
    .SYNOPSIS Get state of the resource
        Get-TargetResource -IsSingleInstance Yes

function Get-TargetResource
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    if (!(PlatformSupported))
        Throw  "This OS version is not supported. Windows Defender DSC supports Windows 10/Windows Server 2016 and higher versions"

    $Preferences = Get-MpPreference

    $ExcludeName = 'PSComputerName','ComputerID'
    $PreferenceNames = $Preferences | Get-Member -MemberType Property | ? {$_.Name -notin $ExcludeName} | % Name

    #Initialize Hashtable
    $ReturnHash = @()

    foreach ($PreferenceName in $PreferenceNames)
        if($null -eq $Preferences.$PreferenceName)
            $value = $null
            $value = switch ($PreferenceName) 
                    {Convert-Text -Val $Preferences.$PreferenceName -Type 'ScanDirection'}
                {$_ -in 'RemediationScheduleDay','ScanScheduleDay','SignatureScheduleDay'} 
                    {Convert-Text -Val $Preferences.$PreferenceName -Type 'ScheduleDay'}
                    {Convert-Text -Val $Preferences.$PreferenceName -Type 'ScanParameters'}
                    {Convert-Text -Val $Preferences.$PreferenceName -Type 'MAPSReporting'}
                    {Convert-Text -Val $Preferences.$PreferenceName -Type 'SubmitSamplesConsent'}
                {$_ -in 'UnknownThreatDefaultAction','LowThreatDefaultAction','ModerateThreatDefaultAction','HighThreatDefaultAction','SevereThreatDefaultAction'} 
                    {Convert-Text -Val $Preferences.$PreferenceName -Type 'ThreatAction'}
                {$_ -in '$EnableNetworkProtection','$EnableGuardMyFolders'}
                    {Convert-Text -Val $Preferences.$PreferenceName -Type 'ASRRuleAction'}
                    {Convert-Text -Val $Preferences.$PreferenceName -Type 'CloudBlockLevel'}
                {$_ -in 'ThreatIDDefaultAction_Actions'}
                    {Convert-TextForArray -Val $Preferences.$PreferenceName -Type 'ThreatIDDefaultAction_Actions'}
                {$_ -in 'AttackSurfaceReductionRules_Actions'}
                    {Convert-TextForArray -Val $Preferences.$PreferenceName -Type 'AttackSurfaceReductionRules_Actions'}

       $ReturnHash += @{$PreferenceName = $value}
    Write-Verbose "Get-TargetResource successfully completed"


    .SYNOPSIS Set state of the resource
        Set-TargetResource -IsSingleInstance yes -DisableRealtimeMonitoring $false

function Set-TargetResource
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]































































    if (!(PlatformSupported))
        Throw  "This OS version is not supported. Windows Defender DSC supports Windows 10/Windows Server 2016 and higher versions"

    $Params = $PSBoundParameters
    $output = $Params.Remove('Debug')
    $output = $Params.Remove('Verbose')

    If($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Params.Keys,"Update windows defender configuration"))
            When new array type configs are added/updated we want to make sure that old values are removed.

        CleanExistingConfigValue $Params
        $output = $Params.Remove('IsSingleInstance')
            Change Windows defender configuration.

        Set-MpPreference @Params
        Write-Verbose "Windows defender configuration successfully updated"

    .SYNOPSIS Test state of the resource
        Test-TargetResource -IsSingleInstance Yes -DisableRealtimeMonitoring $false -Verbose

function Test-TargetResource
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]































































    if (!(PlatformSupported))
        Throw  "This OS version is not supported. Windows Defender DSC supports Windows 10/Windows Server 2016 and higher versions"

    $Params = $PSBoundParameters
    $Get = Get-TargetResource -IsSingleInstance $Params.IsSingleInstance

    $Output = $Params.Remove('Debug')
    $Output = $Params.Remove('Verbose')
    $Output = $Params.Remove('IsSingleInstance')

    $Keys = $Get.Keys | ? {$_ -in $Params.Keys}

    $Return = $True
    foreach ($Key in $Keys) 
        $InputExclusions = $Params.$key
        $CurrentExclusions = $Get.$key

            For array types we need to compare complete array.

        if (IsArrayTypeKey($Key))
            if(($null -ne $CurrentExclusions) -and ($null -ne $InputExclusions))
                $Difference = (Compare-Object $CurrentExclusions $InputExclusions).InputObject

                    $Return = $False
                    Write-Verbose "$Key : Input value '$InputExclusions' doesn't match with current value '$CurrentExclusions'"
            elseif(($null -eq $CurrentExclusions) -and ($null -eq $InputExclusions))
                $Return = $True
                Write-Verbose "$Key : Both input value and current values are 'null'"
                $Return = $False
                Write-Verbose "$Key : Either input value or current value is 'null'"
        elseif ($InputExclusions -ne $CurrentExclusions)
            $Return = $False
            Write-Verbose "$Key : Input value '$InputExclusions' doesn't match with current value '$CurrentExclusions'"


Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource

# Helper Functions

function CleanExistingConfigValue
    param ([parameter(Mandatory=$true)][System.Collections.Hashtable] $Params)

    $Get = Get-TargetResource -IsSingleInstance $Params.IsSingleInstance

    if ($Params.ContainsKey('ExclusionPath') -and ($Get.ExclusionPath))
        remove-mppreference -ExclusionPath $Get.ExclusionPath
    if ($Params.ContainsKey('ExclusionProcess') -and ($Get.ExclusionProcess))
        remove-mppreference -ExclusionProcess $Get.ExclusionProcess
    if ($Params.ContainsKey('ExclusionExtension') -and ($Get.ExclusionExtension))
        remove-mppreference -ExclusionExtension $Get.ExclusionExtension
    if ($Params.ContainsKey('ThreatIDDefaultAction_Ids') -and ($Get.ThreatIDDefaultAction_Ids))
        remove-mppreference -ThreatIDDefaultAction_Ids $Get.ThreatIDDefaultAction_Ids
    if ($Params.ContainsKey('AttackSurfaceReductionOnlyExclusions') -and ($Get.AttackSurfaceReductionOnlyExclusions))
        remove-mppreference -AttackSurfaceReductionOnlyExclusions $Get.AttackSurfaceReductionOnlyExclusions
    if ($Params.ContainsKey('GuardedFoldersAllowedApplications') -and ($Get.GuardedFoldersAllowedApplications))
        remove-mppreference -GuardedFoldersAllowedApplications $Get.GuardedFoldersAllowedApplications
    if ($Params.ContainsKey('GuardedFoldersList') -and ($Get.GuardedFoldersList))
        remove-mppreference -GuardedFoldersList $Get.GuardedFoldersList
    if ($Params.ContainsKey('AttackSurfaceReductionRules_Ids') -and ($Get.AttackSurfaceReductionRules_Ids))
        remove-mppreference -AttackSurfaceReductionRules_Ids $Get.AttackSurfaceReductionRules_Ids

function Convert-Text
    switch ($Type)
            switch ($Val)
                0 {'Both'}
                1 {'Incoming'}
                2 {'Outcoming'}
            switch ($Val)
                0 {'Everyday'}
                1 {'Sunday'}
                2 {'Monday'}
                3 {'Tuesday'}
                4 {'Wednesday'}
                5 {'Thursday'}
                6 {'Friday'}
                7 {'Saturday'}
                8 {'Never'}
            switch ($Val)
                1 {'Quick scan'}
                2 {'Full scan'}
            switch ($Val)
                0 {'Disabled'}
                1 {'Basic'}
                2 {'Advanced'}

            switch ($Val)
                0 {'None'}
                1 {'Always'}
                2 {'Never'}
            switch ($Val)
                1 {'Clean'}
                2 {'Quarantine'}
                3 {'Remove'}
                6 {'Allow'}
                8 {'UserDefined'}
                9 {'NoAction'}
                10 {'Block'}
            switch ($Val)
                0 {'Default'}
                2 {'High'}
                4 {'HighPlus'}
                6 {'ZeroTolerance'}
            switch ($Val)
                0 {'Disabled'}
                1 {'Enabled'}
                2 {'AuditMode'}

function Convert-TextForArray

    $outStrings = @()

    switch ($Type)
           foreach ($Value in $Values)
               switch ($Value)
                   1  {$outStrings += 'Clean'}
                   2  {$outStrings += 'Quarantine'}
                   3  {$outStrings += 'Remove'}
                   6  {$outStrings += 'Allow'}
                   8  {$outStrings += 'UserDefined'}
                   9  {$outStrings += 'NoAction'}
                   10 {$outStrings += 'Block'}
           foreach ($Value in $Values)
               switch ($Value)
                   0  {$outStrings += 'Disabled'}
                   1  {$outStrings += 'Enabled'}
                   2  {$outStrings += 'AuditMode'}

     return ,$outStrings

function PlatformSupported
    #WindowsDefender DSC is only supported on Windows 10+ and Windows Server 2016+
    if ([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Major -ge 10)
        return $true;
        return $false;

function IsArrayTypeKey
    param([parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [System.String] $KeyName)

    if (($KeyName -eq 'ExclusionPath') -or ($KeyName -eq 'ExclusionProcess') -or ($KeyName -eq 'ExclusionExtension') -or
        ($KeyName -eq 'AttackSurfaceReductionOnlyExclusions') -or ($KeyName -eq 'GuardedFoldersAllowedApplications') -or
        ($KeyName -eq 'GuardedFoldersList') -or ($KeyName -eq 'AttackSurfaceReductionRules_Ids') -or
        ($KeyName -eq 'AttackSurfaceReductionRules_Actions') -or ($KeyName -eq 'ThreatIDDefaultAction_Ids') -or
        ($KeyName -eq 'ThreatIDDefaultAction_Actions'))
         return $true
        return $false