
function Get-WorkdayWorkerPhoto {
    Gets Worker photo encoded as Base64 as Workday XML.
    Gets Worker photo information as Workday XML with photo bytes encoded as Base64.
    The Worker's Id at Workday.
    The type of ID that the WorkerId represents. Valid values
    are 'WID', 'Contingent_Worker_ID' and 'Employee_ID'.
    Path to save the photo. If Path is to a directory, the file name from Workday will be appened.
    If no Path is specified, a PsCustomObject is returned containing the file name and byte array.
    Outputs Invoke-WorkdayRequest object, rather than a custom Worker object.
    If desired, the Base 64 encoded image and file name can be aquired from the XML.
.PARAMETER Human_ResourcesUri
    Human_Resources Endpoint Uri for the request. If not provided, the value
    stored with Set-WorkdayEndpoint -Endpoint Human_Resources is used.
    Username used to authenticate with Workday. If empty, the value stored
    using Set-WorkdayCredential will be used.
    Password used to authenticate with Workday. If empty, the value stored
    using Set-WorkdayCredential will be used.
# Get the Binary Array of a
$BinaryArray = Get-WorkdayWorkerPhoto -WorkerId 123

    param (
        [ValidatePattern ('^$|^[a-fA-F0-9\-]{1,32}$')]
        [ValidateSet('WID', 'Contingent_Worker_ID', 'Employee_ID')]
        [string]$WorkerType = 'Employee_ID',
        [DateTime]$AsOfEntryDateTime = (Get-Date)

    begin {
        if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Human_ResourcesUri)) { $Human_ResourcesUri = Get-WorkdayEndpoint 'Human_Resources' }

    process {
        $request = [xml]@'
<bsvc:Get_Worker_Photos_Request bsvc:version="v30.0" xmlns:bsvc="urn:com.workday/bsvc">
  <bsvc:Request_References bsvc:Skip_Non_Existing_Instances="false">
        <bsvc:ID bsvc:type="Employee_ID">?EmployeeId?</bsvc:ID>

        $request.Get_Worker_Photos_Request.Response_Filter.As_Of_Entry_DateTime = $AsOfEntryDateTime.ToString('o')

        $request.Get_Worker_Photos_Request.Request_References.Worker_Reference.ID.InnerText = $WorkerId
        if ($WorkerType -eq 'Contingent_Worker_ID') {
            $request.Get_Worker_Photos_Request.Request_References.Worker_Reference.ID.type = 'Contingent_Worker_ID'
        } elseif ($WorkerType -eq 'WID') {
            $request.Get_Worker_Photos_Request.Request_References.Worker_Reference.ID.type = 'WID'
        $response = Invoke-WorkdayRequest -Request $request -Uri $Human_ResourcesUri -Username:$Username -Password:$Password

        if ($Passthru) {
            Write-Output $response
        elseif ($response.Success) {
            $filename = $response.Xml.Get_Worker_Photos_Response.Response_Data.Worker_Photo.Worker_Photo_Data.Filename
            $base64 = $response.Xml.Get_Worker_Photos_Response.Response_Data.Worker_Photo.Worker_Photo_Data.File
            $bytes = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($base64)

            if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Path)) {
                $output = [PsCustomObject][Ordered]@{
                    Filename = $filename
                    Bytes    = $bytes
                Write-Output $output
            else {
                if (Test-Path -Path $Path -PathType Container) {
                    $Path = Join-Path $Path $filename
                $bytes | Set-Content -Path $Path -Encoding Byte
        else {
            throw "Error calling Get_Worker_Photos_Request: $($response.Message)"