
Svendsen Tech's PowerShell ASCII art module creates ASCII art characters
from a subset of common letters, numbers and punctuation characters.
You can add new characters by editing the XML (for developers).
MIT license.
Copyright (c) 2012-present, Joakim Borger Svendsen, Svendsen Tech.
All rights reserved.
This script reads characters from an XML file that's expected to have the name
"letters.xml", be encoded in UTF-8 and to be in the module's working directory.
It was written to be used in conjunction with a modified version of
PowerBot (http://poshcode.org/2510), a simple IRC bot framework written
using SmartIrc4Net; that's why it can prepend an apostrophe - because somewhere
along the way the leading spaces get lost before it hits the IRC channel.
Currently the XML only contains lowercase letters, mostly because PowerShell/
Windows is case-insensitive by default, which isn't an advantage here.
PS C:\> Import-Module WriteAscii
PS C:\> Write-Ascii "ASCII!"
                   _ _ _
  __ _ ___ ___ (_)(_)| |
 / _` |/ __| / __|| || || |
| (_| |\__ \| (__ | || ||_|
 \__,_||___/ \___||_||_|(_)
PS C:\>
String(s) to convert to ASCII.
.PARAMETER PrependChar
Optional. Makes the script prepend an apostrophe.
.PARAMETER Compression
Optional. Compress to five lines when possible, even when it causes incorrect
alignment of the letters g, y, p and q (and "¤").
.PARAMETER ForegroundColor
Optional. Console only. Changes text foreground color.
.PARAMETER BackgroundColor
Optional. Console only. Changes text background color.

function Write-Ascii {
# Wrapping the script in a function to make it a module

        ValueFromPipeline = $True,
        Mandatory = $True)]
        [String[]] $InputObject,
    [Switch] $PrependChar,
    [Switch] $Compression,
    [String] $ForegroundColor = 'Default',
    [String] $BackgroundColor = 'Default'
    #[int] $MaxChars = '25'

begin {
    Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
    # Algorithm from hell... This was painful. I hope there's a better way.
    function Get-Ascii {
        param([String] $Text)
        $LetterArray = [Char[]] $Text.ToLower()
        #Write-Host -fore green $LetterArray
        # Find the letter with the most lines.
        $MaxLines = 0
        $LetterArray | ForEach-Object {
            if ($Letters.([String] $_).Lines -gt $MaxLines ) {
                $MaxLines = $Letters.([String] $_).Lines
        # Now this sure was a simple way of making sure all letter align tidily without changing a lot of code!
        if (-not $Compression) { $MaxLines = 6 }
        $LetterWidthArray = $LetterArray | ForEach-Object {
            $Letter = [String] $_
        $LetterLinesArray = $LetterArray | ForEach-Object {
            $Letter = [String] $_
        $Lines = @{
            '1' = ''
            '2' = ''
            '3' = ''
            '4' = ''
            '5' = ''
            '6' = ''
        #$LineLengths = @(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
        # Debug
        #Write-Host "MaxLines: $Maxlines"

        $LetterPos = 0
        foreach ($Letter in $LetterArray) {
            # We need to work with strings for indexing the hash by letter
            $Letter = [String] $Letter
            # Each ASCII letter can be from 4 to 6 lines.
            # If the letter has the maximum of 6 lines, populate hash with all lines.
            if ($LetterLinesArray[$LetterPos] -eq 6) {
                #Write-Host "Six letter letter"

                foreach ($Num in 1..6) {
                    $LineFragment = [String](($Letters.$Letter.ASCII).Split("`n"))[$Num-1]
                    if ($LineFragment.Length -lt $Letters.$Letter.Width) {
                        $LineFragment += ' ' * ($Letters.$Letter.Width - $LineFragment.Length)
                    $StringNum = [String] $Num
                    $Lines.$StringNum += $LineFragment
            # Add padding for line 1 for letters with 5 lines and populate lines 2-6.
            ## Changed to top-adjust 5-line letters if there are 6 total.
            ## Added XML properties for letter alignment. Most are "default", which is top-aligned.
            ## Also added script logic to handle it (2012-12-29): <fixation>bottom</fixation>
            elseif ($LetterLinesArray[$LetterPos] -eq 5) {
                if ($MaxLines -lt 6 -or $Letters.$Letter.fixation -eq 'bottom') {
                    $Padding = ' ' * $LetterWidthArray[$LetterPos]
                    $Lines.'1' += $Padding
                    foreach ($Num in 2..6) {
                        $LineFragment = [String](($Letters.$Letter.ASCII).Split("`n"))[$Num-2]
                        if ($LineFragment.Length -lt $Letters.$Letter.Width) {
                            $LineFragment += ' ' * ($Letters.$Letter.Width - $LineFragment.Length)
                        $StringNum = [String] $Num
                        $Lines.$StringNum += $LineFragment
                else {
                    $Padding = ' ' * $LetterWidthArray[$LetterPos]
                    $Lines.'6' += $Padding
                    foreach ($Num in 1..5) {
                        $StringNum = [String] $Num
                        $LineFragment = [String](($Letters.$Letter.ASCII).Split("`n"))[$Num-1]
                        if ($LineFragment.Length -lt $Letters.$Letter.Width) {
                            $LineFragment += ' ' * ($Letters.$Letter.Width - $LineFragment.Length)
                        $Lines.$StringNum += $LineFragment
            # Here we deal with letters with four lines.
            # Dynamic algorithm that places four-line letters on the bottom line if there are
            # 4 or 5 lines only in the letter with the most lines.
            else {
                # Default to putting the 4-liners at line 3-6
                $StartRange, $EndRange, $IndexSubtract = 3, 6, 3
                $Padding = ' ' * $LetterWidthArray[$LetterPos]
                # If there are 4 or 5 lines...
                if ($MaxLines -lt 6) {
                    $Lines.'2' += $Padding
                # There are 6 lines maximum, put 4-line letters in the middle.
                else {
                    $Lines.'1' += $Padding
                    $Lines.'6' += $Padding
                    $StartRange, $EndRange, $IndexSubtract = 2, 5, 2
                # There will always be at least four lines. Populate lines 2-5 or 3-6 in the hash.
                foreach ($Num in $StartRange..$EndRange) {
                    $StringNum = [String] $Num
                    $LineFragment = [String](($Letters.$Letter.ASCII).Split("`n"))[$Num-$IndexSubtract]
                    if ($LineFragment.Length -lt $Letters.$Letter.Width) {
                        $LineFragment += ' ' * ($Letters.$Letter.Width - $LineFragment.Length)
                    $Lines.$StringNum += $LineFragment
        } # end of LetterArray foreach
        # Return stuff
        $Lines.GetEnumerator() |
            Sort-Object -Property Name |
            Select -ExpandProperty Value |
            Where-Object {
                $_ -match '\S'
            } | ForEach-Object {
                if ($PrependChar) {
                    "'" + $_
                else {

    # Populate the $Letters hashtable with character data from the XML.
    Function Get-LetterXML {
        $LetterFile = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'letters.xml'
        $Xml = [xml] (Get-Content $LetterFile)
        $Xml.Chars.Char | ForEach-Object {
            $Letters.($_.Name) = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                'Fixation' = $_.fixation
                'Lines'    = $_.lines
                'ASCII'    = $_.data
                'Width'    = $_.width

    function Write-RainbowString {
        param([String] $Line,
              [String] $ForegroundColor = '',
              [String] $BackgroundColor = '')

        $Colors = @('Black', 'DarkBlue', 'DarkGreen', 'DarkCyan', 'DarkRed', 'DarkMagenta', 'DarkYellow',
            'Gray', 'DarkGray', 'Blue', 'Green', 'Cyan', 'Red', 'Magenta', 'Yellow', 'White')

        # $Colors[(Get-Random -Min 0 -Max 16)]

        [Char[]] $Line | %{
            if ($ForegroundColor -and $ForegroundColor -ieq 'rainbow') {
                if ($BackgroundColor -and $BackgroundColor -ieq 'rainbow') {
                    Write-Host -ForegroundColor $Colors[(
                        Get-Random -Min 0 -Max 16
                    )] -BackgroundColor $Colors[(
                        Get-Random -Min 0 -Max 16
                    )] -NoNewline $_
                elseif ($BackgroundColor) {
                    Write-Host -ForegroundColor $Colors[(
                        Get-Random -Min 0 -Max 16
                    )] -BackgroundColor $BackgroundColor `
                    -NoNewline $_
                else {
                    Write-Host -ForegroundColor $Colors[(
                        Get-Random -Min 0 -Max 16
                    )] -NoNewline $_

            # One of them has to be a rainbow, so we know the background is a rainbow here...
            else {
                if ($ForegroundColor) {
                    Write-Host -ForegroundColor $ForegroundColor -BackgroundColor $Colors[(
                        Get-Random -Min 0 -Max 16
                    )] -NoNewline $_
                else {
                    Write-Host -BackgroundColor $Colors[(Get-Random -Min 0 -Max 16)] -NoNewline $_

        Write-Host ''

    # Get ASCII art letters/characters and data from XML. Make it persistent for the module.
    if (-not (Get-Variable -EA SilentlyContinue -Scope Script -Name Letters)) {
        $script:Letters = @{}

    # Turn the [string[]] into a [String] the only way I could figure out how... wtf
    #$Text = ''
    #$InputObject | ForEach-Object { $Text += "$_ " }

    # Limit to 30 characters
    #$MaxChars = 30
    #if ($Text.Length -gt $MaxChars) { "Too long text. There's a maximum of $MaxChars characters."; return }

    # Replace spaces with underscores (that's what's used for spaces in the XML).
    #$Text = $Text -replace ' ', '_'

    # Define accepted characters (which are found in XML).
    #$AcceptedChars = '[^a-z0-9 _,!?./;:<>()¤{}\[\]\|\^=\$\-''+`\\"æøåâàáéèêóòôü]' # Some chars only works when sent as UTF-8 on IRC
    $LetterArray = [string[]]($Letters.GetEnumerator() | Sort Name | Select -ExpandProperty Name)
    $AcceptedChars = [regex] ( '(?i)[^' + ([regex]::Escape(($LetterArray -join '')) -replace '-', '\-' -replace '\]', '\]') + ' ]' )
    # Debug
    #Write-Host -fore cyan $AcceptedChars.ToString()

    process {
        if ($InputObject -match $AcceptedChars) {
            "Unsupported character, using these accepted characters: " + ($LetterArray -replace '^template$' -join ', ') + "."

        # Filthy workaround (now worked around in the foreach creating the string).
        #if ($Text.Length -eq 1) { $Text += '_' }

        $Lines = @()

        foreach ($Text in $InputObject) {
            $ASCII = Get-Ascii ($Text -replace ' ', '_')

            if ($ForegroundColor -ne 'Default' -and $BackgroundColor -ne 'Default') {
                if ($ForegroundColor -ieq 'rainbow' -or $BackGroundColor -ieq 'rainbow') {
                    $ASCII | ForEach-Object {
                        Write-RainbowString -ForegroundColor $ForegroundColor -BackgroundColor $BackgroundColor -Line $_
                else {
                    Write-Host -ForegroundColor $ForegroundColor -BackgroundColor $BackgroundColor ($ASCII -join "`n")
            elseif ($ForegroundColor -ne 'Default') {
                if ($ForegroundColor -ieq 'rainbow') {
                    $ASCII | ForEach-Object {
                        Write-RainbowString -ForegroundColor $ForegroundColor -Line $_
                else {    
                    Write-Host -ForegroundColor $ForegroundColor ($ASCII -join "`n")
            elseif ($BackgroundColor -ne 'Default') {
                if ($BackgroundColor -ieq 'rainbow') {
                    $ASCII | ForEach-Object {
                        Write-RainbowString -BackgroundColor $BackgroundColor -Line $_
                else {
                    Write-Host -BackgroundColor $BackgroundColor ($ASCII -join "`n")
            else { $ASCII -replace '\s+$' }

        } # end of foreach

    } # end of process block
} # end of function