
# mazzy@mazzy.ru, 2017-11-06
# https://github.com/mazzy-ax/Write-progressEx

#requires -version 3.0
Set-StrictMode -Version 1.0

$me = Split-Path -Leaf $PSCommandPath
$path = Split-Path -Parent $PSCommandPath
$module = Join-Path $path "Write-ProgressEx.psd1"
Import-Module -Force $module

Describe "Write-ProgressEx" -Tag "Run", "UnitTest", "UT" {
    $outerLevel = 1..3
    $innerLevel = 1..2

    Context "Work" {
        It "work" {
            { Write-ProgressEx } | Should not throw

        It "double trouble work" {
            { Write-ProgressEx; Write-ProgressEx } | Should not throw

        It "parameters: outer and inner loops" {
                Write-ProgressEx "outer" -Total $outerLevel.Count
                $outerLevel | ForEach-Object {
                    Write-ProgressEx "inner" -Total $innerLevel.Count -id 1
                    $innerLevel | ForEach-Object {
                        #start-sleep 1
                        Write-ProgressEx -id 1 -increment
                    Write-ProgressEx -increment
                Write-ProgressEx -Completed
            } | Should not throw

        It "pipes: outer and inner loops" {
                $outerLevel | Write-ProgressEx "outer" -Total $outerLevel.Count | ForEach-Object {
                    $innerLevel | Write-ProgressEx "inner" -Total $innerLevel.Count -id 1 | ForEach-Object {
                        # ...
            } | Should not throw

        It "progress info: splatting" {
            $pInfo = Get-ProgressEx -Force
            $pInfo.Activity = 'splating'
            $pInfo.Status = 'another status'
            $pInfo.Total = $outerLevel.Count

            { Write-ProgressEx @pInfo } | Should not throw


    Context "Functional" {
        AfterEach {
            Write-ProgressEx # complete all

        It "store paramters in module variable" {
            Write-ProgressEx -Total $outerLevel.Count
            (Get-ProgressEx).Total | Should be $outerLevel.Count

        It "increment counter after the increment" {
            Write-ProgressEx -Total $outerLevel.Count
            (Get-ProgressEx).current | Should be 0

            Write-ProgressEx -increment
            (Get-ProgressEx).current | Should be 1

        It "autocomplete with pipe" {
            $outerLevel | Write-ProgressEx "outer" -Total $outerLevel.Count | ForEach-Object {
                $innerLevel | Write-ProgressEx "inner" -Total $innerLevel.Count -id 1 | ForEach-Object {
                    # ...
                    (Get-ProgressEx -id 0).Total | Should be $outerLevel.Count
                    (Get-ProgressEx -id 1).Total | Should be $innerLevel.Count
                (Get-ProgressEx -id 0).Total | Should be $outerLevel.Count
                (Get-ProgressEx -id 1).Total | Should be $null
            (Get-ProgressEx -id 0) | Should be $null

        It "complete children progress when 'previous' id used" {
            Write-ProgressEx -Total $outerLevel.Count
            Write-ProgressEx -Total $innerLevel.Count -id 1
            (Get-ProgressEx -id 0).current | Should be 0
            (Get-ProgressEx -id 1).current | Should be 0

            Write-ProgressEx -id 1 -increment
            (Get-ProgressEx -id 0).current | Should be 0
            (Get-ProgressEx -id 1).current | Should be 1

            Write-ProgressEx -id 0 -increment
            (Get-ProgressEx -id 0).current | Should be 1
            (Get-ProgressEx -id 1) | Should be $null

            (Get-ProgressEx -id 0) | Should be $null

        It "without parameters complete all children progresses" {
            Write-ProgressEx "outerLevel" -Total $outerLevel.Count
            Write-ProgressEx "innerLevel" -Total $innerLevel.Count -id 1

            (Get-ProgressEx -id 0).Total | Should be $outerLevel.Count
            (Get-ProgressEx -id 1).Total | Should be $innerLevel.Count

            (Get-ProgressEx) | Should be $null
            (Get-ProgressEx -id 1) | Should be $null

Describe "Get-ProgressEx" {

    Context "work" {
        It "get" {
            { Get-ProgressEx } | Should not throw

        It "get -force" {
            { Get-ProgressEx -force } | Should not throw

    Context "functional" {
        It "name parameter" {
            $pInfo = Get-ProgressEx -id 1
            $pInfo | Should be $null

        It "name parameter -force" {
            $pInfo = Get-ProgressEx -id 1 -force
            $pInfo.Id | Should be 1

        It "position parameter" {
            $pInfo = Get-ProgressEx 1
            $pInfo | Should be $null

        It "position parameter -force" {
            $pInfo = Get-ProgressEx 1 -force
            $pInfo.Id | Should be 1

        It "pipe parameter" {
            $pInfo = 1 | Get-ProgressEx
            $pInfo | Should be $null

        It "pipe parameter -force" {
            $pInfo = 1 | Get-ProgressEx -force
            $pInfo.Id | Should be 1

        It "pipe array parameter" {
            $pInfo = 1, 30, 40 | Get-ProgressEx
            $pInfo.Count | Should be 3
            $pInfo[0] | Should be $null
            $pInfo[1] | Should be $null
            $pInfo[2] | Should be $null

        It "pipe array parameter -force" {
            $pInfo = 1, 30, 40 | Get-ProgressEx -force
            $pInfo.Count | Should be 3
            $pInfo[0].Id | Should be 1
            $pInfo[1].Id | Should be 30
            $pInfo[2].Id | Should be 40

Describe "Set-ProgressEx" {

    Context "work" {
        It "work" {
            { Set-ProgressEx } | Should not throw

        It "double trouble work" {
            { Set-ProgressEx; Set-ProgressEx } | Should not throw

#remove-module 'Write-ProgressEx'
Describe "Write-ProgressExMesage" {
    InModuleScope {
        Context "work" {
            $Message = {"Test"}
            $pInfo = @{
                id = 1
                ShowMessageOnBegin = $true
                ShowMessageOnNewActivity = $true
                ShowMessageOnNewStatus = $true
                ShowMessageOnEnd = $true
                MessageOnBegin = {"$($pInfo.id):onBegin"}
                MessageOnNewActivity = {"$($pInfo.id):onNewActivity"}
                MessageOnNewStatus = {"$($pInfo.id):onNewStatus"}
                MessageOnEnd = {"$($pInfo.id):onEnd"}
            $Expected = @{
                Message = Invoke-Command $Message
                MessageOnBegin = Invoke-Command $pInfo.MessageOnBegin
                MessageOnNewActivity = Invoke-Command $pInfo.MessageOnNewActivity
                MessageOnNewStatus = Invoke-Command $pInfo.MessageOnNewStatus
                MessageOnEnd = Invoke-Command $pInfo.MessageOnEnd
            It "message" {
                Write-ProgressExMessage $pInfo -Message $Message | Should be $Expected.Message
            It "onBegin" {
                Write-ProgressExMessage $pInfo -ShowMessagesOnBegin | Should be $Expected.MessageOnBegin
            It "onNewActivity" {
                Write-ProgressExMessage $pInfo -ShowMessagesOnNewActivity | Should be $Expected.MessageOnNewActivity
            It "onNewStatus" {
                Write-ProgressExMessage $pInfo -ShowMessagesOnNewStatus | Should be $Expected.MessageOnNewStatus
            It "onEnd" {
                Write-ProgressExMessage $pInfo -ShowMessagesOnEnd | Should be $Expected.MessageOnEnd

Describe "Write-ProgressExStd" {
    Context "work" {
        It "not exported" {
            { get-command Write-ProgressExStd -Module Write-ProgressEx } | Should throw
        InModuleScope Write-ProgressEx {
            It "by pInfo" {
                $pInfo = Get-ProgressEx -id 0
                { Write-ProgressExStd -pInfo $pInfo } | Should not throw