
function Convert-FileLength {
      Converts a file length to a human readable format.
      Converts a file length to a human readable format.
      .PARAMETER Length
      The file length to convert.
      Convert-FileLength -Length 123456789
      Converts the file length 123456789 to a human readable format.
      Get-ChildItem | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Length | Convert-FileLength
      Converts the file lengths of all files in the current directory to a human readable format.
      Author: Woz

  begin {
    try {
      $null = [WozDev.Win32API.LengthConverter]
    catch {
      Write-Verbose ' ~ Required Type not loaded, starting Add-Type process ~' -Verbose
      $MemberDef =  @'
[DllImport("Shlwapi.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public static extern long StrFormatByteSize(
long fileSize,
System.Text.StringBuilder buffer,
int bufferSize

      $LengthConverter = Add-Type -Name LengthConverter -Namespace 'WozDev.Win32API' -MemberDefinition $MemberDef

  process {
    if ('WozDev.Win32API.LengthConverter' -as [type]) {
      $StringBuilder = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new(1024)
      $null = [WozDev.Win32API.LengthConverter]::StrFormatByteSize(
      return $StringBuilder.ToString()
    else {
      # Add ANSI color for missing LengthConverter
      return $Length