
    Updates Worker photos, from a directory of specially named JPEG files.
    Folder with JEPG photos to be pushed to Workday. Named by Worker ID, optionally zero padded.
.PARAMETER ResultsFile
    A path to a CSV file of the results. The .Net format token {0}
    is expanded with the current date and time.
    Optional. When specified, only photos newer than this time will be processed. Defaults
    to the last time the script successfully ran.
    Use, in place of the Since parameter, to process all photos.
    $parameters = @{
        Path = 'c:\path\to\photos
        ResultsFile = 'c:\path\for\results\Update-WorkdayWorkerPhotosSince_{0:yyyy-MM-dd}.csv'
    .\samples\Update-WorkdayWorkerPhotosSince.ps1 @parameters

param (
    [ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Container})]
    [string]$PersistanceFile = (Join-Path $Path 'Update-WorkdayWorkerPhotosSince.clixml'),
    [datetime]$Since = [datetime]::MinValue,
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest

function Main {
    $activity = "Updating Workday Worker photos from $Path"

    # Unless the Since has a value specified, use the last time this process was ran.
    if ( $All -eq $false -and
        $Since -eq [datetime]::MinValue -and
        ( Test-Path -Path $persistanceFile )
    ) {
        $Since = Import-Clixml -Path $persistanceFile
        $activity = '{0}, since {1:g}' -f $activity, $Since

    Write-Progress -Activity $activity -Status 'Initalization'
    Write-Verbose $activity

    $RunTime = Get-Date
    Write-Progress -Activity $activity -Status 'Initalization' -CurrentOperation 'Enumerating files'
    $files = @(
        Get-ChildItem -Path (Join-Path $Path '*') -Include *.jpg,*.jpeg |
            Where-Object {$All -or $_.LastWriteTime -ge $Since}

    if ($files.count -gt 0) {
        Write-Progress -Activity $activity -Status 'Initalization' -CurrentOperation 'Downloading and building Worker lookup table.'
        $Workers = Get-WorkdayWorkerByIdLookupTable

        $countOfPhotos = 0
        foreach ($file in $files) {
            Write-Progress -Activity $activity -Status "Processing ($countOfPhotos of $(@($files).count))." -CurrentOperation $file -PercentComplete ($countOfPhotos/@($files).count *100)
            $output = [PSCustomObject][ordered]@{
                PhotoPath = $file.FullName
                WorkerId = ''
                WorkerType = ''
                Success = $false
                Message = ''

            if ($file.Name -match '0*(\d+).jpg$') {
                $output.WorkerId = $Matches[1]
                $worker = $Workers[$output.WorkerId]

                if ($null -eq $worker) {
                    $output.Success = $false
                    $output.Message = 'Worker ID not found at Workday.'
                elseif ($worker.Count -gt 1) {
                    $output.Success = $false
                    $unrolledWorkers = ($worker | Foreach-Object {'{0} {1}' -f $_.WorkerType, $_.WorkerId}) -join ', '
                    $output.Message = "More than one Workday Worker found by WorkerID: $unrolledWorkers"
                else {
                    $output.WorkerType = $worker[0].WorkerType
                    if ($WhatIf) {
                        $output.Success = $true
                        $output.Message = "WhatIf: Set-WorkdayWorkerPhoto -WorkerType '{0}' -WorkerId '{1}' -Path '{2}'" -f $worker[0].WorkerType, $worker[0].WorkerId, $file.FullName
                    else {
                        try {
                            $result = Set-WorkdayWorkerPhoto  -WorkerType $worker[0].WorkerType -WorkerId $worker[0].WorkerId -Path $file.FullName
                            $output.Success = $result.Success
                            $output.Message = $result.Message
                        catch {
                            $output.Success = $false
                            $output.message = $_
            else {
                $output.Success = $false
                $output.Message = 'Invalid file name.'
            Write-Output $output
        Write-Progress -Activity $activity -Completed -Status 'Completed'
        Write-Verbose "Done processing $($files.count) file(s)."
    } else {
        Write-Verbose 'No new photos to process.'

    if (-not $WhatIf) {
        # Save when these tasks were last ran, to only process new files next time.
        $RunTime | Export-Clixml -Path $persistanceFile

function CreateDirectoryIfNeeded {
    param ($Path)
    $Directory = Split-Path -Parent -Path $Path
    if ($null -ne $Directory -and -not (Test-Path $Directory)) {
        New-Item -Path $Directory -Type Directory | Out-Null

Main | Write-Output -OutVariable Output

if ($null -ne $ResultsFile -and $Output.Count -gt 0) {
    $ResultsFile = $ResultsFile -f (Get-Date)
    CreateDirectoryIfNeeded $ResultsFile
    $Output | Export-Csv -Path $ResultsFile -NoTypeInformation
    Write-Verbose "Result file: $ResultsFile"