
Function Convert-OutputForCSV {
            Provides a way to expand collections in an object property prior
            to being sent to Export-Csv.
            Provides a way to expand collections in an object property prior
            to being sent to Export-Csv. This helps to avoid the object type
            from being shown such as system.object[] in a spreadsheet.
        .PARAMETER InputObject
            The object that will be sent to Export-Csv
        .PARAMETER OutPropertyType
            This determines whether the property that has the collection will be
            shown in the CSV as a comma delimmited string or as a stacked string.
            Possible values:
            Default value is: Stack
            Name: Convert-OutputForCSV
            Author: Boe Prox
            Created: 24 Jan 2014
            Version History:
                1.1 - 02 Feb 2014
                    -Removed OutputOrder parameter as it is no longer needed; inputobject order is now respected
                    in the output object
                1.0 - 24 Jan 2014
                    -Initial Creation
            $Output = 'PSComputername','IPAddress','DNSServerSearchOrder'
            Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -Filter "IPEnabled='True'" |
            Select-Object $Output | Convert-OutputForCSV |
            Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path NIC.csv
            Using a predefined set of properties to display ($Output), data is collected from the
            Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration class and then passed to the Convert-OutputForCSV
            funtion which expands any property with a collection so it can be read properly prior
            to being sent to Export-Csv. Properties that had a collection will be viewed as a stack
            in the spreadsheet.

    #Requires -Version 3.0
    Param (
        [String]$OutputPropertyType = 'Stack'
    Begin {
        $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
            Write-Verbose "$($_)"
        $FirstRun = $True
    Process {
        If ($FirstRun) {
            $OutputOrder = $
            Write-Verbose "Output Order:`n $($OutputOrder -join ', ' )"
            $FirstRun = $False
            #Get properties to process
            $Properties = Get-Member -InputObject $InputObject -MemberType *Property
            #Get properties that hold a collection
            $Properties_Collection = @(($Properties | Where-Object {
                $_.Definition -match "Collection|\[\]"
            #Get properties that do not hold a collection
            $Properties_NoCollection = @(($Properties | Where-Object {
                $_.Definition -notmatch "Collection|\[\]"
            Write-Verbose "Properties Found that have collections:`n $(($Properties_Collection) -join ', ')"
            Write-Verbose "Properties Found that have no collections:`n $(($Properties_NoCollection) -join ', ')"
        $InputObject | ForEach-Object {
            $Line = $_
            $stringBuilder = New-Object Text.StringBuilder
            $Null = $stringBuilder.AppendLine("[pscustomobject] @{")

            $OutputOrder | ForEach-Object {
                If ($OutputPropertyType -eq 'Stack') {
                    $Null = $stringBuilder.AppendLine("`"$($_)`" = `"$(($line.$($_) | Out-String).Trim())`"")
                } ElseIf ($OutputPropertyType -eq "Comma") {
                    $Null = $stringBuilder.AppendLine("`"$($_)`" = `"$($line.$($_) -join ', ')`"")                   
            $Null = $stringBuilder.AppendLine("}")
            Invoke-Expression $stringBuilder.ToString()
    End {}