
function Get-WSManTrustedHost {
Fetches the current Trusted Hosts List

    return [String[]]((get-item wsman:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts).value -split ',')

function Test-WSManTrustedHost ([String]$Name,[Switch]$Force) {
Tests if the specified trusted host entry is already part of the trusted hosts list

    [String[]]$existingWSManTrustedHosts = Get-WSManTrustedHost
    if ($existingWSManTrustedHosts -eq '*' -and -not $Force) {
        write-verbose "Trusted Hosts is currently set to all hosts ('*') but a named host $Name was specified. Please specify -Force to OVERWRITE the all hosts wildcard if that is your intention"
        return $true
    if ($Name -in $existingWSManTrustedHosts) {
        return $true

    #If we got this far, fail the test by default
    return $false

function Set-WSManTrustedHost ([String[]]$Name) {
Overwrites whatever the existing Trusted Host Setting is with a new value

    set-item wsman:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value ($Name -join ',')

function Add-WSManTrustedHost ([String]$Name, [Switch]$Force) {
Adds a host to the existing Trusted hosts setting, respecting if a wildcard has been set.

    if (Test-WSManTrustedHost $Name) {
        write-verbose "$Name already exists in Trusted Hosts list. Skipping..."

    [String[]]$existingWSManTrustedHosts = Get-WSManTrustedHost
    if ($existingWSManTrustedHosts -eq '*' -and -not $Force) {
        write-warning "Trusted Hosts is already set to all hosts ('*'). Skipping the add of $Name unless you specify -Force which will OVERWRITE the all hosts wildcard"
    #If a wildcard was specified, it must override everything else. Otherwise, append
    if ($Name -eq '*' -or $Force) {
        Set-WSManTrustedHost $Name

    #Process normal append if none of the specialty cases above apply
    Set-WSManTrustedHost ($existingWSManTrustedHosts + $Name)

class WSManTrustedHost {
    #Trusted Host to add. You can comma separate this.

    #Overwrite any existing settings. This can clear a wildcard if already specified

    # Tests if the resource is in the desired state.
    [bool] Test() {
        return (Test-WSManTrustedHost -Name $ -Force:$this.force)
    # Sets the desired state of the resource.
    [void] Set() {
        if ($this.Test()) {throw "Set was requested but Test passed. This should not happen."}

        Add-WSManTrustedHost -Name $this.Name -Force:$this.force

    # Gets the resource's current state.
    [WSManTrustedHost] Get() {
        $ = Get-WSManTrustedHost -join ','
        return $this