
#requires -Version 2
function Set-UpdateConfig
            Set the Windows Image Tools Update Config used for creating the temp VM
            Set the config used by Invoke-WitUpdate to build a VM and update Windows Images
            Set-WitUpdateConfig -Path C:\WitUpdate -VmSwitch 'VM' -IpType DCHP
            Set the temp VM to attach to siwth "VM" and use DCHP for IP addresses
            Set-WitUPdateConfig -Path C:\WitUpdate -VmSwitch CorpIntAccess -vLAN 1752 -IpType 'IPv4' -IPAddress '' -SubnetMask 24 -Gateway '' -DNS ''
            Setup the temp VM to attache to swithc CorpIntAccess, tag the packets with vLAN id 1752, and set the statis IPv4 Address, mask, gateway and DNS

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
        # Path to the Windows Image Tools Update Folders (created via New-WitExample)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, 
        ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
                    if (Test-Path $_) 
                        throw "Path $_ does not exist"

        # Existing VM Switch

        # vLAN to have the VM tag it's trafic to (0 = No vLAN taging)

        # IP Address Type used to set give the Temporary VM internet access DHCP, IPv4, or IPv6
        [ValidateSet('DHCP', 'IPv4', 'Ipv4')]

        # Static IP IPv4 or IPv6 Address to asign the Temporary VM help description
                    $ipObj = [System.Net.IPAddress]::parse($_)
                    $isValidIP = [System.Net.IPAddress]::tryparse([string]$_, [ref]$ipObj)
                    if ($isValidIP) 
                        throw 'IpAddress must be a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address'

        # IP SubnetMask Ex.

        # Static Gateway
                    $ipObj = [System.Net.IPAddress]::parse($_)
                    $isValidIP = [System.Net.IPAddress]::tryparse([string]$_, [ref]$ipObj)
                    if ($isValidIP) 
                        throw 'Gateway must be a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address'

        # Static DNS Server
                    $ipObj = [System.Net.IPAddress]::parse($_)
                    $isValidIP = [System.Net.IPAddress]::tryparse([string]$_, [ref]$ipObj)
                    if ($isValidIP) 
                        throw 'DNSServer must be a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address'


    if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("$Path", 'Set the Windows Image Tools Update Configuration'))
        $ConfigFilePath = $Path
        $ParentPath = (Get-Item $Path).Parent.FullName
        if (Test-Path -Path "$Path" -PathType Container) 
            $ConfigFilePath = "$Path\Config.xml"
            $ParentPath = $Path
            $ConfigData = Import-Clixml -Path $ConfigFilePath -ErrorAction Stop
            Write-Warning -Message "Unable to read Windows Image Tools Update Cofniguration from $ConfigFilePath, creating a new file"
            $ConfigData = @{
                VmSwitch   = 'vmswitch'
                vLan       = 0
                IpAddress  = ''
                SubnetMask = 24
                Gateway    = ''
                DnsServer  = ''
                IpType     = 'DHCP'
        # validate data structure incase useing older or malformed xml
        If (-not ($ConfigData.ContainsKey('VmSwitch'))) 
        If (-not ($ConfigData.ContainsKey('vLan'))) 
        If (-not ($ConfigData.ContainsKey('IpType'))) 
        If (-not ($ConfigData.ContainsKey('IpAddress'))) 
        If (-not ($ConfigData.ContainsKey('SubnetMask'))) 
        If (-not ($ConfigData.ContainsKey('Gateway'))) 
        If (-not ($ConfigData.ContainsKey('DnsServer'))) 
        # update values
        if ($VmSwitch) 
            $ConfigData.VmSwitch = $VmSwitch
        if ($vLAN) 
            $ConfigData.vLan = $vLAN
        if ($IpType) 
            $ConfigData.IpType = $IpType
        if ($IpAddress) 
            $ConfigData.IpAddress = $IpAddress
        if ($SubnetMask) 
            $ConfigData.SubnetMask = $SubnetMask
        if ($Gateway) 
            $ConfigData.Gateway = $Gateway
        if ($DnsServer) 
            $ConfigData.DnsServer = $DnsServer
        Write-Verbose -Message 'New Configuration'
        Write-Verbose -Message ($ConfigData | Out-String)

            $ConfigData | Export-Clixml -Path $ConfigFilePath -ErrorAction Stop
            Throw "Failed to write $ConfigFilePath. $($_.Exception.Message)"
        return (Get-Item $ParentPath)

function Get-UpdateConfig
            Get the Windows Image Tools Update Config used for creating the temp VM
            This command will Get the config used by Invoke-WindowsImageUpdate to build a VM and update Windows Images
            Set-WitUpdateConfig -Path C:\WitUpdate -VmSwitch 'VM' -IpType DCHP
            Set the temp VM to attach to siwth "VM" and use DCHP for IP addresses
            Set-WitUPdateConfig -Path C:\WitUpdate -VmSwitch CorpIntAccess -vLAN 1752 -IpType 'IPv4' -IPAddress '' -SubnetMask 24 -Gateway '' -DNS ''
            Setup the temp VM to attache to swithc CorpIntAccess, tag the packets with vLAN id 1752, and set the statis IPv4 Address, mask, gateway and DNS

        # Path to the Windows Image Tools Update Folders (created via New-WitExample)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, 
        ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
                    if (Test-Path $_) 
                        throw "Path $_ does not exist"

    return (Import-Clixml -Path "$Path\config.xml")