
function Install-RemoteMSI {

    Param (
        $MSIParameters = "/qn",

    ## Setup Variables
    $root = (get-item $path).directoryName

    ## Setup Scriptblock for remote MSI install
    $scriptblock = {
        $root = $using:root
        $path = $using:path

        ## Mount network drive using creds
        Write-Host "[ $env:COMPUTERNAME ] - Connecting to $root" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        New-PSDrive -Name WinOpsINSTALL -PSProvider FileSystem -Root $root -Credential $using:Credential

        ## Determine installer file
        Write-Host "[ $env:COMPUTERNAME ] - Installing MSI path:: $($path)" -ForegroundColor Yellow

        try {
            Write-Host "[ $env:COMPUTERNAME ] - Installing $type parameters:: $($using:MSIParameters)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
            $msiargs = "/i " + $path + " " + $using:MSIParameters
            if ($using:MSILogging) {
                if (!(Test-Path -path C:\temp\)){
                    New-Item -Path C:\ -Name Temp -ItemType Directory -Force
                $msiargs = $msiargs + " /l*v C:\temp\msi.log"
                Write-Host "[ $env:COMPUTERNAME ] - Logging MSI Install to C:\temp\msi.log" -ForegroundColor Yellow
            Write-Host "[ $env:COMPUTERNAME ] - Executing:: msiexec.exe $msiargs" -ForegroundColor Yellow
            $exit = (Start-Process msiexec.exe -ArgumentList $msiargs -Wait -ErrorAction Stop -PassThru).ExitCode
            if ($exit -eq 0){
                Write-Host "[ $env:COMPUTERNAME ] - INSTALL Executed EXIT Code :: $exit" -ForegroundColor Green
            else {
                Write-Host "[ $env:COMPUTERNAME ] - Error Installing EXIT CODE :: $exit" -ForegroundColor RED
        catch {
            Write-Error "[ $env:COMPUTERNAME ] - FAILED MSI Install"

    }#end ScriptBlock

    #Execute Scriptblock on Computername(s) with set parameters.
    $params = @{
        ScriptBlock = $scriptblock
    if ($ComputerName){
        $params['ComputerName'] = $ComputerName
    if ($Credential){
        $params['Credential'] = $Credential
    Invoke-Command @params
