
    Calculates a checksum of a remote file.
    Use IANA Algorithm to retrive the checksum of a remote file.
    A valid open WinSCP.Session, returned from Open-WinSCPSession.
.PARAMETER Algorithm
    A name of a checksum algorithm to use. Use IANA name of algorithm or use a name of any proprietary algorithm the server supports (with SFTP protocol only). Commonly supported algorithms are sha-1 and md5.
     A full path to a remote file to calculate a checksum for.
    PS C:\> Get-WinSCPFileChecksum -Algorithm 'sha-1' -Path './rDir/file.txt

Function Get-WinSCPFileChecksum

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
                   ValueFromPipeLine = $true)]
        [ValidateScript({ if($_.Open){ return $true }else{ throw 'The WinSCP Session is not in an Open state.' } })]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $sessionValueFromPipeLine = $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('WinSCPSession')

            return ($WinSCPSession.CalculateFileChecksum($Algorithm, $Path))
        catch [System.Exception]
            throw $_
        if (-not ($sessionValueFromPipeLine))
            Close-WinSCPSession -WinSCPSession $WinSCPSession