
# mazzy@mazzy.ru, 2017-11-06
# https://github.com/mazzy-ax/Write-ProgressEx

#requires -version 3.0
Set-StrictMode -Version 1.0

#region Module variables

$ProgressEx = @{}

$ProgressExDefault = @{
    MessageOnFirstIteration = {param([hashtable]$pInfo) Write-Warning "[$(Get-Date)] $($pInfo.Id):$($pInfo.Activity):$($pInfo.Status): start."}
    MessageOnNewActivity    = {param([hashtable]$pInfo) Write-Warning "[$(Get-Date)] $($pInfo.Id):$($pInfo.Activity):$($pInfo.Status):"}
    MessageOnNewStatus      = {param([hashtable]$pInfo) Write-Warning "[$(Get-Date)] $($pInfo.Id):$($pInfo.Activity):$($pInfo.Status):"}
    MessageOnCompleted      = {param([hashtable]$pInfo) Write-Warning "[$(Get-Date)] $($pInfo.Id):$($pInfo.Activity):$($pInfo.Status): done. Iterations=$($pInfo.Current), Elapsed=$($pInfo.stopwatch.Elapsed)"}

$StdParmNames = (Get-Command Write-Progress).Parameters.Keys


function Get-ProgressEx {
    Get or Create hashtable for progress with Id.
    This cmdlet returns an hashtable related the progress with an Id.
    The hashtable contain activity string, current and total counters, remain seconds, PercentComplete and other progress parameters.
    The cmdlet returns $null if an Id was not used yet.
    It returns new hashtable if $force specified and an Id was not used.
    A developer can modify values and use the hashtable for splatting into Write-ProgressEx.
    $range = 1..1000
    write-ProgressEx 'wait, please' -Total $range.Count
    $range | write-ProgressEx | ForEach-Object {
        $pInfo = Get-ProgressEx
        if ( $pInfo.SecondsRemaining -lt 5 ) {
            $pInfo['Activity'] = 'just a few seconds'
            Write-ProgressEx @pInfo # <-------
    The splatting to Write-ProgressEx is a common pattern to use progress info:
    It's recalculate parameters and refresh progress on the console.

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0)]
        [ValidateRange(0, [int]::MaxValue)]
        [int]$Id = 0,


    process {
        $pInfo = $ProgressEx[$Id]

        if ( $pInfo -is [hashtable] ) {
            return $pInfo.Clone()

        if ( $Force ) {
            return @{Id = $id}


function Write-ProgressExMessage {
    Write a message to output.
    .PARAMETER pInfo
    The progress info returned by Get-ProgressEx
    .PARAMETER Message
    The message
    This function is not exported

    [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Message')]
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]

        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Message')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'OnFirstIteration')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'OnNewActivity')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'OnNewStatus')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'OnCompleted')]

    process {
        function nz ($a, $b) {
            if ($a) { $a } else { $b }

        if ( $ShowMessagesOnFirstIteration -and $pInfo.ShowMessagesOnFirstIteration ) {
            $Message = nz $pInfo.MessageOnFirstIteration $ProgressExDefault.MessageOnFirstIteration
        elseif ( $ShowMessagesOnNewActivity -and $pInfo.ShowMessagesOnNewActivity ) {
            $Message = nz $pInfo.MessageOnNewActivity $ProgressExDefault.MessageOnNewActivity
        elseif ( $ShowMessagesOnNewStatus -and $pInfo.ShowMessagesOnNewStatus ) {
            $Message = nz $pInfo.MessageOnNewStatus $ProgressExDefault.MessageOnNewStatus
        elseif ( $ShowMessagesOnCompleted -and $pInfo.ShowMessagesOnCompleted ) {
            $Message = nz $pInfo.MessageOnCompleted $ProgressExDefault.MessageOnCompleted

        # message may use all variable values in all scope
        $Message | Where-Object { $_ } | ForEach-Object {
            Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $_ -ArgumentList $pInfo -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

function Set-ProgressEx {
    Set parameters for the progress with Id and dispaly this values to the console.
    The cmdlet:
    * save parameters
    * display this parameters to console
    * complete progress if Completed parameter is $true
    * complete all children progresses always.
    $range = 1..1000
    write-ProgressEx 'wait, please' -Total $range.Count
    $range | write-ProgressEx | ForEach-Object {
        $pInfo = Get-ProgressEx
        if ( $pInfo.PercentComplete -gt 50 ) {
            $pInfo['Status'] = 'hard work in progress'
            Set-ProgressEx $pInfo # <-------
    Set-ProgressEx is a rare pattern to use progress info.
    It's no recalulate. It refresh progress on the console only.
    Write-ProgressEx recommended.

        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]


    process {
        # events, messages & store to the module variable
        if ( $pInfo.Completed -or $Completed ) {
            Write-ProgressExMessage $pInfo -ShowMessagesOnCompleted

            $pInfo.Completed = $true
            $pInfo.Stopwatch = $null

        else {
            if ( -not $ProgressEx[$pInfo.Id].Stopwatch ) {
                Write-ProgressExMessage $pInfo -ShowMessagesOnFirstIteration
            elseif ( $pInfo.Activity -ne $ProgressEx[$pInfo.Id].Activity ) {
                Write-ProgressExMessage $pInfo -ShowMessagesOnNewActivity
            elseif ( $pInfo.Status -ne $ProgressEx[$pInfo.Id].Status ) {
                Write-ProgressExMessage $pInfo -ShowMessagesOnNewStatus

            $ProgressEx[$pInfo.Id] = $pInfo

        # Invoke standard write-progress cmdlet
        if ( -not $pInfo.NoProgressBar -and $pInfo ) {
            $pArgs = @{}
            $pInfo.Keys | Where-Object { $_ -in $StdParmNames } | ForEach-Object { $pArgs[$_] = $pInfo[$_] }

            if ( $pInfo.Total ) {
                $pArgs.Activity = ($pArgs.Activity, ($pInfo.Current, $pInfo.Total -join '/') -join ': ')
            elseif ( $pInfo.Current ) {
                $pArgs.Activity = ($pArgs.Activity, $pInfo.Current -join ': ')

            # Activity is mandatory parameter for standard Write-Progress
            if ( -not $pArgs.Activity ) {
                $pArgs.Activity = '.'

            Write-Progress @pArgs

        # Recursive complete own children
        $ProgressEx.Clone().values | Where-Object { $_.ParentId -eq $pInfo.id } | Set-ProgressEx -Completed

function Write-ProgressEx {
    Powershell Extended Write-Progress cmdlet.
    Write-ProgressEx -Total $nodes.Count
    $nodes | Where-Object ...... | ForEach-Object {
        Write-ProgressEx -Total $names.Count -id 1
        $names | Where-Object ...... | ForEach-Object {
            Write-ProgressEx -id 1 -Increment
        Write-ProgressEx -Increment
    write-posProgress -complete
    Write-ProgressEx -Total $nodes.Count
    $nodes | Where-Object ...... | Write-ProgressEx | ForEach-Object {
        Write-ProgressEx -Total $names.Count -id 1
        $names | Where-Object ...... | Write-ProgressEx -id 1 | ForEach-Object {
    Write-ProgressEx -complete
    Ideal: is it possible?
    $nodes | Where-Object ...... | Write-ProgressEx | ForEach-Object {
        $names | Where-Object ...... | Write-ProgressEx -id 1 | ForEach-Object {
    write-posProgress -complete
    Commands 'Write-ProgressEx.ps1' and 'Write-ProgressEx -Complete' are equivalents.
    The cmdlet complete all children progresses.
    A developer can use a parameter splatting.
    See Get-ProgressEx example.
    Cmdlet is not safe with multi-thread.

        # Standard parameters for standard Powershell write-progress
        [Parameter(Position = 0)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1)]
        [Parameter(Position = 2)]
        [ValidateRange(0, [int]::MaxValue)]
        [int]$Id = 0,

        # Extended parameters
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

        [ValidateRange(0, [int]::MaxValue)]
        [ValidateRange(0, [int]::MaxValue)]
        [int]$Current, # current iteration number. It may be greather then $total.


        # The Сmdlet does not call a standard write-progress cmdlet. Thus the progress bar does not show.

        # Message templates

        # The cmdlet output no messages
        [switch]$ShowMessagesOnFirstIteration = $ShowMessages -or $MessageOnFirstIteration,
        [switch]$ShowMessagesOnNewActivity = $ShowMessages -or $MessageOnNewActivity,
        [switch]$ShowMessagesOnNewStatus = $ShowMessages -or $MessageOnNewStatus,
        [switch]$ShowMessagesOnCompleted = $ShowMessages -or $MessageOnCompleted

    process {
        $isPipe = $inputObject -and ($MyInvocation.PipelineLength -gt 1)

        if ( $isPipe -or $PSBoundParameters.Count ) {
            $pInfo = Get-ProgressEx $id -Force
            $isFirstIteration = -not $pInfo.stopwatch

            $PSBoundParameters.Keys | ForEach-Object {
                $pInfo[$_] = $PSBoundParameters[$_]

            if ( $Total -and -not $pInfo.ParentId ) {
                $ParentInfo = ($ProgressEx.Keys | Where-Object { $_ -lt $pInfo.id } | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum
                if ( $ParentInfo -ne $null ) {
                    $pInfo.ParentId = $ParentInfo

            if ( $isFirstIteration ) {
                $pInfo.PercentComplete = 0
                $pInfo.Current = 0
                $pInfo.stopwatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()

            if ( $pInfo.Increment -or $isPipe ) {
                $pInfo.Current += 1

            if ( ($pInfo.Total -gt 0) -and ($pInfo.Current -gt 0) -and ($pInfo.Current -le $pInfo.Total) ) {
                if ( -not $PercentComplete ) {
                    $pInfo.PercentComplete = [Math]::Min( [Math]::Max(0, [int]($pInfo.Current / $pInfo.Total * 100)), 100)

                if ( -not $SecondsRemaining -and $pInfo.Stopwatch ) {
                    $pInfo.SecondsRemaining = [Math]::Max(0, 1 + $pInfo.stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds * [Math]::Max(0, $pInfo.Total - $pInfo.Current) / $pInfo.Current)

            # autoname it. The caller function name used as activity
            if ( -not $pInfo.Activity ) {
                $pInfo.Activity = (Get-PSCallStack)[1].InvocationInfo.MyCommand.Name

            Set-ProgressEx $pInfo
        else {
            # No parameters outside pipe - Complete all
            $ProgressEx.Clone().values | Set-ProgressEx -Completed

        # PassThru
        if ( $isPipe ) {

    end {
        if ( $MyInvocation.PipelineLength -gt 1 ) {
            # Autocomplete itself and own children
            Get-ProgressEx -Id $id -Force | Set-ProgressEx -Completed