
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

Updates the metadata nuspec file with the specified information.
When a key and value is specified, update the metadata element with the specified key
and the corresponding value in the specified NuspecFile.
Singlular metadata elements are the only ones changed at this time.
The element that should be updated in the metadata section.
The value to update with.
The metadata/nuspec file to update
Update-Metadata -key releaseNotes -value ""
Update-Metadata -key releaseNotes -value "" -NuspecFile ".\package.nuspec"
This is an example of changing the Title of the nuspec file
Update-Metadata -data @{ title = 'My Awesome Title' }
- or -
@{ title = 'My Awesome Title' } | Update-Metadata
This is an example of changing the id and version attributes for the dependency key
Update-Metadata -data @{ dependency = 'kb2919355|1.0.20160915' }
- or -
@{ dependency = 'kb2919355|1.0.20160915' } | Update-Metadata
This is an example of changing the src and target attributes
Update-Metadata -data @{ file = 'tools\**,tools' }
- or -
@{ file = 'tools\**|tools' } | Update-Metadata
This is an example of changing the file src and target attributes for the first file element in the nuspec file.
If only one file element is found the change value is omitted.
@{ file = 'tools\**|tools,1' } | Update-Metadata
    Will now show a warning if the specified key doesn't exist in the nuspec file.
    Will now show a warning when change for file/dependency key is greater than currently in the nuspec file.
    Will now show a warning when change has been omitted due to nodes not allowing change at that key.
    Will now show a warning when file/dependency doesn't have any attributes defined to be updated.
    While the parameter `NuspecFile` accepts globbing patterns,
    it is expected to only match a single file.

function Update-Metadata {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Single")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Single")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Multiple", ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [hashtable]$data = @{$key = $value},
        [ValidateScript( { Test-Path $_ })]
        [string]$NuspecFile = ".\*.nuspec"


    $NuspecFile = Resolve-Path $NuspecFile

    $nu = New-Object xml
    $nu.PSBase.PreserveWhitespace = $true
    $omitted = $true
    $data.Keys | ForEach-Object {
        switch -Regex ($_) {
            '^(file)$' {
                $metaData = "files"
                $NodeGroup = $nu.package.$metaData
                $NodeData,[int]$change = $data[$_] -split (",")
                $NodeCount = $nu.package.$metaData.ChildNodes.Count
                $src,$target,$exclude = $NodeData -split ("\|")
                $NodeAttributes = [ordered] @{
                                              "src"     = $src
                                              "target"  = $target
                                              "exclude" = $exclude
                $change = @{$true="0";$false=($change - 1)}[ ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($change)) ]
                if ($NodeCount -eq 3) {
                    $NodeGroup = $NodeGroup."$_"
                } else {
                    $NodeGroup = $NodeGroup.$_[$change]
            '^(dependency)$' {
                $MetaNode = $_ -replace("y","ies")
                $metaData = "metadata"
                $NodeData,[int]$change = $data[$_] -split (",")
                $NodeGroup = $nu.package.$metaData.$MetaNode
                $NodeCount = $nu.package.$metaData.$MetaNode.ChildNodes.Count
                $id,$version,$include,$exclude = $NodeData -split ("\|")
                $NodeAttributes = [ordered] @{
                                             "id"      = $id
                                             "version" = $version
                                             "include" = $include
                                             "exclude" = $exclude
                $change = @{$true="0";$false=($change - 1)}[ ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($change)) ]
                if ($NodeCount -eq 3) {
                    $NodeGroup = $NodeGroup."$_"
                } else {
                    $NodeGroup = $NodeGroup.$_[$change]
            default {
                if ( $nu.package.metadata."$_" ) {
                    $nu.package.metadata."$_" = $data[$_]
                else {
                    Write-Warning "$_ does not exist on the metadata element in the nuspec file"
        if ($_ -match '^(dependency)$|^(file)$') {
            if (($change -gt $NodeCount)) {
                Write-Warning "$change is greater than $NodeCount of $_ Nodes"
            if ($omitted) {
                Write-Warning "Change has been omitted due to $_ not having that number of Nodes"
            foreach ( $attrib in $NodeAttributes.keys ) {
                if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($NodeAttributes[$attrib])) ) {
                    if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $NodeGroup.Attributes ) ) {
                        $NodeGroup.SetAttribute($attrib, $NodeAttributes[$attrib] )
                    } else { 
                        Write-Warning "Attribute $attrib not defined for $_ in the nuspec file"

    $utf8NoBom = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding($false)
    [System.IO.File]::WriteAllText($NuspecFile, $nu.InnerXml, $utf8NoBom)