
function Restart-Process{
            Function to restart process(es)
            Takes input via pipeline from Get-Process and restarts the process(es). If there is more than one instance of the same application:
            Then the function prompts to select the instance of the application to restart by index. An index of -1 stops all instances of the application and
            restarts the first.
            .PARAMETER process
            Process(es) to restart piped in via Get-Process
            #start 2 instances of notepad and restart the second
            Get-Process notepad | Restart-Process
            #enter index 2 when prompted
            #start 3 instances of notepad restart the first and stop the others
            Get-Process notepad | Restart-Process
            #enter index -1 when prompted
            #start notepad and calc and restart
            Get-Process notepad,calc | Restart-Process

    param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $process)
        if ($multiInstanceName -eq $_.Name){continue}
        #handle if there are multiple instances of the same application
        if ((Get-Process $_.Name).Count -gt 1){
            $counter = 0
            $processInstances=Get-Process $_.Name
            Write-Host "There are multiple instances of $($_.Name)."
            $prompt+=@("Provide the index of the instance to stop (-1 for all instances first instance will be restarted): ")
            foreach($instance in $processInstances){
                $prompt+="{0} . {1}" -f $counter,$instance.MainWindowTitle
            Add-Type -AssemblyName 'Microsoft.VisualBasic'
            $selectedIndex = [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::InputBox(($prompt -join "`n"), "Select Process instance", "1")
            switch ($selectedIndex){
                #clicked cancel
                $null                             {exit}
                #stop all instances but the first
                -1                                {
                    $indices=$indices -ne 0
                    foreach ($index in $indices){
                #mismatching arguments
                {$indices -notcontains ($_-1)}     {
                    Write-Warning "Index is out of bounds.Exit"
        Write-Host "Restarting: $($procToRestart.MainWindowTitle)"
        $cmdPath,$cmdArguments = (Get-WMIObject Win32_Process -Filter "Handle=$($_.Id)").CommandLine.Split()
        if ($cmdArguments) { Start-Process -FilePath $cmdPath -ArgumentList $cmdArguments }
        else { Start-Process -FilePath $cmdPath }