
function Get-WorkdayReport {
    Returns the XML result from any Workday report, based on its URI.
    Returns the XML result from any Workday report, based on its URI.
    Uri for the report.
    Username used to authenticate with Workday. If empty, the value stored
    using Set-WorkdayCredential will be used.
    Password used to authenticate with Workday. If empty, the value stored
    using Set-WorkdayCredential will be used.
    TODO: Create a parameter that accepts a report name, rather than parsing a Uri.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    if ($Uri -match '\/([a-z0-9-_]+)(\?|$)') {
        $reportName = $Matches[1]
    } else {
        throw "A valid report name was not found in the Uri: $Uri"

    $request = @'
         <role:Execute_Report xmlns:role="{0}"></role:Execute_Report>
 -f $reportName

    Invoke-WorkdayRequest -Request $request -Uri $Uri -Username:$Username -Password:$Password | Write-Output