System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle]$($OtherAttributes["BorderStyle"])

                if($OtherAttributes["TextAlign"] -ne $null)
                    $ctrl.TextAlign = $OtherAttributes["TextAlign"]

                if($OtherAttributes["Tooltip"] -ne $null)
                    Set-UITooltip $ctrl $OtherAttributes["Tooltip"]

                if($OtherAttributes["Copy"] -ne $null -and $ctrl.Visible -and $ctrl.Text -ne "")
                    $col = @()
                    $col += $ctrl
                    if($size.Length -gt 1)
                        $global:hpos += $ctrl.Width + 5
                        $global:hpos += $ctrl.PreferredSize.Width + 5
                    $global:vpos = $
                    $col += $(Get-CopyButton)
                    $ctrl = $col

                if($OtherAttributes["Help"] -ne $null -and $ctrl.Visible)
                    $col = @()
                    $col += $ctrl
                    $global:hpos += $ctrl.Width + 5
                    $ctrl = Get-UIControl "help" $OtherAttributes["Help"] 0 "" @{NoNewLine=1}
                    $col += $ctrl
                    $ctrl = $col
                    $global:hpos = 22
                elseif($OtherAttributes["NoNewLine"] -ne $null)
                    $NoNewLine = $OtherAttributes["NoNewLine"]
                    $tmp = $ctrl | Select-Object -last 1
                    $global:hpos += $tmp.Width + 5

            # Adjust height when long text is provided exceeding the height after text wrapping
            if(!$ctrl.AutoSize -and $size.Length -eq 1)
                # Only width is specified and text is long
                $tmp = $ctrl | Select-Object -First 1
                $x = [Math]::ceiling($tmp.PreferredWidth / $tmp.Width) * $tmp.Font.height
                if($x -gt 0)
                    $tmp.height = $x

                $tmp = $ctrl | Select-Object -First 1
                    $global:vpos += $tmp.Height + 15

        "link" {
            $ctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel
            $ctrl.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($global:hpos, $global:vpos)
            if($Size.Count -gt 0 -and $Size[0] -gt 0)
                $ctrl.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($size[0], 30)
                $ctrl.AutoSize = $true
            if($value -ne $null)
                if($OtherAttributes -ne $null -and $OtherAttributes["NoBrowserLaunch"] -ne $null)
                        #if($this.Links[0].LinkData -like "http*")
                            Open-IETabs $([system.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables($this.Links[0].LinkData))

                $ctrl.Text = $value[0]
                $ctrl.Links.Add(0, $ctrl.Text.Length, $ctrl.Text) | Out-Null

            if($OtherAttributes -ne $null)
                $col = @()
                $col += $ctrl

                foreach($key in $OtherAttributes.Keys)
                        "Bold" {
                            $oldFont = $ctrl.Font
                            $Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font($oldFont.FontFamily,$oldFont.Size,[System.Drawing.FontStyle]::Bold)
                            $ctrl.Font = $Font

                        "Underline" {
                            $ctrl.LinkBehavior = [System.Windows.Forms.LinkBehavior]::NeverUnderline;

                        "UrlFormat" {
                            # re-add a link since there is no way to update
                            $tmp = $OtherAttributes["UrlFormat"] -f @($value)
                            $ctrl.Links.Add(0,$ctrl.Text.Length, $tmp) | Out-Null

                        "Help" {
                            Set-UITooltip $ctrl $OtherAttributes["Help"]

                        "Copy" {
                            If($ctrl.Visible -and $ctrl.Text -ne "")
                                if($size.Length -gt 1)
                                    $global:hpos += $ctrl.Width + 5
                                    $global:hpos += $ctrl.PreferredSize.Width + 5
                                $global:vpos = $
                                $col += $(Get-CopyButton)
                            $ctrl = $col

                        "NoNewLine" {
                            $NoNewLine = $OtherAttributes["NoNewLine"]
                            $global:hpos += $ctrl.PreferredSize.Width + 5

                        default {
                            try {
                                $ctrl.$($key) = $OtherAttributes[$key]
                            catch {


                if($OtherAttributes["Text"] -ne $null)
                    $ctrl.Text = $OtherAttributes["Text"]
                    $ctrl.Links[0].Length = $ctrl.Text.Length
                    if($value -eq $null)
                        if($OtherAttributes["Default"] -ne $null)
                            $ctrl.Text = $OtherAttributes["Default"]
                                $ctrl.Enabled = $false
                        $ctrl.Tag = $Value -join ","

                        if($OtherAttributes["Format"] -ne $null)
                            if($OtherAttributes["Format"].EndsWith("[SIZE]") -and $(IsNumeric($value[0])))
                                $ctrl.Text = Format-SizeWithUnit $value[0] $OtherAttributes["Format"]
                            elseif($OtherAttributes["Format"].indexOf("[AGE]") -ne -1 -and $($value[0] -is [datetime]))
                                $ctrl.Text = Format-AgeWithUnit $value[0] $OtherAttributes["Format"]
                                $ctrl.Text = $OtherAttributes["Format"] -f @($value)
                            $ctrl.Links[0].Length = $ctrl.Text.Length
                            $strValue = $value[0].ToString()
                            if($OtherAttributes["Instr"] -ne $null)
                                $arr = $OtherAttributes["Instr"].split(",")
                                if($arr.Length -eq 0)
                                    $strValue = Get-Instr $strValue $arr[0]
                                    $strValue = Get-Instr $strValue $arr[0] $arr[1]

                            if($OtherAttributes["Replace"] -ne $null)
                                $arr = $OtherAttributes["Replace"].split(",")
                                $strValue = $strValue.Replace($arr[0],$arr[1])

                            $ctrl.Text = $strValue
                            $ctrl.Links[0].Length = $ctrl.Text.Length

                $ctrl = $col

            if($value -ne $null)
                if($ctrl.Count -gt 1)
                    $c = $ctrl[0]
                    $c = $ctrl
                if($c.Text -eq "")
                    $c.Text = $value[0]
                If($OtherAttributes -ne $null -and $OtherAttributes["Help"] -eq $null -and $value[0] -Like "http*")
                    Set-UITooltip $c $value[0]

                $global:vpos += 35

        "listview" {
            $ctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ListView
            $ctrl.FullRowSelect = $true
            $ctrl.HideSelection = $false
            $ctrl.AllowColumnReorder = $true
            $ctrl.GridLines = $true
            $ctrl.View = "Details"   # LargeIcon[default], SmallIcon, Tile, List
            $ctrl.BorderStyle = [System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle]::None
            #$ctrl.BackColor = "Transparent"
            $ctrl.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($global:hpos, $global:vpos)

                if($_.Modifiers -eq [System.Windows.Forms.Keys]::Control -And $_.KeyCode -eq [System.Windows.Forms.Keys]::C)
                    $txt = ""
                    $this.SelectedItems | ForEach-Object {
                        $_.subItems | ForEach-Object {
                            $txt = $txt + $_.Text + "`t"
                        $txt += $_.Text + "`r`n"
                    if($txt -ne "")

            $props = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
            $i = 1
            $allWidth = 15  # Extra space to avoid horizontal scrollbar
            if($value -ne $null)
                # File Explorer?
                if($OtherAttributes -ne $null -and $OtherAttributes["FileExplorer"] -ne $null)
                    $ctrl.tag = $value[0]
                    $arr = $OtherAttributes["FileExplorer"] -split ","
                        "D" {
                            $value = Get-ChildItem -path "$value" | Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer} | Select-Object Name, LastWriteTime, Length, @{Name='Type';Expression={if($_ -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]){"D"}else{[System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($_).TrimStart(".")}}}, FullName
                        "F" {
                            $value = Get-ChildItem -path "$value" | Where-Object {!$_.PSIsContainer} | Select-Object Name, LastWriteTime, Length, @{Name='Type';Expression={if($_ -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]){"D"}else{[System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($_).TrimStart(".")}}}, FullName
                        default {
                            $value = Get-ChildItem -path "$value" | Select-Object Name, LastWriteTime, Length, @{Name='Type';Expression={if($_ -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]){"D"}else{[System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($_).TrimStart(".")}}}, FullName
                    if($arr.Count -gt 1)
                        if($arr[1][0] -eq "*")
                            $value = $value | Sort-Object $($arr[1].subString(1)) -Descending
                            $value = $value | Sort-Object $($arr[1])
                    if($Size.Count -eq 0)
                        $size = 300,130,-80
                    if($arr[0] -ne "D" -and $arr[0] -ne "F")
                            $intColumn = GetListViewSubItemIndex $this "Type"
                            if($this.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[$intColumn].Text -eq "D")
                                $col = @()
                                if($this.SelectedItems[0].Text -eq "..")
                                    $CurrentPath = Get-Instr $this.Tag "" "-\"
                                    $CurrentPath = ("{0}\{1}" -f $this.Tag,$this.SelectedItems[0].Text)
                                    $pfobject = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                                        Name = ".."
                                        Type = "D"
                                    $col += $pfobject

                                $col2 = Get-ChildItem -path $CurrentPath | Select-Object Name, LastWriteTime, Length, @{Name='Type';Expression={if($_ -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]){"D"}else{[System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($_).TrimStart(".")}}}
                                $col += $col2

                                Refresh-ListViewContents $this $col
                                $this.tag = $CurrentPath

                # Set ListView Columns
                    {($_ -eq "HashTable") -or ($_ -eq "SPPropertyBag") -or ($_ -eq 'Dictionary`2')} {
                        $subWidth = 120
                        if($Size.Count -gt 0 -and $size[0] -gt 0)
                            $subWidth= $size[0]
                        $allWidth += $subWidth
                        $ctrl.Columns.Add("Key", $subWidth) | Out-Null

                        $subWidth = 120
                        if($size.Count -gt 1)
                            $subWidth= $size[1]
                        $allWidth += $subWidth
                        $ctrl.Columns.Add("Value", $subWidth) | Out-Null
                    "String" { # just string array
                        $subWidth = 120
                        if($Size.Count -gt 0 -and $size[0] -gt 0)
                            $subWidth= $size[0]
                        $allWidth += $subWidth
                        $ctrl.Columns.Add("Value", $subWidth) | Out-Null
                    default {
                        if($OtherAttributes -ne $null -and $OtherAttributes["Elements"] -ne $null)
                            #ex: ColName1,ColName2,...
                            $arrElements = $OtherAttributes["Elements"] -split ","
                            $arrElements | ForEach-Object {
                                $subWidth = 120
                                if($size.count -eq 1 -and $size[0] -eq 0)
                                elseif($size.Count -ge $i) # -and $size[0] -ne 0)
                                    if($size[$i-1] -lt 0)
                                        $subWidth= -1 * $size[$i-1]
                                        $blnRightCol = $true
                                        $subWidth= $size[$i-1]
                                $allWidth += $subWidth

                                $arrElement = $_.split("|")
                                if($arrElement.Length -gt 1)
                                    $strHeader = $arrElement[1]
                                    $blnAddTag = $true
                                    $strHeader = $arrElement[0]
                                    $blnAddTag = $false

                                if($arrElement[0] -eq "Name")
                                    $tmp = $ctrl.Columns.Insert(0, $strHeader, $subWidth)
                                    $props.Insert(0,$arrElement[0]) | Out-Null
                                    #$tmp = $ctrl.Columns.Add($_, $subWidth)
                                    $tmp = $ctrl.Columns.Add($strHeader, $subWidth)
                                    $props.Add($arrElement[0]) | Out-Null

                                    $tmp.tag += "OrigColName=$($arrElement[0]);"

                                    $tmp.TextAlign = "Right"
                            $blnDataSet = $false
                            $value[0] | ForEach-Object {$_.PSObject.Properties} | ForEach-Object {
                                if(!$blnDataSet -and $_.Name -eq "RowError")
                                    # determine if it is a dataset so that the last 5 fields are skipped (RowError, RowState, Table, ItemArray, HasErrors)
                                    if($($Value[0].PSObject.Properties | Select-Object -last 1 | Select-Object -expandproperty name) -eq "HasErrors")
                                        $blnDataSet = $true

                                    $blnRightCol = $false

                                    $subWidth = 120
                                    if($size.count -eq 1 -and $size[0] -eq 0)
                                    elseif($size.Count -ge $i) # -and $size[0] -ne 0)
                                        if($size[$i-1] -lt 0)
                                            $subWidth= -1 * $size[$i-1]
                                            $blnRightCol = $true
                                            $subWidth= $size[$i-1]
                                    $allWidth += $subWidth

                                    ####if($strCol -eq "Name")
                                    if($_.Name -eq "Name")
                                        $tmp = $ctrl.Columns.Insert(0,"Name", $subWidth) | Out-Null
                                        $props.Insert(0,"Name") | Out-Null
                                        $tmp = $ctrl.Columns.Add($_.Name, $subWidth)
                                        if($_.TypeNameOfValue -eq "System.Int32")
                                            $blnRightCol = $true
                                        $props.Add($_.Name) | Out-Null

                                        $tmp.TextAlign = "Right"

                    if($value[0].GetType().Name -eq "HashTable" -or $value[0].GetType().Name -eq "SPPropertyBag" -or $value[0].GetType().Name -eq 'Dictionary`2')
                        $allHeight = ($value[0].Count+2)*17
                        $allHeight = ($value.Count+2)*17
                    $allHeight = 50
                if(!$(IsISE)) { $allWidth += 15;$allHeight+=2 }
                $ctrl.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($allWidth, $allHeight)

                    {($_ -eq "HashTable") -or ($_ -eq "SPPropertyBag") -or ($_ -eq 'Dictionary`2')} {
                        $i = 0
                        $value[0].Keys | ForEach-Object {
                            $tmp = $ctrl.Items.Add($_)
                            if($value[0][$_] -eq $null)
                                $tmp.SubItems.Add("") | Out-Null
                                $tmp.SubItems.Add($value[0][$_].ToString()) | Out-Null

                            if($OtherAttributes["AlternatingColor"] -ne $null -and ($i % 2) -eq 1)
                                $tmp.BackColor = $OtherAttributes["AlternatingColor"]
                    "String" { # just string array
                        $value | ForEach-Object {
                            $tmp = $ctrl.Items.Add($_)
                    default {
                        $iconfld = "IconType"
                        if($OtherAttributes -ne $null -and $OtherAttributes["IconLocator"] -ne $null)
                            $iconfld = $OtherAttributes["IconLocator"]

                        $i = 0
                        $value | ForEach-Object {
                            $element = $_
                            if($element -ne $null -and $element.gettype().Name -like "SPAcl*") {
                                $element = $element[0]
                            }   #weird datatype
                            $blnName = $true
                            $props | ForEach-Object {
                                    if($element.$_ -eq $null)
                                        $tmp = $ctrl.Items.Add("")
                                        $tmp = $ctrl.Items.Add($element.$_.ToString(), $element.$_.ToString(),0)

                                    if($element.$iconfld -eq $null -or $element.$iconfld -eq [DBNull]::Value)
                                        if($OtherAttributes["IconElements"] -eq $null)
                                            $sctrl = $ctrl.SmallImageList
                                            if($sctrl -eq $null)
                                                $sctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ImageList
                                                $sctrl.ImageSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(16,16)
                                                $ctrl.SmallImageList = $sctrl
                                            $imgFileName = "$env:dp\Assets\{0}" -f $element.$iconfld

                                            # Skip image insertion if key exists
                                                $tmp.ImageKey = $element.$iconfld
                                            elseif(Test-Path $imgFileName)
                                                $item = Get-ImagefromFile $imgFileName
                                                $tmp.ImageKey = $element.$iconfld
                                            $imgvalue = $element.$iconfld
                                                $tmp.ImageIndex = $imgvalue
                                    $blnName = $false
                                    if($element.$_ -ne $null)
                                        $subItem = $tmp.SubItems.Add($element.$_.ToString())
                                        if($OtherAttributes -ne $null)
                                            if($OtherAttributes["TextTransform"] -ne $null)
                                                $arrFlds = $OtherAttributes["TextTransform"].Split("][")
                                                Foreach($fld in $arrFlds)
                                                    $arrTRS = $fld.split("~")
                                                    if($_ -eq $arrTRS[0])
                                                        $arrTR = $arrTRS[1] -split ","
                                                        ForEach($txt in $arrTR)
                                                                $arrT = $txt.split("|")
                                                                if($arrT[0] -eq $subItem.Text)
                                                                    $subItem.Tag = $subItem.Text
                                                                    $subItem.Text = $arrT[1]

                                            if($OtherAttributes["TextStyle"] -ne $null)
                                                if($OtherAttributes["TextStyle"] -ne $null)
                                                    $arrFlds = $OtherAttributes["TextStyle"].Split("][")
                                                    Foreach($fld in $arrFlds)
                                                        if($fld -ne "")
                                                            $styleRow = $false
                                                            $arrTSS = $fld -split "~"
                                                                $styleRow = $true
                                                                $arrTSS[0] = $arrTSS[0].Substring(1)
                                                                $tmp.UseItemStyleForSubItems = $false
                                                            if($_ -eq $arrTSS[0])
                                                                For($i=1;$i -lt $arrTSS.Length;$i++)
                                                                    $arrTS = $arrTSS[$i].split(",")
                                                                    # $arrTS[0] is for evaluation
                                                                    # $arrTS[1] should have 5 segments - forecolor|backcolor|font|size|style
                                                                    $blnEval = $null
                                                                            $blnEval = Invoke-Expression $($arrTS[0] -f $subItem.Text)
                                                                            #datetime #TODO
                                                                            $blnEval = Invoke-Expression $($arrTS[0] -f $subItem.Text)
                                                                    if($blnEval -eq $null)
                                                                        #bool, text
                                                                        $blnEval = $($arrTS[0] -eq $subItem.Text)

                                                                        $arrT = $arrTS[1].split("|")
                                                                        $newfont = $false
                                                                        $fontName = $subitem.Font.Name
                                                                        $fontSize = $subitem.Font.Size
                                                                        $fontStyle = $subitem.Font.Style
                                                                        if($arrT[0].Trim() -ne "")
                                                                                $tmp.ForeColor = $arrT[0]
                                                                                $subItem.ForeColor = $arrT[0]
                                                                        if($arrT.Length -gt 1 -and $arrT[1].Trim() -ne "")
                                                                                $tmp.BackColor = $arrT[1]
                                                                                $subItem.BackColor = $arrT[1]
                                                                        if($arrT.Length -gt 2 -and $arrT[2].Trim() -ne "")
                                                                            $fontName = $arrT[2]
                                                                            $newfont = $true
                                                                        if($arrT.Length -gt 3 -and $arrT[3].Trim() -ne "")
                                                                            $fontSize = $arrT[3]
                                                                            $newfont = $true
                                                                        if($arrT.Length -gt 4 -and $arrT[4].Trim() -ne "")
                                                                            if($arrT[4].Contains("B")) {$fontStyle = [System.Drawing.FontStyle]($fontStyle -bor [System.Drawing.FontStyle]::Bold)}
                                                                            if($arrT[4].Contains("I")) {$fontStyle = [System.Drawing.FontStyle]($fontStyle -bor [System.Drawing.FontStyle]::Italic)}
                                                                            if($arrT[4].Contains("S")) {$fontStyle = [System.Drawing.FontStyle]($fontStyle -bor [System.Drawing.FontStyle]::Strikeout)}
                                                                            if($arrT[4].Contains("U")) {$fontStyle = [System.Drawing.FontStyle]($fontStyle -bor [System.Drawing.FontStyle]::Underline)}
                                                                            $newfont = $true
                                                                            $subitem.Font = new-object System.Drawing.font($fontName, $fontSize, $fontStyle)
                                        #write "" for null
                                        $tmp.SubItems.Add("") | Out-Null
                                if($OtherAttributes -ne $null -and $OtherAttributes["ToolTip"] -ne $null -and $_ -eq $OtherAttributes["ToolTip"] -and $element.$_ -ne $null)
                                    $tmp.TooltipText = $element.$_.ToString()

                            if($OtherAttributes -ne $null -and $OtherAttributes["AlternatingColor"] -ne $null -and ($i % 2) -eq 1)
                                $tmp.BackColor = $OtherAttributes["AlternatingColor"]

            $canSort = $true
            if($OtherAttributes -ne $null -and $null -ne $OtherAttributes["CanSort"])
                $canSort = $OtherAttributes["CanSort"]

                        if($this.ListViewItemSorter -eq $null)
                            $this.ListViewItemSorter = New-Object ListViewColumnSorter
                        if ( $_.Column -eq $this.ListViewItemSorter.SortColumn )
                            if ($this.ListViewItemSorter.Order -eq [System.Windows.Forms.SortOrder]::Ascending)
                                $this.ListViewItemSorter.Order = [System.Windows.Forms.SortOrder]::Descending
                                $this.ListViewItemSorter.Order = [System.Windows.Forms.SortOrder]::Ascending
                            $this.ListViewItemSorter.SortColumn = $_.Column
                            $this.ListViewItemSorter.Order = [System.Windows.Forms.SortOrder]::Ascending

            if($OtherAttributes -ne $null)
                if($OtherAttributes["Backcolor"] -ne $null)
                    $ctrl.BackColor = $OtherAttributes["backcolor"]

                if($OtherAttributes["HotTracking"] -ne $null)
                    $ctrl.HotTracking = $OtherAttributes["HotTracking"]

                if($OtherAttributes["HeaderStyle"] -ne $null)
                    # Clickable, Nonclickable, None (hide it)
                    $ctrl.HeaderStyle = $OtherAttributes["HeaderStyle"]

                if($OtherAttributes["Tooltip"] -ne $null)
                    $ctrl.ShowItemTooltips = $true

                if($OtherAttributes["Name"] -ne $null)
                    $ctrl.Name = $OtherAttributes["Name"]

                if($OtherAttributes["GroupElement"] -ne $null)
                    $tmp = GroupListView $ctrl $OtherAttributes["GroupElement"]
                    if($tmp -and $allHeight -gt 0)
                        $ctrl.Height += $ctrl.Groups.Count * 47

                if($OtherAttributes["IconElements"] -ne $null)
                    if($OtherAttributes["IconElements"] -is [System.Windows.Forms.ImageList])
                        $ctrl.SmallImageList = $OtherAttributes["IconElements"]
                        $sctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ImageList
                        $sctrl.ImageSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(16,16)
                        if($OtherAttributes["IconSize"] -ne $null)
                            $intSize = [system.int32]::Parse($OtherAttributes["IconSize"])
                            $sctrl.ImageSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($intSize, $intSize)

                        $OtherAttributes["IconElements"] -split "," | ForEach-Object {
                                $arr = $_.split("|")
                                    $arr[1] += ".png"
                                $item = Get-ImagefromFile $("$env:dp\Assets\{0}" -f $arr[1])
                                    $item = Get-ImagefromFile $("$env:dp\Assets\{0}.png" -f $_)
                                    $key = $_.Substring(0,$_.IndexOf("."))
                                    $item = Get-ImageFromFile $("$env:dp\Assets\{0}" -f $_)
                        $ctrl.SmallImageList = $sctrl

                if($OtherAttributes["View"] -ne $null)
                    $ctrl.View = $OtherAttributes["View"]  #LargeIcon (default), SmallIcon, List, Details, Tile
                        $ctrl.LargeImageList = $sctrl
                        $ctrl.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($size[0], $size[1])
                        $ctrl.SmallImageList = $sctrl
                        $ctrl.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($size[0], $size[1])

                if($OtherAttributes["Checkbox"] -ne $null)
                    $ctrl.Checkboxes = $OtherAttributes["Checkbox"]

                if($OtherAttributes["Checkboxes"] -ne $null)
                    if($OtherAttributes["Checkboxes"] -ge "1")
                        $ctrl.Checkboxes = $OtherAttributes["Checkboxes"]

                    $blnDefaultCheck = ($OtherAttributes["Checkboxes"] -eq "2")

                    # Set default checked status to all items
                        $ctrl.Items | ForEach-Object {
                            $_.Checked = $blnDefaultCheck

                    $col = @()
                    $col+= $ctrl
                    $tmp = Get-UIControl CheckBox $blnDefaultCheck 0 "edit"
                    $tmp.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($($ctrl.Left + 3), $ctrl.Top)
                        $idx = $this.Parent.Controls.IndexOf($this)-1
                        $tmp = [System.Windows.Forms.ListView]$this.Parent.Controls[$idx]
                        if($tmp -ne $null)
                            $tmp.Items | ForEach-Object {
                                $_.Checked = $this.Checked
                    $ctrl.Top += 15
                    $global:vpos += 15
                    $col += $tmp
                    $ctrl = $col

                if($OtherAttributes["LocatorBox"] -ne $null)
                    $col = @()
                    $col+= $ctrl

                    # Retrieve listitems' unique values
                    $colAutoComplete = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.AutoCompleteStringCollection
                    $arrAC= $ctrl.Items | Select-Object -Unique -ExpandProperty Text
                    $colAutoComplete.AddRange($arrAC) | Out-Null

                    $pnlSearch = Get-UIControl Panel
                    $pnlSearch.Top = $ctrl.Top
                    $ctrl.Top += 30

                    $oldvpos = $global:vpos;$oldhpos = $global:hpos
                    $global:vpos = 0;$global:hpos = 0

                    $tmp = Get-UIControl Caption "$($ctrl.Columns[0].Text):" 0 "" @{NoNewLine=1}
                    $pnlSearch.Controls.Add($tmp) | Out-Null

                    $ctrlSearch = Get-UIControl TextBox "" $([int]$OtherAttributes["LocatorBox"]) "edit" @{TabIndex=0;CausesValidation=$false}

                        $btn = $this.FindForm().AcceptButton
                        if($null -ne $btn)
                            $btn.Enabled = $false

                        $btn = $this.FindForm().AcceptButton
                        if($null -ne $btn)
                            $btn.Enabled = $true

                        if($_.KeyCode -eq 13)
                            # Get ListView
                            $idx = $this.Parent.Parent.Controls.IndexOf($this.Parent)-1
                            $lv = [System.Windows.Forms.ListView]$this.Parent.Parent.Controls[$idx]

                            # Search Item
                            $item = $lv.FindItemWithText($this.Text)

                            # Ensure Visibility
                            if($item -ne $null)
                                $item.Selected = $true
                                $item.Focused = $true
                                $this.Text = ""
                            $_.Handled = $true
                    $ctrlSearch.AutoCompleteCustomSource = $colAutoComplete
                    $ctrlSearch.AutoCompleteMode = [System.Windows.Forms.AutoCompleteMode]::Suggest
                    $ctrlSearch.AutoCompleteSource = [System.Windows.Forms.AutoCompleteSource]::CustomSource
                    $pnlSearch.Controls.Add($ctrlSearch) | Out-Null

                    $col += $pnlSearch
                    $ctrl = $col

                    $global:vpos = $oldvpos;$global:hpos = $oldhpos

                if($OtherAttributes["Order"] -ne $null)
                    $col = @()
                    $col+= $ctrl

                    $ctrlUp = Get-UIControl Button "p" 0 "" @{FontName="Wingdings 3"}  # Up button
                    $ctrlUp.Top = $ctrl.Top
                    $ctrlUp.Left = $ctrl.Left + $ctrl.Width + 10
                    $ctrlUp.tag = $ctrl
                        $mainCtrl = $this.tag
                        foreach($idx in $mainCtrl.SelectedIndices)
                            if($idx -gt 0)
                                $tmp = $mainCtrl.Items[$idx]
                                $idx -= 1
                                $mainCtrl.Items.Insert($idx, $tmp)
                    $col += $ctrlUp

                    $ctrlDown = Get-UIControl Button "q" 0 "" @{FontName="Wingdings 3"}  # Down button
                    $ctrlDown.Top = $ctrl.Top + $ctrlUp.Height + 10
                    $ctrlDown.Left = $ctrlUp.Left
                    $ctrlDown.Tag = $ctrl
                        $mainCtrl = $this.Tag
                        foreach($idx in $($mainCtrl.SelectedIndices | Sort -Descending))
                            if($idx -lt $($mainCtrl.Items.Count-1))
                                $tmp = $mainCtrl.Items[$idx]
                                $idx += 1
                                $mainCtrl.Items.Insert($idx, $tmp)
                    $col += $ctrlDown

                    $ctrl = $col

                if($OtherAttributes["Required"] -ne $null)
                    $tmp = $ctrl | Select -First 1
                    # this is only valid when checkboxes are visible
                    if($tmp.CheckBoxes -eq $true)
                            if(!$this.Enabled -or !$this.Visible)
                                $this.FindForm().Tag.SetError($this, "")

                            if($this.CheckedItems.Count -eq 0)
                                $this.FindForm().Tag.SetError($this, "You must select at least one item in order to continue")
                                $_.Cancel = $true
                                $this.FindForm().Tag.SetError($this, "")

                if($OtherAttributes["Footer"] -ne $null)
                    $col = @()

                    $arr = $OtherAttributes["Footer"].Split(",")
                    if($arr.Length -eq 1)
                        $footervalue = $ctrl.Items.Count
                        $footervalue = GetListViewComputedValue $ctrl $arr[1]
                    $col+= $ctrl

                    $ctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
                    $ctrl.BackColor = "Black"
                    $ctrl.ForeColor = "White"
                    $ctrl.BorderStyle = [System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle]::Fixed3D
                    $ctrl.Width = $allWidth
                    $ctrl.Height = 17
                    $ctrl.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($global:hpos, $($global:vpos+$allHeight+1))

                        $ctrl.TextAlign = "MiddleRight"
                        $OtherAttributes["Footer"] = $OtherAttributes["Footer"].Substring(1)
                    $ctrl.Text =  $arr[0] -f $footervalue
                    $col += $ctrl
                    $global:vpos += 17
                    $ctrl = $col

                if($OtherAttributes["NoNewLine"] -ne $null)
                    $NoNewLine = $OtherAttributes["NoNewLine"]
                    $global:hpos += $ctrl.Width + 5

                 $global:vpos += $allHeight + 15

        "menu" {
            if($OtherAttributes -ne $null)
                if($OtherAttributes["Elements"] -ne $null)
                            $layouts = [xml]$OtherAttributes["Elements"]
                            $layouts = Select-Xml -Xml $layouts -Xpath "//Layout"
                        Catch {}
                    elseif($global:configXml.Root.Elements -ne $null)
                        if($OtherAttributes["Elements"].IndexOf(",") -ne -1)
                            $arr = $OtherAttributes["Elements"].Split(',')
                            $strXpath = "Element[ID='{0}']/Layouts/Layout[@Filter='{1}']" -f $arr[0], $arr[1]
                            $strXpath = "Element[ID='{0}']/Layouts/Layout" -f $OtherAttributes["Elements"]
                        $layouts = select-xml -xml $($global:configXml.Root.Elements) -xpath $strXpath

            if($layouts -ne $null)
                # set value[0] to the first one if not passed
                if($value.count -gt 0 -and [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($value[0]))
                    if($layouts.count -eq $null)
                        $value = $layouts.Node.ID
                        $value = $layouts[0].Node.ID

                $ctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.MenuStrip
                $ctrl.LayoutStyle = [System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripLayoutStyle]::Flow
                $layouts | ForEach-Object {
                    $menu = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem
                    IF($_.Node.Text -ne $null)
                        $menu.Text = $_.Node.Text
                        $menu.Text = $_.Node.ID
                    $menu.Name= $_.Node.ID   #key
                    #$menu.Tag = $OtherAttributes["Elements"] ~~Let me use tag to store enabled/visible
                    if($_.Node.GetAttribute("Help") -ne "")
                        $menu.ToolTipText = $_.Node.GetAttribute("Help")
                        $ctrl.ShowItemTooltips = $true

                    if($_.Node.GetAttribute("Enable") -ne "")
                        $menu.tag = $_.Node.GetAttribute("Enable")

                    if($_.Node.GetAttribute("Visible") -ne "")
                        $menu.tag = $_.Node.GetAttribute("Visible")

                    # Store the selected item in Tag property
                    if($value -ne $null -and $_.Node.ID -eq $value[0])
                        $menu.ForeColor = "Blue"
                        $ctrl.tag = $_.Node.ID
                    $ctrl.Items.Add($menu) | Out-Null
                    if($_.Node.Sublayout -ne  $null)
                        $_.Node.Sublayout | ForEach-Object {
                            $submenu = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem
                            IF($_.Text -ne $null)
                                $submenu.Text = $_.Text
                                $submenu.Text = $_.ID
                            $submenu.Name= $_.ID   #key
                            if($_.GetAttribute("Help") -ne "")
                                $submenu.ToolTipText = $_.GetAttribute("Help")
                                $ctrl.ShowItemTooltips = $true
                            $menu.DropDownItems.Add($submenu) | Out-Null

                if($OtherAttributes -ne $null)
                    $col = @()
                    $col += $ctrl

                    foreach($key in $OtherAttributes.Keys)
                            default {
                                try {
                                    $ctrl.$($key) = $OtherAttributes[$key]
                                catch {


                    $ctrl = $col

        "monthcalendar" {
            $ctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.MonthCalendar
            $ctrl.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($global:hpos, $global:vpos)

            if($value -ne $null)
                $ctrl.Text = [DateTime]$value[0]

            if($mode -eq "view")
                $ctrl.Enabled = $false

            if($OtherAttributes -ne $null)
                foreach($key in $OtherAttributes.Keys)
                        "MaxDate" {
                                $ctrl.MaxDate = [System.DateTime]::Today.AddDays([System.Int32]::Parse($OtherAttributes["MaxDate"]))
                                $ctrl.MaxDate = [DateTime]::Parse($OtherAttributes["MaxDate"])

                        "MinDate" {
                                $ctrl.MinDate = [System.DateTime]::Today.AddDays([System.Int32]::Parse($OtherAttributes["MinDate"]))
                                $ctrl.MinDate = [DateTime]::Parse($OtherAttributes["MinDate"])

                        "NoNewLine" {
                            $NoNewLine = $OtherAttributes["NoNewLine"]
                            $global:hpos += $ctrl.Width + 5

                        default {
                            try {
                                $ctrl.$($key) = $OtherAttributes[$key]
                            catch {


                 $global:vpos += 180

        "panel" {
            $ctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Panel
            $ctrl.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($global:hpos, $global:vpos)
            if($size -ne $null -and $size.Count -eq 2)
                 $ctrl.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($size[0], $size[1])
                $ctrl.AutoSize = $true
                $ctrl.AutoSizeMode = [System.Windows.Forms.AutoSizeMode]::GrowOnly
            if($value -ne $null)
                $ctrl.Text = $value[0]
            if($OtherAttributes -ne $null)
                foreach($key in $OtherAttributes.Keys)
                        default {
                            try {
                                $ctrl.$($key) = $OtherAttributes[$key]
                            catch {


        "progressbar" {
            $ctrl= New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBar
            $ctrl.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($global:hpos, $global:vpos)
            if($size -eq $null -or $size[0] -eq 0)       # default 300 pixel if width is not provided
                $ctrl.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($size[0], 20)
            $ctrl.Value = $value[0]
            if($value.count -gt 1)
                $ctrl.Maximum = $value[1]
                $ctrl.Maximum = 100

            if($OtherAttributes -ne $null)
                foreach($key in $OtherAttributes.Keys)
                        "color" {   # "0|Green,50|Yellow,80|Red"
                            $ctrl.Style= [System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBarStyle]::Continuous
                            if($OtherAttributes["Color"].indexOf(",") -eq -1)
                                $ctrl.ForeColor = $OtherAttributes["Color"]
                                $tmp = ($value[0]/$value[1]) * 100
                                $OtherAttributes["Elements"] -split "," | ForEach-Object {
                                    $val = [system.int32]::Parse($arr[0])
                                    if($tmp -ge $val)
                                        $ctrl.ForeColor = $arr[1]

                        "Label" {
                            $col = @()
                            $col += $ctrl
                                $global:hpos += $ctrl.PreferredSize.Width
                                $global:hpos += $ctrl.Width + 5
                            $ctrl = Get-UIControl label ($OtherAttributes["Label"] -f $value[0], $value[1]) 0 "" @{NoNewLine=1}
                            $col += $ctrl
                            $ctrl = $col

                        "Help" {
                            $col = @()
                            $col += $ctrl
                            $lastCtrl = $ctrl | Select-Object -Last 1
                            $global:hpos = $lastCtrl.Left + $lastctrl.PreferredSize.Width + 5
                                $ctrl = Get-UIControl "help" $OtherAttributes["Help"] 0 "" @{NoNewLine=1}
                            $col += $ctrl
                            $ctrl = $col
                            $global:hpos = 22

                        "NoNewLine" {
                            $NoNewLine = $OtherAttributes["NoNewLine"]
                            $global:hpos += $ctrl.Width + 5

                        default {
                            try {
                                $ctrl.$($key) = $OtherAttributes[$key]
                            catch {


                 $global:vpos += 35
                $global:hpos += $ctrl.PreferredSize.Width + 5

        "richtextbox" {
            $ctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox
            #$ctrl.DetectUrls = $true this is default
            $ctrl.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($global:hpos, $global:vpos)
            if($global:hpos -eq 0 -and $global:vpos -eq 0)
                $ctrl.Anchor = [System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles]::Bottom -bor [System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles]::Right -bor
                               [System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles]::Top -bor [System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles]::Left
            if($size -eq $null -or $size[0] -eq 0)       # default 100 pixel if width is not provided
                if($size.Length -gt 1)
                    $ctrl.Multiline = $true
                    $ctrl.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($size[0], $size[1])
                    $global:vpos += $size[1]
                    $ctrl.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($size[0], 30)
            if($value -ne $null)
                if($value[0] -is [string])
                    if ($value[0] -like "?:\*" -and $(Test-Path $value[0]))
                            if($value[0] -like "*.rtf")
                                $ctrl.Loadfile($value[0], [System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBoxStreamType]::PlainText)
                            $ctrl.Text = ("Error loading file '{0}' with message: {1}" -f $value[0], $_.Exception.Message)
                            $ctrl.Rtf = $value[0]
                            $ctrl.Text = $value[0]
                    $ctrl.Text = $value[0] | ConvertTo-json

            if($mode -eq "view")
                $ctrl.ReadOnly = $true

            if($OtherAttributes -ne $null)
                foreach($key in $OtherAttributes.Keys)
                        "ReadOnly" {
                            $ctrl.ReadOnly = $OtherAttributes["ReadOnly"]
                                $ctrl.Backcolor = "gainsboro"
                                $ctrl.Backcolor = ""

                        "File" {
                           if($(test-path $OtherAttributes["File"]))
                                    $ctrl.Text = ("Error loading file '{0}' with message: {1}" -f $OtherAttributes["File"], $_.Exception.Message)
                            else  # .rtf not found
                                if($OtherAttributes["FileNotFound"] -eq $null)
                                    $ctrl.Text = ("File '{0}' Not Found" -f $OtherAttributes["File"])
                                    if($OtherAttributes["FileNotFound"] -eq "PROMPT")
                                        if (Get-UIConfirmation ("Help file '{0}' doesn't exist. Do you want to create a new one?" -f $OtherAttributes["File"]))
                                            New-Item -ItemType File -Path $OtherAttributes["File"] | Out-Null
                                            Invoke-Expression $OtherAttributes["File"]
                                        $ctrl.Text = $OtherAttributes["FileNotFound"]

                        "NoNewLine" {
                            $NoNewLine = $OtherAttributes["NoNewLine"]
                            $global:hpos += $ctrl.Width + 5

                        default {
                            try {
                                $ctrl.$($key) = $OtherAttributes[$key]
                            catch {


                $global:vpos += 20

        "slider" {
            $col = @()
            $ctrl= New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TrackBar
            $global:hpos -= 8
            $ctrl.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($global:hpos, $global:vpos)
            if($size -eq $null -or $size[0] -eq 0)       # default 100 pixel if width is not provided
                $size = 100
            $ctrl.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($($size[0]-30), 20)
            $ctrl.TickStyle = [System.Windows.Forms.TickStyle]::None
                $idx = $this.Parent.Controls.IndexOf($this)+1
                $tmp = [System.Windows.Forms.Label]$this.Parent.Controls[$idx]
                if($tmp -ne $null)
                    $tmp.Text = $this.Value

            if($mode -eq "view")
                $ctrl.Enabled = $false

            if($OtherAttributes -ne $null)
                foreach($key in $OtherAttributes.Keys)
                        "NoNewLine" {
                            $NoNewLine = $OtherAttributes["NoNewLine"]
                            $global:hpos += $ctrl.Width + 5

                        default {
                            try {
                                $ctrl.$($key) = $OtherAttributes[$key]
                            catch {


            if($value -ne $null)
                $ctrl.Value = $value[0]
            $col+= $ctrl

            #$global:hpos += $($size[0]-30)
            $global:hpos += $ctrl.PreferredSize.Width + 5
            $ctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
            $ctrl.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($global:hpos, $global:vpos)
            $ctrl.TabStop = $false
            $ctrl.Text = $col[0].Maximum
            $ctrl.Width = $ctrl.PreferredSize.Width
            $ctrl.Text = $col[0].Value
            $col+= $ctrl

            if($OtherAttributes -ne $null)
                if($OtherAttributes["Help"] -ne $null)
                    $global:hpos += $ctrl.Width + 5
                    $ctrl = Get-UIControl "help" $OtherAttributes["Help"] 0 "" @{NoNewLine=1}
                    $col += $ctrl
                    $global:hpos = 22
                elseif($OtherAttributes["NoNewLine"] -ne $null)
                    $NoNewLine = $OtherAttributes["NoNewLine"]
                    $global:hpos += $ctrl.Width + 5
            $ctrl = $col

                $tmp = $ctrl | Select-Object -first 1
                    $global:vpos += $tmp.Height

        "tabcontrol" {
            $ctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TabControl
            $ctrl.Multiline = $true
            if($size[0] -eq 0)
                if($global:vpos -eq 10 -and $global:hpos -eq 22)
                    $ctrl.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(5,5)
                $ctrl.Dock = [System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle]::Fill
                $ctrl.Width = $size[0]
            if($size.Length -gt 1)
                $ctrl.Height = $size[1]

            $arrPageColor = $null
            $arrPageBackColor = $null
            if($OtherAttributes -ne $null)
                foreach($key in $OtherAttributes.Keys)
                        "PageColor" {
                            $arrPageColor = $OtherAttributes["Pagecolor"] -split ","

                        "PageBackcolor" {
                            $arrPageBackColor = $OtherAttributes["PageBackcolor"] -split ","

                        "Wizard" {
                            $ctrl.Tag = 0
                                if($this.SelectedIndex -gt $this.tag)
                                    # prevent moving forward by simply clicking tab. need code to set tag first in order to advance the tab
                                    $this.SelectedIndex = $this.tag
                                    # Clear errors on the current tab
                                    $errorProvider = $this.FindForm().tag
                                    if($errorProvider -ne $null)
                                        ForEach($ctrl in $this.TabPages[$this.SelectedIndex].Controls)

                                    $btnNext = $this.FindForm().Controls.Find("btnNext", $true)[0]
                                    if($btnNext -ne $null)
                                        if($this.SelectedIndex -eq $($this.TabPages.Count-1))
                                            $btnNext.Text = "Finish"
                                            $btnNext.Text = "Next"

                        "IconElements" {
                            $sctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ImageList
                            $sctrl.ImageSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(24, 24);
                            $ctrl.ImageList = $sctrl

                            $OtherAttributes["IconElements"] -split "," | ForEach-Object {
                                $item = Get-ImageFromFile $_

                        "Help" {
                            $arrHelp = $OtherAttributes["Help"] -split ","

                        "NoNewLine" {
                            $NoNewLine = $OtherAttributes["NoNewLine"]

                        default {
                            try {
                                $ctrl.$($key) = $OtherAttributes[$key]
                            catch {



            $value | ForEach-Object {
                $tabPage = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TabPage
                if($arrPageColor -ne $null)
                    if($arrPageColor.Count -gt $i)
                        $tabPage.ForeColor = $arrPageColor[$i]
                        $tabPage.ForeColor = $arrPageColor[0]

                if($arrPageBackColor -ne $null)
                    if($arrPageBackColor.Count -gt $i)
                        $tabPage.BackColor = $arrPageBackColor[$i]
                        $tabPage.BackColor = $arrPageBackColor[0]

                if($arrHelp -ne $null)
                    $ctrl.ShowToolTips = $true
                    if($arrHelp.Count -gt $i)
                        $tabPage.TooltipText= $arrHelp[$i]
                        $tabPage.TooltipText = $arrHelp[0]

                $tabPage.Text = $_
                $tabPage.Name = $_
                $tabPage.ImageIndex = $i
                $tabPage.AutoScroll = $true
                #$tabPage.Padding = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Padding(25)

        "tablelayoutpanel" {
            $ctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TableLayoutPanel
            $ctrl.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($global:hpos, $global:vpos)
            if($size -ne $null -and $size.Count -eq 2)
                 $ctrl.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($size[0], $size[1])
                $ctrl.AutoSize = $true
                $ctrl.AutoSizeMode = [System.Windows.Forms.AutoSizeMode]::GrowOnly
            if($value -ne $null)
                $arrStyles = $value -split ","   # rowstyle,columstyle

                $i = 0
                foreach($arrStyle in $arrStyles)
                        if($i -eq 0)
                            $ctrl.RowCount = $arrStyle
                            $ctrl.ColumnCount = $arrStyle
                        $styles = $arrStyles[0] -split "|"
                        foreach($style in $styles)
                            if($i -eq 0)
                                $tmp = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.RowStyle
                                $tmp = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ColumnStyle

                                $tmp.SizeType = [System.Windows.Forms.SizeType]::Absolute
                            elseif($style.indexOf("%") -ne -1)
                                $tmp.SizeType = [System.Windows.Forms.SizeType]::Percent
                                $tmp.SizeType = [System.Windows.Forms.SizeType]::AutoSize



            if($OtherAttributes -ne $null)
                # margin: 4,4,4,4
                foreach($key in $OtherAttributes.Keys)
                        default {
                            try {
                                $ctrl.$($key) = $OtherAttributes[$key]
                            catch {


        "textbox" {
            $ctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
            #$ctr.ShowFocusCues = $true
            $ctrl.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($global:hpos, $global:vpos)
            if($size -eq $null -or $size[0] -eq 0)       # default 100 pixel if width is not provided
                # Right alignment
                if($size[0] -lt 0)
                    $ctrl.TextAlign = "Right"
                    $size[0] = -1 * $size[0]

                if($size.Length -gt 1)
                    $ctrl.Multiline = $true
                    $ctrl.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($size[0], $size[1])
                    $ctrl.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($size[0], 30)
            if($value -ne $null)
                $ctrl.Text = $value[0]
            if($mode -eq "view")
                $ctrl.Enabled = $false

            if($OtherAttributes -ne $null)
                $col = @()
                $col += $ctrl

                foreach($key in $OtherAttributes.Keys)
                        "Copy" {
                                if($size.Length -gt 1)
                                    $global:hpos += $ctrl.Width + 5
                                    $global:hpos += $ctrl.PreferredSize.Width + 5
                                $global:vpos = $
                                $col += $(Get-CopyButton)

                        "DatePicker" {
                            $global:hpos += $ctrl.Width + 5
                            $tmpID = "$($global:hpos.ToString())$($global:vpos.ToString())"

                            $sctrl = Get-UIControl Image $null 0 "" @{Name="cal$tmpID";IconElements="cal.png";NoNewLine=1}
                                # Show MonthCalendar
                                $id = "mcp$($this.Name.Substring(3))"
                                $mcp = $this.Parent.Controls.Find($id,$false)[0]
                                $mcp.Visible = !$mcp.Visible
                                    $idx = $this.Parent.Controls.IndexOf($this)
                                    $tmp = [System.Windows.Forms.TextBox]$this.Parent.Controls[$($idx-1)]
                                    $selectedDate = $mcp.SelectionStart
                                    if([DateTime]::TryParse($tmp.Text, [ref]$selectedDate))
                                        $mcp.SelectionStart = $selectedDate
                                        $mcp.SelectionEnd = $selectedDate
                                    $this.Parent.Controls.SetChildIndex($mcp, 0)
                            $col += $sctrl

                            $oldhpos = $global:hpos
                            $oldvpos = $global:vpos

                            if($OtherAttributes["DatePicker"] -eq "0")
                                $global:hpos -= 180
                                $global:vpos -= 159
                            elseif($OtherAttributes["DatePicker"] -eq "-1")
                                $global:hpos = $ctrl.Left
                                $global:vpos += $sctrl.Height
                                $global:hpos -= $sctrl.Width
                                $global:vpos += $sctrl.Height

                            $sctrl = Get-UIControl MonthCalendar $null 0 "" @{Name="mcp$tmpID";Visible=0}
                            $sctrl.BackColor = "gainsboro"
                                $id = "cal$($this.Name.Substring(3))"
                                $imgCal = $this.Parent.Controls.Find($id,$false)[0]
                                $idx = $this.Parent.Controls.IndexOf($imgCal)
                                $tmp = [System.Windows.Forms.TextBox]$this.Parent.Controls[$($idx-1)]
                                $tmp.Text = $_.Start.ToShortDateString()
                                $this.Visible = $false
                            $col += $sctrl

                            $global:hpos = $oldhpos
                            $global:vpos = $oldvpos

                        "Help" {
                            $lastCtrl = $col | Select-Object -Last 1
                            $global:hpos = $lastCtrl.Left + $lastctrl.Width + 5   #it was using PreferredSize.Width
                            $sctrl = Get-UIControl "help" $OtherAttributes["Help"] 0 "" @{NoNewLine=1}
                            $col += $sctrl
                            $global:hpos = 22

                        "Multiline" {
                            $ctrl.AcceptsReturn = $true
                            $ctrl.Multiline = $true

                        "OpenPicker" {
                            $global:hpos += $ctrl.Width + 5
                            $sctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
                            $sctrl.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($global:hpos, $global:vpos)
                            $sctrl.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(20, 20)
                            $sctrl.Tag = $OtherAttributes["OpenPicker"]
                            $sctrl.Text = "..."
                                $arr = $this.tag -split ","
                                $idx = $this.Parent.Controls.IndexOf($this)-1
                                $tmp = [System.Windows.Forms.TextBox]$this.Parent.Controls[$idx]
                                if($tmp.Text -ne "")
                                    $fdr = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($tmp.Text)
                                    if($(Test-Path $fdr -PathType Container))
                                        $arr[2] = $fdr

                                $inFile = Get-UIFileOpenDialog $arr[2] $arr[1] $arr[0]   #InitialDir, $Filter, Title
                                if(-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($inFile))
                                    $tmp.Text = $inFile
                            $col += $sctrl

                        "Number" {
                                if (($_.KeyChar -eq 8) -or ($_.KeyChar -ge 48 -and $_.KeyChar -le 57)) {return}
                                if (($_.KeyChar -eq 46) -and $this.Text.IndexOf(".") -eq -1) {return}
                                $_.Handled = $true;

                        "Password" {
                            $ctrl.PasswordChar = "*"

                        "ReadOnly" {
                            $ctrl.ReadOnly = $OtherAttributes["ReadOnly"]
                                $ctrl.Backcolor = "gainsboro"
                                $ctrl.Backcolor = ""

                        "SavePicker" {
                            $ctrl.Enabled = $false

                            $sctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
                            $sctrl.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($($global:hpos+$size[0]), $global:vpos)
                            $sctrl.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(20, 20)
                            $sctrl.Tag = $OtherAttributes["SavePicker"]
                            $sctrl.Text = "..."
                                $arr = $this.tag -split ","
                                $inFile = Get-UIFileSaveDialog $arr[3] $arr[1] $arr[2] $arr[0]   #InitialDir, $InitialFileName $Filter, Title

                                if(-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($inFile))
                                    $idx = $this.Parent.Controls.IndexOf($this)-1
                                    $tmp = [System.Windows.Forms.TextBox]$this.Parent.Controls[$idx]
                                    $tmp.Text = $inFile
                            $col += $sctrl

                        "FolderPicker" {
                            $ctrl.Enabled = $false

                            $sctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
                            $sctrl.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($($global:hpos+$size[0]), $global:vpos)
                            $sctrl.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(20, 20)
                            $sctrl.Tag = $OtherAttributes["FolderPicker"]
                            $sctrl.Text = "..."
                                $arr = $this.tag -split ","
                                $inFolder = Get-UIFolderSaveDialog "$($arr[0])" "$($arr[1])" "$($arr[2])" #InitialDir, $InitialFileName, DisableCreateNew

                                if(-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($inFolder))
                                    $idx = $this.Parent.Controls.IndexOf($this)-1
                                    $tmp = [System.Windows.Forms.TextBox]$this.Parent.Controls[$idx]
                                    $tmp.Text = $inFolder
                            $col += $sctrl

                        default {
                            try {
                                $ctrl.$($key) = $OtherAttributes[$key]
                            catch {


                        "NoNewLine" {
                            $NoNewLine = $OtherAttributes["NoNewLine"]
                            $lastCtrl = $col | Select-Object -Last 1
                            $global:hpos += $lastctrl.Width + 5

                if($OtherAttributes["Required"] -ne $null -or $OtherAttributes["ValidateString"] -ne $null -or `
                  ($OtherAttributes["Number"] -ne $null -and ($OtherAttributes["Max"] -ne $null -or $OtherAttributes["Min"] -ne $null)))
                    if($OtherAttributes["Number"] -ne $null)
                        if($OtherAttributes["Max"] -ne $null)
                            $ctrl.tag += "Max={0};" -f $OtherAttributes["Max"]
                        if($OtherAttributes["Min"] -ne $null)
                            $ctrl.tag += "Min={0};" -f $OtherAttributes["Min"]

                    if($OtherAttributes["Required"] -ne $null)
                        $ctrl.tag += "Required=1;"

                    if($OtherAttributes["ValidateString"] -ne $null)
                        $ctrl.tag += "ValidateString={0};" -f $OtherAttributes["ValidateString"]

                        if(!$this.Enabled -or !$this.Visible)
                            $this.FindForm().Tag.SetError($this, "")

                        $strReq = Get-Instr $this.tag "Required=" ";"
                        if(![System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($strReq) -and [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.Text))
                            $this.FindForm().Tag.SetError($this, "Required field");
                            $_.Cancel = $true
                            $strValid = Get-Instr $this.tag "ValidateString=" ";"
                            if(![System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($strValid) -and $this.Text -ne $strValid)
                                $this.FindForm().Tag.SetError($this, "Type exact string '$strValid' in order to continue")
                                $_.Cancel = $true
                                $tmp = Get-Instr $this.tag "Max=" ";"
                                    $intMax = [decimal]$tmp
                                    if([decimal]$this.Text -gt $intMax)
                                        $this.FindForm().Tag.SetError($this, "It can't be greater than $intMax")
                                        $_.Cancel = $true

                                $tmp = Get-Instr $this.tag "Min=" ";"
                                    $intMin = [decimal]$tmp
                                    if([decimal]$this.Text -lt $intMin)
                                        $this.FindForm().Tag.SetError($this, "It can't be less than $intMin")
                                        $_.Cancel = $true
                            $this.FindForm().Tag.SetError($this, "")

                $ctrl = $col

                $tmp = $ctrl | Select-Object -first 1
                if(!$NoNewLine -and $tmp.Visible)
                    $global:vpos += $tmp.Height + 15

        "treeview" {
            $ctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TreeView
            $ctrl.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($size[0], $size[1])
            if($mode -eq "view")
                $ctrl.Enabled = $false

            if($OtherAttributes -ne $null)
                foreach($key in $OtherAttributes.Keys)
                        default {
                            try {
                                $ctrl.$($key) = $OtherAttributes[$key]
                            catch {


            if($value -ne $null)
                if($value[0].GetType().Name -eq "hashtable")
                    $tmp = ""
                    $value[0].Keys | ForEach-Object {
                        if($_ -ne $tmp)
                            $saNode = Add-Node $ctrl $_ "" "0"
                            $tmp = $_

                        if($value[0][$_] -ne $null)
                            Add-Node $saNode $value[0][$_] "" "1" | Out-Null
                    $value | ForEach-Object {
                        Add-Node $ctrl $_ "" "0" | Out-Null
            $global:vpos += $size[1]

        "updown" {
            $ctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.DomainUpDown
            $ctrl.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($global:hpos, $global:vpos)
            if($size -eq $null -or $size[0] -eq 0)       # default 100 pixel if width is not provided
                if($size.Length -gt 1)
                    $ctrl.Multiline = $true
                    $ctrl.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($size[0], $size[1])
                    $ctrl.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($size[0], 30)
            $ctrl.ReadOnly = $true

            if($mode -eq "view")
                $ctrl.Enabled = $false

            if($OtherAttributes -ne $null)
                $col = @()
                $col += $ctrl

                foreach($key in $OtherAttributes.Keys)
                        "Elements" {
                            $colText = $OtherAttributes["Elements"] -split ","
                            $colText | ForEach-Object {
                                if($_.indexOf("-") -eq -1)
                                    $arr = $_.split("-")
                                    for($i=[int]$arr[0];$i -le [int]$arr[1];$i++)

                        "Help" {
                                    $global:hpos += $ctrl.PreferredSize.Width
                                    $global:hpos += $size[0] + 5
                                $sctrl = Get-UIControl "help" $OtherAttributes["Help"] 0 "" @{NoNewLine=1}
                                $col += $sctrl

                        "NoNewLine" {
                            $NoNewLine = $OtherAttributes["NoNewLine"]
                            $global:hpos += $ctrl.Width + 5

                        default {
                            try {
                                $ctrl.$($key) = $OtherAttributes[$key]
                            catch {


                $ctrl = $col

            if($value.count -gt 0)
                if(-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($value[0]))
                    $tmp = $ctrl | Select-Object -First 1
                    $tmp.SelectedIndex = $ctrl.Items.IndexOf("$($value[0])")

                $tmp = $ctrl | Select-Object -First 1
                    $global:vpos += $allHeight + 35

        "radiobutton" {
            if($OtherAttributes["Text"] -ne $null)
                $col = @()

                $ctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Panel
                $ctrl.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($global:hpos, $global:vpos)
                $ctrl.AutoSizeMode = [System.Windows.Forms.AutoSizeMode]::GrowAndShrink
                $ctrl.AutoSize = $true

                if($OtherAttributes["Tooltip"] -ne $null)
                    $arrRBTooltips = $OtherAttributes["Tooltip"] -split ","

                $colText = $OtherAttributes["Text"] -split ","
                $i = 1
                $hpos = 0
                $vpos = 0
                ForEach($tmp in $colText)
                    if($tmp -eq "")
                        $hpos += 20
                        $blnEventAdded = $false
                        if($tmp.indexOf("|") -ne -1)
                            $arr = $tmp.Split("|")
                            $itemval = $arr[0]
                            $itemtxt = $arr[1]
                            $itemval = $tmp
                            $itemtxt = $tmp

                        $sctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton
                        $sctrl.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($hpos, $vpos)
                        $sctrl.AutoSize = $true
                        if($OtherAttributes["NormalAppearance"] -eq $null)
                            $sctrl.Appearance = [System.Windows.Forms.Appearance]::Button
                            $sctrl.FlatStyle = [System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle]::Flat
                        $sctrl.Text = $itemtxt
                        $sctrl.Name = $itemval    # tag is used for child toggling

                        if($value.Count -gt 0)
                            if($value[0].GetType().Name -eq "Boolean")
                                if($OtherAttributes["NormalAppearance"] -eq $null)
                                    if(($itemval -eq "On" -or $itemval -eq "Yes" -or $itemval -eq "true" -or $itemval -eq 1) -and $value[0])
                                        $sctrl.checked = $true
                                        $ctrl.Tag= $itemval
                                    elseif(($itemval -eq "Off" -or $itemval -eq "No" -or $itemval -eq "false" -or $itemval -eq 0) -and -not $value[0])
                                        $sctrl.checked = $true
                                        $ctrl.Tag = $itemval
                                if($OtherAttributes["Opposite"] -ne $null)
                                    $sctrl.Checked = !$sctrl.Checked
                            elseif($itemval -eq $value[0])
                                $sctrl.checked = $true
                                $ctrl.Tag= $itemval
                        elseif($_ -eq $colText[0])
                            #Preset the first selection to parent's tag if no value is provided
                            $ctrl.Tag = $colText[0]

                        if($mode -eq "view")
                            $sctrl.Enabled = $false

                        $vert = $false
                        if($OtherAttributes -ne $null)
                            if($OtherAttributes["Name"] -ne $null)
                                $ctrl.Name = $OtherAttributes["Name"]
                            if($OtherAttributes["Vertical"] -ne $null)
                                $vert = $true

                        if(-not $blnEventAdded)
                                    $this.parent.tag = $this.Name

                        if($arrRBTooltips -ne $null -and $arrRBTooltips[$i-1] -ne "")
                            Set-UIToolTip $sctrl $arrRBTooltips[$i-1]

                        #$col+= $sctrl
                            $vpos += 20
                            $hpos += $sctrl.PreferredSize.Width
                if($vpos -gt 0)
                    $global:vpos += $vpos - 35
                #$ctrl = $col
            else    # single selection? usually the Text is specified
                $ctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton
                $ctrl.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($global:hpos, $global:vpos)
                $ctrl.AutoSize = $true
                if($OtherAttributes["NormalAppearance"] -eq $null)
                    $ctrl.Appearance = [System.Windows.Forms.Appearance]::Button
                    $ctrl.FlatStyle = [System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle]::Flat
                if($value -ne $null)
                    $ctrl.Text = $value[0]
                if($mode -eq "view")
                    $ctrl.Enabled = $false

            if($OtherAttributes["Help"] -ne $null)
                $col = @()
                $col += $ctrl
                $lastCtrl = $ctrl | Select-Object -Last 1
                $global:hpos = $lastCtrl.Left + $lastctrl.PreferredSize.Width + 5
                    $ctrl = Get-UIControl "help" $OtherAttributes["Help"] 0 "" @{NoNewLine=1}
                $col += $ctrl
                $ctrl = $col
                $global:hpos = 22
            elseif($OtherAttributes["NoNewLine"] -ne $null)
                $NoNewLine = $OtherAttributes["NoNewLine"]
                $global:hpos += $ctrl.PreferredSize.Width + 5

                 $global:vpos += 40

            If($OtherAttributes -ne $null -and $OtherAttributes["ToggleChildDisplay"] -ne $null)
                if($OtherAttributes["ToggleChildDisplay"].Count -gt 1)
                    $arrTmp = $OtherAttributes["ToggleChildDisplay"]
                    $tmp = $OtherAttributes["ToggleChildDisplay"].ToString()
                    if($tmp.indexOf(",") -eq -1)
                        $tmp = "800,$tmp"
                    $arrTmp = $tmp -split ","
                [array]$arrSize = foreach($tmp in $arrTmp) {([int]::parse($tmp))}

                $col = @()
                $col += $ctrl
                $tmp = $ctrl | Select-Object -first 1
                $tmp.Controls | ForEach-Object {
                        if($this.checked) {$this.parent.tag = $this.Name}

                        $iSelected = $this.Parent.Controls.IndexOf($this)
                        $idx = $this.Parent.Parent.Controls.IndexOf($this.Parent)

                        # if it has help control
                        if($this.Parent.Controls[$($idx+1)] -is [System.Windows.Forms.Label])
                            $idx += 1

                        $this.Parent.Parent.Controls[$($idx+$iSelected+1)].Visible = $this.Checked

                $tmp.Controls | ForEach-Object {
                    $blnVisible = $_.Checked
                    $global:hpos = 0
                    $tmp = Get-UIControl panel "ChildPanel$i" $arrSize "" @{Visible=$blnVisible}
                    $col += $tmp
                $ctrl = $col

                $global:vpos += [int]$arrSize[1]

        default {
            Write-Warning "$($myInvocation.MyCommand.Name): Unknown control type '$ControlType'"

    # reset hpos
    if($ControlType -ne "caption")
              $global:hpos = 22

    return $ctrl

        Set control's tooltip
    .PARAMETER StrToolTip
        Tooltip text
        Show tooltip right away

Function Set-UITooltip

    $ToolTip = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip
    $ToolTip.BackColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::LightGoldenrodYellow
    $ToolTip.IsBalloon = $true
    $ToolTip.InitialDelay = 500
    $ToolTip.ReshowDelay = 500
    $ToolTip.SetToolTip($Control, $StrTooltip)

        $ToolTip.Show($StrTooltip, $Control, 1500)

Function GroupListView

    $col = $lv.Columns | ? {$_.Text -eq $GrpFld } | Select -first 1
    if($col -eq $null) {return}

    $lv.Items | % {
        $flag = $true
        $strGroupName = $_.subItems[$($col.Index)].Text
        $lvg = $lv.Groups | ? {$_.Name -eq $strGroupName}
        if($lvg -ne $null)
            $_.Group = $lvg
            $flag = $false

            $lstGrp = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ListViewGroup -ArgumentList $strGroupName, $strGroupName
            $lv.Groups.Add($lstGrp) | Out-Null
            $_.Group = $lstGrp
        $flag = $true
    $lv.columns[$($col.Index)].Width = 0
    return $true

Function Add-ChartPoints

    $series = $ctrl.Series.Add("Series0")
    $series.IsValueShownAsLabel = $true

    if($DisplayMember -Match ",")
        $arrDisplayMember = $DisplayMember -split ","

    if($LabelMember -Match ",")
        $arrLabelMember = $LabelMember -split ","

    if($data[0].GetType().Name -eq "hashtable")
        $i = 0
        $data[0].Keys | % {
            $series.Points.Addxy($_, $data[0][$_])

            if($LegendMember -ne "")
                if($LegendMember -eq "DisplayMember")
                    $ctrl.Legend.Add($_) | Out-Null
    elseif($(IsNumeric $data[0]))
        for($i=0;$i -lt $data.length;$i++)
            if($DisplayMember -ne $null)
                $arrDisplayMember = $DisplayMember -split ","
                $series.points.addxy($arrDisplayMember[$i], $data[$i]) | Out-Null
                $series.points.add($data[$i]) | Out-Null

            # Legend
            if($LegendMember -ne "")
                if($LegendMember -eq "DisplayMember")
                    $ctrl.Legends.Add($_) | Out-Null
    elseif($data[0].GetType().Name -eq "PSCustomObject")
        for($i=0;$i -lt $data.length;$i++)
            if($null -ne $ValueMember)
                if($null -ne $DisplayMember)
                    if($arrDisplayMember.Length -gt 1)
                        $series.points.addxy($arrDisplayMember[$i], $data[$i].$ValueMember) | Out-Null
                        $series.points.addxy($data[$i].$DisplayMember, $data[$i].$ValueMember) | Out-Null
                    $series.points.add($data[$i]) | Out-Null

                # Annotation
                if($AnnotationMember -ne $null -or $i -lt $arrAnotation.length)
                    $ann = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.TextAnnotation

                    if($arrAnnotation.Length -gt 1)
                        $ann.Text = $arrAnnotation[$i]
                        $ann.Text = $data[$i].$AnnotationMember

                    $ann.AnchorDataPoint = $series.points[$series.points.Count-1]
                    $ann.Visible = $true

                    $ctrl.Annotations.Add($ann) | Out-Null

Function Format-SizeWithUnit

    if($value -ge 1GB) {$size="GB"; $value = ($value/ 1GB)}
    ElseIf ($value -ge 1MB) {$size="MB"; $value = ($value/1MB)}
    ElseIf ($value -ge 1KB) {$size="KB"; $value = ($value/1KB)}
    Else {$size="Bytes"}
    $strFormat = $strFormat.Replace("[SIZE]",$size)

    return $([string]::Format($strFormat, $value))