
function ConvertFrom-TypeToScriptCmdlet
        Converts .NET Types into Windows PowerShell Script Cmdlets
        according to a number of rules. that have been added with Add-CodeGeneration rule
        Converts .NET Types into Windows PowerShell Script Cmdlets
        according to a number of rules.
        Rules are added with Add-CodeGenerationRule
        An example of using the command

    begin {
        $LinkedListType = "Collections.Generic.LinkedList"
        Set-StrictMode -Off
    process {
        if (-not $rules) {
            $Rules = $Script:CodeGenerationCustomizations
        foreach ($t in $type) {
            $Parameters = 
                New-Object "$LinkedListType[Management.Automation.ParameterMetaData]"
            $BeginBlocks = 
                New-Object "$LinkedListType[ScriptBlock]"
            $ProcessBlocks = 
                New-Object "$LinkedListType[ScriptBlock]"
            $EndBlocks = 
                New-Object "$LinkedListType[ScriptBlock]"
            if ($PSVersionTable.BuildVersion.Build -lt 7100) {
                $CmdletBinding = "[CmdletBinding()]"
            } else {
                $CmdletBinding = ""
            $Verb = ""
            $Noun = ""
            $Help = @{
                Parameter = @{}
            $BaseType = $t            
            try {
                foreach ($rule in $CodeGenerationRuleOrder) {
                    if (-not $rule) { continue } 
                    if ($rule -is [Type] -and 
                        (($t -eq $rule) -or ($t.IsSubclassOf($rule)))) {
                        $null = . $rules.$rule                    
                    } else {
                        if ($rule -is [ScriptBlock] -and
                            ($t | Where-Object -FilterScript $rule)) {
                            $null = . $rules.$rule
            } catch {
                Write-Error "Problem building $t"
                Write-Error $_
            if ((-not $Noun) -or (-not $Verb)) {
            $cmd = New-Object Management.Automation.CommandMetaData ([PSObject])
            foreach ($p in $parameters) {
                $null = $cmd.Parameters.Add($p.Name, $p)
            $parameterBlock = [Management.Automation.ProxyCommand]::GetParamBlock($cmd)
            $oldOfs = $ofs
            $ofs = ""
            $helpBlock = New-Object Text.StringBuilder
            $parameterNames = "Parameter", 
            if ($help.Synopsis -and $help.Description) {
                foreach ($key in $help.Keys) {
                    if ($parameterNames -notcontains $key) {
                        Write-Error "Could not generate help for $t. The Help dictionary contained a key ($key) that is not a valid help section"
                foreach ($kv in $help.GetEnumerator()) {
                    switch ($kv.Key) {
                        Parameter {
                            foreach ($p in $kv.Value.GetEnumerator()) {
                                if (-not $p) { continue } 
                                    $null = $helpBlock.Append(
    .Parameter $($p.Key)
                        Example {
                            foreach ($ex in $kv.Value) {
                                $null = $helpBlock.Append(
                        default {
                            $null = $helpBlock.Append(
            $helpBlock = "$helpBlock"
            if ($helpBlock) {
                $helpBlock = "

function $Verb-$Noun {
    begin {
    process {
    end {