
.VERSION 1.0.3
.GUID 4ea395a2-cac4-4d05-b184-4d9bf20c80bf
.AUTHOR Pierre Smit
.TAGS Citrix
Created [08/06/2019_11:18]
Updated [09/06/2019_09:18]
Updated [15/06/2019_01:11]
Updated [15/06/2019_13:59] Updated Reports

User Access report
Requires -Modules BetterCredentials, PSWriteColor,ImportExcel,PSWriteHTML


Function Initialize-CitrixUserAccessReport {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)]
        [ValidateScript( { (Test-Path $_) -and ((Get-Item $_).Extension -eq ".xml") })]
        [string]$XMLParameterFilePath = (Get-Item $profile).DirectoryName + "\Parameters.xml",
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]

    #region xml imports
    Write-Verbose "$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString()) [Proccessing] Importing Variables"

    Write-Colour "Using these Variables"
    [XML]$XMLParameter = Get-Content $XMLParameterFilePath
    if ($null -eq $XMLParameter) { Write-Color -Text "Valid Parameters file not found; break" }
    $XMLParameter.Settings.Variables.Variable | Format-Table

    $XMLParameter.Settings.Variables.Variable | ForEach-Object {
        # Set Variables contained in XML file
        $VarValue = $_.Value
        $CreateVariable = $True # Default value to create XML content as Variable
        switch ($_.Type) {
            # Format data types for each variable
            '[string]' { $VarValue = [string]$VarValue } # Fixed-length string of Unicode characters
            '[char]' { $VarValue = [char]$VarValue } # A Unicode 16-bit character
            '[byte]' { $VarValue = [byte]$VarValue } # An 8-bit unsigned character
            '[bool]' { If ($VarValue.ToLower() -eq 'false') { $VarValue = [bool]$False } ElseIf ($VarValue.ToLower() -eq 'true') { $VarValue = [bool]$True } } # An boolean True/False value
            '[int]' { $VarValue = [int]$VarValue } # 32-bit signed integer
            '[long]' { $VarValue = [long]$VarValue } # 64-bit signed integer
            '[decimal]' { $VarValue = [decimal]$VarValue } # A 128-bit decimal value
            '[single]' { $VarValue = [single]$VarValue } # Single-precision 32-bit floating point number
            '[double]' { $VarValue = [double]$VarValue } # Double-precision 64-bit floating point number
            '[DateTime]' { $VarValue = [DateTime]$VarValue } # Date and Time
            '[Array]' { $VarValue = [Array]$VarValue.Split(',') } # Array
        If ($CreateVariable) { New-Variable -Name $_.Name -Value $VarValue -Scope $_.Scope -Force }

    if ((Test-Path -Path $ReportsFolder\XDUsers) -eq $false) { New-Item -Path "$ReportsFolder\XDUsers" -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }
    [string]$Reportname = $ReportsFolder + "\XDUsers\XDUserAccess." + (Get-Date -Format + ".html"

    if ((Test-Path -Path $ReportsFolder\logs) -eq $false) { New-Item -Path "$ReportsFolder\logs" -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }
    [string]$Transcriptlog = "$ReportsFolder\logs\XDUserAccess_TransmissionLogs." + (Get-Date -Format + ".log"
    Write-Verbose "$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString()) [Starting] Data Collection"
    Start-Transcript -Path $Transcriptlog -IncludeInvocationHeader -Force -NoClobber
    $timer = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew();

    ## Getting Credentials

    $CTXAdmin = Find-Credential | Where-Object target -Like "*Healthcheck" | Get-Credential -Store
    if ($null -eq $CTXAdmin) {
        $AdminAccount = BetterCredentials\Get-Credential -Message "Admin Account: DOMAIN\Username for CTX HealthChecks"
        Set-Credential -Credential $AdminAccount -Target "Healthcheck" -Persistence LocalComputer -Description "Account used for ctx health checks" -Verbose
    ## Functions

    ## Connect and get info
    #region Table Settings
    $TableSettings = @{
        Style          = 'stripe'
        HideFooter     = $true
        OrderMulti     = $true
        TextWhenNoData = 'No Data to display here'

    $SectionSettings = @{
        HeaderBackGroundColor = 'white'
        HeaderTextAlignment   = 'center'
        HeaderTextColor       = 'red'
        BackgroundColor       = 'white'
        CanCollapse           = $true

    $TableSectionSettings = @{
        HeaderTextColor       = 'white'
        HeaderTextAlignment   = 'center'
        HeaderBackGroundColor = 'red'
        BackgroundColor       = 'white'

    $UserDetail = Get-CitrixUserAccessDetail -Username $Username -AdminServer $CTXDDC
    $userDetailList = $UserDetail.UserDetail.psobject.Properties | Select-Object -Property Name, Value
    $DesktopsCombined = $UserDetail.DirectPublishedDesktops + $UserDetail.PublishedDesktops | Sort-Object -Property DesktopGroupName -Unique

    $HeddingText = $DashboardTitle + " | Access Report for User: " + $UserDetail.UserDetail.Name + (Get-Date -Format dd) + " " + (Get-Date -Format MMMM) + "," + (Get-Date -Format yyyy) + " " + (Get-Date -Format HH:mm)
    New-HTML -TitleText "Access Report" -FilePath $Reportname -ShowHTML {
        New-HTMLHeading -Heading h1 -HeadingText $HeddingText -Color Black
        New-HTMLSection  @SectionSettings  -Content {
            New-HTMLSection -HeaderText 'User details' @TableSectionSettings { New-HTMLTable @TableSettings -DataTable $userDetailList }
            New-HTMLSection -HeaderText 'Current Applications' @TableSectionSettings { New-HTMLTable @TableSettings -DataTable $UserDetail.AccessPublishedApps }
            New-HTMLSection -HeaderText  'Current Desktops' @TableSectionSettings { New-HTMLTable @TableSettings -DataTable $DesktopsCombined }
        New-HTMLSection  @SectionSettings  -Content {
            New-HTMLSection -HeaderText 'Requires Access to these Apps' @TableSectionSettings { New-HTMLTable @TableSettings -DataTable $UserDetail.NoAccessPublishedApps }
            New-HTMLSection -HeaderText 'AD Group Membership' @TableSectionSettings { New-HTMLTable @TableSettings -DataTable $UserDetail.AllUserGroups }

    Write-Verbose "$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString()) [Ending]Healthcheck Complete"

    $timer.Elapsed | Select-Object Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds | Format-List

} #end Function