
function New-ANSIString {
      Generate ANSI escape code string for outputing text with color
      Create ANSI color escape code using a RGB color value
      # Create variable with desired color
      $ANSI1 = New-ANSIString
      # Create variable to reset ANSI effects
      $Reset = New-ANSIString -Reset
      # String getting colored
      $Text = 'This is a test. More testing... and testing'
      '{0}{1}{2}' -f $ANSI1,$Text,$Reset
      # Create variable with desired foreground color
      $ANSIFG1 = New-ANSIString -Red 55 -Green 120 -Blue 190 -Foreground
      # Create variable with desired background color
      $ANSIBG1 = New-ANSIString -Green 100 -Background
      # Create variable to reset ANSI effects
      $Reset = New-ANSIString -Reset
      # String getting colored
      $Text = 'This is a test. More testing... and testing'
      $Text2 = 'More and more and more!'
      '{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}' -f $ANSIFG1,$Text,$ANSIBG1,$Text2,$Reset
      FYI: Remeber to reset the text style after every stylized text, otherwise the ANSI effects will continue to be applied to all that get output later.

    # Param1 help description
        ParameterSetName = 'Foreground',
        Position = 0
        ParameterSetName = 'Background',
        Position = 0
    [int]$Red = (Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 255),
    # Param2 help description
        ParameterSetName = 'Foreground',
        Position = 1
        ParameterSetName = 'Background',
        Position = 1
    [int]$Green = (Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 255),
    # Param3 help description
        ParameterSetName = 'Foreground',
        Position = 2
        ParameterSetName = 'Background',
        Position = 2
    [int]$Blue = (Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 255),
    # Param4 help description
    # Param5 help description
    # Param6 help description
  Process {
    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
      'Foreground' { 
        return ('{0}[38;2;{1};{2};{3}m' -f ([char]27), $Red, $Green, $Blue)
      'Background' { 
        return ('{0}[48;2;{1};{2};{3}m' -f ([char]27), $Red, $Green, $Blue)
      'Reset' {
        return ('{0}[0m' -f ([char]27))
      default {
        throw 'something went wrong....'